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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm IRST

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today, the parliament entered the review of the second part of the 1403 budget bill. the second part of the bill is dedicated to the budget tables and figures, and the representatives approved the tables related to budget revenues and temporary and one-year plans of the government in today's public meeting. of course, the table related to device credits and benefits was also modified. well, in these tables, attention was paid to the provinces. attention was paid to deprived areas. 75 thousand billion tomans of bonds had been increased again , which we returned, the tax in some provinces had an unusual increase, which we checked with an expert opinion for the big the country was adjusted, no additions were made in the islamic council on taxes, not even a single rial. the tax burden and tax pressure this year
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is lighter than the last 3 years. what is the cause? several important events have happened that have caused our tax revenues to increase this year. one of them was that some of the exemptions that existed before have been removed. before examining the budget bill, the representatives of the guardian council corrected the objections to the residential property rent regulation plan and the transparency plan of the executive bodies and other institutions. plan this is the third time that the rent arrangement has been amended, and the transparency plan has been brought to the table of the representatives for the seventh time so that its problems can be resolved. the head of the judiciary in the meeting of the supreme judicial council spoke on the appropriateness.
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the head of the judiciary, from the issuance of some rulings, which i have repeated many times in the proportionality of the punishment and the crime , criticize the national and international social dimensions , they should pay attention to the things that may be the non-legal aspects of the judges far from the margins and space-building. a media based on the law of voting to issue our own judgments based on the creation of space, the creation of space, possibly the issues.
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as it happens in the virtual and non -virtual space, we do not decide, but the head of the judicial branch also criticized the way of banning people's services . in the circular and past actions and updating them, they emphasized that the discussion of banning people from services is one of the issues that the legislator has allowed and emphasized in the constitution and general laws , and god forbid, it should not be violated . bagareh in the other part of the meeting of the supreme judicial council the chief justice of tehran informed about the assignment of the customs property and the property organization in relation to the number of 275 vehicles by the department of justice and the islamic revolution of tehran. the tehran prosecutor also reported. from the determination of the state of ownerless property
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of warehouses in tehran. it led to the assignment of 145 vehicles as well as 18 thousand 835 rows of goods with an approximate value of 92 thousand billion rials . in the final part of the meeting, the head of the judiciary emphasized: the arrest of pro -palestinian students and professors in american universities shows. contradictions in human rights claims of american officials is. melia pejman, sed and cima news agency. the first vice president said: attracting the survivors from education, while mobilizing the government's facilities , it is necessary to start the flow of participation of benefactors and people. mr. mokhbar said in the meeting of the coordination and support staff for the implementation of the document on the fundamental transformation of education: the government is determined
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to increase the quality of education by strengthening the material and spiritual motivation of teachers and solving the problem of school infrastructure. let's honor the teacher. isdad coordination and support for the implementation of the document on the fundamental transformation of education, focusing on the prevention of material illiteracy the development of leisure time was held under the chairmanship of the first vice president. we all owe our teachers, my country owes to our teachers, and for the sake of my grandfather, i request mr. sahraei that we should take care of the teachers' spiritual, financial, and career motivations, so to speak. these should be observed regularly. in this meeting, which was attended by the secretary of the supreme council of the cultural revolution, the minister of education, the minister of justice, the head of the organization of administrative and employment affairs, the head of the persian language and literature academy, and education experts, the development of the quality of education was examined. the advancement
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of technology helps us solve our problems faster let's solve it, that is, if one day when there are no facilities, platforms, etc., you have to use something . you can serve someone who is in the most remote part of the country and solve this problem . it was decided that an executive bylaw should be prepared in the implementation of the basic constitution, in which the tasks of all institutions should be defined, people's capacities should be paid attention to, new technologies and virtual and distance education platforms should be paid attention to, and it was especially emphasized on the fact that the issue is the statistics of people who drop out of education are carefully analyzed be it also, in this meeting
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, there were tasks for some ministries and organizations, including the ministry of interior, the ministry of labor, the ministry of justice, and the program organization, and other relevant organizations for the issue of the prevention of material illiteracy. we are ready to help. everything in education. education should be an expense , it is not an expense at all, it is an investment in the goal setting of this plan to identify 100 survivors from recruitment and training, and 20% of this number is considered annually, and the minister of education announced at the end of this meeting that for free time, knowledge special measures for students this summer it has been thought and the doors of the summer schools are supposed to be open this year . completion of the last link of the country's power plant construction , the minister of energy, while visiting the gas turbine production plants, said that by launching
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the gas generator system in the entire power plant industry , we became self-sufficient, according to mr. mehrabian, with the help of various sectors, more than 8500 megawatts to the country's electricity production capacity. the last loop of the country's power plant construction was completed, the technology of our power plants, especially the gas and combined cycle power plants, was completely internalized, but we had a defect in one part, the starting system. it was gas generators. when we came here today, we saw its operation. in fact , the country's power plant industry reached self-sufficiency with the unveiling and launch of the gas generator system with the power of domestic experts. we
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are one of the 10 countries that have the dcs system. in fact, what is the name of internal technology, this work is done now, it was done internally 12-13 years ago. from that time on, the period of the previous sanctions, which was almost stopped with siemens , was actually domestically developed, for example, this is for the cccc protocol, which is for buses from this protocol. it is used for japanese cars . one of the actions of the ministry of energy, in addition to increasing the efficiency of the country's power plants, is to reduce electricity consumption by using optimization hardware in the household sector, starting from smart switches and sockets to security systems such as openness and the door is closed to the actuators such as smart gas valve , smart water valve, various sensors such as monitoring sensor , ambient temperature sensor, gas and flame sensor, which also monitors carbon monoxide, which is a very important issue
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, the night lights will be turned on as the user sees fit, the split system goes to iron mode and every the event that the user has in his life routine , minister. niro said: despite the high importance of financial support for capacity development projects of the country's power plants, the national development fund has not fulfilled its obligations in this field. according to the last according to the minister of energy, all power plant equipment is localized in the country and there is no need to go abroad. jassim samari of sed and sima news agency. zimbabwe's readiness to expand defense and economic cooperation with iran. the vice president of zimbabwe said in a meeting with the defense minister of our country: iran is one of zimbabwe's partners. while condemning the zionist regime's terrorist attack on the consular section
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of the iranian embassy in syria, mr. constantino chiunga said: the zionist regime's attack on palestine also shows the dual policies of the west. referring to the special position of africa in iran's foreign policy, amir brigadier ashtiani said in this meeting: this position is affected by the islamic revolution, support for independent and revolutionary countries, and the efforts of african countries to gain independence from colonialist and domineering countries. synergy of domestic companies to build ships. large iranian shipbuilding companies with the formation an industrial alliance signed a memorandum of understanding based on which they will produce 20 oil tankers and bulk carriers with domestic capacity. synergy of large domestic companies to build all kinds of ships. here, three major shipbuilding companies have signed a memorandum of understanding to
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build oil tankers and bulk carriers by pooling their capacity and resources. the memorandum of understanding is between three of the major reputable shipbuilding companies of our country, which for the first time is a consortium of many meetings in fact. it was left , we came to the conclusion that we should do a synergy in this case, so that we can be strong and together. let's let this consortium, god willing , for the first time, a very important order from the petrochemical industry, god willing , based on this memorandum, which will be converted into a contract in the next 3 months, 3 companies active in iran's maritime industry will ship finished ships. and they will build the first car in bulk, it usually takes 36 months if there are enough. we can actually start working on the next aircraft in parallel
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, even delaying it to 24 months. the ship that we will order now, and the chinese are competitors of this consortium , will be on the way to order from approximately 2028. clip these friends of ours united in this consortium to deliver the first ship after 36 months. the formation of this specialized group and the synergy of their capacity, in addition to saving the country's currency , will push the country to increase the depth of domestic construction in the shipbuilding industry. what is estimated is that the total of these contracts will be something between 700 million dollars and 1 billion dollars, god willing , which will be a very, very serious order for the maritime industry of our country. this huge contract helps us to build the depth of our vessels. at the end of this project to 80% according to the head of the secretariat of the supreme council
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of the maritime industry of iran, this agreement will ultimately lead to the construction of 20 oil tankers, farvardehvar and fhalebar. and javaher tehran, referring to the promise of the officials of the department and the tax affairs organization to integrate the two systems of the trade and mining community, said that until today this single system has not been formed and it has created problems for the registration of gold sellers' transactions. in that meeting, 3 months were given for this the problem and problems of the trade society system were put into these two systems. they should try so that in a single system , our union colleagues can
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do their own operational tasks, which has not happened so far, considering that we had several meetings regarding this issue, but now in a single system, maadian says that it is not necessary to register the national code in the trade society system says it should be a national code. according to the announcement of the head of the business environment improvement center, so far 20% of paper business licenses have a unique identifier. may 25 is the last chance to convert.
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in the labor week, the minister of labor by attending one of the production units honored women in the field of work and production. according to the statistics of the ministry of labor, there are 16 million people who are insured in the country. some of those women are working in different production units. one of the plans of the ministry of labor is to create a suitable platform for the presence of women in the field of work and activities. in our production units, we approved a regulation and submitted it to the supreme council of technical protection that carrying loads should not be carried out by women, and that standard loads and tasks that are specific to women
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should be carried out according to women's body ergonomics. supportive policies for proper participation of women. it has been in production for 3 years which is followed by the women's committee of the ministry of labor. on the fifth day of labor week, in the presence of the minister of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, 14 exemplary female entrepreneurs were honored. we put the focus on skill training for independent women. women who are both fathers and mothers and their employment in the country is very important. this year , for the first time , the family-friendly production units, which employed the largest number of working women and provided them with a suitable job environment, were recognized for their work commitment , responsibility, self-awareness, and each and every one of them. i came back and said that each of you
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is the ceo of this section, giving them this authority along with respect has made the result of the work to be a high- quality result anyway. the title of production jump with the participation of the people of khabardad, as agents of the system, we must try to provide the platform for the jump with the participation of the people, the objective way of removing obstacles to production. the family and the support of the youth law of the population for the presence of women in the field of work and the efforts of family-friendly employers should reach and be appreciated. behnaz qudsi of radio and television news agency. the minister of culture and
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islamic guidance asked for the help of this ministry to remove the obstacles to obtaining a company license. we will deliver what everyone expects barik allah, well done. and let my intention be fulfilled, my people will see that this is happening to increase benefits. the benefits that could be seen after 3 years in knowledge-based companies that have been produced with real support. our products are beans, rice, figs, salim, we have 7 thousand tons of stone fruit production. after america, we are the only producer of this product.
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he came from low-income areas. in our collection , there are 110 people who are directly employed. 22 people we have people who used to work as shouti , you know what shouti is, these are the people who move smuggled goods, now they have half of that income, but because they have halal bread, they go because of our work, they have neglected that work, they have neglected their risk, and they have come to me. it is working, it has increased the employment and it has also affected the crime statistics of those cities, which means that finally there are special conditions for now, for example, false cases. fuel smuggling is the same, but the forces that are usually dependent on fishing, now coming to the complex , must be engaged in upgrading. productivity and increase in revenue legitimate incomes of being in the marine economy
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, proud of being in the field of knowledge-based companies. one of the creative ideas that the waqf culture can contribute to the progress and development of the country by investing . fateme abdulvand of sed and sima news agency.
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hello, we are at your service by presenting some sports news and first of all a football report . having reached the quarter finals of the elimination cup , they knew their rivals. the eight teams present in the quarter- finals of the iran football cup have known their opponents. chador malvi ardakan is with the draw ceremony held at the place of the league organization, tractor tabriz will host misr rafsanjan, chador malvi ardakan will host aluminum arak, golgohar sirjan will host tehran fan sepahan isfahan and will host bandar anzali sailors. these 8 teams are of the quality of the match that persolis and alemannium of iraq played against each other. doing the body i think that witness four games and then the semi-final and the final let's be more quality, the rest of the teams are behind the sepahan gate. the matches of this stage
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will be held on may 26 and 27. this season showed that the city teams worked hard and were able to reach this rank. the winner of the third game of stage one, four and the final, and in the semi- final stage, the winner of games three and four will face each other and win the match. it will be held by alireza akbari khorram of sed and sima news agency, we will have a look at some short sports news in the continuation of the youth boxing championship and
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the hopes of asia, hosted by kazakhstan, amroz mehdi. my country's 54 kg boxer soltani confirmed his bronze medal by defeating an opponent from mongolia by advancing to the semi-finals. in the semi-finals of the premier league of basketball , zubahen won 68-64 against tabas , the first game was won by tabas . and with 3 weeks left to the end of the competition, he won the championship with 38 points. the premier football league of our country will enter the 25th week tomorrow with the match between shamsazer ghazvin and pikan teams, as announced by the referee committee.
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on wednesday, payam and bijan heydari will judge tractor, esteghlal and sepahan police press, respectively , and after the transfer of the esteghlal club, the ceo of the persian gulf petrochemical industry group announced the change of name of the capital blues to the persian gulf esteghlal team. thank you very much for your companion with sports news. have a good night and god bless you. hello, good night. well, today we had rain in the southwest areas. for tomorrow , rain is expected to occur in west azarbaijan, kurdistan, kermansha, ilam, khuzestan, isfahan, fourth, bakhtiari, and in fars province. the next day, which is wednesday, in addition to this , the province is in central hamedan province, in lorestan province , and on the other hand in kerman province.
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we have to wait for rain. it is not unlikely that we will have the possibility of floods in these provinces this weekend. in addition, it is predicted that those who are planning to travel to the northern regions for the weekend will have rain in the caspian mountains for friday and saturday, and this southern system will move towards the northern regions, so in general, during the next 3 days until the weekend, almost all the provinces the color of the rain itself. stones on the road alborz mountains are ahead for friday and saturday , temporary strong winds that can cause damage in the southwest of the center and on the other hand in the eastern parts of the country, while the temperature in tehran is expected to be at least 27 degrees tomorrow. if it reaches above zero, thank you for your good night companion. tomorrow is tuesday, the 11th of may
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, the 21st of shawwal, and the 30th of april. it is midnight tonight at 11:15 p.m. the call to prayer tomorrow morning in tehran is at 30:30 and the sunrise is at 5:13. thank you for your attention and companionship. i invite you to continue watching a special news interview with courtesy and dear viewers, welcome to the special news talk about tonight's program for the implementation of the special regulations of the precious metals and gems group with the subject of inventory registration in the trading community system and issuing electronic invoices through the maadian system. it was the middle of december last year when
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the authorities of the month they have considered to connect the two comprehensive systems of trade and taxpayers. three months have passed and at the beginning of april of this year , this law was notified to the ministry through the anti-trafficking headquarters for implementation. despite all this, there are still uncertainties in the implementation of this there are some ambiguities in tonight's special news talk. of course, our opportunity on channel 1 has ended , i invite you to follow this issue on khabar channel .
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you are watching a special news talk. first , let's see a report about the topic of the program . we will come back to you. you have asked us to declare your assets. why should we declare? these were part of the problems of the gold market last year. the shop has been closed by nevemadan. that is due to the legal implementation of inventory registration in the comprehensive trade system. now you are talking in the market itself, sir, this is the trading system under the supervision of the country's tax affairs. this was while the two systems were different. the comprehensive trade system is going to monitor from the beginning of the chain to the end of the chain for transparency. according to the
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anti-trafficking law, this is it. people who have a role in the production chain until the distribution of goods to the consumer should have registered their inventory in this system. here it says, "well, you specify your personality for me." it says, "i am either a legal entity, or a production union, or a businessman, depending on it. " naqsh asks you for a series of information, of course , the existence of these ambiguities leads to a 3-month deadline for one the integration of the two systems of the trade and mining community was done . it is enough to register in one system and basically it will be a single window. we have been given 3 months to do this. 3 months or to remove the concern, well, the same connection is for the purpose of removing the concern , there is a possibility that as soon as he registers his information in the trading community system, this information will come and sit inside the maadian system, so to speak , now after a few months have passed


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