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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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we have a long way to go, maybe one third of this 25 % has been achieved. you have a schedule to say when we will reach that 25%. since the set time has passed and it has not been achieved, now you can say that if we work how we will , probably in a few years. we will reach this point . you will see that we have a fundamental problem in this area, which is the contribution of the compensation sector in the economy in the past years . it has not been taken and since this contribution has not been calculated, today we do not have an accurate assessment in this regard, whether 30% of the contribution they considered was realized. 100% of it was achieved, 5% of it was achieved. in my opinion , we cannot firmly state a number here , which percentage of it we were able to achieve or not.
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for this purpose, we entered this year and actually negotiated with the iranian statistical center , the iranian statistical center actually accompanied us, and in the coming days , god willing, we will conclude a contract so that the share of the compensation sector in the economy in the gross national product this year, god willing, will be calculated. in the coming years, this issue should be placed in the statistical field of iran's statistical center. ok and god willing, this calculation will be the basis for more detailed planning. look at the latest statistics they announce in this field, it is related to the year 2009, when a thumb calculation was done in 2009 , they announced a number of about 4%, and after that, in the introduction, in fact, the law of the sixth plan based on the estimates that the same number actually happened before . mentioning the percentages, but in
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my opinion, these cannot be cited today. from 2009 to today, the conditions have finally changed , the development has increased, and the number of interlocutors has increased , and it must be calculated that we god willing, we will be able to reach a desirable, basic and correct number. however, last year, the development document for the compensation sector was announced by mr. president. and this document has provided very good capacities for the cooperative sector, and now both the government organs, the cooperative chambers and the chamber of commerce, in fact, the trustees of the ministry of the central bank have tasks that, god willing, during a program that now the document is a 10-year plan to improve the cooperative sector. may he forgive and
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reach the minimum share that is intended for him, which is 25% of the national economy, god willing and in this regard, we have planned some programs both in the short term and in the long term. one of the actions that we will actually complete within the next few months and will inform the authorities is the development of an operational plan for the development of taab sector. . finally, in this document, there are more than 30-40 orders that specify tasks for various institutions, for operating banks, for government areas outside the government, so these tasks should be compiled in detail and in the form of a written program every year. in each geography, in the section of the province, specify where we should reach and each device's task what is his duty to be able to claim it? and finally, let's evaluate and measure
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where this issue is, and god willing, we hope that with the focus we have done on this issue recently , within the first three months of the year, that is, by the end of the first three months of the year, we will actually announce the action plan and follow it, god willing. let's move forward along with the reform policies that i have presented and the issue of the development document of the exchange of projects . we realized that these projects will actually increase people's participation and collect their resources, predicting bank resources. that's why we did it this year in the short term . if god willing, if these things come true, i think it will lead to good and ambitious measures this year, and it has both the ability to measure and the ability to actually follow up and implement, god willing, very good. now, in the first step
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, we will follow up on this community program from you, but as long as you tell us the concrete things so that these can be followed up. you helped yourself, us, and the people. yes, you see, one of the most important issues in the field of people's business activities is the provision of financial resources. well, naturally, this is a part of this. financial resources should be provided by those who want to start this activity, partly by the government and governance, which will be implemented in the form of banking educational resources.
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of these sources, it must be in the cooperative sector, which means something. about 24 hours, this should be managed by the bank and by the executive bodies in the cooperative sector and paid by the banks. this issue requires the efforts of the honorable central bank and in fact the organization of the program. this order was announced by mr. president and we follow this god willing, we will monitor the devices and follow up. we will make a report so that the institution and the banks, god willing , will pay attention to this important issue and this 25% will be realized . how much
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do they fulfill their assignments or not? be informed that we are finalizing this work for observation reporting and following up on them, finally, the part that has been felt now can be announced . for example, i told you about the banking sources, one of them is the reference number of the budget law 1402, which is the identification number of the central bank, god willing, and the ministry of economy and finance. they have to announce the bank and the device cut has yet to be announced. not yet, it will be determined according to the announcement of the share of the company, and based on that share, we will actually start the demand for gray moon. in addition to this cooperative development bank , as a development bank of the cooperative sector, which is also a state bank, it has tasks in this field. the title of financial instrument, in fact, the cooperative sector
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, with the cooperation of our loved ones in the cooperative development bank , has considered more than 45 hems of educational resources for the cooperative sector. that this year, god willing, these resources will be paid to the cooperatives, that is , more than 70% of the total resources of tawan development bank should be paid to the tawan section, god willing, the number i mentioned is close to the same number. we considered a credit from the credit line of tehsehe cooperative bank , where these resources or with our loved ones in the program organization, we had negotiations with the subsidy. this study, god willing, will help so far and it will be provided, so that we can
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provide cheaper resources than the conventional bank rate at the disposal of the ta'abon department. there is no credit line. some governments have not paid attention to this issue, and i hope that your presence is a good step in this field, and god willing, we are also considering this in the education resources section that i presented to you , what did you do about the licenses of the cooperatives? is it now completely through the license portal ? it happens either as paperwork and face-to-face are still done, our cooperation is good. we have a comprehensive intelligent system of the cooperative sector, the formation of cooperatives takes place on the basis of this system, which is also connected to the portal of the national licensing system, and those who wish to actually form a cooperative on the basis of this system
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actually submit their request. they enter their members in the list of members in the system that can be monitored in the continuation of the members' activities. assemblies can be monitored, activities can be monitored, and in fact, in this context, we can better understand the cooperative sector and, in fact, cooperative activities. appointment therefore, this work is being done on the electronic platform, of course, in order to speed this up and reduce the bureaucracy , we are following up on two programs, one of which is related to the actual monitoring and evolution of the same system that we presented to you. we deployed a group in the complex , continuously negotiating and following up with the provinces, with the activists of the sector, with the cooperatives.
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the law that again in this field we established a teammate in the field of amending the relevant laws and regulations and bylaws related to the formation of taabun. which is a process that is created and hindered everywhere and actually leads to the prolongation of issuing permits can be removed. god willing, we are actually looking to reach a result and report the results to our dear people , and this facilitation will happen in the field. normal and average between two and a half to. it will take three months because there is a legal process , the members have to
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go through a series of legal processes, but in our opinion this period should be shorter. depending on how many months it will take, for example, 9 tavani and these things, which is definitely necessary, this period of time should be reduced, it should be up to how much legal duty you have, see , we do not have a legal duty in this field, but you mean the regulations that have been set for the rest of the license businesses, this is for the company license. in fact, it is different from private activities, for example, in the field of home businesses, which happens to be the trustee of the ministry of public works , we issue the activity license immediately, but in connection with law firms that are either in the compensation sector or outside of the contribution sector. finally, a process is being formed to predict the law
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if these processes are not taken into account, the formation process will be called into question and legal problems will arise later. of course, we have done a lot of studies in this field. now, somewhere, for example, one month, somewhere, 15 days, somewhere , i would like to have a larger number. he is talking you do at least it will be in two years . no, it won't be in two years
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. there is definitely a need to present a bill from the government. i think this year is a good time, with the order of the supreme leader regarding people 's participation. i hope that this year we will reach this exit, god willing , at least how many people can start a cooperative in the country today, at least 7 people, if they gather together and form a cooperative, it is possible to form a cooperative , and of course, this is actually at least a ceiling. there is a formation and there is no limit for it and any number of people the community has a tendency to come together , they can form a cooperative . how many members does our largest cooperative have? you know that we have large cooperatives in the country with 8 thousand members, 10 thousand members, and more or less the same number. after all, their members
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have a wide social range, but i believe that one of the programs we are considering this year is the development of tabounis in the platform platform, and if god willing, yes, it is in the platform platform, thank you for your notice, and if god willing, we can establish this platform. let's do it , definitely the number of membership of cooperatives. which actually deals with small businesses as well as medium and large businesses . by the way, the best platform for forming small businesses is the exchange platform, because you
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have to collect small capital in small businesses. people who don't have large funds in their hands actually find entry in this area . well, the cooperative platform is a place where it is possible to collect small funds and enough capital to carry out an economic activity, so this is seriously and fundamentally in the center of attention. it was a cooperative sector and it still is today, but we need one point let's pay attention to it here and actually follow it, and that is the creation of value chains for small businesses and small businesses, considering that they are small businesses, their production volume may be small and their production range may naturally face problems in the market area. in the area of ​​the total cost of supplying raw materials at the optimal rate, creating value chains in these cooperatives, khurd cooperatives
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will definitely reduce the cost of supplying raw materials and will connect these rings together. and it will ensure and guarantee their entry into the market , and as a result, the stability of these businesses will increase it was similar to what some people suggest in the export sector, so that we , the producers, can supposedly find markets abroad. marketing abroad is a specialized and expensive work, but we also have many good producers who sell goods. that they produce , the product they produce really has the ability to compete with foreign samples, worthy of international markets, and some people say that cooperatives should be formed between the producers of goods that have a foreign destination, so that these can be cheaper
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and marketing it in a more technical and specialized manner yes, this is in the same section as the model you mentioned. it was formed and we formed export service cooperatives. after all, as i said, micro cooperatives may not be able to participate in international markets, marketing and such activities, but these international service cooperatives have knowledge of the international market. and the recognition that the production cooperatives actually create this link with the issue of export, and these cooperatives actually export the products of these collusions, which also have an export goal, to their target countries, and this we have about 6 minutes until the end of the program. a little bit more training about how to
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form a cooperative. other companies that many people go to now have their advantages and what is the path. what should i do to be able to go and form this work as a cooperative and follow it? i had some hints. i will give you another hint here , to serve you and the dear viewers of the first that we believe that any economic activity in the bed. and i thank you for your presence, especially for those whose capital is not enough for investment, and people can pool their small capitals , share their thoughts, and make an investment with a collective work. go ahead and of course
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get better profits, after all, collective wisdom is better than wisdom. sub-part, every common sense can understand this, which is actually more successful than the company. why not the company? why not the company? no, yes, exactly, we don't want to say that the cooperative sector is absolutely not a competitor of the private sector, the private sector is not a competitor of the cooperative sector , both of them have capacities in the economy. they are and in fact they complement each other, but see that you do not have the possibility to accumulate wealth in the cooperative sector. in your cooperative sector, in conventional cooperatives, each member can have a maximum of 15% of the total capital. this means the balanced economic growth of all
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members, and someone who has more capital will not grow more, and someone will not grow less . the size in this direction is wide your presence is present and it works . on the other hand, the management is a fair management. each member of the cooperative has one vote in the management of the cooperative. this is not the case in other companies. according to the amount of your capital, if you had 10 units of the capital, it would be 10 units. you can vote, but here the priority is with thinking and with people, that is, the focus here is with people , with the individual, with the workforce, that workforce, that partner in the capital can have a vote in the direction of capital. and the social connection is created from the stability of more employment
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it means that a number of people gather with one goal, naturally, this number of people will make more and more coherent efforts to realize that goal, so this job has more stability and more lineage, more resistance against economic crises. it shows that there are incentives in the laws of the country for the cooperative sector , in addition to all the conditions that i have mentioned in part, your cooperative, if you form your economic activity in the context of a cooperative , you have a 25% tax exemption if don't get me wrong, the law on the implementation of general policies, article 44, is related to this issue this text of the law provides assurance in this regard. i have, but i have a small doubt that the principle of policies, article 44, or the tavaneh law, says that everywhere in every law, in every regulation in the country
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, there is a position, an incentive for the economic activity of allocating the cooperative sector 20% more than that incentive. if the members of a cooperative are actually able to work as employees in that cooperative, and the government will of course provide them with subsidies. provide, the employer will actually have 20% exemption in paying the insurance contribution of that working member. the same as the width i did subsidized education. here, it is predicted that the government should help in providing subsidized education and cheap education to resources to cooperatives. sometimes we have help related to the presence of cooperatives in international arenas and exports, if they participate in international exhibitions or even domestic exhibitions, we actually provide subsidies from the government as a part of the expenses. we pay them , the issue of education in the field of cooperatives
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is done for free in the government, and we can finally mention the incentives like these. there are not a few co-operatives and cooperatives that are formed in the plague that are alive today, with the possibility of benefiting from these reforms. it will have the benefits of the nature that we have presented to you in the field of cooperation . very well, because there are no more than 30 seconds left , where should you read more of this information ? we also told the cooperative department that they should actually upload the incentive license there. i think it should be uploaded now. because we announced this recently, the conditions are also complete it has been mentioned that 7 members of the cooperative go to a committee and form a committee
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. they enter their information in the system that we mentioned and that process is on the system . thank you very much. you appeared on the front page of the program and i think that finally some of our viewers are probably more willing to think about the issue of cooperatives and to form cooperatives . thank you ladies and gentlemen who watched this program .
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tough and scary saturday morning for pope county deputies, especially those who had to work this scene on dugh row notice a car at the park in a man sleeping inside, the park was closed so the deputy told the man he had to leave, says the man claiming to be sovereign citizen refused , the deputy called for backup when they got.
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we all have to put whatever we have into the middle so that the work goes on .
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i have some savings to start my work . i will put everything we have in the middle. we have already provided the foundation of the ruby ​​with difficulty . you had a ruby ​​and you didn't say that ruby ​​is the education with which we can increase our money and go to work with peace of mind. how should we proceed? just go to the nations credit institute and apply. more than what we put in and take and start the work, so easily , you will be my guarantor for the prosperity of the nations, the special business plan of the nations, the credit institution of the nations. don't be a slave to the city of household appliances, whether the guarantor wants it or not
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does not want no matter how you calculate it, overall, you are the winner . ila started the movement and it was effective . and balance is the secret of continuity and movement. the first ones are streamers.


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