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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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in fact, give a company to a company, that is not the job of a regulator , why not, why is the regulator, when he sees that a monopoly has actually been created in the market, then his duty is to intervene. now, not this time , he can intervene in another way. this intervention is to create a service through which, in fact, the scientist friends that you are saying should be created into a company. so why not monitor this ? in these internet taxi companies, come and monitor.
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the existing formula is for the competition council to look at the algorithm to see if it is working correctly or not, because mr. etziri's suggestion was that the competition council itself should come and hire these guys, develop the algorithm , and i told him to hire them. no, i didn't say how to hire the competition council. i mean, i'm giving them an algorithm . you actually get the same service as a service from that platform. well, this is a service of another company. it becomes another company that has only the price. it has nothing to do with me, for example, what is happening in this door in fact, it starts to give a price when the platform that is actually doing the work is actually doing internet taxi services . it is actually providing internet taxi services. if it is separated, this conflict and interests will disappear. well, you know what the problem is , see if he wants to do this. one of the things we used to do in the internet taxi was that when it comes during the peak hour, the fare is around 60-50 and very low. by the way
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, i want to say that the company itself, if its heart is burning for its business, it is more attentive to this matter , what we did was that at that time we give a cash incentive to the drivers, that is , the company takes the commission, sometimes it returns 100% to the driver, so that the price does not exceed a certain limit, but if this company goes up again, it means that more drivers will start outside. use the fact that the passengers on the ground are examples of this if the price is priced in another company. ok, and independent of this , it is possible that the company will decide at the moment that it wants to take incentive measures , for example, for drivers, for example, you had 5 trips, if it is 10 right now. let's go on a free trip, for example , many drivers don't want to go on the traffic plan because they have to pay for it. many of the things we do, we used to give incentives to the drivers. i won't take it from you.
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i agree very much, one of the reasons that causes this debate is that an institution comes to monitor, in fact, we do not have any knowledge of the pricing process and algorithm, how it happens, by the way, most of the internet taxi companies have the same algorithm. and now some or do they compare the price with others, if they actually do, now i think this is also a lesson for internet taxis, maybe they should clarify this, maybe their public relations unit should inform them, in fact, this is what they are saying. what you are doing is also the program that you have actually put up, in my opinion , it is in line with this clarification, this helps a lot, in addition to the fact that there is another point that i really need to point out, and that is that there are rules at all. it means that we are in the field of internet taxis , in my opinion, a field that is much more than others
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internet business has a procedure and a recipe . for almost 3 years when i was in that company, we had back and forth with the ministry of interior of the municipality for almost 3 years until we were able to come up with the regulation. by the way, the mentioned letter is about the pricing of the first 3 years, the discussion was that, sir , an iranian taxi should set the price for you, but when we talked to them , we explained the algorithm. by the way, in my opinion, the same instructions were requested by the council of ministers . the sentence that came is that, sir, your pricing is dynamic, but if your price is higher than the price.
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tell the customer, sir, that this price and this price are now higher than the agency and taxi prices, but then this is this. there is another argument about non-competition, non -monopoly, because when he says, sir , my price today is higher than the agency tariff and the definition of a taxi , now this moment means, sir, go take a taxi or hire an agency . they are active in this area . look, the code may not be the same, but the logic is definitely the same. thank you, mr. etziri. see, this kind of work means pulling out the pricing service from the platform. this does not in any way prevent the services that you say that the platform wants to provide in fact to actually encourage the drivers . by the way, in my opinion, it makes us different platforms in this area instead of pricing or now for example with each other. or at all, in fact , the platforms
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fight with the competition council or anywhere else with any other organization about pricing, and they actually start thinking about what they can do about the services they want to provide to their customers. the body is a point mr. love pointing out that, for example, in situations where they see that drivers do not accept requests , they give incentives to drivers, why can't they charge one price for one price? in fact, it offers you a pricing service. there is no difference , that is, in terms of performance. you won't see any changes, this service will go out from inside you. you know when it will happen. i can tell you why. look, one of the reasons that balances the price is competition. many times when we were in the internet taxi, sometimes the price we offered was based on the price. it was our competitor, that is, we saw the competitor's price , for example, in a place with a higher market share , for example, x gives a price, so that i can get a share of the market share from him, i lower
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the price. if this price is too high, it is the basic principle of economics. if there is extra profit somewhere and it is high , the actor will be attracted to it. in the game if we want let's bring this number down with mandatory pricing . not only will no new players come, not only no new competitors will come, the same people who are there may create a new monopoly. your algorithm is correct, so it is right to intervene in pricing, but you see , lowering the price does not necessarily mean that it will benefit the people, if it leads to dumping , it will harm the people.
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there should be a monitoring method, so lower the price it doesn't necessarily mean that it will benefit the people, maybe this will happen in a short period of time , but i think we have seen this to some extent, that is, the removal of traditional agency taxis and this monopoly that has formed now may be due to in fact, this is the price intervention that you are saying, so what i am saying is that if the platform is interfering in the pricing, then the supervisory council has the right and the competition council has the right to intervene in the middle. first of all, i do not believe that it is a kind of device transportation, which has a 5% market share, has a monopoly. internet taxis do not have a monopoly in any way. this is one thing. the second thing is that if two companies want to compete on price, the reason is that an observer should enter. what is the argument i
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have now. okay, if this is important , how do you say that in my opinion, dumping has happened now, it has not happened at all , sir, consider that i am selling a sewing machine. at the beginning of your report , we mentioned a sentence from mr. hashemi, mr. hashemi. it's very interesting i think it was in march of this year, if i'm not mistaken, you can search on the internet and see that they asked for taxis to have floating prices, yes, very good , very good. let's take their floating price and put it in front of them
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. let's set a command price. i didn't say that . i told you completely now that the price will be completely floating, but the conflict of interests that exists here will disappear, which means that now, oh, you can't assume the pricing of your company, sir, look now. you accepted that see, you yourself have now accepted that the price is not necessarily determined by this algorithm. in fact , the companies are interfering in the pricing. any company you assume is a person. the owner of the company should sit down and set the price. is this a bad thing? see if it affects the competition. if it creates a monopoly. if it creates dumping. yes, if it is very important . yazd, let me lower my price a little . you say that you are a competitor, so you are dumping, so someone should come and monitor it. it is not like this once. you see, now we see that 90% of the market is in the hands of one company, so it must be here. i mean, now the conditions of monopoly have happened anyway , maybe this company has been strong, but the conditions
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are monopoly conditions, anyway, it is not 90 markets . i said that 5 % is the internet market. no, you have the right to choose in the field of internet taxis. how is the market divided between several companies? there are two everywhere in the world. in america, go to uber and lifte. i don't know. in england, go to uber and bolte. they are usually
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online. i said that there are internet taxis. the product is an agency product, it's just a product, and this product can be bought by bus or metro. these may be substitute products or complementary products, and people have the right to choose from these people. if i look , i want to go to work in the morning, for example, i will put aside 400 thousand tomans. i'll go to the street, get a taxi or call
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, no, it's not like that because i have this discussion, that is, if the internet taxis were free to raise the price as much as they want, people don't have any other way. there are ways, in addition to you to consider something else, you tell everyone for example, don't go and take the bus, no, the bus is a mashnoob car, there are agencies, if the prices are 400, it means that when i actually want to take a taxi, i can haggle on the price. now, i don't have the possibility to haggle on these platforms. there is a problem with the price on the platform. reality determines and i am forced by nature.
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by the way, that was the time when there was a lack of transparency, it was not possible if. remember, it was not possible for the agency that you have to give you a price over the phone first, it was not possible, you had to go in the car and get a price, the other side said to me , order now, order now, it would sit in the car. he would talk, he would listen to your phone conversations , he would give you a price along the way, so in the end , you had to get there, or you would have disbelieved in the price he told you, or you should have scolded him , and got off with anger and a fight. internet taxi will solve this problem. sir, the price is completely transparent, it is clear what it is and what it is.
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there are no other places. in fact , they can also monitor the interventions. i think what mr. etzgar means is that when you, for example, can intervene in such a way as to reduce the price , it is possible. that companies change the price in a way that increases, that is price manipulation yes, they can, there is another competitor on the other side , if the price goes much higher than this price, everyone will go to this one. no, no, i say there is no other choice, why is there no competitor, i say if one of these companies sets the price equal to the market share. if it wasn't like this, if it wasn't like this
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, i really have the right to be with you, for example, the price should be so that we go to one, not so that the price will be very low, what is the possibility of their collusion? this is a very, very important point. if these two companies were to merge or one of them would come
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and buy both, i would have written my signature right now. he thought that the competition should enter, well, but. another point that is very important for me to take into account is why he wants to be monitored, look at the prices , we have 2 million drivers on the same platform. we have 2 million drivers . go talk to each one of them today. without exception , they will tell you that the price is low. without exception , they will complain that the commission is high. now you can argue this and that. what we did was that we were going to pay for the driver let me tell you today how much a driver's income is. the income of a driver who
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works full-time means how much and how many hours. suppose he works 44 hours a week , or 8 hours a day, for example, he works 8 hours a day. well, calculate this number and the figure that i calculated. now, before i come to this meeting , the monthly income of that driver will be 17-18 million tomans . you should subtract at least 305 for depreciation, gasoline, spare parts, and all of this, 30-35% from this number. then let him do a stressful job where he has to deal with people in traffic what really happened? above, the actual price of the internet taxi goes into the driver's pocket . know this, it goes into the driver's pocket. if we say the price is high, it means the driver's price is high. and the entry of new players into this market is not possible in these markets, that is , another internet taxi cannot come, for example, or
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it will be removed by competitors . i think the investment to enter this market is very high, see what these companies are saying now. that we are still to the point we haven't broken even, we still haven't made a profit , that is, despite the fact that there are 90 out of 100 categories of internet businesses, 90 categories of companies still announce that we haven't actually broken even , of course i have to say this, in my opinion, this 90 is a decade of statistics. where do you get the statistics that i actually think are confirmed by my friends who actually work in the market field ? it is a high number to enter this market, a large part of it actually it is a number that is actually used for advertising and incentives and so on. now
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let me tell you something else, two other companies came and almost got deleted. yes , i think there was also a taxi, if i'm not mistaken , i don't know if it's still there. carpino, yes , let me tell you one more thing, which is an important point. they say that these two companies are actually competing with each other. the issue of discounts comes up somewhere here . you see, discounts are a place where, by the way, dumping is completely done there. there is, and a part of the huge expenses that the companies have now and it has caused them not to be profitable, it is because of this policy that the discounts are actually going, and it is causing this dumping that does not allow a third company to actually enter, which means that all this shows that the conditions are not the conditions of competition, but the conditions of the conditions. exclusively, drug companies also have a lot of discounts. pharmacies say that this will make the company not to bring a new drug. unfortunately, i do not accept this argument, and by the way, the opinion is that if it comes
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, the price will be below the finished price. can you give me your opinion? yes, i have a very specific opinion about it. in my opinion, removing this option was one of the biggest mistakes that was made in this country. look at the "i'm in a hurry" option. you know how many percent of users use it. i'll tell you what, at least in that internet taxi that i was in, only 13% of users used the i'm in a hurry option. what would be the result? the result would be that, sir, at the time of peak demand , if someone had this option, he would click on the i'm in a hurry option. the percentage that actually opened the access that was reduced during the peak time. for that 13 they wanted to pay more money, today this option has been removed, so those people don't have this demand, that means they don't have this possibility anymore, as a result , they will return to the same money as those
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who are asking for the same normal price, and this actually causes which will certainly cause the open demand to go up again, here the price algorithm will go up again, that is, in my opinion, it is a valve in a hurry, it was a reassurance that they would give the 13% that they wanted, at the same time preventing the price from going up. i don't know if the price increase will happen after removing the option it happened or not, but logic says it should happen . in my opinion, 13 should not be the price of all the prices. i say my opinion. i have no information. i don't think it happened. if it is smart, the percentage should not bring all the prices to the price. i am in a hurry. i agree. this is what i think.
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let's do it, really, if we come , we will reorder the pricing and provide a floor and ceiling for it. it is a market where it is difficult for investors to enter . you yourself know that investors go where there is a lot of profit . well, if there is a lot of profit there ok, don't doubt that there are many capable and entrepreneurial people in this country they also operate internet taxis because the profit is high. if we close this , we will completely eliminate that profit. will any other competitor dare to come to this market , it will not come in any way, which means that this market you say is exclusive. i am against it, it will become more exclusive
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. another issue we are discussing now is about commissions. do you think that an institution like the raqa council should come up with the definitions you mentioned ? commissions ? it can actually be a place of competition between platforms. because it's a spectrum there are a lot of millions of drivers , you can see from this number, well, there is another range of drivers who are working with another company, they are actually more satisfied, that is, for example, i don't want to name names, in fact, that one company of drivers is actually more he keeps his side and is more satisfied with the drivers , but the number of passengers is less, in fact, you can see that the drivers work more. there are more drivers , but these drivers are not satisfied with the commission . this can be a competition. are they not satisfied with their income ? yes, they are not satisfied with their income. they are not satisfied with
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my commission. there is another one in two companies, yes, but i want to say that this can be a place of competition between the platforms , that is, actually, because now we have two, for example , we may have three, for example, this can actually be a place of competition between the platforms, provided we will talk about the price itself first. let's reach an agreement one by one. i have an offer that i will make. an invitation. now i myself am not there anymore . i want to invite, but i want to invite mr. etziri to coordinate a half day in one of these internet taxi companies. you come, kid. algorithms presentation give you a price, i have no doubt that they are in fact in agreement with the price of the skin that comes with you so that we have our camera ready to go with us .
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i don't know if i should ask, but the effective rate is not at all 15%, thank you very much to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers of the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment .
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2:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. chinese astronauts announced the first scientific experiment in space with the shenzo 18 launch. one of the missions of the astronauts who joined the chinese space station on friday with the shenzo 18 spacecraft is to experiment with breeding fish in space. according to.


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