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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the efforts of the mapping organization to provide the basic location information needed by the organizations. the head of the country's mapping organization said: access to spatial information resources is defined by the approach of solving the basic problems of the country and establishing coordination between producers and major users of maps and spatial information. another basic activity that the organization especially. in recent years, it has been able
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to enter into it and bring it to fruition, the issue of spatial information management, now the various data that are produced by different departments of spatial information mapping are in the form of spatial information infrastructure. in fact, these layers can be organized so that we can access them in a single window. today, the geoportal developed by the mapping sub-organization has been able to create the interaction of more than 380 national and provincial institutions, and the increase of economic and commercial interactions between the members is the focus of the discussion of the representatives of the member countries of the assembly. representatives from the private sector of 56% of the world's population have gathered here in isfahan. in the second meeting.
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in the government meeting that is going to be held in tehran in june or now in july, the member countries of the asian cooperation dialogue forum will be more than.
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the meeting said: the private sector can strengthen the solidarity of governments for international cooperation. 35 asian countries are members of the asian cooperation dialogue forum , which has been chaired by iran since last year. in iran since 1985, in fact , the general policies of article 44 have the same goal as the role of the private sector in the economy. it should be full of color and pursue economic strengthening with the focus on the private sector. therefore, in my opinion, this meeting has an important role. specialized meetings of chambers of commerce are the agenda of the second day of the asian cooperation dialogue forum. mohammad ali sohilpour, radio and television news agency, isfahan. both increasing domestic companies to build ships.
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iran's major shipbuilding companies have signed a memorandum of understanding with the formation of an industrial coalition, based on which they will produce 20 oil tankers and bulk carriers with domestic capacity. synergy of large domestic companies to build all kinds of ships. here, three major shipbuilding companies signed a memorandum of understanding to build bulk carriers by pooling the capacity and resources of oil tankers and... there is a memorandum of understanding between 3 of our country's big reputable shipbuilding companies, which formed a consortium for the first time. several meetings were actually held. to this conclusion we have come to do a synergy in this matter, to be able to put our capabilities and potential together. this consortium is going to place an order for the first time, god willing. it is very important
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for the petrochemical industry to build this order, god willing. based on this memorandum, which will be converted into a contract in the next 3 months, 3 companies active in iran's maritime industry will carry bulk and finished products, and the first ship will usually take 36 months to build. if there is enough, we can actually start the next ships in parallel , even if you delay the current ship to 24 months. we are ready to place an order and the chinese are competitors of this consortium. from approximately 2028 , these friends of ours will be placed on the order path in this united consortium. the fact that the first ship will be delivered after 36 months , the formation of this specialized group and the synergy of their capacity , in addition to saving the country's currency , will lead to an increase in the depth of domestic construction in the shipbuilding industry . what is estimated is that the total
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these contracts are something between 700 million dollars and 1 billion dollars, god willing, which will be a very, very serious order for the maritime industry of our country. this is a very big deal to help us it allows us to reach 80% of the construction depth of our vessels at the end of this project. according to the head of the secretariat of the supreme council of the iranian maritime industry, this memorandum will eventually lead to the construction of 20 oil tankers, farvardhor and bulk carriers. ali asghar amere, radio and television news agency. we come. he announced that he has completed all the amendments required by the executive council of the green card treaty, which is a type of international third-party insurance, and hopes that iran's membership in this treaty will be re-established in the first meeting of this council, which will be held in june this year. iran's membership from the beginning of 2024
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it was suspended in december of last year. 1402 in road transit with about 14 million and 750 thousand tons of goods. a new quorum was established in the country's history . along with the various sectors that were effective in this success, the insurance industry also had its role of consolation. green card is an international certificate in the field of third-party insurance that drivers who intend to travel temporarily are required to have this insurance. but iran's membership in the green card treaty has been suspended for several months. the general assembly of the council suspends iran's membership from the beginning of 2024 until further notice the problem raised by the executive council of the international green card agreement is that the green card executive institute in iran is a government institution, for which central insurance has recently been devised in line with
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the provisions of the international green card council , regulation 13. this regulation is effective. executive created the international green card institute, which is a non-profit organization. officials of central insurance say that the outstanding damages have been paid. we had a series of arrears that were left over from previous years. we paid these arrears. hope central insurance with the corrections made, this problem will be solved soon. the suspension of iran will be reviewed. iran's suspension from this international treaty should be lifted, but the main question is what will
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happen to iranian trans vehicles until the membership suspension is lifted? we managed to prepare the facilitation part of this insurance policy in the form of frontier name insurance. we have been issuing insurance since a couple of months ago. we have started the letter, frontier name insurance has been placed under the protection of the green card, the insurance supervisory body says that this intermediary insurance is about 20% more expensive than when iran's membership was not suspended. mahmoud rahimian radio news agency, stay with us.
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with the burden of trust left on your shoulders, get up in the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row. you are sanjar, sanjar, you are on this table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, in your eyes , there is a martyr in your name, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, the people of iran, ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the first page, just like i said last night. and it is continuous in the meetings and decisions
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of the ruler of the islamic republic, far from any slogan , that is, many of these meetings are not informed at all, no report is given about it, but there is a discussion about how to make the slogan of the year come true. it can be done in different meetings in different institutions and one of those places where if the role of the people in the jump of production is to be highlighted, the experts talk about it. the role of cooperation is to talk, and all of this, you want us to have an input on the issue of cooperation. tonight
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, we are hosting a party from the cooperative, mr. weiss karmi, deputy minister of cooperation, minister of labor and social welfare. hello , once again, thank you very much in the name of god i am at the service of your excellency and dear viewers dear all over the country, i say hello and thank you. i would like to thank you for the opportunity you have given to the cooperative sector . i can introduce mr. weiss kerami as he is the highest official in charge of cooperation, in other words, the minister of cooperation, welfare and labor . they have cooperation, but about the cooperation itself. mr. weiss kerami, whom we are hosting tonight
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, is the direct manager and the highest direct manager in the country's cooperative sector. well, with your permission, we will start with the speeches of the leader of the revolution, and then discuss the program. beshem, we are at your service . this is another question. now suppose a person who wants to participate in the production jump, how should he participate, what should he be taught, this is what i mean, one of the important duties of the officials is to sit and study the areas of people's presence and participation in production in the production work. explain and prepare the fields. now
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one of them is a cooperative. for example, the creation of production cooperatives. one of them is helping with household chores. one is to help with manual work. one is to help create knowledge- based companies. this is it. of course. economic experts who are in the government, thank god, and outside the government. the government can use these , they can provide many other ways , mr. weis karmi, i would like to start with this first , the issue of cooperatives is not a well-known issue in iranian society at all, that is, we always consider cooperatives. at the limit of consumer cooperatives. we have seen and for example, we have seen that now our office , our organization, our organization finally has a store
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written on it that says "employee consumer cooperative". supposedly , what is a cooperative? what is the characteristic of that cooperative and other types of economic work? the title is an introduction to go into other details. yes, i welcome your presence. you and the esteemed viewers must have remembered that in the constitution of the islamic republic of iran, the country's economy is divided into three sectors: the state cooperative sector and the private sector, which means that the cooperative sector is officially named as the second pillar of the country's economy in the constitution and during its formation the revolution, in fact, the theorists of the country's economic system , martyr beheshti, may allah bless him and grant him peace, in the drafting of the
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constitution, as well as the supreme leader imam rahel azim al-shen, have the most important and actually favorable opinions about the issue of cooperation and in the economic discourse of the country. this issue, which has been introduced in the past years , has finally been emphasized in connection with this issue , especially from the position of the supreme leader, because the cooperation will be the crystallization of people's participation in the economy, that is, if we examine the economic models in the world. we see a place to lean on. it is capital, and the principle, principles, and value of capital is capital, and this capital has crushed other pillars of the economy, livelihood, and people under the wheels of development . you see , this is the place where originality works, not with
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capital is capital at the disposal of the work and the worker because it works. in this economic system, of course, its cultural foundation is also in islam and in the culture of collective work. cooperative economic system means fair distribution of wealth among all people. it is a social foundation that is actually formed with an economic purpose , and because this social foundation is the result of the cooperation of many different people, it means that collective interests are important here. this profit and this growth and this progress for all members in a fair platform, in fact, which provides both a fair and equal management ground for all members and a fair distribution ground for everyone according to the amount of work and to
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in fact, the amount of capital it has is one of the main features of a cooperative. there is a public participation of people from different parts of the people because it has the presence of different parts of the people, all classes have the possibility to participate in this sector and participate in economic programs with any amount of capital, big capital, and of course with this system that we explained in cooperative is a system that will help spread economic justice and social justice, it is different from, for example, a factory that is a public stock. a company or a factory that has shareholders may be ordinary people they are the owners of this factory. yes, you see , in my opinion, popularization has cracks. one of these ownership gaps. one of these passions is management
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, the next issue is agency and finally in the department. fourth , supervision, i believe that perhaps the only part that can hand over all the four parts that i have presented to you to the people is the cooperative part, that is, the member of the cooperative has the possibility of ownership in the company and in shares, and in the cooperative it is also possible to manage because all cooperative members must vote and comment on the processes, decisions, actions, programs, and everyone has an equal vote on the same issue. agency means that you don't buy and sell work here, but this workforce is also a member in this economic unit, which we call a cooperative company , which means that it is a partner in the stock and a partner in the capital, and it actually receives a salary no matter how much it works. and to the extent that the capital gains and
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capital gains increase, he also enjoys the capital gains. on the other hand, the supervision is based on the mechanism that exists in the cooperative sector and inspectors are elected along with the board of directors, at the same time, the general assembly and extraordinary assemblies. with the presence of all members, it is possible to monitor the cooperative's performance by its own inspection the people and the members themselves are elected and each member is prepared in the assembly, but this is not the case in other companies . you may actually have a number of people in the form of the private sector, which of course is also popularization and... and is respected instead of itself, but there is a difference. those with the cooperative sector establish a company , they bring their capital there in that company, the capital gains are only for these people, the workers actually get paid for their work , they do not have the possibility
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to monitor the management of the production unit or the dividends and capital of the partnership. interventions do not mean capital management because they are just labor, but in a company ta'uni, a member of taghni, who is also a labor force, is able to express the opinion of the management, help the leadership, share opinions and share ideas. cooperative does not work in iran , i don't agree, i have a reason for not agreeing , sorry, maybe i made a judgment, but at least let's say why the contribution of the cooperative is what they see in the document. it was determined and it was in the general policies of the system, there is still a long way to go. yes, you see, today we have about 14 thousand active cooperatives in the country
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these 14,000 active cooperatives have more than 2,500,000 members, and thanks to your presence , they created about 2 million job opportunities in the country, and this is one of the strengths of cooperatives, and along with this system, 130 people's capital efforts in these cooperatives in fact , it is organized and is circulating in the economic field , and it is good for me to tell the dear viewers that the scope of the cooperative sector is the same as the scope of the entire economy, that is, our cooperatives in the field of industry, in the field of services, in the field of agriculture, in industries. small in small businesses, medium in large businesses. in the field of export in the field of import in domestic production, they are actually trying and doing their part, and we are one of the countries
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where the number of cooperatives in the world is very high, and we are the first in several countries in terms of the number of cooperatives, but is this enough? it is definitely not enough. this has brought us to the share we should have reached, probably not reached the need. we need more effort, we definitely need more effort and we must deepen these activities. by the way people are interested in participating in the cooperation and economic partnership sector in this field, and i feel this interest as the trustee of this sector, as well as your excellency. as the expert custodian of this department, you are in fact my ministry , but are the platforms that
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we have created in this area sufficient, or do these platforms have the necessary efficiency and meet the needs of the day ? the system is actually cooperative governance, we need to change the methods, the methods, the structures, the reform of the laws and regulations, which we have started and are on this path. we are moving forward, but overall, in my opinion , people's reception is good, and we have very good successes in the field of cooperation in some sectors of the economy in the country, and now, if the opportunity arises , i will address some of them during the discussion. in the field of industry, in the field of agriculture, in the field of good, now here you give an example of the most successful examples of cooperatives in the country . we are talking privately about the public sector , for each of which we can give examples from
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the examples that people know are very big. as big examples, let's assume that kodro sazeh or another industrial company, i don't know , are the big economic sectors of banks, for example, but what example can you give about cooperation? tell me, sir. an example of a cooperative that is now in iran, perhaps one of the iranians that has come to us , we did not tell the people about these issues and we did not provide the necessary information. i think that the program does not allow mentioning the names of the units. i will cover these activities briefly in this area . you can see that we are among the most advanced in the field of treatment in different parts of the country. in the form of cooperation in the middle east, we have departments in tehran province and other parts of the country that are providing medical services to the people. yes, in the format
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of the hospital, if there is a problem with my name , name me, don't name me. if you give permission for your colleagues to say not to name me, it may be an advertisement . if you give me permission, i have no problem with telling you that later, but if i mention my name , it's about the same thing. in the field of therapy, a significant part of people may be familiar with these names. just last week, i came from a cooperative production unit. in part i visited the industry and we had discussions with these friends and meetings that the only producer was actually the country's spring for light and heavy vehicles , which provided a part of the country's needs correctly and significantly. it is not an advertisement anymore when there is no competitor . yes, hermes company, in your presence
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, chahardange industrial city, which is engaged in this activity and i am in your presence, organizes the production and also looks after the development sector, and we will also help in the field of development, god willing. we want you to see one billion passengers in the country every year in the road transport sector the surface of the country's roads is changing and these passengers will reach their destination . seyed and sayadi, almost all of these who say they are cooperatives , for example, how many cooperatives are they really cooperatives? yes , they are all cooperatives . at one point, the government actually needs a problem related to the governance of the transitional sector, sometimes in governments
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during the past era. a cross-sectional look at the cooperation it means that a need in the country was identified quickly, the cooperative came in, helped to solve the need, and then slowly, slowly, slowly went to the shelter . for the consumers in the country , there were consumption tabs and they played this role well, alhamdulillah. today, we have about 6,000 consumer cooperatives in this tozi network across the country, which is a significant distribution network, but we believe that this efficiency should be updated. in those days, people were lucky to be present in this system to explain that they did not receive their goods on time
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, quickly, cheaply and with quality. make it easy, in the field of agriculture, a significant part of the production that is being done at the country level is produced in the field of cooperatives. we have a lot in this field, but i would like to say that these are enough and in fact we are heading towards that desired point it is definitely not enough. and we are definitely far from the ideal point, we must try to improve, god willing, this is the question that i would like to ask you , as a direct manager, your answer may naturally be positive. the field belongs to the cooperative sector, you must have the same opinion
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, yes. i completely agree with this opinion, and i accept this opinion both in terms of theory and in practical terms, and i believe that the platform of tawan is a suitable platform for the large participation of people. now we are not only talking about the presence , we are not talking about the increase, we are talking about the jump in production . the cooperative sector, which according to you has the greatest capacity , can be used for this story. yes, see. the first point about our approach to the development of the cooperative sector is that i believe that our approach to the development of the compensation sector should be changed from linear and quantitative development to a three-dimensional development. there should be a change, as i said, we are mature today in the country


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