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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the half-day news. suppression of american students protesting the genocide in gaza with tear gas batons and electric shocks, increasing the number of arrested students and professors to more than 700. japanese universities joining the anti-rising. american university. continued attacks by the
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zionist regime on rafah and nusirat with several martyrs and wounded. forecast of the english times newspaper. the international criminal court issues netanyahu's arrest warrant this week. approval of the remaining materials of the plan. in the speaker of the parliament, the purpose of the tax law on speculation and gambling is to create peace in the markets and slowing down is a merchant's razor. when a banking complex builds 3 thousand residential units and keeps them empty so that they become more expensive with inflation, they must pay the cost of their speculation through taxes.
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amir kabir university of technology's technologists have acquired the technical knowledge of brain cancer diagnosis by laser tic measurement method, early detection of cancer from the advantages of this method, the match between our country's national futsal team and the host thailand will be examined in the next few minutes, iran's attempt to win the 13th championship in asia and in a higher program do. after 20 years of the approval of the waste management law, the implementation of this law is the governance structure is its executive management successful or not? what role do people play in reducing the production of normal waste and participating in its recycling
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? the scope of anti -zionist protests to 75 universities and educational institutions in the united states coincides with the new wave of arrests. jill stein, the candidate for this year's us presidential election , was arrested at washington university in st. louis. dozens of other students as well as a university professor at the universities of washington, new york, pennsylvania and a few other universities. so far, more than 700 students and
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faculty members in american universities have been arrested due to their opposition to zionist crimes. in washington, the american police attacked a gathering of students . at stanford university, despite the university's opposition, students once again set up tents in support of the palestinians. . the university of southern california blocked the campus and banned students from entering to prevent the spread of the student protest . at harvard university, opponents of the zionist regime raised the palestinian flag.
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at columbia university, students participating in declaring a sit-in they will continue their sit-in until the us financial aid to israel is canceled. at northeastern university, the gathering of students expanded in the heavy presence of security forces. at columbia university in new york, as the initiator of the anti-zionist student uprising in america , even though the riot police once collected the tents of the students and arrested a large number of them, hundreds of students still
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supported the people of gaza and opposed the crimes of the zionist regime. have sat down we are waiting for the university to do something to prevent the continuation of genocide in gaza. show that in these crimes israel is not a partner. in the us state of boston , the police attacked the peaceful demonstration of students at noreastern university, destroyed their tents and arrested about 100 students. hundreds of policemen in full anti-riot gear entered our campus. they destroyed our camp and killed many of our fellow students in an atmosphere full of terror and cruelty. the situation was the same at bloomington university in the state of indiana, usa. the police arrested 33 students after suppressing the peaceful protest of the students. armed violence against students is also a crime
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pitching a tent, sitting in the grass and expressing their views is really ridiculous. at what cost and for what purpose is such a degree of violence and repression applied in the university ? the president should have respected the freedom of speech of the students instead of deploying the army of armed agents to the university and snipers on the roof of the university. at arizona state university, the police raided the students' gathering, collected their tents and arrested 69 students. here at the main new york university metal barriers. it was created here to prevent students from entering and re-improving in this space after being in one or two yesterday, the police collected their tents from here, however, the students of this university , along with the students of other american universities
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, issued separate statements and announced that their protests against the zionist regime's genocide will continue until the attacks of this regime on the people of gaza are completely stopped. will ali rajabi, sda news agency, in front of the main gate of new york university, the palestinians thanked the protesting academics by writing messages on their tents in the gaza strip , thanking the students of the american universities who support gaza and palestine. thank you message from palestinian children from american students.
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we thank the universities and students who support us and our stand against the genocides of the zionist regime materially and spiritually, especially columbia students. we thank all the people and all the universities and students who support us and we ask continue to protest so that we can get our rights. it has been 11 days that american students have come to the streets in support of the palestinian people and to protest against america's policies in the gaza war and its financial aid to the zionist regime. their request financial aid to this regime and stopping the crimes of the zionists is the domain their protests have reached 60 american universities and 500 have been arrested so far. biden, however, ignoring all these demands
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, was preparing to hold a dinner party and his speech during this time. speech banquet for his media people. the same media where the american students protested their bias in supporting the zionist regime in front of the building that biden bought for them, chanted "shame on you". gaza was displayed in front of the building and the palestinian flag was hung in front of the place where the banquet was held. gaza in front of the venue of the celebration of the year. the white house reporters gathered in washington and
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chanted slogans condemning the genocide and the us government's support for the war. a number of anti-zionist activists also hung the palestinian flag in front of this hotel when the members of the media participating in the event that was held in the presence of us president joe biden and his vice president, a number of people gathered to protest the bias of the american media in support of the zionist regime. they shouted the slogan of shame on you. also, some protesters staged a scene depicting the killing of journalists in gaza as a result of the occupation's bombing. drew they placed vests with the names of journalists martyred in the gaza war written on them in front of the annual white house correspondents' dinner in washington.
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after rising anti-zionism in american universities, universities in other regions of the world are joining the uprising against the crimes of the zionist regime one after another. at canada's maquill university , students sat down to condemn the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip. palestinian bibim palestinian bima bim at the university of tokyo and
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the japanese city of osaka, the supporters of palestine condemned the zionist genocide in gaza south supporters of the palestinian nation condemned the violence of this country's police against students who support the cause of palestine by rallying in front of the american embassy. the pro-gaza students at the university of political science in paris once again held a rally against the occupying regime of al-quds and its western supporters are chanting slogans. in the capitals of austria and denmark, people demonstrated in support of palestine and condemned zionist aggression and chanted slogans against the occupation of jerusalem. in tunisia, the ambassador of italy and the minister of culture of this country, who were visiting the tunisian book exhibition due to their country's cooperation with the zionist regime, were present in they were expelled from the exhibition.
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academics supported the uprising of students and professors of american and european universities in several universities of the country including tehran, bojnord, tarbiat modares, rushd, tabriz, ardabil, abadan and imam khomeini international university of ghazvin. in some universities, these student gatherings will be held this evening. popular student community in solidarity with american and european students who support palestine in tehran. it will be held today at 1830 minutes in front of the main entrance of tehran university.
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at least 10 palestinians were martyred and a number of others were injured in the airstrikes of the zionist regime on the residential areas of rafah became the warplanes of the zionist regime also bombarded the settlements of zawayde magragha in the center of the gaza strip. the resistance fighters also targeted two settlements in the occupied territories by firing rockets from gaza. palestinian prisoners club announced. in the attack on various areas of the west bank, the zionists arrested at least 15 palestinians, including a girl , two children, and several former prisoners . the palestinian islamic endowment administration is also responsible for the attack of more than 500 settlers on al-aqsa mosque on the sixth day of the jewish holidays announced.
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i am talking about the developments in gaza with the reporter of sed and cima in rafah mr. haani al-maqari, hello, we are listening to your report about the developments of the case. greetings to you and dear viewers of the khabar network. today we also witnessed new aggressions by the zionist regime in the gaza strip. these aggressions have been going on since october 7. today, witnessing various aggressions.
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evacuate these two schools and it seems that they are doing this to attack this area, but other areas have also been targeted in khanyounos city, i must say that the rescue forces are still looking for the bodies of the martyrs. that too with very simple features those who had the authority to search and find the bodies of the martyrs. it seems very difficult for them . thank you. thank you very much, mr. hani al-maqari, reporter of radio and television in rifa. but we are going to lebanon. in response to the attacks of the zionist regime's planes on residential houses in southern lebanon, hezbollah
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targeted military and zionist settlements in the north of the occupied territories with grad missiles. with my colleague based on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. in this offensive operation, how many towns have been targeted and what casualties have been caused to the zionists, mrs. hosseini, dear viewers hello, good time, hezbollah of lebanon issued a statement last night, this morning local time . in this statement, hezbollah announced that in response to the attacks of the zionist regime's fighters on ghouza, misra and sabrin and the wounding of a total of 12 people in these three the region has targeted miron military town and surrounding towns with dozens of katyusha missiles. what the media of the zionist regime has announced is the alarm of danger in 12
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military and zionist settlements in the upper galilee region in the northeast of the lands of love. the sounds of grad katyusha rockets, according to the images on the networks various virtual ones have been published , hitting and hitting about 6 military and zionist settlements . according to the preliminary statistics published by the zionist media, 8 zionist and military men were injured in the offensive operation of hezbollah behind me. you can also see the ruins. look at the attacks of the zionist regime fighters on the khian area in the last two days. the zionist regime fighters have repeatedly targeted this khian area, which is located exactly in front of the settlement and also the matala military base . mutallah military base and town has been completely evacuated, but here in khayam, there are still residents of khayam
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these heavy attacks, which you saw the pictures of , are still present here, and their presence and the presence of the lebanese in recent days and months that i spoke with them is a sign that they know what this presence means. that is, the great failure of the zionist army and the zionists, the zionists who, according to their own media , have displaced about 250,000 people from the north of the occupied territories, and because of the terror of hezbollah's offensive operations , they are unable to return to these areas, while the resistant people of khian in spite of these heavy attacks, hezbollah is still present in their homeland and in their soil today is still a statement. issued at 1145 local time, 125 minutes iran time , hezbollah
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targeted baghdadi base with its own artillery and mortars. among the opponents of netanyahu's cabinet and asra zionist families in front of the building of the ministry of war of the zionist regime in talavid. they demonstrated. the protesters demanded the removal of netanyahu from the prime ministership and the dissolution of the cabinet. with the attack of the security forces on the protestors, the demonstrations turned violent drawn.
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asra zionist families also lit a fire in the street and demanded the immediate signing of the exchange agreement from iran. hebrew media reported that hundreds of protestors held a protest rally in front of the statue of the prime minister of the zionist regime in qaisariyeh region. the english newspaper the times predicts that the international criminal court will issue netanyahu's arrest warrant this week. according to the report of the times, the court
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plans to issue an arrest warrant for the minister of war and the chief of the general staff of the zionist army, in addition to the prime minister, for committing war crimes in gaza. ibrizban maariu newspaper also quoted sources aghaz wrote that netanyahu was afraid of issuing an arrest warrant. he is extremely disturbed and has made extensive contacts with the american authorities in order to prevent this action of the international criminal court. channel 12 of the zionist regime tv also reported on netanyahu's request to the british and german foreign ministers for mediation and announced that the washington authorities are putting pressure on the hague tribunal to withdraw from this action.
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well , i am talking about the protest of american university students and professors to the genocide in gaza with ms. maryam azarchehr, a media activist and journalist. ms. azarchehr is very welcome. how are you doing these days? regular news about american universities in different places. do you reject the biggest concern that exists now that these student gatherings in condemnation of the zionist regime's genocide in gaza will be dealt with, where and how? hello, good day and hello to all dear contacts. well, there are a series of concerns that are expressed and in fact an excuse is given, there are a series of real concerns that are not talked about. what are the excuses they are making? they say that these demonstrations cause anti-semitism. this side. while they say that they have a large number of these american students they demonstrate that they are jews themselves. is columbia university jewish university? it is one of the biggest groups that
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coordinates these. there is a group of jews and there are jewish americans, this is very interesting, so this statement , this statement of anti-semitism , this is an excuse and a revelation. we have become a superpower , now we can destroy america. it is very interesting for me, but what they are saying is one of the real concerns that they do not talk about is the brand of america. the brand of democracy, human rights, you see, america is a country that you can count on. since the establishment of the american regime , it has been at war for about 250 years, more than 220 years. mission can cost you a lot in the public opinion of the world , unless you have built a brand. now, america has a monopoly on the media of cartoons, movies, news all over the world
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, we know in different languages. equip that minority, launch a coup , subvert, do many things, and now the thing that has taken a big hit is the image of america anyway. over the years, people have helped me to become aware that now at the height of the gaza genocide , support cannot be seen or seen, because you know that the zionist regime was nothing without the financial support of the united states, and this brand is in trouble, the biggest blow that these students.
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in fact, because you see the demonstration itself , chanting does not have any special effect in that country. yes, it is completely peaceful. yes, not at all. what do you think? which one of the wars are their millions of demonstrations? he was able to stop it, so the impact of these demonstrations is that people see that the student stands up very peacefully.
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well, on the main pages of the fajazi news, we say, i want to ask you this by chance. now , of course, the statistics of arrests that we had , the most recent statistics were 700 arrests of professors and students. you mentioned the virtual space , by the way, i want to ask what is going on with them now, because well, one part is formal and official media, and another part is actually virtual media , which may be even more effective. tell the news about these things, right? well, it's interesting that these media, especially in the beginning, tried this trick. they don't cover a news story first, and then they start badmouthing this student in a way that i don't know. they have a bad slogan. they are supporting terrorism , they are attacking this movement, but in the social media space , what is happening is happening anyway, the video is being broadcast, people are seeing this terrible violence of the police against the students who
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are very they are demonstrating peacefully, this awakening is taking place, and of course, they are celebrating this day you see, instagram has been trying to prevent you from seeing political content for some time now. why are they doing this? why are they trying to do this in america? it's the first time that a media outlet has been able to use tik tok for the first time in a significant way. he got an audience from the american population and now they say that he will either close it or sell it, which means he has no other choice, so this is because he is in his own power. precisely because the monopoly of the media , if it is broken, it will cost them much more . very well, thank you very much, ms. azarjahar, a media activist and reporter for the parliament members of the tax plan. correcting gambling and gambling.


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