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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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iran is the crown of farsha , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. peace be upon iran. the planning that has been done is that the national center will bring an artificial intelligence operator or an artificial intelligence operator in the country in the first step, and that artificial intelligence operator will serve three services.
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a data center or a large data center that can handle data management, as well as large used libraries such as large language and image libraries. which provides internet services to the people. specialists of a knowledge-based company succeeded in producing an antiseptic product to increase animal health. this product with prevention of livestock and various diseases also help to improve food security in the country.
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according to the statistics of the ministry of jihad and agriculture , 1,150,000 tons of milk are produced in the country every year. many of our livestock units are even ahead of european livestock farms in terms of performance and scale. to ensure food security in the country, a knowledge-based company located in the science and technology park of tehran university, a new generation of milk disinfection is very important for us. one of the most important diseases that affects the cow's udder is mastitis disease, which follows the introduction of pathogenic agents to it is created especially for bacteria. this product is designed and localized according to the type of diseases of the country's cattle breeds. research and we started to produce an antiseptic. but the difference was that
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it was very different from the common formulas that were being produced. in fact, the idea that existed that it must be high for an antiseptic to have a favorable effect, we messed up the disinfectants after showering now. it became common in many livestock farms of the country. but in recent years, the use of disinfectants before milking as the most important factor prevention of a series of specific pests, especially environmental pests, has been taken into consideration. this company aims to increase food safety and milk quality by designing special polymers. our goal in this project is to adjust the release rate of urea nitrogen in the scaffold and for this
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we use special polymer systems. the products of this company have increased the possibility of exporting our country's dairy products. however, the products we produced contain harmful substances that are prohibited in many countries, and recently , due to the start of the export process to other countries, this has become important for our farmers as well. those substances were not harmful. interested for. for more information, they can refer to tehran university science and technology park. afrooz islami, sed and sima news agency. the technicians of a company of scientists designed and localized the electronic equipment of the marine industry, including the simulator of sea oscillations and the arrival of vessels. these systems were built for the purpose of training and practice in guiding vessels. this equipment also has three options of simultaneous view from the floating shore and view from above.
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the technicians of this knowledge-based company have made a variety of anti-explosion cameras for defense industrial purposes according to the customer's needs. the body of this product made of steel and so that it has a very high resistance to impact and breakage. 39 companies of scientists in social and economic fields will present their achievements to the public until tomorrow, may 9th at eram hotel. some of these companies have been able to eliminate expensive treatment services for their audience. they were completely disappointed for their treatment because the advice of the doctors before they came to us was that they needed to have their hands amputated due to the mass on their hands, but upon entering our collection and what we actually did we were able to do it, his tumor was treated and
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he no longer needed amputation . he says about one of the days that he and 24 other people went to government hospitals for treatment when their lessons were over. families whose test sheets were confirmed to have breast skin cancer and abdominal masses. their cancerous mass was very close to their eyes and the possibility of damaging the eye nerves and leading to eye discharge was high. we see that it is completely cured. the name cancer was not scary for them. the costs worried them so much and sometimes they abandoned the treatment. when we said that the fee was paid, they were so happy that they said who paid the fee. those who are neither known by these doctors nor want to be mentioned in this exhibition. our capital is provided by endowment. the technical knowledge that we have achieved in our own words without costing respectable facts that today
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was not actually possible to be turned into a product today. the presence of these facts has made us dedicate our knowledge to this society. you can find this self dedication in dr. khodami's words he became one of the best students at the university of utah in the united states and received his post-doctorate from harvard and did not stay there. he ignored the offers so that i could work as a faculty member at the university of texas in 1996 . the development of treatments for gene therapy defects in genetic diseases such as butterfly disease and thalassemia ward in fact. it has become clear that the path is moving towards a series of new methods, which is a good time to enter new methods along with this foot, based on this. there are 45 people in the team who say that now that the endowments have been updated, having the world's best
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quality technology in our country is not far from reach if these current endowments continue. specialists of a daneshbunian company succeeded in producing a new variety of rapeseed after 7 years of research work. the researchers of a science-based company in mashhad succeeded in producing and localizing a new species of the common winter hornbill . one of the many problems in the country is that the seeds needed to grow oilseeds, including rapeseed, are mainly imported from abroad. we used to enter. it took 7 years until we were able to improve two autumn rapeseeds named haman and hupa. this new winter rapeseed was produced and localized for the first time in the country, the most important feature of which
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is less resistance to cold. can there be a variety in the world that can withstand minus 35 degrees? it is very resistant to falling. well, in many of our old varieties , there was a lot of falling at the time of harvesting . it is resistant to diseases. the diseases that are common in rapeseed cultivation are now more than 2 thousand. hectares of rapeseed lands in the country have been cultivated with this new variety. with paying attention to the fact that the other cultivars did not yield as much , but our yield per hectare was about 3.5 to 4. another good thing is that it is finally reproduced here in our climate. and it is more compatible than foreign varieties. this newly produced variety has now been registered in the country's certification and control institute and has reached the commercialization stage. with the localization of this all -iranian game, more than 80% has been spent on transversal in this field. dawood sharifi, sed and
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sima news agency, mashhad, holy. the next part is 2 hours. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram with the country is playing, why did you raise the price in these six months? it's an interesting question. we don't want to be a football manager. we don't agree with any kind of treatment .
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in the name of god, greetings and respect to you , dear and respected viewers of the higher program , we are at your service with another debate on the topic of determining the tariff and commission of internet taxis by another body such as the competition council , a topic that has been discussed several times. in this program, we discussed the pros and cons. now, you know that there have been some entries, like tazirat entered, i am in a hurry for the option, shahreh has announced the competition. he had a conversation with internet taxis, the same thing about internet taxis. in the programs we had, there were critics who said that this should not happen, that there should not be an institution that sets prices. on the other side, it was stated that these companies have a monopoly market and there must be an institution to enter and set a price . we want all these issues in the debate of this episode. let's talk about it from the above program. i invite you to accompany us until the end. our studio, mr. alagband, the former ceo of one of the
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internet taxis, is present as an opponent of the council's entry. the competition is in favor of internet taxi companies setting their own prices and definitions and their commissions . on the other side, mr. atziri, an expert in the field of business, is in favor of the entry of the competition council and is against the fact that the companies themselves should naturally set prices and set their prices in your opinion . internet taxis are a monopolistic or competitive market and the reason. what is it that you are against the entry of the competition council? in the name of god, i say hello to you and dear viewers. look , in my opinion, the internet taxi market is by no means a monopoly market, and if we are totally numbers and figures. let's see how much intra-city transportation is , something like 90 to 100 million urban cash transfers are being done per day. internet taxis generally have a maximum of 5% of this, i.e. snap and tabsir, and
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if we want to compare the number of passengers , i'm sorry, these 100 million trips that you said are metro , bus, all of these are all together, yes, everything is with everyone, and if we actually leave the subway. in addition to the other trips that are being made, 75% are personal trips with people in their own cars, outside of the transportation that happens during the day , so it is not really correct to say that it is transportation. it's only happening with online taxis, and because it's only happening with online taxis , there's no such thing as a monopoly at all, which means that people actually have the choice to either use the offline market or use a private car, which accounts for 75% of the transportation. this is how it happens and the internet taxi market is only 5% of daily transportation. i am strongly against the entry of any kind. there are regulatory bodies for pricing , both in general and especially regarding
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internet taxis, and if i want to tell you the reason, it is one of the reasons that taxis the most successful online pricing algorithm in the world is dynamic pricing, which is one of the most effective types of pricing, meaning that it equalizes supply and demand in a very specific way . regarding this issue, we had the idea that these companies that you mentioned are one or two companies and there is not much of a market between a broad market and an all- round entry. internet, i even want to give an example with the government's own indicators the government's plan in the 7th development plan is to make 15% of the country's economy a digital economy today
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, mr. etziri, what do you think, is the internet taxi market a monopoly market, a competitive market? all viewers dear this program, i would like to tell you that in my opinion, this market is definitely a monopoly market . therefore, i would like to tell you that it is a monopoly market . you should see online taxis or in general taxis from agencies that actually call you in person. from a place you want to a place others take it as a different product from
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public transportation, such as buses, metro, and actually our rides. we should not equate these to each other and consider the entire transportation market. we are actually closed in the taxi market. now, i don't know. what should we call the method ? an internet taxi is not necessarily internet. now you may assume that the agencies that we used before were actually the agencies that we used before. a kind of replacing them. they are also in this market i know that because their function is the same, it means that their performance is what they want to do, the service they want to provide, the service they are providing is the same, the platform has changed, a platform has changed, but now many of you don't see much effect from those traditional agencies , but anyway if they are mine let's consider that this is a product, that is, the product of a taxi agency, taxi agencies , lessons, taxis, lessons, this is a market, and
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it is not possible to come up with an argument that , for example, there are taxis on my street. you should also add taxi drivers to this market, then maybe you will get some the exclusive concept that you say, let's get out . see, i want this. now, assuming i want to go from point a to point b, that's right. whoever offers this service to me, i can put it in this market in a closed form, that is, a car. a person or now a person now or a taxi actually a car actually a ride actually takes me from point a to point b that i want, this becomes a commodity, this is actually. metro and bus, for example , assuming that a private car cannot be replaced, these are our other choices , this is a market. let me give you an example: gold coin, quarter coin, half coin , all of them are called coins and all of them are gold, even melted gold , but each of them is considered a different product in the market, each of them
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has their own prices, each of them has their own price bubble, right? they are all gold, but each of them is a commodity in the market. here, we are talking about taxis , internet taxis, or whatever we call them, friends, these are one item, the bus, one item , the subway, one item. now, these items may be complementary items or substitute items, but anyway we have a market in the field of internet taxis, and this market should not be confused with markets such as metro buses, and in this market we are witnessing a monopoly, because in fact we see that the entire market is now the vast majority of the market by internet taxis. has it is done and most of this is done by one of the companies, 90% of this market is in the hands of one company, so we are definitely facing a monopoly in this situation, and then we are facing here that the pricing is happening by the platform itself, it is happening by these companies themselves. therefore, we are facing a monopoly that is priced by they are happening on their own, and therefore, i see these monopoly conditions as a real requirement for an
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intervention in this market, whether it is the competition council or anyone. look, a monopoly is a monopoly when i don't have any other choice for the product or service i want. if you remember, the biggest monopoly case in the world was the one that actually installed microsoft windows on personal computers all over the world, every personal computer you bought. windows was installed and this. a clear example of exclusivity, and at that time he stopped saying that i can only use windows windows doesn't give me any other choice, for example, on the internet browser, this means abuse of the monopoly in transportation, when one transportation method is 5 % of the total transportation that is happening
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, this means that people have the right to choose, the right to choose comes from sir, i want to go to work to take a snap. let me see the price. it is high. my right to choose is to go with my own car. my right to choose is to go to the street and catch the bus. my right to choose is to call the same internet taxi or go to get a taxi. when people have the right to choose, it cannot be said in any way. that this market is exclusive and by the way, a very interesting point is that the pricing is not based on what the internet taxi company wants, contrary to mr. atziri's order. the pricing is based on the balance between the driver coming to the market to offer the service and the demand of the people to get that service. i will give you an example . if the pricing is arbitrary, for example , let's assume that there is a time of peak traffic , for example, seven in the morning when everyone wants to go to work, if
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this pricing is to be entered by an organization that wants to use traditional algorithms or wants to fix the price. practically this causes it is possible that that price does not have the necessary attractiveness for the driver in the rush hour, so that he gets up and goes out and... wants to buy a price that ends up costing more than that price, so he stays at home, and in fact, these are the people who they are deprived of the means. now the rush hour is passing, my drivers come to the street now, for example, at 10 o'clock, now the number of drivers is more and more people are working here . it goes down, then there are people who use that lower price price. ok, people don't use it and the taxis are left without passengers. the whole dynamic pricing algorithm of internet taxis is based on balancing supply and demand. the companies themselves
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do not have a role, for example, the high price is the benefit of the companies in the commission they get. that is , we can see the benefit of the company, for example, in the fact that a higher fare brings more profit to the company, this does not make the company request a price increase, you should consider that at least the experience that i have in a taxi. let's say that whenever the price goes up, first of all, for example , they take 15% of the price, which is what i am referring to. let me say that 15% of the internet taxis in iran get the lowest percentage of
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the internet taxis in the world, i.e. uber and lyft . they get internet services and the majority of it goes back to the incentives given to the driver to come out and pick up the passengers during the rush hours. if the competition council or anyone else enters this market , it will completely destroy the balance between supply and demand, and eventually the smoke will go into the eyes of the people. how come you can't take snap any more , you can't take tapsi any more, or something like what happened in turkey is happening in turkey because of the same kind of strange surveillance on internet taxis today. he says that in any situation , we have mandatory pricing everywhere , we can see the example, it causes a lack of transparency, it causes
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corruption , and it actually destroys the monitoring control. motabher doctor takes money from you separately i want this to happen on my personal account, if we want it to happen in internet taxis. he should spend the price for the driver. spending the price for the driver is actually fixed with the supply and demand, and returning the commission that the internet taxi companies actually give as an incentive, otherwise there will be all kinds of lack of transparency, and now you have to tell me more. give me money to come, otherwise i won't come and these stories will come. thank you very much, mr. inteziri. how much do you agree with your order, mr. alagband? what is said is priceless they don't have critics. yes, i would like to tell you that this issue of this pricing algorithm is an important issue in my opinion, that in fact, this is actually the platforms
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, now the facilities, both the platforms, in fact, in fact, in fact , to create facilities to use these and in fact, this pricing model the dynamics that they say have been created, these are actually the achievements that information technology has actually had for us and the education that it has given us, but let me tell you the truth, that is, i have no problem with this, but my point is that this is because of the transparency that you are saying. i don't think he is very privileged, that means we don't know how is this algorithm pricing ? this algorithm may price in your company in a different way in another company . in a company of your age, the prices are different in these companies, or you may actually request a trip. if you wait, no one will actually accept your request. you would request again and you would see that the price was completely different, while it seems that, for example , we did not enter the peak price now, or for example, many times you see that you have a request and you are waiting for hours, and
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this is actually your request by someone. it is not accepted, or is it, for example, we can see recently that, for example, i am in a hurry option , when it is removed , there will be a serious difference in the price rate, i will explain it to you, yes, no, i know, i want to say that this algorithm is transparent to us from the outside i don't know what is happening, even as a user , it is not clear to me how this pricing is actually happening, and according to friends, is it actually this algorithm itself, and now this algorithm is pricing anyway if it has an algorithm. i don't want to say that there is actually an intervention it must be in such a way that an order price is the same throughout the hour, for example , this algorithm can actually be developed by the institution that wants to set the price, which means that it can actually create this price based on the parameters it wants. do it and give it to you, and you
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don't really care about pricing anymore, then the regulator is the same. the fulfillment rate of a customer's request is a term that foreigners call fulfillment rate. it means that if you give whatever you want, what percentage will the driver accept ? in this internet taxi company, we mean we used to tell him that the price of this product should be around 70, so that the price of supply and demand should be around 70 .
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it is not attractive for the driver who comes to accept this , the price goes up bit by bit , it means thousands of tomans, thousands of tomans goes up at the same moment, it is interesting for you, this number of trips is too much, it means that in one of the internet taxis that i was in, the number of trips is 4 million trips per day , right now, you can see that it is rising from the efreet , when it reaches 60, 65, which is today in this internet taxi, now this number is 634, that is sir the price reached equilibrium, then you see it is going
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up when it reaches 70. in my opinion, it is not right at all to say that we will give this algorithm and these guys to the regulator in the government sector, if they say to do this, then this must be removed. it is not necessary for the regulator to actually sit down and code, or for example, in fact, this algorithm can be found by the regulator . in fact
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, there was a monopoly that came and set the prices by order . now, this time, there is no other way . the market has been created, and then its duty is to intervene. now, this intervention may be done in a traditional way , this intervention is to create a service through this, in fact , the friends of scientists who say that it should be created in a company . these are internet taxi companies, let's monitor the taxi according to this algorithm


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