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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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and of course, the other quantity, yes, of course, you know this number of officials, we have to see how it will be until the last moment, but it is also increasing , it is increasing, as far as i know, the hotels in tehran are full, that is, we are almost for all the hotels that they are suitable for business delegations , we tried to please the relevant organizations such as the ministry of tourism and other relevant institutions to cooperate with us as much as possible . no, we didn't make a reservation. it was the persian equivalent. now, of course, i think i must also be equivalent to farsi, forgive me, yes , unfortunately, we have to use these common words, yes , in fact, it is not good, we signed a contract, and these rooms are actually currently designated for these guests and some of them, as far as
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a large number of these businessmen are. you know, through the air borders of new madan, that is, from pakistan, from afghanistan, from other countries by land, then through internal flights between mehrabad , we have considered a very large fleet to welcome them. we have always shown that we are hospitable to a large number of guests there are foreigners in our city. today, our people should show that they are the real iranians that the whole world knows and be patient in reducing traffic as much as possible . anyway , they would like to see iran. 2,000 traders can bring about a big change in our economy. if this business takes shape and trade contracts are signed,
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it will surely lead to job growth, employment and prosperity. do we have a plan to introduce them to the priorities of our country? yes, good things will happen in terms of contract. we planned several programs for them, such as a series of industrial plays, to introduce them to each other. we have also planned tourist visits for them to visit the famous places of the country . some of these go to the cities , the same thing should happen in the cities. of course, i am confident that i know our people. our people are romantic. i welcome their guests . i have no doubt that it will be a good event and a good memory will be etched in their minds, but in contrast to the huge amount of bad propaganda against our people. during these years, this is an opportunity to show that all these are lies, they will be messengers, when they return to their country , they will tell who we were facing, so in parallel , i request the people to treat these guests with sensitivity. let's take this from dara hotel . to sum up, the opportunity is for us to show that
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we are a developed nation, a civilized nation, as has always been quoted from iran. expo b 2024 will start thinking about the fifth exhibition what is the index? what is the index? tomorrow is the first day and the start of work. of course, we tried to make this the biggest exhibition , but it didn't work. the space we have is about 50,000 square meters, while 200,000 square meters was the demand, which means we really couldn't cover this demand. i promise right here to all those who we couldn't shame , we will, god willing, at the next expo or exhibition. next, we will try to act with another, that is, in
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let's organize several cities at the same time so that some of them can actually use the facilities of the rest of the country . the main reason was that i said the limitations we have . if the door of the country will be opened soon, god willing, and the expression will be called tourist and tourist, the expression of iran is a part of tourism capacities. in my opinion, right now is a very good opportunity for investors to invest in this sector, because i tell you , no matter what we try, we can find empty rooms. we don't, so i want to say that the empty room is suitable for our guests . you analyze the holding of exhibitions of previous courses. in order to
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hold the exhibition at the highest and best level . what points did you correct from the exhibitions of previous years, so that this exhibition is in the dignity of the islamic republic of iran and with regard to. the amount of demand is good. look at me now this time is not enough to be able to show the amount of work done, so i invite the radio and television to prepare a report, that is, we are ready to welcome your colleagues and prepare a close report of the community. the first thing that was important for us was to welcome guests in the dignity of the country. for the exhibition to be held in the honor of the country, this is the effort that you are making right now, because the exhibition has not yet opened, my colleagues are working until tomorrow morning , they are trying to provide something suitable for the country's reputation, god willing, and the infrastructure. it's not enough, we tried
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to fix some infrastructures, we will improve these for the coming years, we will go towards holding a series of virtual fairs, using the technology of english words, i don't dare to use them, i don't know what the persian mother really is. we are trying to use exhibitions from virtual exhibitions, in fact , for those who can express iran, those who do not come from iran, or those who are in iran but cannot go to all the cities in a section to express directly. see and part of it virtually alhamdulillah, this happened in the matter of transportation. we really tried to provide the right conditions for the fleet that was prepared for this number of guests. well, i must appreciate my colleagues and all the devices that cooperated with us. to help, honestly, i can't say what is the most important thing, because
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it is possible that being an index is different from the mind, but in my opinion, this is the big volume and the fact that we were careful to invite companies that were not very willing to present their own statements. and somewhere you mentioned the countries that were threatened to attend, i said that this is a very important point there is a presence, despite the fact that it is from the western countries who never want the progress of the islamic republic of iran . see, madam, this is a very important point . now, i can't say everything here. no one asked us to do something in my passport, for example, in order to be here. don't pay attention to what i am saying, i am saying it openly and everyone is saying no, we did not come, and i want to say that what our rosebands did, the authority they showed themselves, we benefited from it, no, we did not show it at all, because everyone praised and admired it. i was saying that
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we understood that we are entering a country that is completely powerful and he can actually work very well with pashwaneh, he was sure of working with him and in my opinion, this is a source of pride and honor for our people, mr. dr. aliabadi. foreign, bilateral , multilateral, his excellency, now, in the president's trips, whether it is iran or pakistan, you were not present , your representative was present. in the internal discussion , our producers are very interested in the program the most important thing for our producers is the provision of liquidity , since you have been in charge of the ministry
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, have you made plans focused on this issue ? first of all , i want to thank you and the honorable people. to say that we really have to work so hard and there are so many different areas that it is not possible to succeed except with the style that the supreme leader said, it is not possible for us to be successful without the participation of at least the people. i am trying to the ministry's position in this situation means that we should at least actually implement or actually intervene in the implementation and leave maximum policy-making, supervision and work in the hands of the people. this is the first point . i said to my president, we
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must mobilize our financial and economic capacities for the benefit of exports, and any measures that actually prevent this should be removed from the path of exports. now, one of the things that our producers want is working capital, of course , you know this, but the english word for it is paradox. i can't find the translation right now. there is a conflict in some way, in fact, while you have to take care of the increase in liquidity, we must provide the liquidity needed by the industry. in my opinion, the solution is that we may, of course, some business activists, including me, are not happy with this statement, but in my opinion we have to give priority to production, that is, in providing liquidity, you have to move liquidity towards production, maybe now the banks can reach their sources more easily because they are in business there. but
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if we really want to make the country prosperous, we must give priority to production in this direction, mr. dr. ali , our policies are in this direction in the ministry of position, even in this evaluation of the hundred days that we evaluate companies every year, this year we have actually determined parameters, which means that we we give priority to companies that are export-oriented , we give priority to companies that are knowledge-based, we give priority to companies that have minimum supply and maximum supply , we give priority to companies or we prioritize their financing, because this is a priority i will tell you that it will be updated later in providing financial and banking facilities there is another thing that we are doing that is very important. i will use this opportunity for about four minutes.
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hear, today there is an opportunity for big investors, a big investor comes, for example , he takes a mining project and gets good profits , but this opportunity is not available for people who have little capital or the small capital of the ministry is trying this year. with the help of the ministry of economy, through the establishment of project funds, which i have already experienced in parand parand power plant , you know that parand units are converted to combined cycle. without using loans from the national development fund or horizontal loans, etc.
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this work was done by using public funds. i think this is very important. we have this on the agenda and follow up firmly. so soon the recipe. it will be published in these announcements, god willing. i request all the experts who are capable in this field to help us. guide them and make their designs. if we succeed in doing this. in fact, we could say the slogan of the year. that there is a jump in production with the participation of the people of this sector, the participation of its people will be realized in a real way with a new model, god willing, mr. dr. ma zaman we still have some time until the end of the conversation , i made a mistake, four minutes were added , which means we have about 6 minutes from now until the end of our conversation, and an important discussion that you always emphasize in the planning of the ministry. mining is where our mining sector has reached
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. you have seen the 7th development plan of 13% growth in the mining sector. do you think that what you have implemented in the ministry of mines will lead to this 13% growth ? i would like to emphasize again, at the same time, i want you to see the government as a whole today from all sectors it includes the government, parliament, all powers, all are strong with the people together. we want to succeed. it is important that we succeed, not that we sit anyway and say that we tried, so-and-so didn't succeed , no government should succeed, every government should succeed . during these years, the supreme leader has shown that he supports all governments. in order to succeed. we must succeed. we have very good opportunities in the mining sector. unfortunately , until today, this issue has not been sufficiently addressed. in the orders of his highness. but we can clearly see that they emphasized this many times just this year, they emphasized that the opportunity of mining and
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actually using it should be a good thing that should happen and it hasn't happened so far. there is exploration. we must first know what we have. unfortunately, in this sector , i don't think it has been done well. we have 143 plans. we made a plan that by the end of 140 years, almost all countries. let's monitor it, let's use all the capacities , the call is on, we're saying that we're already here , we're going to offer it so that we know what we have, because after we know what we have , we're going to put it up for auction, and the same way we're offering it now. for example, people can participate in people's project funds, and from these projects, which are very profitable , you can see people's participation in increasing production in the mining sector in 403. currently, the monitoring we did shows that in in most parts of the country, there are very good anomalies , that is, areas where
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there is a very good hope for the existence of valuable mines. you know that our most valuable mines are, for example, metal mines . use all the capacities to maximize the first exploration, we are even trying to use the capacities abroad because we need to know what we have and where we have it, and then put these to auction and use the resources of the people, the resources of the big investors , both domestic and foreign, of course, respecting the considerations that the law has assigned to us, mr. minister of the time. when people see the minister's position in the frame of the national media , they expect us to ask questions about the current and daily issues of people's lives, but because you are tired of organizing, of course, you are tired, not very capable of organizing and engaging in ceremonies, we promise you that regarding the related issues of the day, such as tires,
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automobiles, imported electric cars. one more time be present in the conversation on the first page and our answerer in this section, i think we have about two minutes , we will leave it to you for the most important thing. we are trying, that is , we have mobilized the maximum effort, and it is definitely said that we will not be able to reach that great destination, even if your kindness takes a few steps, everyone should help you to succeed. in all these issues that you mentioned, we have a plan and my colleagues are working day and night and i appreciate them, especially the private sector, they are fair. they participate, they help, anyway, we are in a war situation, war is not just about launching missiles, they are hitting our economic bases with their missiles, they are threatening our economic system
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, so these issues that you mentioned are the issues that people are concerned about. there is, but it is rooted in the bad interference of others. we cannot use these excuses to deprive ourselves of these successes. in fact, we have an extensive plan . this year, god willing, we will try to increase our production capacity. we are trying to make something happen, and if this effort happens, god will surely help . this year, we have reached the capacity of 5,000 per day , and we are trying to increase this by about 20 %. but, well, my father always said, if you want to go, for example, don't say i want to go to the bottom of the mountain, say i want to go to the top of the mountain. we have an agenda to be able to achieve a better balance in meeting the market's demand and resolve the disagreements come on, we
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have very good news right now, soon people , we have announced the electric taxis, people can register and buy them, and of course, later we have to use the capacities of the law. i tell all those who are waiting for those capacities of the law. don't wait for him to come , take advantage of the opportunities that have been created. you mentioned the excerpts, but we are waiting for your next appearance on the front page. thank you very much, mr. dr. aliabadi, for your presence on the front page program and answering our questions. goodbye. i do and thank you very much for each and every one of you dear fellow citizens, 20, 24, four minutes and 7 seconds , you are a viewer of the news network. thank you for your support . good night and god bless you
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. this house is in my own hands . i have three children and above . get a car without a lottery. fall in love with an iranian. break the sardar with nerve. you are the child of tomorrow. we are not at all happy to say that because your neighbor's land applied for a permit
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5-6 years ago, he should come and withdraw. it is so difficult that one regrets it. applicants for business licenses from previous years have to go through a long process to get a license. they used to do it like this. the plaintiffs, each they have been waiting for permission for years. i ran so much for 5 years and spent so much. it has been 10 years since i applied for a business license from the relevant union. obtaining a paper called a license forced the applicants to travel from one office to another with documents in hand in order to start their business. i am sending my presence to those organizations to the previous president. giving 5 million to this man, giving 3 million tomans a month, 15 million tomans per month, the rental fee was only permissible
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. the order of the parliament was the important issue of creating transparency of competition and facilitating the business license system, god willing, big steps will be taken for this issue and the previous patterns will be changed . the plan whose number of opponents did not even reach 30 was approved with 203 votes . inshallah, this plan can prevent any monopoly , restrictions that may be imposed by the executive or the legislator , including market capacity limits, trade union limits . approved up to paper licenses and signature-based licenses electronic and transparent to change.
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it ended the dark age of rentier licenses, closed guild circles, job monopolies and golden signatures. let's promise dear people and dear entrepreneurs. we will not have the issues that are mostly faced in issuing licenses. a promise that they made suggestions to fulfill. the mechanism proposed here, whether in public forums. publicly and in the commissions with the statements that were read. the statement has been signed by 160 honorable representatives of massoor islamic. representatives have spoken many times to facilitate the issuance of permits. permits must be to move to notification-based or subh-based permissions. this plan can untangle. a plan for the electronicization of licenses in two categories, registration-oriented and approval-oriented, which was published in a law on march 24, 1400. it is our duty to follow up for the implementation of the law of connecting the devices to the national license portal. it was so important for the representatives that
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they did not fail to follow it up in the devices . trade licenses are issued in an independent system. well, according to the law, this is not accepted. not granting trade licenses yet, well, this is a huge part of the businesses related to snuff and snuff rooms. the heads of the violators and those who are guilty will be introduced to the judiciary with the condition of urgency, so that according to the aforementioned law, the judiciary will also take immediate action outside of the usual procedures and formalities. licenses are registered through the national portal, 90% of them are registration-oriented, that is , they are issued in three days, within a few months, to one million people who were waiting for their business license. in this way, they got a license from home and without exchanging any papers, the documents are complete. send it up
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, i will give you the three-day license as soon as it is uploaded within 48 hours, the image of the business license was sent to us . it was your fault that you did not charge us any additional fees. it even had a payment gateway. i registered it with my phone. i can't believe that such a system can be used to do this. it is really timely, with the continued follow-up of the parliament, now the law on facilitating the issuance of permits is being implemented with the progress of 98, and there is one more step left until the day when you start any business in the
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country . equipped and specialized digital in an area of ​​more than 5 thousand square meters in sarai irani qom opened all kinds of mobile phones and personal computers. tablets, gaming devices and other digital accessories with incredible prices and long-term photos, a digital equipped house in the great iranian house of qom. in the idea of ​​making a proud and powerful iranian, we once again
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crossed all the obstacles and limitations to honor and hand. the second phase of the sponge iron factory of ahya steel foulad baft company was ready for operation in the year of production leap with the participation of the people and the hard work of iranian engineers. a huge project for the development and prosperity of the country's steel industry and the development of our beloved iran, which after the opening of the phase new to create employment. an increase in investment worth 250 million euros and an increase in the annual production capacity of one million and 600 thousand tons of sponge iron will result. with the support of the tourism financial group, we are always strong in iranian thought .
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the quality of the variety, who are the friends of the friends in the city of home appliances, there is both quality and variety, there is no dispute, the price cap in the city of home appliances, in the city of home appliances, any way you count, in total, you win. dust without dust, hoffman's suggestion from fans!
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welcome to half day news. the opening of the sixth the exhibition of iran's export capabilities, with the presence of officials and economic activists of 80 countries, the president of the great economic event of the expo, showed that iran is invulnerable to sanctions. this exhibition has turned threats and sanctions into opportunities.


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