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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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get gilna publications as a gift by sending 5 to 30085. in the name of god. hello. lebanese hezbollah. he published pictures of the rocket attack of resistance fighters on the zionist settlement of miron and other zionist settlements in the north of occupied palestine.
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it is reported that in this attack, which took place on sunday morning , at least 30 katyusha rockets were fired from southern lebanon towards jabaljarmaq area, where the miren military base of the zionist regime is located, and several explosions were heard. the zionist authorities have not released any statistics on the amount of damage and casualties of this attack. zionist media many times they admitted that hezbollah in the north. the occupied territories of palestine still have the upper hand and zionist soldiers are trapped in this area. the 49th annual meeting of the islamic development bank will be opened today in riyadh, the capital of saudi arabia, with the presence of the minister of economy of our country. the largest international development bank
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in the islamic world is a bank with an age of nearly 5 decades, whose rules are based on islamic sharia. islamic development bank is the largest financial institution of the organization of islamic cooperation, which is managed according to sharia laws, and of course, it has one of the highest credit ratings of international banks. level. its capital after the sixth round of capital increase of this bank is 66 billion euros, iran is one of the 57 members of this bank, a membership that now has a history of about 4 decades . euro has become a member of this investment bank, which after 6 rounds of share increase has now reached more than five and a half billion euros.
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after saudi arabia and libya, the islamic republic of iran is one of the major shareholders of the islamic development bank , and nigeria, qatar, egypt, kuwait, the united arab emirates and turkey are also major shareholders. these are development banks. the islamic development bank provides education to its members with the aim of advancing the economic and social development of azad countries and muslim communities of non-member countries around the world. iran so far more than this bank is used for short-term and infrastructure projects in agriculture, industries, energy, health and transportation sectors. the most important collaborations currently underway are the 6-city sewage project in fars province, the shariati hospital project, the west tehran sewage project, and the irrigation and poisoning of qorso zarin gol in golestan province. now the minister of economy to participate in the 4th meeting. yearly
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this bank has gone to riyadh, the capital of saudi arabia . iran's debt to this bank, which matured in 1402 , has reached zero, and it is supposed to receive education for three new and infrastructure projects in this meeting. razia ranjbar of riyadh radio and television news agency. the next part of the news at 3 o'clock.
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hello ladies and gentlemen, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world today. the file of tonight's program is dedicated to examining the latest situation of american students' protests. israel's occupation of gaza.
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expanding the range of protests to 75 universities and intensifying the american police's dealings with students and faculty members of the presidential candidate gilstein america is one of the tens of arrests in the university these days. what is happening has nothing to do with democracy. i was banned from entering the university to support the students who stood up for us all. they have risen to defend our civil liberties. they have risen to protest the genocide, which
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is being carried out in our name and with our taxes. the american people do not agree with this. dozens of other students as well as a university professor have been arrested at the universities of washington, new york, pennsylvania and several other universities. more than 700 so far students and faculty members at the american university have been arrested for opposing zionist crimes. at stanford university, despite the university's opposition, students once again set up a tent in support of the palestinians. at harvard university, opponents of the zionist regime raised the palestinian flag and
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chanted slogans in defense of the residents of gaza. but the officials of the university of southern california blocked the university campus and prohibited the students from entering to prevent the spread of student protests . universities in other regions of the world are joining the student uprising against the zionist regime are. while supporting the people of gaza, the students of the university of manchester, england, demanded that the university's relations with british banks investing in
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the occupied territories be severed. canada's mcgill university students also improved in condemning the zionist regime . the university of tokyo, japan also witnessed a similar demonstration in south korea. supporters of the palestinian nation gathered in front of the american embassy , ​​condemning police brutality against students who support the cause of palestine. westerners chanted that slogan. in the capitals in austria, denmark and the city of malmö, sweden, the people
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demonstrated together with the students in support of the palestinian people and condemning the zionist aggression and chanting slogans against the occupiers. in the following , we will be hosting mr. mohammad ali shafiei, a researcher of american studies, in order to examine more of these protests. we had, and before that, the occupy valstri movement. in both previous movements, the us government
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used different methods and techniques than the voices of the protesters turn it off, in your opinion, taking into account the previous performance and the conditions that we have seen in america in the past week or two and maybe even in the past months , what is the policy of the security apparatus and the propaganda system behind it, how do they want to deal with these protests? they are doing work. i would like to say hello to you and the viewers of the program. regarding the systems that the us government and the us government in general solves and suppresses the movements , there are various methods and techniques, and generally they are effective. it means that we almost don't have a movement that wants it to have a serious protest and a serious overthrow in fact , not in the sense of overthrowing the government, even overthrowing politics in the short term. the examples that you mentioned , we had the black lies meter movement, which by infiltrating
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the main figures of this movement, which of course was said to be a weak movement, that is, a movement that does not have a clear leader, but they attracted influential people, and then a series of blacks who to be dependent on the government among them, in fact, to send them to speak for them, in fact, in a way, to support the movement of these and pull them towards themselves so that they can control them, and we saw that mr. obama also a party in the white house. took and invited a series of these and in this way he was actually able to control this movement, or in the case of occupy wall street, in fact, the occupy movement was a completely different system there, the way to act was to see these methods softly asking them to attract these people to themselves is not an efficient way of doing what the park actually does is handing over the zakot where they had gathered and pitched their tents and declaring that this is a private property because before that . these
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do not exist and declaring this is a private park and then since this was declared private, they said, "well, you have a private complainant, and they came with a bulldozer and collected all the tents, and practically the movement was destroyed because it was centered in that park . regarding the recent movement that has actually formed in the university environment, there is something what i saw in the news today is getting a bit more quotient. it is that first they try to introduce this movement in this way. in fact , it is correct to make poisonous advertisements against it in the public opinion in the media and well, this does not stick very much because the slogans given by the shovel are actually the signs that the hand.
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there are anti-zionist jews at city college of new york in the past days, pakhan weiss and some of his companions protested with students in university campuses. let's go straight to new york, as i said, my rabbi is back at city college, rabbi, we had you on the program jahan today , about 3 months ago, and we talked to each other. i saw that you joined the protesting students in new york along with some members of the anti-zionist jewish movement. we did it as if it was one of the tactics the american government and media are
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labeling students protesting the genocide in gaza as anti-semitic. what do you think about using this tactic? this is a part of that nakba process. and they actually want to accuse those who are trying to accuse the palestinian and in fact with rights.
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we came here from columbia university , we came here from other universities and we are looking for justice, and now today we have come to city college in the neighborhood of manhattan, new york, to announce here that in this one of the chain universities , it is actually one of the new york universities. and we came and we encourage students.
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universities from let's save the mainstream media from the grip of the zionists and allow us to confront the crimes they are committing in the name of judaism and the evil actions they are doing. it is not against the jews in any way and against . how active are jews and jewish students in the current protest movement and are protesting the israeli genocide in gaza? well, by god's grace, we
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see thousands of jewish protesters. we see and their number has increased, although there are threats against them, even death threats against them, but the majority of them came to defend the palestinian nation and actually criticize and protest against the crimes committed by the zionists, we jews , our jewish brothers.
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and we, on the other hand, in the united states , are now protesting and doing our best to actually stop the israeli crimes in gaza , to force them to end them, and in fact, the palestinians. let them go to their own land, that is, quds. rabbi, you showed pictures of oppression. and israeli police dealing with jews who oppose their crimes . in these few days, we have seen similar pictures, this time it is the american police who are opposing american students. israeli crimes do the same things. what do you think about the fact that the american government acts like the israeli government and suppresses and arrests the opponents of these crimes
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? of course, you can't compare anything with israel's crimes because they are very cruel. because they kill with cruelty and wickedness. but in america, unfortunately, there is a lot of pressure from the israeli lobby it enters the political circles and also puts pressure on other zionist organizations. therefore , the american security forces are also threatened and afraid, and that is why we see the police. america and sometimes the american national guard agrees to these actions and does some of these things, and in the meantime, there are students who are arrested and
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pressure is put on them and accusations are made against them, so we see that this movement that has started now in fact, its sparks are igniting all over america. now you can see that the students are behind me. they are gathering and protesting let's pitch tents and we hope that we can get rid of the threat that exists against us and against the protesters by increasing the power of the protesters and we see that the students are here now to support the people of gaza, we are gathering wherever we are. the real jews in any country are actually looking for the right and the truth , they are against zionism, and we request
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that if such protests are held in different countries , the political authorities should not treat them oppressively and respect us and accept this. what israel does has nothing to do with judaism. we and the charges against the protesting students in america should be resolved immediately and as soon as possible, and finally , a ceasefire should be established in gaza immediately, and the zionist regime, in fact, the zionists who rule in those lands, should be destroyed and the movement should be abandoned. knowledge now they actually managed to change the opinion of the political authorities in some places
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, we saw in south africa, of course , we saw in history that south africa was able to overthrow the apartheid regime and the reason for that was that the students took action and took action and finally the people too. they did not remain silent and continued by god's grace. we we hope that this evil regime of israel, which has nothing to do with judaism and actually has a state of nationalism or racism , will be destroyed and european countries and the rest of the world will question israel's legitimacy and not accept it as a country. and us look, this is a photo of a jew and a muslim. at that time , there were many of these photos of these scenes before israel came, jews and muslims everywhere
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, in many different places in iran, tehran, esfahan , shiraz and all over iran, all over our islamic world. we used to see such scenes and it was a natural scene so we hope that once this protest movement and the students who gathered in different american universities in the past days, what is it? what do they want? i saw that they have a board, they have four requests, the first one.
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the second was to create financial transparency so that those who support the israeli occupiers can be identified. the third is to condemn racism and genocide. it was the israelis, and israel should actually be the birthplace of these demands and should only criticize and condemn the racism of israel's genocide. the fourth demand was that the accusations against the arrested students have arrived in america and those whose suspensions will be lifted and the suspended ones will be able to return to their classes
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. you are the state of israel , while this state presents itself as the state of the jews , precisely because we are jews, precisely because we are jews. they use it as a tool to justify their own crime , while their crime has nothing to do with judaism. no, look, this is israel's declaration of independence. this photo is related to the period in which the declaration of independence was issued in 1948. this
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is herzl, todor herzl. and you can see the signs of zionism, those two stars of david , they actually have no religious signs, you can see here that if they were jews, they should have worn those special hats, but these people you see have no they have no signs and none of those jewish hats, and this shows that they are nothing at all. so what they are doing is hypocritical there is a hypocrisy. they did not mention god even in their declaration of independence. if it was religious, at least the name of god should have been mentioned. they are a court, and their court system
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has nothing to do with the torah. it doesn't have the teachings of the torah , so we, as jews and real jews , are upset that they, in fact , the zionists, are confiscating judaism in a way. now we see that they are committing crimes in gaza, and as jews, we are with them. we are friends with the people of gaza and we consider them our friends and we support the freedom of palestine i want my end from you. i want to ask this question is related to your feelings. i have known you for many years. i know that you have spent your life fighting against the israeli regime and the crimes that have been committed in the land of palestine in these 75 years. 20-year-olds are saying exactly the same thing, their demand is the same thing as your whole
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life. we do and we know that in the end, thanks to these young people, we actually hope that with the help of these young people, this israeli regime will fall. of course , sometimes we see signs of these issues. so now we are in the middle of the jewish religious holidays.


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