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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, good morning . welcome to the news of the capital market. justice shares can receive these shares by correcting their bank account information. the managing director of the central depository company said that if people update their bank account information and fix the problems within a week before the payment of equity dividends , they will receive the profits of previous years along with this profit . according to mr. vaqestani, entering the wrong shabai number, joint bank account, the account being a racket.
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account, long-term account, blocked bank account and having a cross account are the reasons for not paying dividends justice to some people. the director of stock market supervision of the stock exchange organization said: based on the decision of the board of directors of the stock exchange organization, the companies have been removed from the mandatory status and have been placed at the disposal of the stock exchange and otc. mr. masoumi khangha. in a conversation with the khabar network, he said that with this action, the wrong perception of the supporting role of stock market management was corrected. according to mr. khangah, the market management process should help the liquidity of the market and not allow orders from both sides of the market to stagnate. with all the effort and investigation, we actually had the performance indicators of marketers like this. may
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we decided that the matter should be left to boost and faramos companies, and based on the type of their market, they would actually want a company to have a marketer or not. the glass hall witnessed negative 85 of the market symbols in sunday trading. on this day, the index lost the entire range of 2,300,000 units. the total index of the tehran stock exchange ended on sunday, may 9, with a negative return of 87%, and with a decrease of more than 20 thousand units , it was in the range of 2 million 284 thousand units. the equal weight index, which represents the small stocks of the capital market, with yield negative 98 percent in the range of 75759. the unit
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has ended its work, we are still involved in a very severe economic cycle, and until this economic cycle comes to an end and the liquidity conditions in the markets are eased a little, expansionary policies are not implemented, we predict that the markets will hardly be able to grow. on this day, 183 billion tomans of liquidity were withdrawn from the capital market by real investors, and a total of 7 billion shares and pre-emptive rights were traded with a transaction value of 4390 billion tomans. foulad and shapna's national symbols have the most negative impact on the total index they had a capital market and against heckshti's nouri and fayra symbols, they prevented the total index from further decreasing. the largest influx of real money into stock funds, investment and economic cement. most of
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the money was withdrawn from the groups of basic metals, automobile parts, and commodity funds. the status of the symbols of the glass hall indicated that 15% of the market equivalent to 174 symbols were traded in the positive range and 85% of the market equivalent to 609 symbols were traded in the negative range. in total, on the sunday trading day , buying per capita was 27 million tomans and selling per capita was 32 million tomans. maryam fadehi, sada news agency and sima in the first week of may, more than 220 billion tomans of current and industrial profits were deposited into the shareholders' accounts. according to the announcement of the central depository company, in this period of time, the industrial profit company has more than 15 thousand shareholders, including 38 billion and 736 million tomans with the comprehensive common information system.
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they paid the bill. sejam is an infrastructure system in which market participants receive services by registering authentication information. in the transactions of the first week of may, the net inflow of cash to brokerages for individuals was more than 4845 billion tomans. in this period, the net outflow of liquidity of legal entities 1695 billion from brokerages. toman was registered. also, the value of commodity exchange transactions was more than 45,980 billion tomans in total. of this amount , 4,271 billion tomans
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were allocated to commodity exchange transactions and 399 billion tomans to energy exchange transactions. in the trading week ending on the 5th of may this year, the value of shares and pre-emptive rights in the stock exchange and over-the-counter exchange of iran increased to 21. it reached billion tomans. the share of real estates from the circulation of small stock transactions and pre-emptive rights was more than 3459 billion tomans. during this period, the share of legal entities from this circulation of transactions worth more than 4778 billion tomans was registered did also, the auto parts manufacturing industry, basic metals and chemical products were the three most traded industries in stock market transactions. the value of transactions of these three industries reached more than 729 billion tomans. and that the domestic and export halls of the iran energy exchange today witness the supply of more than 70,000 tons
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of hydrocarbon products. the largest volume of supplies is dedicated to methanol, base gas and oils . the indoor hall hosts the supply of more than 17 thousand tons of hydrocarbon products, including end of capital market news, god guard.
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iran's honorable coach. telegram channel is playing with the country, why is it so expensive? your question is an interesting question, you are a football manager, we don't want to be a football manager, we don't agree with any kind of treatment . well, as i said in the introduction to you, dear viewers , we are going to talk about waste management in the country, with or without the presence of the private sector, in the studio in the presence of mr. mansour baghersad
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, the former ceo of the tehran municipal waste organization, and also mr. seyed. mohsen tabatabaei, secretary general of the economic scientific association. waste management law passed as a big step in management. the waste of the country should be used however, in the executive management regulations of the waste management law, the executive management of normal waste , that is, the municipalities, were required to prepare a detailed community plan for waste management in such a way that in the centers of the province as well as in cities with a population of more than
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one million people by the end of the year 92 collect all the normal waste separately from the source , an issue that is still left on the ground after years and has not been operationalized and implemented as it should be . and to what extent this process by the private sector our country is doing this, and if we want to manage this issue in a better way, what measures should be taken and what facilities should be provided, what platform should be provided so that our private sector can have a more effective presence in this area. whether it is in a dry form or in a wet form, how is it implemented? how much of that separation from the source has been implemented so far? is it going to be implemented at all? yes, in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, it is clear in our law, so waste includes all waste produced by different sectors , which we can almost say that in the country, if what do we mean by waste? what do we mean by waste? it is a collection of human products and wastes that humans throw away and that humans do not use . according to this law, municipalities are only responsible for normal waste, and you can make any waste normal to the municipality. leave it to the management , the municipality can
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also return the waste in the production cycle to the consumption cycle, i.e. the maximum use of the waste for the benefit of the people. let's say that this law is backward, yes, so how well has it been implemented? you know that nearly 55 thousand tons of waste were produced in our country every day. from now on, let me tell you at least that if
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we consider at least 10% of the production waste is dry waste, which is more valuable food waste and this dry waste is very valuable, we have to plan about both wastes. garm of this waste should not be buried. you don't know the current management as a good management . you have nothing to do with a person like this. the type of management should remain the same. do you agree with it or not? no , no. we must reach a day when the minimum management yes, our management should reach the day when we bury the least amount of waste, or don't dispose of it at all. this management is very good, that is, the management plan of this manager of this collection should be such that not even a gram of waste is buried. very well, mr. tabatabai,
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let's hear hazrat ali's opinion. god, mr. baqir sad pointed out that the responsibility of garbage collection is the responsibility of the city, that is, the management of our waste. the private sector should collect or the municipality should manage it with the municipality, not when the operation should be done it should be given to the private sector, so all the criticism you mentioned is going to the private sector or to the municipal waste organization in the countries. yes, you see , first of all, we are not interested in a specific municipality, we are interested in the whole country, so now we have another discussion. in addition to the fact that you said that we produce 20 million tons of waste every year, waste
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is one of the most important types of soil that you did not mention. be careful, my opinion is that the private sector must not be the only agent in this work. the executive should come in and collect the waste. my argument is this. mr. baghersad says that the municipality should manage the private sector and collect it . there are all these laws , but in practice, municipalities are not successful in this space and do not have enough tools. one of the reasons is that there is a law, but it is not accompanied by the law. you have provided now, in the discussion of garbage collection, it can be said that there are many margins, and sometimes names such as mafia are also in this space.
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they use it in the discussion of garbage or suppose in the field of waste. they mentioned the dry wastes, but it would have been better to say it more fully. at present , 30% of our waste is dry, and 70% of our normal waste is dry. mr. baghersad was once in charge of the waste organization, now i think in one or two big cities. they should explain themselves, so what happened that our waste organization actually comes and collects the garbage as he mentioned. through an arm called the contractor or contractors, which of course should be discussed, how many are there, how many are there? in any case, they have been in this space, but i want to say this, this is the management mechanism and in some way, either not fully complying
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with the law or escaping from the law. explain to the body what happened that we can't collect our waste completely, we can't organize our waste properly. there is also a law. since 2083, i am wrong everywhere. please correct me. since 2083, the discussion of our waste law has been controversial . all these laws are the law of his organization the infrastructure is not enough, it is not true that yet. let's assume that the executive branch of our country comes anywhere in the country and says that we are looking for this, let's make a plan, make a law, make a law , well, this is the law. if the government does not cooperate or other departments do not cooperate, then why not solve it so far, we are now. our discussion is this. i say that the municipalities are based on the so-called article 84
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of the municipal law in the field of municipal duties . article 84 allows it to do business . go start an organization. go start an institution in this area. come and start many activities yourself. do business economics, because the municipality, which is the municipal government, is a non-governmental public institution. now , this is my argument. i say that the management methods in this field must be reformed and improved, that is, our waste is being seen moment by moment all over the country, and we actually see our waste. which is a national capital can become it is not my field, but if we want to discuss the method in the economic field and some kind of return of investment in this program, we will say, we have a wealth with all these explanations. i will tell you later
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it was decided that the year 1998 is no longer the year 1998.
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the medical waste management with the ministry of health does not happen with our management. being able to follow this issue as the manager of a single urban unit would naturally solve many problems. you think that because the administrations are not uniform, we have no progress now, not in that discussion, in our other discussions, this is the same problem, we are in our other discussions, the same problem. we are managing , which means you know the reason for not managing a fabric one of the reasons is the government's support. you know that in terms of waste, waste recycling technology , energy production from waste, waste recycling
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, our costs are very high. naturally, the municipalities are not able to pay this cost. part of the technology is dependent on foreign countries. it should be possible that the city if you can have a financial support and be able to solve this problem, mr. baag, this is another matter that i will share with you. we don't have a single unit, very well, i hope we will manage together once, what will happen? well, they believe that after 20 years of law and 10 years old, we don't have the necessary equipment because we don't have the same management. let them gather like this and let this
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environmental incident happen, no, it's interesting to know. i just heard today that a waste management center has been formed, similar to the municipal organization, and the plan and program and somehow the description of its duties had already been created. to choose that we hope that it will be able to have sufficient capacity, god willing, you can have the same attitude between the devices , but you can see that these are practically not acceptable for people, and they cannot have an output. my argument is something else . have the years of mr. baghersad or similar. these dignitaries could make this space operational in the field of implementation, which you did not see. now, this is the discussion of garbage incinerators, this is the discussion of activating the economic cycle
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of dry waste, seriously, this is the discussion of fighting the zabane mafia, if it exists in the field of waste. khushk and the likes have always been a concern for the country, this discussion of garbage collectors, which is happening day by day now or more. most of these are serious issues, because even though there has been a sufficient law and sufficient legal infrastructure in this law since 2003, why has it not happened yet, but now i myself can give a solution in this area , see, i want one. let me say that we did not fall into the void period, now it is clear that 20 years of the existing law and platform, which you think had the ability to be implemented , we did not reach the result. well, now tell me your solution, from now on, make it one in the field of outsourcing municipalities should be careful so that they can
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be considered as non-governmental public institutions that belong to the people, that is, the government in the macro sense. you said that municipalities can easily provide sufficient income through the organization of mechanized activities in the cycle of our waste economy. . some municipalities are following this work, now they are either zoning their areas, or they are ranking and organizing the contractors more precisely, or they are organizing the contractors in a way that the contractor has specialized duties in the area of ​​the waste rather than coming to some municipalities sometimes heard it is possible for a contractor to undertake dozens of jobs in the municipality and come and do them, just because the company's articles of association allow it. cannot be collected with a specialized view, transferred to the process of the economic cycle, and the most important thing is that sometimes it is heard that activities
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come through the national portal of permits , they take place in our waste area, and they are given permission to collect cluster waste is permitted. when permission is sometimes given in the field of dry waste collection, let's say that there is a job, that is, waste that has an environmental issue and a direct relationship before it is a product. with environmental activities , they should give it an economic perspective. it is natural, in practice, they are garbage tanks, which you should explain. suppose there are, for example, 50,000 to 55,000 garbage dumps in the city of tehran. it is the language of vagrants or itinerants, or sometimes jobs that actually happen. he said that informal jobs may be considered. they should get permits like this
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, sometimes they will enter into dry waste collection activities and make waste more problematic. subtraction from let's start sorting from the garbage surface , let's start sorting from the public garbage dump. well, actually , you see a visually ugly situation, and in a way, it can be said that it is creating an appearance for the city, and the city is full of garbage, and there is a whole mafia in this area. they may be formed intentionally or unintentionally. and actually, the municipalities will have problems in the management of this work, well, my request is that, in this space , the municipalities should clearly state their duties and activities with the government in all terms , it is not a matter of one term or two terms. you see, this law is now reaching its limits it is almost 20 years in any case, there are holes and gaps that you call the management of a fabric.
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look, this is taking money, the contractor who is taking money for collecting garbage, now tell him to specify, let him know how much you like to collect garbage, okay, he is collecting it, and they want to reduce it, so this is the task. and seriously , it doesn't matter in the country's service, it doesn't matter anywhere, exactly from the origin and home , their body knows better. now, they collect the leftovers in the system. delivery to my city
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is a very simple example. we have the ipr law it's good, you all had a problem with it, you see, the discussion is just dry , we have different issues, you just came , you have dry waste, you are dry , i would like to tell you that it is economic, by the way , create an incentive for the municipalities of the self-sufficient municipalities. there are and they have to get their income from different places. one of the places where you can generate income is the residues for the municipalities. residue it forms the country, it can be used as fertilizer, it can be used as a power plant to produce electricity for us, and the uses of
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mr. bakarez say that it is economical and can be used in different places, maybe that is why the presence of the sector the private sector has not been strengthened in this field so far, it is true that it has been strengthened, but now i have a question , do you agree with the supervision, program and infrastructure that
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can be defined for it by outsourcing our waste management to the private sector completely? at all, this thing that they see exists now, they are referring to it themselves right now, they are taking the waste and recycling it. let's assume that compost is produced from it. they want to take this compost and use it in the process of agriculture, for example . right now, ask your ministry of agriculture how much compost it buys. if the method of these loved ones was correct, then why? now you are talking about buying compost.


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