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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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anonymous, take it. well, this shows that our pricing was not correct. now, he either wants to take it out of the country, or he wants to take it out of the country. look , i was selling tires . he gave me the approved price of 16 dollars for a kilo of tires. the price was set at 1 and 6. regarding the year 1400 ad and 140 ad, when the system was a bit weaker and they could do this work more easily , how much was 1.6 tenths of dollars outside the border, 3 dollars. increase your supervision. anyway , this desire to sell at high prices is there for everyone. he prefers to take it out of the country in any way he can to eliminate my footprints, sir. this solution is not the price of touching the pricing , all our criticisms are about the process and the way of monitoring the market, that is, we have a problem with regulating the market, it is not the problem of the price. when you want
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, because it is an initiative, because they don't monitor, because whatever happens , people have to pay for it, they have to buy it more expensive. this is not a correct argument. it says that people say, sir, do you get your energy subsidized or not? the price of electricity is not calculated according to the free rate with you, the free rate is very different, and our year has a significant increase in energy, and it is approaching.
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mustafa, the sole spokesperson of the rubber industry trade association, every time we buy raw materials, the price has changed compared to the previous time we bought. in this situation, it is not possible to keep the selling price constant. in fact, due to the inflation of the prices of raw materials and production inputs, the price of rubber increases continuously. but command pricing causes the price of the final product to change incrementally . sasan farghdin, an expert in the rubber industry, what makes sense is creating a range. pricing is specific to manufacturers. this row should be considered with production realities. i price i do not reject the directive of the ministry of position. provided that it coincides with the variety of the product in the market. mehrddad ebad, member of the board of representatives of the chamber of commerce. mandatory pricing is the bane of the factory and has caused confusion in the market. unfortunately, in some cases, the pricing is lower than the cost price of the companies and they produce their products at a loss. hasan khani
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, economic expert, if the government allocates subsidies to producers to supply the inputs of these goods, it has the right to play a role in determining and controlling the price. nima mirzaei, economic expert. mandatory pricing and unconventional rate reductions will reduce the company's profitability and consequently reduce the country's production and export motivation. this destructive cycle will eventually lead to a decrease in investment in research and development and a decrease in the efficiency of companies due to the decrease in production circulation. more expensive production cost and lack of supply in the market. a problem that has many examples in different areas such as industry, meat, automobile, engine oil and tires . also, along with producers, consumers are also affected and the profits of these short- sighted decisions go into the pockets of some profit seekers. mehdi omidred, spokesman of iran's chamber of guilds. the collection of trade unions believes that, in addition to supporting the production , it should be especially from the consumers. he also supported
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that there should be a space to establish balance in the market. if the producer cannot create a balance, the government must intervene in the pricing. yes, you are a higher viewer. mr. mirzaei's speech was half-finished on the topic of tire pricing. you said that the subsidy received by the industry is now in various fields, including water, electricity, gas, etc. it is not very impressive and 3% plays a role in the final price of this please continue the discussion. yes, i will say that the impact of energy in the taye industry is about 3% and it is not very effective for us. it means that we are far away from the difference in pricing. the second issue is that we import what we have. we are making a supply with the nima price of 42,000 tomans. again , we have the official price of our country, and
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we are taking the supply. while we did the production with a width of 42 thousand tomans it has been about a year and a half that we have not received a price increase. today, the kilos that i have the approval to sell are not at the price of my materials, which means that i have a special loss. if i want to tell you, i got a free rate of 79 thousand tomans per kilo, close to 1 dollar, while the current import rate is 3 dollars, and i am going to compete with this. it is that the supply
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should be freed there and for you, we are exactly saying that we are saying that the rate should be freed. my production institutions are from petrochemicals and some materials like zinc oxide i have many other materials for the price.
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i mean, who are we going to tell that this is happening in the country, we give subsidies to the importer, then we set the price, we don't have the end of the chain , that is, he is importing. at whatever price he declares, he is doing the evaluation , but i am presenting the documents, my company , besi, i cannot make a contrary statement. it is possible to say that 3% of energy is a subsidy, for example, the rate of the worker's salary is also a subsidy because we are paying riyal to workers and we want to increase it at any time, we did it a few months ago. in the same program, when we say that the cost, for example , the laborer's salary is in the finished price, they say that it has no effect , the percentage is low when determining the worker's wage rate, but we hear other things. finally, when the worker is 5% or 10% of the finished price,
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why is the hand price in contrast the increase is so much that we are negotiating in the salary council. this is a subsidy to the worker. i said that energy should be 3%, but the subsidy is the same. if you accept the free market, then the subsidy should be 65 thousand. consider tomans, but there is no guarantee, the same 65 thousand tomans will remain the same, you released it today, tomorrow the price of the informal land will be official again, now it will be official again, 65 tomans, your unofficial will be 120 thousand tomans, we, who have this form , compete with the semi-currency, imports will be done. you are importing from
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the imports you can't do pricing means controlling the rate in production institutions, then you expect to do this at the end of the chain. what is happening? exactly, this is a process of your pricing . if we make the pricing free, the producer has his own arguments. he says that i don't stop with the free width. how much is the free width? today's free width is your people's 65. now you specify the exchange width. i am doing my shopping
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, i have clear raw materials, i am telling you , thank god, the overhead costs in the country are not so high that you say that the overhead costs of the country are high to be unfair to the consumer.
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what guarantee is there that this will not be violated and
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we will change the price fluctuation of our unofficial market , you will cause losses to the shareholders of the industry, guarantee you give us so that we don't lose 1401 1422 mr. hasanli says that how can this consumer's rights be protected. the answer to this is precisely what i told you, that when the association wants to make a price, there is a basis, and the government has set some rules for you to make a review, for example, the total price plus a reasonable profit of 17-20% or any number that is considered . our companies are transparent stock market , it can easily monitor us with the lowest cost, the moon can also monitor us , there is no need at all for this competition, if it exists. ok, if the market is really competitive, it cannot bring the price to equilibrium. if the market is
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competitive according to the classical definition, it can be , but the problem is that this market is not competitive because there are many problems. political economy also plays a role here. the issues of the sanctions debate have been added to it, and these side issues that exist will cause you to market numbers. there is even a region for imports, because the chinese countries give a 10% subsidy for their exports
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, that is, 10%, since we are talking about the market, many of our traders tend to deviate. buy from china, i'm sorry, the brands they import have problems in our opinion , they don't have after-sales service, sometimes they don't have the necessary standards , i just don't want a return, i want to say that we specify a horizontal rate to the import or producer of the same rate. let's determine the production institutions, then we should do the same thing, that is, if we use the nima currency as the basis of calculation , we should do the same for my petochemical, you should not buy my petochemical with a width of 60 tomans . to do, that is, if for importers of course, they can compete with me in the market. they are doing it now, whether it is in quality , price, or quantity, in any case, i
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will reach a balance like this, mr. n. if with these conditions, the tariff rate is a reasonable definition rate, no matter how much the chinese foreign side or any country is now. now he is subsidizing production , subsidizing production, the same amount, we have to define fair competition, it becomes fair competition . the importer should be able to import and the producer should be able to operate, but there is a problem there should be supervision in all chains . but i have to do it . the ministry of industry and other institutions should check these things. how can petrochemical sell them at a higher rate than the announced rate? it should not be higher than the announced rate. look at the official
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rate as the basis of calculation. find out why 90% takes at least 6 months until it is reviewed , then it goes to the cycle of the market regulation headquarters, when a meeting is held, in those meetings, usually due to political reasons, economic issues are not an issue at all. it cannot be dealt with, and after it is dealt with , it becomes expedient, for example, if the rate should be increased by 30%, it will be increased by 20%. well, the fact
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is that this cycle is a good cycle from our point of view, but the rate of increase that their own industry has reached is what we were saying. first of all , we have come to it again. no matter how much we leave this pricing process in the hands of the market, without stopping somewhere, it will go higher. when you raise it , it will go down. it will go up and it will increase . and this process is not because you can't afford a part. create competition, that's the problem
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the manufacturer of this import, you say that the above is the supplier, so it has a monopoly, you can't say that here, mr. hosni, you can say your final speech, the final sentence, i suggest that you call the pricing process command or any other suffix, pricing is imperative. logically, the basis is calculated for pricing and all this is taken into account. what we are having a problem with now is when we have a shortage or a shortage of goods, or we say the loss of the producer, the lack of goods happens with the monitoring of the entire chain. yes, your final speech. we believe that considering that the volume of production is high and we supply the needs of my country, i have a range of 10 companies, from our point of view, 10 companies in the country
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are really high in this volume of production, not only is it not low, it is high, we should increase the volume of production. we can have a share in the foreign markets of rome . our specific opinion is that the pricing should be free, even if i do not do it, the producers can specify their prices and compete with the domestic producers. it makes sense to have imports for us. yes, thank you. mr. mirzaei, in any case, in this regard, as we said from the beginning of the program there are different opinions regarding the pricing of car tires, we tried to reflect these opinions in this program. in this regard, the parliament can really be a way forward. i would like to thank the guests of the program who appeared in the program . i also thank you, dear viewers, who accompanied us until the end. may god protect you
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or above. sardar, we are beyond the jar.
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and we stand with the liberation of all oppressed people, this is the new york city police department, you have been warned at california polytechnic university, pro-palestinian.
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now or you will be arrested for trespass,
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police arrested more than 100 people.
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bok hits the baton on the leg of the young man. the policeman is facing him. the baton hits their leg. the student is here. columbia university is in new york, america, april 1968. in those days , there was a war going on in the world, one of which reached america. the vietnam war. columbia university students gathered in front of the university library on april 23, 1968, when the university severed its relationship with the pentagon research institute. an institution that was involved in killing the vietnamese. and they said: there are
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about 100 students and faculty members 712 people were injured, the university was closed , but the protests did not end and spread for about three months. later, the university announced that it had severed ties with that pentagon institute, the president of the university announced early retirement and the university calmed down. exactly 56 years later, columbia university, new york, the feeling of these students is the same as the students in 1968. even today, these students say that they will stay here until the president university. stop investing in the palestinian genocide. students gathered in the university campus with this demand about 7 days ago . the university has its relationship with the companies that with
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genocidal colonialism. they also managed to cut it in palestine. of course, this time, the president of the university told the police to come and collect him. the number of detainees exceeded 130 people. a group of protesting students were also suspended from continuing their studies. the demonstration was completely peaceful. it didn't disrupt university classes , it certainly didn't pose any threat to property or people. that's why thought. i think the arrival of the police was against the law of freedom of speech in the university and violated democracy. what surprises me is the neglect of any kind of democratic process by the current government compared to what happened in 1968. of course, i think that part of the story will come back to us. at that time , there was talk of protesting the vietnam war, but these students are protesting the massacre that is happening in front of the eyes of the whole world.
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how are the prices this year? buy this year at last year's price . congratulations, did you hear that this year is at last year's price? this year is at last year's price. children say this year is at last year's price . last year's price in the morning
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4:00 pm
sports equipment in the large iranian house until 2:00 in the morning in tehran. a single macaron at the top. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings again , dear viewers of 8404 units of the national housing movement simultaneously with the visit of the minister of roads and


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