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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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we are traveling to iran and a group of companies from southern china. i hope that we can continue this trend every year and participate with more companies for the second year and the third year, and they also thank the iranian business center in china. i hope that this center will be able to continue to work more powerfully and we can have more companies. in order to travel to iran , our guests from different countries will participate in the exhibition of export capabilities. last year , we had about 10 areas in the exhibition. this year, we reduced the areas and increased our focus. in the reports , the total exhibition space was 50,000 square meters.
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it is involved in the exhibition, in my opinion, the minimum requirement for such an exhibition is 200,000 square meters, so that it can show all the achievements and capabilities of the country and bring other fields as well: petrochemicals, steel , food industry, packaging, agricultural machinery, knowledge-based medical equipment. pharmaceuticals , construction, technical services, engineering, industry, in the general sense of automobiles, carpets, household appliances. machine tools and production line and handicraft industry, which is now tourism , well, these are the things that are in this year's exhibition, some areas are a little weaker, we may be strong in some areas in production, but we have not done much in export, we are trying for it. let's have special programs , the reality is that this model should be practiced so much that it can become strong in these areas and bring added value to the country, although the reality is that we have very high capabilities in some areas and it has very good additions, such as knowledge areas. equipment foundation.
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we have medicine, food industry and machinery we are trying for a reason that i mentioned. well, in the field of steel and petrochemicals, which are the largest exports of the country , there are powerful companies. we are trying for them because it is our poem. for the exhibition and the exhibition last year, it was that we should increase export destinations and diversify but the more important point is that we should increase the product groups, we should increase the percentage of product groups with added value and knowledge base and those that can express scientific and technological authority for the country. all of this boils down to two important issues, the issue of logistics infrastructure or the transportation of cash and the financial issue that i am in iraq. to mr. president, i said in the discussion of africa that we are trying to provide several solutions according to the serious need and demand that exists, and we have also provided solutions in the area. regular lines should be made in this discussion, which needs
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to be paid for export competitions and needs to be supported. in the financial discussion , we are using the chev swift and tahater methods with several countries, firstly with the cooperation and assistance of the central bank and the meetings that are being held , including right now in the exhibition , various meetings are being held in the infrastructure fields. that is, even though this exhibition is mostly a commodity exhibition. there is, but the same area of ​​discussion is the establishment of regular lines, the cost-effectiveness of the lines for the establishment of the iranian crop line, and the solutions for solving financial problems , the use of the existing infrastructure, which is being investigated right now to reach tangible results, god willing , i am discussing with you about some of these. mr. shagrond, mr. zighmi pointed out a point that some of our product and service groups have strong production, but they have weak exports so that they can zoom.
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what should be done to join export goods and be present in this field? those who or what obstacles should be removed from the private sector's point of view, those who are strong , tell us what are the most important obstacles they have now. one of the things that we have to pay attention to in order to be able to really have continuous exports and reach higher figures is the issue of access to the global value chain, which means that if we can really connect our value chain to the global value chain , we can do so under the shadow of continuous production and to the famous promise of a good industrial strategy is that we can sell our products with high quality and with the right brand. this happens, but yes another thing that should be taken into consideration is that no matter how much we want to go to our export potential, we should say that we have many times the potential compared to now, but with a factor of three and a half times, they say that we need investment
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, that is, we need capital. to attract foreign investment so that we can improve our export opportunities. this investment in the country means that our economic risk must be reduced in the country, and finally, as far as the economic risk indicators that you see , there are a series of external factors and a series of internal factors that we let's talk about internal factors as a parameter let's look at the issue of economic instability . economic instability means that we don't change our regulations constantly, and one of the things that is really one of the things that causes problems for our business environment is a lot of changes in regulations. we have a value that i have the right to say here that we must definitely see the priority of our business policies over the priority of our currency policies and set a criterion, that is, instead of cost management , we should go for income management, try to grow our business , have more income that we can. it is better
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to show ourselves in international markets i would also like to mention an achievement that happened this year in this regard. 24 was the law of improvement, where exactly one of his words is that if the laws and regulations are changed , it should be notified in advance and come to the government's database to be announced and notified first, then implemented. we had a few cases where this notification was done. these cases were not canceled, which in my opinion is one of the achievements that we had this year and can increase the economic stability a little bit for the private sector activists.
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a point that i will report on the exhibition now what we saw and heard from the participants was that some face-to-face meetings are either changed or deleted in the so-called b2b. this complaint refers to which cancellations? can it be considered as one of the shortcomings of the exhibition or not? this change of programs is in line with the same number you mentioned or the virtual ones you mentioned. look, some meetings have been coordinated , we have 3 minutes. it was a better meeting or that businessman recognized that you are visiting the company do it and that meeting. it was resolved to a good extent, but i said that these things are happening mostly in the direction of reaching a conclusion, it is happening on the part of the merchants, which in my opinion does not cause much serious damage, and maybe
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it is mostly the type of model that helps so much. i said that this is the first experience this year. it is shared that we are conducting these face-to-face meetings. in these dimensions, we have more than 100 negotiation tables and also in the group discussions we are having, these issues will not happen again, god willing, and it is showing good quality. one minute and 30 seconds agenda to remove the obstacles mentioned by mr. chash's private sector i think it is correct to point out and this is also our point that trade policies should either prevail over currency policies or at least be both the stone and the foot of it. we cannot limit resources, we want to focus on expenses and put pressure. the country has a very high potential to increase exports. everyone should help in this direction so that this happens and the restrictions that exist are at least managed
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. in the discussion of laws, yes, we are too. last year, 3 out of 3-4 issues were aimed at restricting exports, that's why we didn't announce it, we didn't let it be implemented. i think this policy and policy stability. commercial and a currency can help a lot in the trade development organization, all our efforts will be this, and this is to try our best to be able to defend this issue in less than a minute. our commercial and economic horizon in the various fields that this exhibition held , what is the supervisor of this exhibition, what do you describe, the reality of what is happening, all of our friends are seeing it, and the demand is that, first of all, this should be stable , it should be every year. i think this issue should be repeated and improved every year. i said it everywhere. my main challenge is that many people are interested. iran's presence in this program and the range of urban infrastructure affected.
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it is dollars, we say that with the permission of importers and exporters , they can agree on the price and price.
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and we stand with the liberation of all oppressed people. this is the new york city police department,
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you have been warned at california polytechnic university, pro-palestinian.
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back up back up, leave the plaza now or you will be arrested for trespass. police arrested more than 100 people at nyu.
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on you on you on okay he first sent up. the extractions from this mass grave that was built by the zionist occupation, the nature of the image, the acquisitions and the clothes that you wear, all your size, and through the clothes
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, you are recognized before your family, on this owner of the greatness, in some signs of the difference, on the whole size of the bardah , this is the aid that means me. the causes that are used to identify the body and the nature of the place is that it is not a single collective tomb, but it is about the three tombs present in this place . affa walmakan al-ihiri, north of the center
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of the day that is called, has been registered in the national register to be an opportunity to introduce the capacities of this city, its flowers , its flowers, and its scents, as the green space it has is famous for its scents.
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production and producers. the transformation of maimand into a national tourism city was news that the special guest of the ministry of cultural heritage, handicrafts and tourism gave to the people of maimand. the glass industry can help promote the glass industry because it is environmentally friendly, because of its recycling, and because of the art that lies in it. i hope that azam local officials will be able to create workshops for the city's indicators. provide the national glass factory for maymand and we will do our best to complete this case so that we can have the national glass factory in maymand in the near future. mayor maimand also
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announced the implementation of three tourism development projects with an estimated cost of 70 billion tomans, including the construction of a 100-hectare campus garden by reviving the rose and nastern gardens. some of its costs have been covered and now it is being prepared in its plan, which will be implemented this year, god willing, and at the end of the celebration, the deputy minister of horticulture, ministry of agriculture, will give working capital and necessary education to the investors of the sector. in order to boost production in fars province and including maimand city, he announced that by providing working capital and necessary education , we will help the private sector investors to market and what should happen after the harvest, god willing, it will happen . maimand city has the best production of flowers in the country with 200 hectares of flower fields. this is the sound of the first six-cylinder gasoline engine, which
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was designed and built by domestic experts in a knowledge-based complex, to the import ban that we had for engines above two and fourteen liters. the market is talking about suvs. well, this sense of need has been growing in the country, this sense of dispossession was there, therefore, according to the needs of the country, more than 130 different types of modern engines being produced in the world were examined in different platforms of domestic cars and cars that actually have a future production plan.
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it was selected according to the needs of the country and the technologies we have in the country, and the process of re-designing the design and actually proving the ability to produce the intelligence we need in this field was done in the first phase of this project. engine technologies are the main technologies. cars are the key in any system. this company, which works in a specialized way on the issue of engines and gears or the term driving forces as a whole, in this volume of engines with these high features and with this quality of technical knowledge that it has acquired during these few years, has much more valuable technical knowledge than even it is a product that can be applied to other areas of the car . this 6 cylinder gasoline engine with. the horse has a standard certificate and the latest technologies in the world. he has passed the required performance tests. the engine can actually be standard
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it has been tested in this field to pass the euro 5 emission standard and can be upgraded to the euro 6 emission standard. we see the world's latest technologies in this engine. actually. we also see the gas exchange system in the engine in this engine. it is a very advanced technology in terms of engine control considering that the engine is large and it is possible that you can apply different high technology to the engine . technical and important features of this engine with a torque of 361 n/m. the important features of this engine is that it has a high torque in the periods relatively low, it provides the user and the driver , which can
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give a good opportunity to the driver and the user in the uphills and in a lot of traction. in fact, the failure to work for the user . this volume of the engine in cars with the user. they should transport and provide assistance, and the economy of the country , especially the agricultural economy, which we desperately need now, it is necessary that
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the country's automobile industry needs at least 5,000 engines per year, which is currently in the form of imports and it is also provided in much lower volumes .
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here is the publication. we tried to serve you with the most up-to-date methods, and today we are going to offer you 600 educational resources completely free of charge , just by sending the number 5 to the sms system 3085, you will receive 60 educational resources completely free of charge right now. give gilna as a gift by sending 5 to 30085.
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your message, imam of independence, is the role of our lives , the martyrs wrapped in the ear of time, your cry , remain and keep the islamic republic alive.
6:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the national day ceremony persian gulf today, may 10, all over the country. it will be held in tehran and the coastal provinces of the persian gulf. the 10th of ardibehesht in the history of iran is a reminder of the self-sacrifice of the proud nation of iran and the escape of the portuguese aggressors after 17 years of domination over the southern coast of the country. it is going to be held today the exercise of power in bushehr coastal strip. last night, a conference celebrating the persian gulf national day was held in bushehr.


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