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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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let's see a report about the equation of life versus death. the palestinians will not give up. al-falujah area in the north of gaza, although it was destroyed by the ground attack of the occupying regime army, but the people of gaza are facing the danger of living in this area due to the suffering of displacement. we are here in al-falujah region. we are in al-falujah area in the north of gaza, which is under ground attack by the army of the occupation regime. completely destroyed and many houses were blown up. the zionist regime was trying to destroy all the citizens of this region . but citizens in this area resisted and did not accept displacement. they continue to live. they chose the equation of life against the equation of death of the occupying regime. they are playing volleyball when bulldozers and israeli vehicles were stationed there for a long time.
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and as the occupying regime said , we did not go to the south, we play volleyball at the place where the tanks are kept . for six weeks, the tanks were here and we were in the besieged area. today, we gathered here and play volleyball to raise our spirits . we are here. we put the equation of life in front of the equation of death of the occupying regime. we are standing and resisting right here, as you see in we are playing volleyball, the occupation regime is here.
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it has turned to zero. we are standing. we came here to play with our friends from the neighborhood. my father was martyred in the war. they bombarded our women. the occupying regime put pressure on us and we were on the verge of death. but now here we are challenging the occupying regime. nadalin sadaf sim news agency. gaza. let's go to the second case of the world today , whispers of issuing an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister netanyahu have been published in the media. one of these media is the new york times of america, which has announced that this will probably happen in the coming days it may happen. i am talking about this with mr. sohail kesirinejad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime , who is a guest of the world today . in the name of allah, the most merciful
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, the most merciful, i would like to offer my service to you and dear viewers. well, this incident is based on the rome statute, which was designed by the international criminal court and a number of countries are members of it, according to which, if a war criminal in the territory of one of the members this statute commits a war crime. the international criminal court can prosecute him and arrest him. palestinians also became members of this statute in 2014 and naturally the events that happened in gaza after the war are an example of a war crime. now, precisely because of the deliberate starvation imposed on the people of gaza and the prevention of humanitarian aid , they issued this vote. it delegitimizes
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israel, especially in europe, because most of these countries are european countries, and it is interesting that european countries are putting the most pressure on them in order to stop the israelis from continuing this genocide that they are doing. the administration that is carried out may be that the issuance of the arrest warrant is completely to it should be done secretly and the israeli authorities will not find out that their arrest warrant has been issued until they enter those countries. of course, this is a different matter because of the administrative culture through the intelligence agencies, but they will not be informed through the administrative process until they enter those countries. well, this will put them in an unwanted situation where israeli officials will naturally
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have to avoid traveling here, including important officials , including the prime minister for now, who is the prime minister, the security minister, and the chief of staff . a person who, of course, has heard that it is possible that a few more people will be added to this list. the next point is that the israelis are trying very hard to reverse the situation and the european countries can put pressure on the people of gaza, but now the situation has become such that a victory has been achieved. it is done so that the crimes of the israelis are followed up, that is, if this happens. if it happens and even if no one is arrested in my action, it means that the israeli authorities should not travel until this happens. even if they do not travel, they have already proved that israel is a war criminal against the people of gaza, not a few hundred thousand people in gaza. how many millions of people committed war crimes, and
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this victory is done in order to carry out more follow-ups and to open more cases with heavier punishments for the israelis. in order to follow up on this case, it shows how important this is to them, for example, netanyahu made a phone call with 7 european presidents , in addition to the american president, to stop this and lobby to stop this. they took it and this showed the problem of the problem it is important for israelis and it affects their credibility, both because they can be subjected to more prosecutions in the future, and because it makes the situation difficult for the israelis in the field of seeing the consequences of such an arrest and such a sentence for the regime authorities. what will zionism be? i have more questions for you, but now
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mr. nader haj ali khamse, an expert on international law issues , is with us in a video. i am the first to say that there is a difference icc means the international court of justice, where governments are prosecuted there, and icc or the international criminal court, which is only there. the so-called people are subject to change. from the statute of this court, it is clear that the prosecutor has the authority to
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issue arrest warrants for people, and after the arrest, if according to article 16 of the statute, by the security council. the united nations, in the implementation of the seventh chapter of the united nations charter , should not issue a suspension of this so-called ruling, which, of course , requires a council resolution, and this resolution should not be approved or, so to speak, approved in any case. the prosecutor can implement this sentence and the guarantee of the implementation of this sentence by the prosecutor through the united nations and its member countries can
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be a sufficient guarantee for the implementation of this court. the authorities of the zionist regime are worried and it seems that they are worried and they are serious about this issue. did we have an example before that the official of a country, as you mentioned, a real person, was prosecuted and arrested based on a court order? criminal? see us in the so-called international courts. how many we had a special court, so-called a special international criminal court for the former yugoslavia , in which president radan karadzic
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was prosecuted and sentenced to 13 years on the run, but he was finally arrested and initially sentenced to 40 years. his sentence was changed to life imprisonment. we had a special court for sierra leone. or through article 27 of this constitution also states that the political position of individuals
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does not create political guilt for them, and therefore, whether they are the prime minister or the president or any other position they hold , if an order for their arrest is issued, it is a political position. they don't have political responsibility for them and even military personnel can't extradite themselves on the orders of our authorities and thus exempt themselves from being detained or complicity in the execution of the court order. i am very grateful to you , mr. nader haj ali khamseh, an expert in international law issues, who was with the world today, mr. kathirinejad, so it cannot be a mere order , because these days, when news of the actions of international institutions, whether courts or organizations, comes, you feel a little
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disappointed. there is about their function, but as you mentioned and mr. haj ali khamsa is also likely to mention this issue . do you think the zionist regime's cabinet has a strategy to deal with this issue? well, the israelis are definitely pursuing this issue in several fields, one of which started immediately after the announcement of this news, which is the diplomatic follow-up at the highest levels. that is, netanyahu personally contacted the presidents of the authorities of 7 european countries and tried to lobby them. in fact , there is a possibility that by giving them points , this sentence will be canceled in some way. america can do it more pressure. but now, regardless of whether this happened or not, it
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has the same implications for the israelis, and the one that can be said to be the closest to execution in these three cases that have been brought against the israelis since the 15th of mehr incident. complained in the international court, the closest sentence to execution is that it can actually cause an israeli official to be arrested when he travels, well, you know those previous courts. he has not heard many enforceable rulings leading to that, and he proved it once again in the legal assemblies this time. no, now the debates that were raised in the media, in the discussion of political gatherings, this time proved in a legal court that the israelis committed a war crime , and now the main war crime of israel remains to be investigated. human beings having entered gaza , the crimes that were committed on a large scale, for example in the shafa hospital or in the north
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of gaza, are still to be investigated. people in the field of international law after all, they are experts or have influence, so they are more likely to take a stand against israel. well, if we review their military achievements from october 15th or october 7th until now , or now the achievements they had in the political debate, we cannot come to a conclusion that the zionist regime can mention another debate in the negotiations in its record in this period of time. there is a truce that did not come to an end, mr. amos had a conversation. the former head of the military intelligence service of the zionist regime is talking about the ceasefire
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. let's see this interview. we will return to the conversation with mr kesiri nejadani, now, these things are being published . של כל אשירות, כל הינעים, היילות, הפועיע , האטורטים, תמורת איזשהי טמרוא ישראליט, by the way, we were able to give it two months ago. excluding al-habitor south of gaza and returning the residents, there is a delay here, there is a withdrawal from the previous proposal, but i strongly support it, all the captives, all the captives that can be returned to israel, should be done, but i say that if this deal is implemented, it is the same deal. שישראל יכלה להסקים לה בשבי two months ago, we know what
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the meaning of two months in captivity is as far as the children are concerned. it is already in this studio for a long time, it is the possibility of bringing back everyone, until the end of the war. look, gidon, we are at a point where our strategy reached a dead end or a point of exhaustion, it was true to put both goals in october, both to dismantle hamas and to bring back the refugees. after six months, we realize that these goals are too high and sometimes they conflict. today , we need to change the strategy. החתופים should be the first hand, the war in the heartless word, אבל כל הולעם i want it to stop officially. amsiadin mentions the issue of the release of the zionist prisoners, an unresolved issue for the israeli regime, mr. kathirinejad, we saw
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the conversation, the main demand from the zionist regime authorities is that. why couldn't they do something for esther in this time frame of about seven months, and they insist that in the negotiations, every point that is necessary should be given to return the captives, do you think they give points? well, one important point is that we didn't do this maybe 3 months ago. we saw that four months ago, we did not see that the people who at that time were strongly looking for the military achievement instead of exchanging the prisoners in negotiations , now they are looking to exchange the prisoners in the form of negotiations. this means that all parties in israel, all political currents , came to the conclusion that this political stalemate, this military stalemate, in fact, cannot achieve anything for
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them, which is an important issue. raised between the two parties. from different sides and none of them finally came to a conclusion. it is interesting that the demands of hamas have always been clear, which means that they should first a cease-fire should be established immediately, then the israelis should leave the cities of qadhi and settle on the border, and then. but the israeli side was playing hard with its demands and in a way it can be said that it was looking for the negotiation to be open in order to succeed. in front of the internal pressures, say that sir, i am finally doing my negotiations, but the pressures have increased a lot now because almost 7 months have passed, no achievements have been made in freeing the prisoners, not even a special success, now 133 prisoners are in the hands of israel. until the captivity with the conditions that the israelis do not know about the fate of the captives
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they don't know and even my number is not accurate if i'm not mistaken, mr. kasimi. 133 people are now in the hands of the resistance force, the number is known, but how many of them are alive and in what condition they are in is not known. the interpretation is that israel is now captured by the resistance forces, or maybe he is dead. it is not known what happened to him, but the israelis now have 133 soldiers. an incident that happened 3 decades ago, the story is still the failure of the israeli intelligence apparatus, which after for 30-30 years, they couldn't figure out what the fate of this was, and now the same thing is happening . in the past seven months, they still don't know how many of them are alive . this direct effect is under negotiation
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. the first phase will take 40 days , that is , he gave a report to the cabinet and told the cabinet that we estimate that 33 of these people are alive and we cannot comment on the rest of them. badim means that they could not get any information about 100 of these prisoners, it is a burden for the regime, it is in it, while the army is inside gaza, which means that it is completely aristocratic, has dominion and claims we have many tunnels. rowe even claimed that we captured the headquarters of hamas under the shafa hospital, even though they never showed us the headquarters so that we could see what was there , and they were only able to free three prisoners in the form of
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a military operation, and this ambiguity is an interesting moment. it is even worse that we see that right after shawak gives this report, hamas broadcasts the picture of two of the prisoners of rome, saying that these two people are still alive , and you had no news about their fate, this ongoing operation. which hamas can do and put pressure on the intelligence agencies as well politicians and finally the people who are protesting and you see them protesting in the streets every day , this psychological operation is an interesting work in a special way that the forces of your authority are using it very well this time. it is important that they may accept the terms of hamas. what is the most important condition of hamas? hamas is the most important condition that in this round, of course, the final answer has not yet been received. finally, he will probably return to cairo from inside gaza by tomorrow night, but probably the most important condition that hamas has is that the war stops first and the israeli forces
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move from inside the cities and areas of gaza to the wall, i.e. settle on the border of gaza and start the second phase of negotiations . now, in the second phase of negotiations , let's talk about freeing the rest of the israeli age and what the conditions for the reconstruction of gaza should be. and what kind of humanitarian aid will be brought in, because after all, gaza is under siege and this siege should be done. i think the most difficult part is the complete withdrawal from the areas, which is why it has failed the most, that is, you, the previous series , where most of the forces when we got out of gaza , we could see the spirit of failure in the israeli society that we could not do anything and this happened. when it becomes official, it can be said that failure is certain. for netanyahu, in the past months, the zionist regime and now their media have always kept the threat high, maybe it
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was in the headlines of their news, one is the attack on rafah, and the other is the opening of the northern front and the attack against the lebanese hezbollah, considering the whole situation that we have drawn now. from the issue of arrest to the issue of asra, the negotiations that are ahead, how much are these two until they get their hands on these two options. you probably know that rafah's option is now the most useful for the israelis to force hamas to negotiate. in some way, he should pressurize to accept the terms of the israelis, but the prisoners have a double use for him , considering that america wants to stop this fall of israel and asks it not to continue this crime
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and this disgrace. all of those that were for israel will go into saudi arabia's pocket, and all of this will be for saudi arabia until the end. one of the reasons is to introduce that everything will be reversed with this work the fact that there has not been much serious progress is because of saudi arabia's procrastination. on the other hand , the lebanese front is becoming more and more difficult. a direct threat from hezbollah, a threat from the hamas and islamic jihad units that are located in southern lebanon
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, there is a division of labor between these two threats, the palestinian forces located in southern lebanon, they mainly threaten israeli cities that are uninhabited. remain in the answer, in fact, the displaced people of palestine were forced to leave ca. which was an interesting and strategic threat. however, the threat posed by hezbollah itself he has realized the threat directly against the military bases . it is new and not high level. that is, if you look carefully, most of the missiles that israel and hezbollah fire at the israeli military base are anti -nuclear missiles. that is, he did not use his heavy surface-to-surface missiles yet. and with high precision, well , this had implications for israel, it was the fact that it disabled israel's intelligence arms and intelligence eyes in this region, as
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you can see the successful hits of hezbollah's drones and missiles in the last month. it has increased because the iron dome has been weakened, not there the only thing lost is gomd, yes, it has become weak, and now hezbollah actually prepared it with this 7-month war of attrition, weakened it so that in a war that wants to be widespread, israel will be hit harder , israel is also facing a similar problem, so practically until the option of removing and opening the front in you, you will see the narrative of the image.
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