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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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by sending the number 5 to 30085 in the name of allah, the most merciful and the most merciful, greetings from 12 million motorcyclists in the country. 7 million people do not have certificates. the head of the traffic police licensing center said: in order for motorcyclists to have a license sooner, a one-day license is issued in 28 provinces. applicants must have a motorcycle and their skills are actually controlled. if the motor is in their name, which is definitely much better, but the system is designed in such a way that the motor is in the name of their parents, they can receive this service . it is being implemented in all provinces now
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with the exception of sistan province, kerman, mazandaran is in sari and jari province, in sistan and kerman province, because we do not have motorcycle schools at all , we advertised and asked people who are applying to create motorcycle schools , but at the moment, we do not have the capacity of the schools. our activists, who are paisi , we use so that some of our countrymen can use this paise school as a motorcycle school, and we will add another province . with the intervention and violence of the police, about 600 students and university professors in america have been arrested and imprisoned they were sent to prison. amnesty international has warned about the continued repression of students by the american police. these are american students. students of more than 50 major
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american universities support palestine as their motto. the same support for palestine is their crime for this violent treatment by the american police. it does not matter if the students are male or female.
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this is how this professor of the university of texas, usa expresses the result of the violent and equal treatment of the american police with the criminal students. this kind of behavior of the police only makes the determination of the students stronger. some students have already asked about this there were differences. but seeing this kind of behavior of the police , they joined the supporters of palestine.
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because the advice of the doctors before they came to us was that they needed to have their hands amputated due to the lump on their hand, but upon entering our collection and what we were actually able to do, their lump was cured and he says that he no longer needs amputation. he talks about one of the days when he and 24 other people went to government hospitals after their studies were over to treat families who were diagnosed with skin cancer. breast and abdominal masses it was confirmed. their cancerous mass was very close to their eyes and the possibility of damaging the eye nerves and leading to eye discharge was high. we see that it is completely cured. the name cancer was not scary for them. the costs worried them so much and sometimes they abandoned the treatment. when we said that the cost was paid, they were so happy that they said who paid these costs. those who do not know these doctors. they do not want
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to be mentioned in this exhibition. our capital is provided by endowment. technical knowledge that we achieved it according to our own words, without the cost of respectable kurds, which today was not actually possible to become a product today. dr. khodami can be found when he became one of the best students at the university of utah in the united states and got his doctorate from harvard and did not stay there. he ignored the offers so that i could work at the university of texas as a faculty member in 2016. we started a new technology that was completely unknown in the world in the field of development treatments for defects, gene therapy, genetic diseases , butterfly disease, thalassemia ward disease , in fact, the path is moving towards a series of
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new methods. in fact, the wife of dr. khodamist is a team of 45 people who says that now the endowments are not far from having the best quality technology in our country if these endowments continue. fatemeh abdulvand, sed and sima news agency. radio seba on the eve of teacher's week by launching a teacher appreciation campaign essa's alarm program is welcomed this week. in this program, this radio network invites students from all over the country to participate in the teacher appreciation campaign and write this. to appreciate his teacher. in the era when the country's structures had a western flavor. martyr morteza motahari presented another meaning of this word to the students and educated people of the country. in the years before the victory of the
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islamic revolution, he used to appear in universities and scientific environments and talk with students. when he raises the issue of hijab, and it is still in our hands today, he gives a convincing answer for the day of his society. maybe we need to update the same answers to our own society. martyr motahari considered it his mission to answer the doubts raised in the society and did not spare any efforts in this way. in the past , no one thought about issues such as capitalism or non-capitalism , and what kind of regime the economic regime of islam is. is it compatible with today's capitalist regimes? is 100 compatible with today's socialist regimes or not ? it is not an independent regime, neither is it, nor is it an independent school, and if it is not an independent school, how is it not an independent school? shahid morteza motahari. he had many achievements in his career, all
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of which were approved by imam khomeini. all of his works are good without exception. martyr metri is a type. jihad began to explain , especially regarding answers to doubts, whether regarding islam, the entry of islam into iran, which is the book of mutual services between islam and iran. he, who was one of the close companions of the imam and one of the main elements of the victory of the revolution, tried to prevent the islamic revolution from being diverted by the groups of hypocrites. the existence of martyr motahari was very harmful for the enemy in that period, and it happened that people like martyr motahari came from this society to take
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the islamic republic, that is, the government. to a high degree professor shahid motahari is honored and on this occasion, the efforts of the country's teachers are appreciated on this day. the next part of the news is at 6 o'clock.
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we want to talk about the protest movement of students in american and european universities . we have various discussions in support of palestine, mr. doctor. the expert is with us in the studio, mr. doctor . greetings to you. i welcome you in the name of allah , the most merciful , the most merciful. i am at your service and at the service of the esteemed viewers . first, let's see a report and then start the discussion . this is new york's columbia university , where the anti-zionist gathering of the students of this university started a nationwide anti-zionist uprising in american universities 10 days ago. in response to the spread of these nationwide anti-zionist protests to more than fifty
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american universities, the american police used both violence and violence he has taken all measures to suppress these peaceful protests and in many cases he even beat or arrested a number of university professors. among them is dr. noel mcafee, a professor at the american university of america. he narrates the story of that day and says that he was shocked by the excessive and brutal police violence against students and professors. i was looking there and saw a number of policemen on a student. throwing and punching him and kicking him hard and he almost hit his head somewhere.
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they use force in the university. officials various american universities, including new york's columbia university , have organized rallies in support of the zionist regime and, of course, with the full support of the police, in order to cancel anti-semitic student protests against anti-zionist sit-ins and rallies. ilhan omar is a member. a muslim member of the american congress whose daughter is among those arrested at columbia university says that this action is an attempt to divert public opinion from the general anti-zionist uprising in this country. i have now met many jewish students who are here at the anti-zionist rally. we regret that the presence of this not all jewish students are recognized. the fact is that american students announced
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that they support the right of free speech and peaceful protest of the american people. meanwhile, the american government has been silent about this repression and the arrest of more than 550 students and professors who support palestine. udi rajabi, sed and sima news agency. new york, mr. dr. zarshanas, the anti-zionist uprising in american universities, higher education institutions, and now australia, germany, france, and many other european countries , what is the reason for this student protest movement in support of palestine and gaza, i think. i would like to say that in order to investigate this phenomenon, we must
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consider two causes, one is a long-term cause and the other is a short-term cause. i don't see the crimes of the zionist regime, i see this further , that is, if we come to look at the events that have happened in the last decade and a little more. it is happening, and then i will say that the long-term and the so-called short-term reasons that i mentioned , which i will explain now, let's look and see that the general trend of politics and in fact that structure has been going on for more than 10 years. liberal politics based on social atomism and based on a party system and movement based on the concept of civil society or civil society.
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it has lost its attraction , it has lost its power of social mobilization. i do not say this . philosophers like jacques rancière say this to some westerners, and the western media created a duality in this regard. who says that something is a phenomenon of breaking the usual boundaries of liberal politics, which they call populism . next going further, we see that in the last one or two years we have an event like the ukraine war and the results of this war, the consequences of the changes in the structure of the international system before that and also the decline of the aegean element of the system. world and then, in fact, the space
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of divergence that is at the top of the world system is created , which has a strange opportunity. it creates nations for independence-seeking governments. in the continuation of this , we come again to the event of october 7 last year, then the event of the iran operation and these things, when we look at them side by side, we see that in the interpretation of an author the one who said that the winds tell us about the change of season, we are feeling as if something is happening, now i will explain that this event is more than just. i am a politician, even the student movement , which we actually call an anti-zionist movement, but zionism, the zionist narrative, is the main identity of the modern western world. when you attack the zionist narrative, you actually have the fundamental identity of the modern western world, and in fact,
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you have the civilizational aspect. he attacks this in the slogans of the students in this protest movement now in the university. then see what happens the fact is that i have to explain the factors. in my opinion, the combination of two factors is that the modern western world is a discussion of historical philosophy. since the end of the 19th century, the modern western world has entered a period of crisis of its own decline. b says in another language, spengler says with a story , loufeuhr says another story , martin heidegger says with another story, foucault says it is a general discussion that the modern western world has entered the crisis of its decline. it turns out that modernity is the most important thing
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it is losing its hegemonic power and this has its hegemonic power. it will break, then this long -term factor, which has been happening for almost 100 years, in addition to that, there is also a short-term factor, and that is the neoliberal policies of the last 34 decades in the international capitalist system , both in america and in european countries. also , the modern night countries, related to them or not , have actually created a kind of social and cultural crisis , which again has destroyed or dimmed the persuasive power and attraction of the so-called modern discourse of modernity, and the media system of these in mobilizing the face it has caused a problem to categorize and reinforce. this event causes that if until now this set of
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hegemonic domination of modernity could have created a kind of conscience. to do it means to strengthen the human moral conscience of the society, to deactivate it. now, because this control is breaking, and this hajj is getting holes, i am not saying that it has completely disappeared, it is getting holes, so a type of conscience is actually a conscience that it used to be suppressed until now, a kind of awakened social conscience , there is little protest, it will find the field and become active. it is possible that it will happen now, although it will be difficult , we will still witness examples of movements and events that have disconic and civilization elements, that is, they are actually making a kind of dialogue and alternative, their positive side may not be colorful at all, because we are in
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we are going through a period of historical transition, but the important thing is that they are saying that modernity is power. but the american system is trying not to hear the voice of this awakened social conscience in this anti -zionist society. tell me what is the reason for this effort . it wants to distort what is happening. see if they accept that in fact a kind of awakening conscience has been raised that is breaking. it does, although not completely and to some extent, it creates the hegemonic domination of modernity and the modern world. well, this has one meaning , the meaning is that it is showing that modernity is losing its power and the period of reporting is actually winter has arrived when we the discussion of historical philosophy
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refers to the entry of the modern western world into the crisis period. what are we saying? we are saying that a world of a civilization is entering its winter . as children and young people, they find a period of najj and there comes a time when they are in the downhill movement on the path of regression. from the perspective of the philosophy of history, the modern western world was born in the renaissance. by the way, in the same renaissance , he has strong zionist ideas. in the same renaissance , he seeks to establish a world system. the world system promises to make this happen. centered on zionist teachings. from the 18th century onwards, when the so-called enlightenment era began, they call it the enlightenment era. from the point of view of the philosophy of history , this is the era of najj. the world system is a structure of countries that
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consider themselves the masters of the world and plunder the world , exploit the labor force of the people , plunder the natural resources, and turn the countries into consumer markets. according to what we see in western philosophers, nietzsche. in the context of american universities, which are the center of discourse production in order to be the basis of the continuation of the life of the modern western world and the american civilization below this world , we witness that the fundamental element that
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has the soul of this world is actually the element of its origin, that is , the zionist aspect of modernity, because if we about let's talk about modernity. modernity is a synthesis of judaism and judaism, but zionist judaism. well, this element is being attacked. this is a very important point. in fact, i want you to see the history of student movements in america and europe . previous student movements or they don't have a discourse, or if they do , they end up looking like may 1968 to expand the modern liberal view of freedom to more areas, which resulted in the second sexual revolution in america and europe, the result of the 1968 movement. that protest is their social protest, protesting why the american soldier for example, he was killed in the vietnam war, which means that protesting itself is not a thing at all, it is not a world system
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, it is not protesting the structural and identity elements of modernity, here it is a protest, the main structural element of modern identity is being attacked by mr. dr. ebrahim motaghi, an expert on political and international issues. the addition of mr. motaghi to our group. i greet you . have a good time . we were talking with mr. dr. zarshanas about the efforts of the american system to not hear the voice of this anti-zionist rally, but let's talk about the violent entry of the police at this level. in fact, you can say that in society the elites and academics of america and europe, this level of violent entry is unprecedented, and we should also mention the statement of the us secretary of state, who did not mention the arrest of students and professors and mentioned that there is democracy in his country. yes, very good, good night. i
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am greeting you, dear viewers, and also dear dr. zarshanas, who provided very precise points in explaining the crisis of meaning in the western world. this is a new reality that is under the influence. the waves of the technological revolution are there when we talk about the network society, when the transformations we see a technological tool and its works in the social environment, in those conditions and space , we come to the conclusion that a new identity against those dominant normative formations in politics. the international community of america and the western world is taking shape. it is a space that has a margin and is slowly
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gaining strength. the same way i see hamas and hezbollah and the resistance groups in iraq and yemen as signs of the emergence of the fringes and the reproduction of fringe power . international meaning of pi. finds and it can reproduce itself in the western world itself and the marginal capitalist system. the fact is that social forces in every historical period try to reflect their own identity. but they need a subject. they need a subject. they need an excuse for this.
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to express their protest against the structure, and today i think that in the whole world, especially in america and many european countries , israel's genocide has become a protest issue for social groups, youth justice groups , many students of this sign. in 1968 there was also many of these signs were also present in america in 1974 and 1975. we see many of these signs in the atmosphere of anti-wallastrite movements. therefore, there is a kind of anti-structural tendency in the western world itself.
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we were talking about what is happening in american universities, mr. doctor, we are seeing a unprecedented arrival of the police from america, while these countries also claim human rights and freedom of speech . it was the result of the wars of independence that took place from 178 to 1783 ad i forgot to say hello to mr. dr. motaghi , i used his statements , i forgot this, well, then let me say that since the year of independence wars that started and america was founded in 1783 ad, the constitution, by which a range of the term statesmen are often freemasons.


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