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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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iran is the cradle of carpets. in the name of god. hello. president in he called africa one of the priorities of the islamic republic of iran. on the sidelines of the conference on economic cooperation between iran and africa, mr. raisi called for the activation of the joint commission between the two countries, emphasizing the need to speed up the creation of mechanisms to strengthen relations between iran and burkina faso. in his meeting with vice president zainbaweh, the president emphasized the importance of the leaders of the two countries to expand and improve the level of cooperation.
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the minister of roads and urban development said that more than 260 kilometers of freeway and large road projects in the province in east azarbaijan it is handmade and completed. the executive operation of the construction of more than 10,000 residential units of the national housing movement also began during mr. bezerpash's visit. the minister of roads and urban development is a guest of the people on a business trip. it was east azerbaijan. in the first minutes of his trip, mehrddad bezerpash visited the six azad section of tabriz road in urmia. more than 260 kilometers of azad rah and big rahi projects are currently working in the province. one of the most important of them is the axis we are in now. the azad road from tabriz to orumiyeh is about 12 km ready for operation. asfad rizeh, minister of roads and urban development, allocates immediate funds for other azad roads in azerbaijan. he also exported the eastern one. project. another project
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was the maragheh hasht roud project, which is a 29-kilometer section, and it is in its final stages. it also needed a financial injection. visiting the ilkhichi transit belt project was also one of the other projects in mr. wazir's area. we need 700 billion tomans at the 55th intersection without an intersection. with bezarpash intersection, in the continuation of your journey to our province, the first smart school. exceptional children with an area of ​​1,800 square meters and with a cost of 350 billion rials , but the opening and operation of 8,404 units of the national housing movement of the province by the minister of roads and urban affairs the promise of fulfilling the dream of housing applicants in east azarbaijan province was to finance the provision of land for this amount of housing construction.
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managing the payment process, appointing contractors, managing the construction site is a matter for everyone. well, my colleagues in the province and in the country, in the governorate, all the managers of the country are busy. according to the minister of roads and urban development, one of the new works in the field of housing is the delivery of land to the people, which so far is about 400,000 plots. the land has been delivered to the people in the cities of the country. musoviler of tabriz sed and sima news agency. an hour before lebanon's hezbollah fired dozens of rockets at the military bases of the zionist regime in northern occupied palestine announced. in its statement, hezbollah announced that this operation was carried out in support of the resistant palestinian people in the gaza strip and to support and support its brave and honorable resistance and to respond to the enemy's aggression against the resistant villages and people's areas, especially the cowardly terrorist attack on the s-serira road. is. according to witnesses. that at
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least 30 rockets have arrived from lebanon towards the jabal al-sheikh region in the north of occupied palestine. columbia university professor donya criticized the american media's approach to the pro-palestinian student protests by publishing a video on x social network. repression and expulsion of professors and students of american universities continues. the police tied their master's hands and took them away.
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slanta turned our peaceful protest into misery. after that , i witnessed the brutal beating of the police who beat the students. i asked them to leave the university, but i
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want them to know about palestine and teach their children. standing up for peace and for the survival of an indigenous people is not anti-semitism. zionism is anti-jewish, anti-muslim, anti-peace and anti-life. the whole world is currently witnessing that zionism is an eliminating and annihilating ideology. october 7 attack hamas is an excuse. israel must stop emptying palestine of palestinians. professor of international relations.
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french university students also joined the student movement to protest against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. the students of muters also called macron a hand in the crimes of the zionist regime. after america , now the students of french universities stood up to support palestine and condemn the crimes of the zionist regime. sorbonne university and sciences po, or the famous paris school of political science. it has become the focus of the anti-zionist movement of french students. we are here to support the oppressed people we are palestine. we want to tell the whole world that despite the pressure and repression of the french government in universities
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, students continue to support palestine . students of the faculty of political sciences in paris since last night and after the arrest of a classmate. they went on strike and closed their classes in support of the people of gaza and gathered in front of the college. in the last two days, the presence of police forces in the university has been noticeable, which is very ridiculous. the french government is willing to compromise all its claimed values ​​for the sake of israel. french students holding palestinian flags and student photos.
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pro-palestinian students gathered in front of the sorbonne university where macron gave a speech about europe and the challenges facing it. according to some media , a large number of students were arrested. the exact number of arrested french students has not yet been announced. the anti-israel movement, which is now launched by the students of paris colleges, hopes to be here as soon as possible. to spread in other french universities as well. shahzovar hosseini of the sed and broadcasting news agency. paris. the next part of the news at 2 o'clock:
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greetings and courtesy to our dear viewers. some economic experts say but others say that the government allocates subsidies to rubber raw materials it gives, so it must also play a role in pricing . today's higher debate is dedicated to this topic . please accompany us until the end, iranian coach sharaf iran. the telegram channel is playing with the whole country, why didn't you set the price this month ? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager
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. we do n't want to treat any kind of person. you are a higher viewer. allow me to introduce the guests of the program to you. ghaziri and mr. mohsen mohammadi hassan loui, an economic expert , will accompany us in the program as supporters of tire pricing . we will use their opinions during the program, regardless of the issue of tire pricing.
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i am worried about the dear people of our country, who with their efforts can maintain this production, and god willing, this year we will be able to achieve this leap in production, which is in the opinion of the supreme leader. let me tell you that he created a rent for a group that neither our dear people can benefit from nor produce. the situation and conditions of my production were such that it took away the opportunities for production and development. this
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was not in the interest of the country, and the continuation of this process will naturally not be in the interest of the country. you know that the import is being done with the opinion of the samand ministry, more than what was required, the import and production have been done naturally because there is no problem in the country. and there is competition in the country, as a rule, pricing should be free so that we can have a healthy competition and the consumer can buy goods according to his needs. yes, mr. hasanlui , it is implied that i am at your service, god bless you, in any case, you are in favor of mandatory pricing . regarding your tires , we have heard mr. mirzaei's words. in this regard, please give an input so that i can answer other questions of the people. sharif iran, we
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are talking about the pricing, the main issue is that the very word mandatory pricing has a negative psychological charge. to be determined argument behind an institution and price. yes. this institution is also on it is pricing based on the realities of the industry and the characteristics of the industry. when your energy price is controlled. the price of your production inputs, the price of your supply, all of these are controlled prices and in some way , they should be subsidized prices. you expect the price of the final product to be free. free with what? in contrast to the command pricing we say. regarding the price , let's also explain price liberalization and pricing based on the market, that is, dollarization, which means
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making it more expensive based on a rate that does not match the conditions of our economy, that is, based on the price outside the borders that do not have these features. they don't want us to make pricing based on this, mr. mirzaei. now, the last conversation we had with mr. hasanlui was that what mechanism should be in place for pricing, that is exactly what you are saying about lasik car pricing. in what order should it be done, i would like to tell you that the matter that they said that the subsidy will be paid , you know that since last year , the preferential width has been removed from the tower for the last 6 years. from the tire industry, we buy all our materials at the nima land price, which is the only known width that is officially recognized by the country and the central bank. unofficial exchange rates are being traded, now many materials from petrochemicals and feed materials suitable for
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the tire industry are being calculated at free rates, and we are not attracting the funds that friends say . naturally, we expect to be able to compete in the market. this pricing that is being done is not under the control of the chain. it means free chain. you see, we get our first or most of our materials from the stock market, which every day they provide us with a new rate based on the data recorded there. it has an unofficial dollar rate.
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it is up to us and we can determine the tire price in the forum, the support organization has nothing to do , the forum itself should monitor based on the same guidelines it has . it brought to the industry , well, our profit in 1401, you look at our good companies, their profit is below 5%, well, this was not the situation that the aviation industry should
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have 10%, and it had a good growth, as well as your production, look at both the production indicators and the market balance. look at the competitive market the tire market is a competitive tire market, and if the government gives this authority to the association , there will not be a queue at the dealerships. we believe that enough tires are being produced, especially in our riding field, in today's riding field that serves you. we do not have a shortage of production, while imports are also lower than previous years. and we expect that we, as an association or snaf, as a party to the public's account, can play a role in pricing. yes, mr. hasnali , mr. mirzaei says that he does not receive a special subsidy, on the other hand, the industry is a competitive market. the forum can enter and
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determine the price based on what is defined about the pricing first. let me tell you what is our problem with the current pricing, let's define the lack of market or the producer's loss . if there is a market shortage, the solution is something else, but if it is the producer's loss, let's have another discussion about why the industry could not attract its helpers, when the whole chain of it should be monitored and recorded from top to bottom, that is, what i mean with the unofficial market rate. i am supplying at the smuggling rate . how do i supply? how does our producer invoice and document this? it comes to the regulatory bodies and explains how you tell the tax authority that i bought for example 65,000 tomans. we don't have a rate on raw materials . the rate is based on the commodity exchange, which is formed based on supply, demand, and competition. it is not clear to say
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that the width of the input chain has changed by two dollars, which you say has no basis. i will say natural rubber, natural rubber, from and now it has reached one dollar within two months , this happened. well, can we have a theoretical method between 12 and 30 cents per each the price of a kilo has increased and you say that the spokesperson of the rubber industry says that we only need to import 30%, and 70% is the depth of our domestication, so we multiply this by these increases and the loss numbers that are announced, the
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producer will not be able to pay. now, let me tell you that our services are not subject to your criticism at all. the services provided by the industry, including repairs and side issues , are calculated at the free exchange rate . they should make it clear and set a rule for it, but the actors of this industry are not ready to play within this framework, they say you you set the rate, the rate of the petrochemical exchange center
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is working with this rate, the rate of the space that does not have, it is opening with this rate, with this rate and in the commodity exchange , there is a price tolerance, an increase and decrease, and a quorum, he says. i cannot provide in the open market in the official and transparent market of the country. i do and i don't want to play in this space, so the price should be freed. now , i really have a question. how will the tax administration accept your tax expenses at a rate of, for example, 65,000 tomans? an observer is willing to accept this unofficial invoice , we call it unofficial because there are some relationships in the market, we don't want to mess this up, so we don't enter the legal framework . all petrochemical products, even your industry and all industries, must have an invoice registered in the country . you may not be aware
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of us. we bought the spiri saw that you are aware of. we used to buy 40,000 tomans , today we are buying 76,000 tomans, 20 % of that. after me, from that date until today until a week ago 20% of me had a problem, this is the issue that needs
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to be investigated, because all my raw materials are from oil and everything that i consume is not consumed by it, take a look and see how much the industry's raw materials have grown since the last 6 years. how much we have grown in the industry is of course out of the question. our issue is that this pricing, well, i mean , we don't have a pricing order there , there is no pricing there, now they are determining cash according to everything they are calculating, and then it reaches the end of the chain for me. criticism determines and even when i request a rate , it takes at least 6 months until it is checked. in 6 months , the industry has been destroyed. it's time for me to make a policy. it is expedient to give you 20% instead of 50%. i will serve you first of all, the whole chain from upstream to downstream has a basis for pricing , petrochemical itself, its feed rate is determined by pricing
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, its output also has pricing and a basis, width has a basis, the commodity exchange is active , all price discovery, all these have a basis, all production if the above is not respected, it should be corrected, but okay what is the ideal situation? we are not in the rubber industry. after all, this is a common problem in all industries. it is a problem that all these arguments have . what is the ideal situation for pricing? in the name of god, jamshid should announce the above four levels of price, at noon, the basis of the industry's action will be the moment the price goes up, of course, all this is only when the price goes up, when the price goes down and the world prices go down . no , we have had price reductions for years we ate negative competition. we argue that when
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the production is more than the demand. we are working very transparently, that is, when there is a price reduction, this reduction.
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it is up to the manufacturer, who has a major share of the production of limited and well-known brands in the market, and that is the product that we have a major competition or problem with , rim tires 13, 14, and 15. these are a total of 6 products.
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i think your argument is not correct, we should not increase the number of producers, we are 10 producers, they are all present in the production cycle , they are present and active , each of them has its own brand. this shows that the market is not competitive. a competitive market is a market where the number of producers, suppliers and buyers
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has bargaining power. can it be the importer of the smuggling that you said? i said that you set a price for one of my productions, the producer, and you took the production from me, and you created rent conditions in the market. i say that you should allow it . thank god, we are all producing and our production is so much we claim that we will meet the country's needs, on the other hand, we have imports, we compete with each other, we will reach a balance somewhere, and this depends on the people. i mean, there is no way that you are now in 14th year, which is so difficult. sang 13th 14th, now i will tell you, ring 13th 14th, what happened to
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create this bad system in the country.


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