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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. the minister of mining industry and trade announced the monitoring of mineral reserves in all regions of the country until the end of this year. according to mr. aliabadi, this year the ministry will seek help from all domestic and foreign capacities to promote mineral exploration in the country. it is a good thing that should happen and it has not happened yet. we must first know what we have . we have 1403 plans. we made a plan to monitor almost the entire country by the end of 1400. use all capacities. let's do it, we say. we are
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now presenting here to find out what we have, because we are only after knowing what we have, and now we are putting them up for auction with the same plan that i just presented, for example, the people of the public project funds can also participate in these projects. which is very profitable, so you can see people's participation in increasing our production in the mining sector in 43. currently, the monitoring we have done shows that there are very good anomalies in most parts of the country. the head of the stock exchange organization announced the formation of the national financing council, according to mr. eshghi of this council it is created based on the law on financing production and infrastructure, which has been approved by the guardian council. this law also accelerates the capital increase process of listed companies. the creation of a supreme council called the supreme council of financing was
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created to create better coordination between various institutions in the discussion of decisions related to financing, the discussion of guarantee funds, which is seen in this plan, to create an institution that can issue all kinds of bonds. guarantee that from now on, the companies that invest from the accumulated profit, this part of their income, this part of their profits are tax-free. it will be, in my opinion , it can be a very good help for the formation of capital . according to mr. manzoor, the popularization of the economy is included in the 7th plan with several methods, which include handing over half-finished projects to the private sector and forming a joint financing fund to complete the construction project. they say that monopoly
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cuts people's feet from participation in the economy, like mr. kashani, who has a hand in production, production must be knowledge-based, which means that every production does not create a jump from they complain about the government's slicing of oil revenues and not giving space to small businesses, even though we are still over 506, our economy is still a government, the experience of 8 years of destined defense. it can also be used in the field of economics. now, after more than 30 years have passed since that successful experience, the leader of the revolution once again said about people's participation for a jump in production. if we find the success of people's effort, people's capital, people's initiative, serious presence of people in the wedding. if we bring economy, production can
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also jump. in the seventh plan, to increase the role of people's participation in the economy, the government is obliged to people's investment in profitable projects will provide infrastructure. we brought several legal provisions to assure investors that if they enter into this type of interaction with the government. their interests will definitely be secured. almost all the new power plants that are being built are built with the same method, that is, we came instead of the government building the power plant itself, a private sector will come and provide the resources to the national development fund or the banks, or they will bring it themselves, and this power plant will be built. the government buys his product from him. the people who say that if our role in the economy is properly defined, we know our job. produce and move. in the way of the people, that is
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, the community of people, it is necessary that, as i said, the set of policies, the set of plans, the set of managements should be of the same type. that this is the belief of all the actors. reducing the government's shareholding by transferring the management of companies, ease in starting a business and providing facilities to the people's economic activity are among the tools that obliged the governments to popularize the economy in the seventh plan bill. narges meghazi, sed and sima news agency. received from the beginning of june. information is registered in the real estate and accommodation system. vice president of technologies announcing this news, novin central bank said: in order to register bank cards in shoprak, a warning is provided about the necessity of registering residential information in the real estate and accommodation system. inflationary houses
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are three banks that have more than 100 empty houses . latest statistics. the official about empty houses is related to the census of 2015, from which two and a half million empty houses were found in the country. the ministry of roads and urban development has announced: the index of empty houses in all countries of the world is 5%. but this figure for iran is about 10% is. the most empty houses. on the other hand, according to the report of the majlis research center, the housing boom has caused house capitalization and rental price growth . in order to identify vacant houses, the parliament has approved that people should register their house information in the real estate and accommodation system, and this system will become a reference for verifying people's residential information . any type of service provided by the government, issuance
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of passport certificate, national card, fuel card, all of these must be taken from the accommodation real estate system. the government also supported this resolution. communicated we. first of all, president , it is forbidden for the executive bodies to provide services to people without a unique code of the real estate and housing system. according to the law, 15 institutions must join this system, except for the new education and training. heaven has received the checkbook , we are transferring a service between ourselves , the organization, in fact, we have the ministry of roads, we will bring it up and make it operational, and this is one of the projects that soon, of course, at the moment, only two services of the central bank will be activated in this system, for the first service, one will be issued. we considered the check hand for this and one more registering the card in the shoprak system, which we will only implement as a warning, to issue
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a check because it is a process that usually takes several days . here, the person has the opportunity to ask for it at the branch , if he does not register, he will actually work at his place of residence. do this, according to the latest statistics from the statistics center in 1400, more than 55% of urban households and more than 25% of rural households are renters, and this means that the management of the rental market can facilitate the lives of many people . women's creation in employment generation of a successful ardabili entrepreneur woman done with the production of cardboard packaging for export . in addition to offering, attract 100 people to the job market. no matter what the industry and entrepreneurship is, there are many women who moved the wheel of industry together with men.
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we started our activity in 1972. we started with the savings that i was making, then i did embroidery, then we bought the basic machine. we made our machine fully automatic. maherkh behfar now owns two cartoon production units in ardabileh. our production is now 60 tons per month, our products meet the needs of the country. plus on top of that, we send to foreign countries such as azerbaijan, armenia and other countries. this ardabil lady, who has been selected as the best entrepreneur for consecutive years, is her idea to start this unit. the production in each unit has generated income for 50 people. i have been working for 9 years . she behaves well. we have been working here for four years . haj khanam started this place. we came. it has generated income for maherkh behfar.
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she is a successful woman by raising four children in her family life . she is really a very active and persistent lady we owe them everything we have. believes that in our society there are no limits for the advancement of women. leila sedaghat news. ardabin's audio and television broadcast, the next part at 4 o'clock: my daughter informed me. and mom said what you wanted happened, finally we hit israel
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, i didn't believe it at all until the first half hour, it was news that maybe i can say for years, like when khorramshahr was liberated and they didn't believe in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time, dear viewers. honorable, in our dear country, in iran , our dear ruler, a valuable event happened. moments that fill all of our hearts with passion, pride and authority did among all the martyrs and families of martyrs, there were and are those who were happier than all the families of our beloved martyr, the father of iran's rockets, the father of iran's missile industry, because of the happy morning of sunday, the 26th of april. dear and proud martyr haj hassan tehrani moghadam, today
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we have the honor and happiness to have a conversation with his dear wife, a long-time friend of this martyr, to get to know this proud martyr better from the perspective of his wife. i congratulate and congratulate this great victory and to all the free people of the world , this great victory in which everyone has a role in it freedmen, all our martyrs, all our dear ones , the role of having a voice in the fruition of this great event was not a small event, it was very big, and i, like all the dear ones, who rejoiced that night and prayed for all the warriors and command. don't give me resistance front, like all the dear ones, like all the families of the martyrs
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, like all the wives of the martyrs, the mothers of the martyrs, the children of the martyrs , all the families of the freedmen, we all started praying like him, the last time you were so happy in your house and hosseini , it was such a celebration. you were fine. how long ago do you remember this feeling? maybe in the last few years these same attacks, which were actually the issue of isis, which was very painful for all of us, the strange things that happened in the last few years and then our powerful military force was able to give a tooth breaking answer and everyone was happy and like this incident, now a little bit finally. i think it was similar to that
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, how did you feel when you heard , tell us a bit about how you felt at that time. how to tell you and say: mom, what you wanted finally happened, yes, we defeated israel for the first half hour, i didn't believe it at all. now the radio was on, it was saying that the tv was in a turn because i wanted to, i had my mobile in my hand from everywhere, i was following the news and i thanked god for everything . . i can say that like when khorramshahr was liberated and we didn't believe
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that we would go back even a bit, haj khanam, like shahid tehrani , there were pioneers who passed through life and youth and life and family and everything until we reached this position and a person like you. we were with the martyr, how many years did you live together, almost 30 years, almost 30 years how old were you shahid, how old were you when you got married, i was 19 years old in hassanam. what happened in these years that you lived together that his path went towards the discussion of our missile industry? when we talked together, he was the commander of the irgc artillery. you were aware of everything from the beginning. i was married in a special situation, that
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is, the country was at war, and he had opened this plan and this way of life to me from the beginning, but it was difficult, after all, the distance , the difficulties, how many months was not and when they had a test and they were supposed to test a missile in their own work area, you would have known at all, or if they came now, for example, they would tell you to pray for them. i don't know if they should inform and then if , for example, the test was successful or if, god forbid , it failed, we would know their feelings. first of all , i should say that haj hassan's personality was such that he did not say anything at all about his work, he did not mention anything at home. after
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a long time we lived together , he entered my house. they understand everything there was no need for them to say no, there was no need for my help. the children had made it very clear to them that when dad's tests were not successful, he was very boring, worried, tired, and maybe the color of my skin would even change because they go to the desert for two or three weeks, then he said many times that the desert has a very cold atmosphere at night and it burns our bones to the core, and it has very hot days. now , after many years, the equipment has become more suitable and maybe it will be better. it's hard, but it's better than that, but
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before, there were fewer facilities for these dear ones they suffer from physical difficulties, that is. the skin on his face was burning, he had to constantly put special creams on his face , and the children can really understand this tiredness, with all the love and affection you had for shahid tehrani moghadam and your life. and the pressure you saw and felt on them . you didn't want to stop them from doing this again. i wouldn't have allowed him to enter the space where he is trying so hard to enter. sometimes, we may make some protests, now on
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family plans, sometimes parties, weddings, finally. it will take a long time and this was possible, but if i question the essence of the matter and say that you should change your job, change your job , i would not have allowed myself to do such a thing because i felt that only he could do this. to follow up and give the main result that he has been struggling with for years. and i didn't want to hinder their work. 3 2 1 allahu akbar or fatimah. 8 years of holy defense which was the beginning of your life and after the war for many. after 8 years of holy defense, life became normal, and some families were martyrs, some were families of
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veterans, for whom life changed completely , like you, as if the path of war and defense continued, and you are those lonely ones, the absence of haj hassan. after the holy defense period, you also had, now that you were alone every period , you waited patiently. and maybe we can say that they are much more capable of their work and that they feel a sense of duty towards this work. starts they did and did a lot more. sometimes i myself feel that these dear ones, these
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nobles, these warriors, people like haj hassan , suffered such harsh and humiliating conditions due to the lack of facilities at the beginning of the war that they never wanted to do this again. it was more than the war. i mean, you were probably one of those people who said that i wish it was during the war. i used to see you more. no , you see, every period
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had its own problems. before the war, the children were younger. having problems was different after the war, the children had grown up and had their own problems i had, but we were still at war at the same time , which means that you were not there, how did you endure all the problems, haj khanum? at one point, i told them that it's not easy for me to be away from you every day, but it's very difficult for me after friday afternoon . they smiled at me and said, "well, think about it, it's not friday, it's saturday." i wonder how interesting it is . you accepted and i accepted this because it is so much
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we had finally become one, and i had accepted him in every way , i accepted his words, and every time on friday evenings , i remembered his beautiful words. really, a world in your career means that you change your view, change your view , look in a different way, so where does this power come from that you were able to make this change in yourself, which, as a result, affects the children, it affects your life , maybe let me tell you the main reasons. one of the biggest encouragements of haj hassan's character was his words he used to say that time is passing and russia will be reduced to coal, for example, it's not like we should leave
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our country and make it easy for people to express and express the spirit of oppression that was in him . it was the month of february, and the rush of people towards the air force barracks, who wanted to open the weapons store there, all poured in and everyone had a principle for himself. and in this crowd, haj hassanam was telling me that i was an 18-19-year-old boy who was with the crowd when
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i entered this barracks. he was facing the gun and everyone said something and i looked and saw that everyone was saying something. i went to the end and looked for something very big . he had a stand on a long pipe, then i told him, when i saw this, i said that this is a fire, i carried this on my shoulders, my body was very weak and thin, i carried this on my shoulders, i got a van , i put it behind a tub, and i brought it under the bed of my father qaim. the next day, they announced that they wanted to take the radio station, and i poured it and put it behind the barnet again. come on, he was young and with this i had very, very
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strong manoeuvrability because everyone said to go with this, he had a showmanship, he didn't have cartridges , he couldn't do anything, but he had the power of deterrence. it may be similar to a short story, that is , something very short and brief, but a psychologist is very good at characterizing them. after the war, we see the same process , we see that in his plans , he brings weapons that are only the same one . he made and worked on the same one for 6 months. he worked to make a launch. to
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shoot the rocket at him who only sees this when he is traveling in this regime and say, well, this one is not there, definitely other things, and then he will go after the rest of his work, and then he will go, well, definitely because they themselves are facing these big horizons and the big goals they set required effort, effort was necessary, where do they get this power from, where does their strength come from. now , for example, if someone says, i want to be like martyr hassan tehrani moghadam, you who lived with him for many years, according to your own words, became one with each other. this is what you call faith and belief in the path he had, whose will was your will, he made his will.
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we know that the time that we did, and from mike azeramik, but al-rama abadi, this house is by our own hands . the necessity of making construction workers' assistance free of charge, insure those families who have three children and above
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, get a car without lottery, love iranians. give up, it's so fast, it's so difficult one regrets applying for business licenses from previous years. in order to get a license , they had to go through a long process, like these applicants, each of whom was waiting for a license for years, 5 years when i ran so much, i spent so much , 10 years when i applied for the issuance of a license from the relevant authority, getting a paper called the applicant's license. forced them to
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go from one office to another with documents in hand in order to start their business. the rental fee was only allowed to have an acquaintance there , not to join the union, to remove these twists and turns many times, the important issue of creating transparency of competition and facilitating the business licensing system was placed in the order of the parliament, which, god willing, is a big step for this issue. to remove and change the previous patterns , a change that required a new plan. the plan to facilitate the issuance of some business licenses. a plan whose number of opponents did not even reach 30. it was approved with 203 votes. this plan, god willing, can prevent any monopoly and restrictions that may be imposed by the executive or the legislator, including market restrictions.


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