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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at khurshid, the day of the pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him
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, let the sun shine in the sky of our dreams , in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. how are you? wherever you are, i invite you to join us with today's program . seeing you, i am a city, he lost his heart
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when i fell in love with you, the peace of your smile, your wonder , this is the beauty of your house, branda sarin, i am happy, not the kind that wants a pub, a crazy heart must want it.
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it was me and the sadness disappeared until i reached you. i came to write about you because my heart was gone. i sat down this time to see you well. you are better than the best, you are the best
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drunk, not the kind that a pub wants, i want you from the crazy heart, the crazy want, i want you, whatever you want me, you are my life, my life, my life, my life, my life , my life
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, good morning, dear viewers, today coincides with the work week and the worker is going to be awarded the badge of resistance economy to the quality production units. in the first conversation part of the program, we have a look at this issue with the presence of mr. hamidreza allah badashti, the head of the workers and factory mobilization organization. salvation of the country. good morning. welcome . salam alaikum. in the name of allah, the most merciful
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. and i have my actions. in labhala , i would like to explain to the honorable and revolutionary people of islamic iran. on labor day and also on a blessed week , i would like to congratulate all the workers of islamic iran. to the honorable hardworking workers, i wish god's strength and kiss the hands of the dear workers, just as the prophet of islam kissed the hands of the workers and said that these hands are made of fire during labor day, it shows the activeness of the country's economic field and the day of transformation
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that in the country's economic system exists , the workers' and factory mobilization organization, as a specialized group of facilitators , is placed next to the activities of the large labor and production society in order to remove production obstacles and also help to improve the country's economic situation, especially supporting workers, entrepreneurs , employers. and his support from this class the laborers are mobilizing workers and factories during the week that starts from the fourth of may, and the meeting continues on the 12th of may
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. the lives of the executive bodies of the managers who have the necessary support from the honorable loved ones, along with our revolutionary minister , were present at the holy shrine of the imam, with their own presence, wanting to show the world that they are loyal to their values ​​as before and renewed their covenant with their own presence. with ideals. hazrat imam may allah be pleased with him and also renewed the covenant , renewing the covenant with the orders and guidelines of the prophet, especially in line with the fulfillment of the orders of the prophet, which is the strategy of the year, god willing, the increase of
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production with the participation of the people, the workers are among the best of the people, god willing, this realization will come to us because time is limited. if you enter today's program and tell us that on the second day , we had a meeting with our dear workers with hazrat agha. the backbone of production and economy, and since the beginning of the year , in line with the strategy of the year, the basij organization of workers and jad factory considered it as an order and
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took very good actions. the resistance that you mentioned is one of the tasks of these specialized jihadi groups. we have bases in the units and units whose main task is production, we have a field, and the people who were organized in the bases as jihadi groups. these basijians are from basiji people paying attention to their fields of study, according to their interests and tastes, and according to the training they receive , they are organized into jihadi groups, efficient jihadi groups , production of companions, jihadi groups, ambassadors of production and jihadi groups. your jihadi groups will be very brief. the producers and workers of the jihadi groups are specialized to remove production obstacles
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. last year, out of the 1753 jihadi groups we had , we had 1186 efficient jihadi groups and 183 jihadi groups producing our helpers. god willing, this year we will jump this incident and be able to serve more. we were able to identify 1,683 complications from the 1,211 evaluation units and were able to resolve 188 complications in this field. the problem in the hearts of the units where the basij was present is due to the dear basijians who organized this specialized jihadi group , efficient jihadi groups, etc. guys, you were able to do this work . well, at the end of this work, what was the result of this work? the result
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of this work is that 46 thousand 760 people were stabilized, because this is our first art. so that the units are not closed, the units are not moving towards closing, by removing the obstacles and problems, 460 people will be stabilized and 333 new jobs will be created, or in other words. the employment development of these jihadi groups are capable jihadi groups who are doing localization and basic science methods in removing obstacles, they are doing education such as post-graduate doctorate studies and there are people who are sympathetic to their unit because they themselves work in that unit. they are productive, and today these groups are supposed to be appreciated . follow orders in the discussion of sanctions, the governor of the province said that part of
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the sanctions had an effect and part of them was due to mismanagement of production and industrial units that were able to use localization and internalization methods to solve problems and sanctions due to the presence of worthy people of the revolutionary youth. they neutralized them and they were able to cope with these hard impulses. economically, they were able to continue their life, not only continued their life, but also became more prosperous and they were able to turn threats into opportunities. finding after the arbitration in the provinces were introduced to the national, the discussion of the national arbitration, god willing, will be done in the blessed week. these units will be introduced today in greater tehran province, one of
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the festivals of awarding the resistance economy badge of our province, as a provincial model , i want to show that in a collective work, in a work of common thought, empathy, cooperation can make things happen. he said that sanctions can be neutralized not only with cooperation and empathy. it shines, but it is possible to create opportunities in the heart of threats. these jihadi groups help in identifying this unit and to the introduction of these units is a statue and that paper is the success of these loved ones in the struggle of basiji thinking and jihadi thinking, which is from the school of haj qasim shahid. these effective and reproducible patterns are done by basij's mobilization. i want
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to say something. mobilization is the secret of the people . basij is always with the people in hardships and hardships. jad is in the field with a general view and a specialized view that can solve the problems of the obstacles facing the strategy of the year of production. verdare and god willing, we will establish the affairs with the people , our noble, visionary and hardworking workers are the best people . god willing, we will be able to implement the strategy of the year.
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let's go to alachiq. hello reporter mr. baglo. hello , good morning. mr. hosseini. hello, good morning . in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. respect to you , dear and respected viewers. amir, you are gone hello, good morning, what's up with the world of sports , health, dear hossein, and hello to all the viewers , well, let 's start with the fact that the week of promoting wrestling culture has started today. on this occasion, on the occasion of wrestling culture and sport, there is going to be a zorkhaneh , among them , it is going to be held in one of the zorkhanehs in tehran, which will have a special ceremony. my colleagues will visit there and prepare a report on it. kurds , what's going on in other fields in the field of sports in the field of youth camps
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various sports are going to be held , we will start with tennis today. the table tennis team of our country, which is supposed to participate in a series of international tournaments, is in the national team camp , so we will go there and prepare a report on their preparation ceremony. in fact , we will prepare a report along with them. our country's youth basketball team is actually in camp . you know that under the leadership of mr. ivanovic , 25 tall players are actually training in the youth field. i will visit there myself and prepare a report on their condition. let's know that on the eve of the student competitions and the west asian competitions, let's see how their preparation will be. futsal, we went to the finals and god willing , tomorrow we will go for the championship. uzbekistan, but thank god we went to the finals. tomorrow at 14:30, we will be the host country against thailand
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. we hope to witness the championship of our country's futsal team. . o john and a my soul, my eternal love , my iran, my history has become the most famous since the day of eternity. you are the poem that sings , you are the name that remains beyond the wins and losses! i made a pact with you. it's beautiful. your love is in the chest. power is right with you tomorrow. the shape of an iranian dream . you taught us the freedom of love. you taught us
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. i am with you in sadness and happiness. iran. o red voice of freedom. you taught us love. i am with you in sadness and happiness. well, as it was mentioned in the first part , our country's national futsal team reached the final stage of the asian futsal nations by passing the hundred of uzbekistan, and
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god willing, tomorrow we will have to face each other for the championship. let's go to the host of the tournament in thailand . i will talk with one of the futsal experts, mr. kharaki . hello, good morning. you are very welcome. congratulations on saud for the finals. yesterday's game was one of those games that made headlines. we died until we won. it was a very difficult game. greetings and courtesy to you and all dear viewers. see , futsal is very developed in asia, especially in central asia and arab countries. this is a fact of mine from the first period with mr. mali mellat asia in oman. until today, when i am at your service in the games of beautiful asian nations, hand on fire i had and still have accurate information about futsal in asia that we are dead and lost. it is a fact, the fact is that before, for example , it was two to three to four. we did not play so hard against pakistan . our differences were always more than three or four goals
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. by the way, this question you are asking me now may be a question for many dear viewers. it should be known that uzbekistan wants to win the world cup in its own country during this period and mr. lupzo has been employed for almost 2 years . let's open pakistan , but you saw that, as the famous saying goes, all the works that we have to have a team to score goals. yesterday , our team did this and we scored three goals and conceded three goals. this shows that futsal is no longer predetermined, that is, before the game, if we were going to go, they would call us champions. well, of course, we should go. if we didn't become champions, they would say that if we sent the team to the losers, we would become champions . i think it's a bit unfair that it's worth the work. let's lighten the tone of the children. these children of ours are working very hard with the minimum facilities , and they are getting the maximum results. look, now you
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, japan, the champion of the previous round, will be rewarded. i don't want to speak clichés, but did anyone think that tajikistan would become one of the 4, or that kyrgyzstan and afghanistan should play together today and tomorrow ? they are betting that we also have a high potential, but if we want to rely on this potential , it will certainly be more difficult next year as futsal has progressed. the second and third tier teams in asia will come to be on par with us. have we also progressed in parallel with this ? or not, now we have come in front of afghanistan, as difficult as the team that is now they say that iran's second team, all its players were iranian, and the head coach was iranian . then we went to bahrain , we were getting stuck, we came to kuwait , our team set off, we reached kyrgyzstan , did our progress match the progress of our opponents or
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not? look at the progress in terms of human capital, yes, but not in terms of hardware. look now , the asian games are held in thailand. you can see their gyms and see the quality of the gyms. i think there is one such gym near iran that brought a trainer named kakao, who i believe was one of the good trainers, but in this the course showed that
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there was a cowardly coach on the bench of iraq, if he had the necessary courage, iraq should have been a part of the finalist team by now, because the team had a lot of good quality players . it happened that both the world cup was held and we said goodbye to the cup. perhaps it can be said that an inappropriate time was created when you were playing and later you were the coach of the national team. first, what does the second half go, he wins, he comes out, but you these games that we are seeing this year really put stress on the viewer's life. if there is no excitement in any field, the quality and audience of that field will decrease. you can see right now that if mr. gol came before with 28 throat hits, he will become mr. gol. but now, we should not praise you, with seven goals, now mr. gol jammeh shows that it is not the same as before. we used to score 10 to 9 to 12. the head coach
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of our country's national team, mr. shamsai , scored 32 goals. the charm and beauty of futsal is that the games are close to each other how about tomorrow's game to attract more and better viewers. you can see where the host comes to use the power of hosting and the conditions of hosting and keep the cup at home. see, thailand has not been the champion of asia this season, and it simply does not want to lose. i have seen a team that knows futsal very well in the last few games. even if it was a challenge to tajikistan , it was because they didn't have two of their best players and these two players were playing for thailand. make it difficult and tomorrow these two players will be there for sure the analysis team of thailand knows our team very well and analyzes our guys and our technical staff
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from yesterday until the game. later , i started to analyze the thai team. i think that it will be a beautiful game, and thailand will use the hosting conditions and with that pressure, the games will be heavy for us. our technical staff is an experienced staff. for sure, we will celebrate the championship tomorrow . what do you think could be our main challenge in front of thailand? let us see the biggest challenge we can have. first, the pressure. tamasha i would like to announce to all the dear viewers during the nowruz holidays that everyone is visiting and seeing our baby since the second of april
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. and those friends who are really in this field and raise their expectations, what would happen if we didn't win the championship , and now that we won the championship, let's not look small , it was a big job . olad qabad and sal aghapour, who play with innocence, including hossein hossein tayibi, who is truly one of the best players in the history of iranian futsal. one of the best players. the world was not present, hossein tayibi, in these games, it was a bit of a struggle , despite the fact that our players all did their own work, but if hossein tayibi had the minutes you said, we would have endured the pressure and died far away from you, and we could have won. take off the pressure. hossein tayibi could take the team off the pressure, considering that all the players are doing their job the way we
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saw yesterday, it was a completely tactical game. both teams are afraid that they will make the first mistake to take full advantage of me i think that yesterday mr. shamsaei mentioned mr. lopez's wrist and vahid shamsaei himself . it is quite clear in the tv pictures that there is a psychological pressure on the team and especially vahid shamsaei's technical staff, that they should not lose, should not score, should not score goals, as if they vahid is under pressure . i am under pressure these days . i completely understand vahid because the expectations of iran's futsal are very high. look at you from japan . their coach came to interview us after the game. we are working not to repeat it again, but in iran this is not news. if we are supposed to give up the game against thailand tomorrow, god forbid , there will be too many criticisms, even our country does not expect the second one, so this is the pressure on mr. sh. because the work
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is very difficult. if we are heroes, we did a great job. the more important thing is that now we have gone to the international community. what should we do in the international community , there is no news of second and third grade asian teams. we have to play with the contenders of the world. you see, we have four and a half months left until the world cup is going to be held in september. if it's supposed to be us. you know, we have good players, we are wrong, our preparation should be extensive , professional, international, we must play with world-class teams, we must fight each other , because this generation is a new generation, it is a generation that must go to play world-class teams. i would also like to thank our judging team
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, which is really good and of high quality. stay with us with continued greetings reporter after the 7 o'clock news segment. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the preliminary results of the national exam will be announced in the first half of august. the competition of more than 1 million and 150 thousand candidates of five experimental groups has ended in the first round of the national exam. the initial key for the first round of the national exam will be published on tuesday, may 11th, in the base of the country's education assessment organization. according to the head of the assessment organization, four violators
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were arrested in the national exams yesterday


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