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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:35pm IRST

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we have with their political officials, what i can say is that it is a very good assumption , you see, one of the challenges we had in africa is the lack of infrastructure, so this itself is an opportunity for us, considering the very good capacities in the development of our infrastructure. we have companies that are epc workers and the biggest ones in the field of energy, in the field of electricity, in the field of road transportation, very good capabilities in iran, especially because we have gone through this in iran itself. we have done a very good job in many countries of the world, including the work that mr. president recently did in his trip to sri lanka having the opening of that dam shows that we have very valuable capabilities in developing the infrastructure that africa needs today. the growth rate in africa is higher than the global average , which means there is an opportunity for us to enter this sector. in the agricultural sector, for example , there are very good opportunities that have not been identified before. we are trying to prioritize this opportunity.
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but another serious challenge in the field of africa is the discussion of political problems and stability problems in some african regions, which actually requires government measures. we are trying to provide the conditions in such a way that we can create a suitable risk coverage for our merchants who can enter the places we guide them without any worries and get the maximum benefit from faraiz. for example, we are focusing on the business development capabilities in africa . for example, we are trying to increase the number of business centers we have by
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the end of this year in most african countries or at least in some african countries. we are focused on providing permanent exhibitions for iranian goods, as well as opportunities let's give africans a chance to express themselves and establish their own introduction bases in our country . the most important thing to worry about is that we currently have a very positive trade balance with africa. yes, but this is not good. why is it not good ? i am saying that we supply our business needs from places that do not buy goods from us, but we do not buy goods from places that have the opportunity to supply goods from us. well, this is very important. we are now trying to follow this approach , that is, if we want meat, instead of meat let's go and buy from countries that ask us for dollars or from countries that are under international political pressure. let's go and buy from africans, whose meat is better quality. or, for example
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, let's give agricultural institutions to them, in return, we will actually take from them the things that are water-bearing and we need them in our country now. in any case, our schedule is such that by the end of this year , we will increase the number of commercial advisors to 12. let's develop our commercial centers to reach 15 centers, which i presented today in the report that i gave to the gathering at the meeting i did. i have clearly stated the issues, now if there is a specific question, i can ask about it, mr. dr. aliabadi mentioned that our trade balance with africa is positive, i want to monitor the same topic that you mentioned, and of course, the customs statistics of the islamic republic of iran, other questions from your presence. i would like to ask about the efforts you have made in this summit to strengthen various topics and various areas, but let us first see a report, let's go back to the front page studio and continue the conversation with the minister. in the field of
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housing, in the road sector, in rail transportation, even in the supply of the fleet in the automotive sector, there are many of them they are very interested in working with us . there is really an ocean of opportunity. at the same time, i want all the businessmen of the country to join this movement. this movement will be a stable movement, god willing. the ministry will do its best to make this happen. we will try we should give priority to those who are going to trade and export, especially to our export destinations, which is africa, and in my opinion, this or if we want to give loans , we will give priority to companies that are in line with this. they move politics because this policy brings rich benefits our nation will create jobs , it will create prosperity, and it can return its achievements to the country very soon. here, i
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promise our noble people to protect their rights as much as possible, but pakistan, and the pakistani you mentioned, you mentioned that the great president is with us, he also wants energy and has other needs, but he can severely to meet our needs, i remember when i was the deputy minister of energy in the past, maybe more than 15 or 16 years ago, i had a trip to pakistan in order to promote the export of electricity to pakistan at that time. pakistanis were fully prepared considering that
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at that time the sanctions were very hot and the sanctions discussions were hot . but they are still saying that we are ready to take electricity from you or take other goods , for example give you rice, then at the same time something happened in the political atmosphere of the society that, sir, pakistani rice is sick. he doesn't have a horn that tries not to allow the right opportunities to arise, not to let this happen now during this trip that it happened that we identified the bilateral opportunities that are available for the two countries, or do you remember. that we can be effective in pakistan in different sectors now. one of the biggest opportunities is fouzeh energy. pakistanis are very needy in the field of energy. you know that now most parts of pakistan have a shortage of electricity at many hours of the day and night, and
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we can meet their needs, especially during the hours when we have the ability, we are also in limited areas, but this period of limitation is too short for us . that the power of technology is very good in iran there are many other goods we can supply to pakistanis, which is again based on our exclusive potential, that is, we have a series of relative advantages that are not in pakistan, of course , there are also advantages there that are not in iran, for example , water-bearing goods, their situation is more suitable. yes, we can get these goods from there and give them goods in exchange for which we have a competitive position. how about technical engineering services? they are not like africa, so they have relatively good progress and we can cooperate with them in many fields but in many other fields which are not really mentioned here in the scope of the meeting, which i am proficient in, i am fully aware of this , they need our abilities and we
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can serve them, and most importantly, we are neighbors after all. this cover of neighborliness should be useful and strengthen the relations in the 13th government with the neighbors that the government is considering. in my opinion , the path of trade and industry is the best path. it is the path of peace, friendship and brotherhood. the contracts that were signed may have been in which fields during this trip, in the field of business, to be honest , in the field of business, since i was not on the trip myself , i do not have the latest information, and i do not have the exact information, because i was heavily involved in this meeting. i decided to come to your service. i will definitely give them to you. let's definitely go to the visit of mr. president of sri lanka. i think we will have a very short review because
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i want to ask your opinion about the iran expo 2024 exhibition and its details . see, in my opinion, sri lanka also has many opportunities for we were in that part of the world. when i was in the ministry of energy in water and power , i was the ceo of water and power for a while. in the old days, if your partner remembers, farab company, which was one of the companies affiliated to the ministry of energy at that time , completely completed a very important project in sri lanka. taking the fact that fortunately during this trip mr. president inaugurated that project, we have very good capacities in the field of energy , including renewable energies. especially for electric energy , which we can build the machine in iran , we have very good engineering ability and we have very good management ability to implement a project in ep. and c means that in all three items of construction engineering, we have the ability that we can actually offer
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. fortunately, in sri lanka, these opportunities have been practiced and implemented, and the result was the achievements that mr. president, mr. dr. poison. i think that the sixth exhibition of export capabilities of iran expo 2024, which is going to start tomorrow in the presence of the president , will continue until may 12. had first, let me ask how many government officials, domestic and foreign, at what level are present in this exhibition. then i will go to the quality and of course the quantity. of course, see this you know the number of officials that we have to see how it will be until the last moment. but it is also increasing. it is increasing. as far as i know, hotels in tehran are full. that is, we tried for almost all the hotels that are suitable for business delegations, of course we. speaking of relevant organizations such as the honorable ministry of tourism and other relevant institutions
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, they have maximum cooperation with us, we have booked almost all of them, this is a proof of the magnitude of this movement, nearly 2 thousand markets, we did not rent or book, it was the persian equivalent of now of course i think i should too the persian equivalent is, forgive me, yes, unfortunately, we have to use these common words, yes, actually, not good. you know that a large number of these traders arrived through the air borders of new madan, that is, from pakistan, from afghanistan, from other countries, by land , then through internal flights, from mehrabad , we have considered a very large fleet to welcome them. let us show that we have always shown that we are hospitable
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. there are many foreign guests in our city today and our people should show that they are the real iranians that everyone is. the world knows about it and bear it, be patient in reducing the traffic as much as possible, try to use our own vehicles less so that the transportation routes are smooth , anyway, friends of iran should see this. 2,000 merchants can make a big change in our economy. if this business takes shape, god willing, and business contracts are signed , it will surely lead to prosperity, employment, and prosperity. we have a plan to introduce them to the priorities of our country. contractually, we have several programs on it at the same time , we planned a series of industrial visits for them to get to know them, and we also planned tourism visits for them. let them play in the country. some of these people go to the cities
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. in the cities, the same thing should happen again. these will play a role, but in the face of the huge amount of bad propaganda that has been made against our people during these years, this is an opportunity to show that all these are lies. these will be the messengers, when they return to their country, they will tell who we were facing , so in parallel, i request the people to treat these guests with sensitivity , take this from dara hotel, so that they can go to the dara shop with the people, in short, this is the opportunity that we show that we are a developed nation , a civilized nation, and we are really the same as iran that has always been quoted, mr. minister , if we want to be the minister of mining industry and trade , the distinguishing point of the 6th exhibition of iran's export capabilities. tell me about the fifth exhibition, what kind of indicator do you think it is?
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tomorrow is the first day and the start of work . of course, we tried to make this the biggest exhibition, but it failed. i want to say that this is really the biggest show, that is, it is not all our capacities, because we did not have enough space for many of the companies. the total space we have at our disposal is about 50,000. there is 200,000 square meters , while the demand was 200,000 square meters, which means that we really could not cover the thousand, and i promise right here to all those whom we could not shame, god willing, in the next expo or in the next exhibition, we will try to follow a different model. to act means to hold in several cities at the same time let's make sure that some of them can actually use the facilities of the rest of my country. the main reason was that i said the limitations we have. it will be opened soon , which is happening, and read the original statement, tourists and tourists, read the statement of iran
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, we are a part of tourist capacities. i tell you, we are trying our best we can't find an empty room, so i want to say an empty room that is suitable for our guests. surely , you observe and diagnose the exhibitions of the previous years in order to hold the exhibition at the highest level and the best points. please see me for real now this time is not enough for me to show the amount of work done, i invite radio and television to prepare a report, that is, we
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are ready to welcome your colleagues and give a close report. i would like to tell you that the first thing that was important to us was to receive the guests in the honor of the country . the exhibition should be held in honor of the country. this effort that you are making right now, because the exhibition has not yet been opened, my colleagues are working until tomorrow morning , they are trying to provide something suitable for the country's reputation, god willing, and the infrastructure. it is not enough that we tried to fix some infrastructures, we must improve them in the coming years. we are going to hold a series of virtual fairs, using the kind of technologies, now i don't dare to use the english words. i don't know what the persian equivalent is. we are trying to use exhibitions from virtual exhibitions, whether for
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those who can express iran, those who do not come from iran, or those who are in iran but cannot visit all the cities. in a part , see the direct expression and use a part in a virtual way do alhamdulillah, this has happened in the matter of carrying al-qalqul, we really made an effort to provide suitable conditions for the fleet that was prepared for this number of guests . i can't say what. index because it is possible. now, because it is an index from the mind, everyone's opinion is different, but in my opinion , this is a large volume and that we were careful to invite companies who themselves were not very willing to present their statements, and you also mentioned somewhere that countries that threaten i told the presence that it was possible it is very important to attend, despite the fact that
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it is from the western countries that never want the progress of the islamic republic of iran. for example, don't do something in my passport. pay attention to what i'm saying . i say it openly and everyone says no, we came, then i want to say what our rosbandes did and the authority they showed themselves, what our business and industry benefited from, not us at all. we benefited from it because everyone appreciates and admires. i was saying that we understood that we are entering a country that is completely powerful and can actually work with peswaneh very well. he was sure of each other. working with him, and in my opinion , this is a source of pride and honor for our people, mr. dr. aliabadi, holding an exhibition of the iran-africa summit
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, holding an exhibition of iran, bilateral and multilateral foreign meetings. your representative was present, other trips are all in line with our business, the increase of our business, the increase of our exports, and this is the result, but in the internal discussion of our producers, we pay close attention to the plans of the ministry of foreign affairs, and the most important point for our producers is capital turnover. and liquidity provision since you have been in charge of the ministry , have you made any plans focused on this issue ? what have you done ? we have to work so much and there is such a wide and diverse field that
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it is not possible to succeed except with the style that the supreme leader said. we cannot be successful without the maximum participation of the people. i am trying to take care of these conditions in the ministry, that is, we should at least actually implement or actually intervene in the implementation, and leave maximum policy making, supervision and work in the hands of the people. that it is a very important issue. you see, i told my president today that we must mobilize our financial and economic capacities for the benefit of exports. we must remove any measures that actually prevent this from the path of exports. .
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provide the needs of the industry. in my opinion , the solution is that maybe some business activists, including me, like me. i don't know, but in my opinion , we should give priority to production, that is, in providing liquidity, we should move liquidity towards production. banks may not be happy about this, because it is easier to do business there. their resources are enough, but if we really want to prosper the country, we must give priority to production. this year is the year of the production jump, how much has it gone in this direction, mr. d. our policies are in this direction . this year, we actually came and set parameters that represent this , that is
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, we give priority to companies that are export-oriented , we give priority to companies that are knowledge-based, we give priority to companies that have minimum supply and maximum we are giving preference to the supply companies we prioritize their finances because these priorities that i am presenting will be updated later . there is another thing we are doing that is very important. i will use this opportunity to give a short speech to the people for about 4 minutes. see , in my opinion, the most important thing in the statements of the leadership is people's participation. in my opinion, people's participation happens when we can use people's small funds, we are trying to define projects that are based on we can establish project funds so that people can invest in projects with their own funds it is important for a country that is profitable to become a partner. today
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, there is an opportunity for big investors. a big investor will come, for example , he will take a mining project and get good profits, but this opportunity is not available for people who have little capital or the small capital of the ministry this year. he is trying with the help of the ministry of economy through the establishment of project funds that have already been experienced. i myself had this experience at parand parand power plant. you know that parand units are converted to combined cycle without using loans from the national development fund or horizontal loans, etc., using small capitals. people, this work has been done. in my opinion, this work is very important. we have this on the agenda and we will follow it up firmly. therefore, the order will be published soon, god willing. i am one of the experts in this department. they have the ability , they are asking us to help us, guide us and implement their plans. if we succeed in doing this , in fact, we will be able to realize the slogan of the year, which is a leap in production, with the participation of the people of this sector, and the participation of its people
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in a new model, god willing , mr. doctor, we have time. we still have some time until the end of the conversation. i was wrong i added four minutes of time, which means we have about 6 minutes from now until the end of our conversation and a discussion. you can see from all the departments, today the government is made up of one fabric, including the government of the parliament, the powers of all powers, all powers are with the people, because we want to succeed
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, it is important that we succeed, not that we sit anyway and say, well, we tried so-and-so. if it doesn't succeed , no government should succeed. every government should succeed . during these years, imam imam has shown that he supports all governments, so that they can succeed, we must be successful. we have very good opportunities in the mining sector, unfortunately until today, this issue has not been sufficiently addressed . we can clearly see this in the statements of his holiness mahmud rahmi. he emphasized many times and this year also that the mining opportunity should be used as a good thing that should happen. now there is no discovery, we must first know what we have, unfortunately, in this section , i don't think it worked well. less work should be done more. we made a plan to monitor almost the entire country by the end of 1403 . let's use all the capacities. because we
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only know what we have now we face the disadvantages and the same plan that i just presented, for example, people can participate in people's project funds, and from these projects, which are very profitable , we can see people's participation in increasing production in the mining sector in 43. currently, the monitoring we did shows that there are very good anomalies in most parts of the country . it means there are areas where there is a very good hope for the existence of valuable mines . you know that our most valuable mines are, for example, metal mines, such as gold mines, copper mines, iron mines, these are very valuable. we also have other mines that are valuable. we are now trying to use all the capacities in order to maximize the first exploration , we are even trying to use the capacities outside the country because we need to know what we have and where we have them and then
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put them up for auction. let's use the resources. people from the sources of big investors, whether domestic or foreign, of course, by observing the considerations that the law has assigned to us, mr. minister, when people see the position of the minister in the frame of the national media, they are waiting for us to ask questions about the current and daily issues of people's lives, but because you are tired of holding of course you are tired and not energetic in organizing and busy with the event . we promise you that the relevant topics of the day, such as tires, cars, electric cars , imports , come to the front page conversation once more, and i think our answer in this section will take about two minutes. let us be your hand, and most importantly , i ask our noble people to forgive me for any shortcoming and our inability
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. and he definitely says that we will not be able to reach that great destination, even if your kindness takes a few steps , everyone should help us to be successful in all this. the things you said, we have a plan and my colleagues are working hard day and night and i appreciate them, especially the private sector, they are honestly participating and helping. anyway, we are in a war situation . they are holding hands. the issues you mentioned are the issues that people are concerned about, but they are rooted in the wrongful interference of others, but we cannot use these excuses to deprive ourselves of these successes. let's increase the production capacity, of course, until i say this , there are some people who say that they are looking for something. well, for example, we are trying to make something happen, and if this
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effort happens now, god will surely help us . we have reached a capacity of 5,000 per day this year. we are going to increase this by about 20 %, it is a big jump, but my father always said if you want to go, for example, don't say i want to go to the bottom of the mountain, for example, say i want to go to the top of the mountain. let's reach the maximum. in the discussion of cars, we have the issue of import on the agenda we have to be able to achieve a better balance in meeting the market demand. we have very good news right now, people , we have announced electric taxis, people can register and buy them, and of course, we have to use those legal capacities later. there are legal capacities, i suggest that you don't wait for him to come and
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take advantage of the opportunities that have been created. tone in the program page first of all, for answering our questions, thank you . i will say goodbye to you and thank you very much for being with each and every one of you dear compatriots for 20, 24 minutes and 7 seconds. you are a viewer of the news network . for a few days now, the university has become the source of changes in america with this slogan, end the war in gaza . the images that are at the top of the news on the world's networks, the cbs television network points to the spread of protests in an urgent news. now your attention.
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they are fighting for what they believe in. on the other side of these metal fences, there are groups of protestors have. they want northwestern university to stop investing in israel. cnn reported that protests in support of palestine have covered all american universities . another issue that we are following carefully from the east to the west of america is the spread of protests on university campuses. all over america, the protests that started at columbia university in new york have now spread to harvard, princeton, georgetown, noren and many other universities, including on the west coast of america. but many
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reactions refer to collisions. network presenter al jazeera published pictures of severe repression of american students on x channel and wrote: this is america. universities
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should end giving money to companies that profit from israel's war, such as the lockheed martin weapons company or tech companies like amazon and google that have contracts with israel. the tv channel reported the unprecedented suppression of students that this issue caused. it has become expensive for the american authorities who are afraid that these protests will turn into a national movement. tawfiq tahani, head of the french association of solidarity with palestine, wrote that france is not the only movement against the gaza genocide by publishing these images suppresses sputnik mentioned the demonstration of the sorbonne students in france, which took place at the same time as macron's speech.
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every day, many ideas come to our mind for the prosperity of business. in order to achieve what we have in mind as soon as possible, we must act as soon as possible and get started. rial can provide conditions to reach our ideals. yaqut mills facility, mills credit institution. how are the prices this year? buy this year at last year's price. good job. did you hear? does he say this year at last year's price? they say he bought it this year
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at last year's price. children, they say this year for the price.


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