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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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you must also have the same opinion, right ? yes, i completely agree with this opinion and i accept this opinion both in terms of theory and in practical terms, and i believe that the platform of compensation is a good and suitable platform for the widespread participation of people. now we are not only talking about the attendance , we are not talking about the increase, we are talking about the jump in production, what is your plan for the short and medium term to use the capacity of the cooperative sector, which according to you has the largest capacity, for this story. yes, see the point. first, regarding our approach to the development of the cooperative sector, i i believe that our approach in the development of the cooperative sector should be changed from linear development and quantitative development to a three-dimensional development, as i said , today we
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have more than 14 thousand active cooperatives in the country, and we are one of the first countries in the world to according to the number of cooperatives, we actually have favorable conditions, but i think that we have worked with my colleagues on this matter and we have formulated plans, and we are currently developing them, that this development approach should be a three-pronged development approach. change is one of the aspects of that development. it is a bit cooperative it means, finally, somewhere people need to work in a platform called cooperative, we should prepare the ground and issue licenses for them to continue working in the cooperative platform , but there are more important points about this issue, one is social development, that is the second aspect is social development and the third aspect is deepening, which means that we should also develop the economic depth of the people. in our social development, our goal is to actually
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organize the classes and members of the nation in different areas regarding the issues they have and the problems the country is facing. let's do it in a cooperative format and be a part of the issues let's leave the knowledge of the problem to the people, and secondly , social development is diversification of activities in different social and economic fields, in my opinion . wherever there is a problem related to the economy in the country or an activity can be done, cooperation is a platform that can carry out that activity . in business of my kind and breadth, you see that i am the trustee who must prepare this platform and show it to the people , not what you say. finally, i as
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as an agent of the government, i have the duty to provide the platform for the established governments, which means that i want to say that you were really negligent. look, in my opinion , we had different governments in this field in the past years. one of the issues that our country has is the issue of graduate employment. in fact, it has been emphasized and paid attention to by the leader of the revolution that we should help solve this problem. well, the young man graduated from the university, who actually has an education. day based on his knowledge in foundation's knowledge format. in the form of activities based on
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science and technology specialized in his field of study , we should introduce and present these platforms . and there are areas where tavani can be present according to the current conditions and according to the needs and wants of our society , let's see the needs of our youth. god willing, we will be able to organize and respond to the same need. the second issue is actually the economic depth of cooperatives. that means we need a little bit let's strengthen our view on cooperatives in the field of economy. after all, cooperation is a social platform where economic activity should be carried out. therefore, attention should be paid to the issue of utilization and improvement of productivity in it . must be the indicators of the entrepreneur. entrepreneurially
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, in the field of compensation, special attention should be paid to the issue of risk acceptance and risk reduction in the field of compensation, such as these indicators, which this model , of course, for this issue, we also considered various projects that require the support of different departments in the government. it has and it also needs the people's support, and in our opinion, with the explanations that i have given with faith in them, it is really true. cooperation it has the capacity to solve part of the country's problems , and it has the capacity to solve part of the country's problems, and by the way , it is the place where it can be one of the best platforms for people's participation and popularization of the economy. let's see another report. we are at your service. this is one of
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the cooperatives run by women. we are currently sewing military uniforms , which are the military uniforms of the beit al-maqdis battalions of tehran province. we have women's clothing that we produce and sell in the market. d to the wheel that now in the form of aqsad we had prepared and started today with about 40 cities and 120 people, 23 of whom have jobs. they are home, let's continue our activities. women's cooperatives , 60% of which are producers, allocated a 22% share in the country. out of about 14,000 active cooperatives in the country, 710 cooperatives are actually women's cooperatives, and in our definition of
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women's cooperatives, women's cooperatives are cooperatives in which at least 70% of their members are women. in the seventh program , it was emphasized to support cooperatives by providing facilities. based on this, the 13th government provided 100 resources has increased compared to last year. above 6.00 educational resources from the credit lines of tawan development bank, we have considered that, god willing , we will provide it with a subsidy, that is, with an interest rate lower than the conventional bank rate, and god willing, with a long-term repayment, and besides, without the need to make a deposit. inshallah, this will be presented, in the meantime, most of the cooperatives that are supported there are small and medium cooperatives. currently, active cooperatives have created 2 million job opportunities. to date , we have about 14 thousand cooperatives in the country
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the countries that are active in various sectors of industry, services and agriculture, they were able to organize about 2 million and 500 thousand members and create about 2 million job opportunities. mr. vaith karmi, i would like to say that we are now using the 25% that was determined as maybe a third of this 25% has been achieved. you have a schedule to say when we will reach that 25%. since
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the time that was set has passed and it has not been achieved, now you can say that if we work how we will probably reach this point in a few years. we will arrive you see, we have a fundamental problem in this field, that the share of compensation in the economy was not calculated in the past years, since this share was not calculated, today we do not have an accurate assessment in this field, whether the share that was taken into account 30% of it was achieved, 100% of it was achieved, 5% of it was achieved, in my opinion, we cannot state with any force here a number that we could achieve or not. does this mean we don't know anything at all? no, please allow me. for this purpose, we entered this year, and in fact, with the iranian statistics center we negotiated. the statistics center of iran actually
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accompanied us, and in the coming days, god willing , we will conclude a contract so that the contribution of the utility sector in the economy in the gross national product this year, god willing. the calculation should be done and in the coming years this issue will be in the statistical field of iran's statistical center, and god willing, this calculation will be the basis for more detailed planning. the latest statistics announced in this area is related to the year 2009, when a thumb calculation was done in 2009 , they announced a number of about 4% and after that, in the introduction, in fact, the law of the sixth plan based on the estimations that were made on the same number in the past were mentioned as 6, which, of course, in my opinion, these cannot be cited today. from 2009 to today, the conditions have finally changed
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, the development has increased, the number of conversions has increased , and it should be calculated. god willing, by now we will be able to reach a desirable, basic and correct number. however, last year , the development document for the compensation sector was announced by mr. president, and this document has provided very good capacities for the cooperative sector. now , both the pillars of the government, the cooperative chambers and the chambers, in fact also, the trustees of the department of the ministry of commerce of the central bank have tasks that, god willing , during a program, which this document is now a 10-year program, to upgrade the exchange department and to the minimum share that is intended for it.
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in the short term and in the long term, we have prepared one of the plans, and in this regard, we also forecast the actions that we will actually complete within the next few months and we will inform the authorities about the development of the operational plan for the development of ta'aboun sector. there are more than 30 or 40 sentences in this document. imported for different devices it has specified tasks for the operating banks for the areas of the government outside the government. well, these tasks should be compiled in detail and in the form of a written program every year in every geography in the province , where we should reach and what is the task and duty of each organization so that there is a possibility of demanding it and finally evaluation and let's measure where this issue is, which we hope for, god willing. with the focus that we have done on this issue recently , within these 3 months of the beginning of the year, that is, by the end of the 3 months
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of the beginning of the year, we should announce the action plan and, god willing, follow it and move forward. in addition to the reform policies that i mentioned and the issue of the cooperative sector development document , we also defined projects that will actually increase the field of people's participation and the collection of their resources. we have predicted bank resources for this year in the short term, and god willing, if these come true, i think it will lead to good measures and a leap this year , and it has both the ability to measure and the ability to actually follow up and implement, god willing. what did you do with the licenses of the cooperatives? is it now completely through the license portal? it happens or to paper and face-to-face forms can still be done. no
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, in the field of cooperatives , we have a comprehensive intelligent system of the cooperative sector. the formation of cooperatives takes place within the framework of this system, which is also connected to the portal of the national permits system. on the basis of the formation of the body in the framework of this system , they actually submit their request. they enter their members in the list of members, they enter them in the system that can monitor the activities of the members , the assemblies can be monitored, the activities can be monitored, and in fact, in this context, we can better control the cooperative sector and, in fact, the cooperative activities. let's go therefore, this work is being done electronically, of course, in order to speed it up and reduce the bureaucracy. we are following up on the program. one of them goes back to
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actually monitoring and developing the same system that we have presented to you and we have deployed a group in the complex , continuously with the provinces, with the activists of the sector, with the cooperatives, they are going back and forth, negotiating and following up and monitoring the problems that, god willing. this year and as soon as possible , we will remove a large part of these bugs , we will remove these undesirable trends, and we will reduce the duration of the payment. let's reduce, let's forgive, it goes back to the real fun. the law that we established a teammate in this field in the area of ​​amending related laws and regulations and bylaws related to the formation of cooperatives, which is a wasteful and hindering process everywhere and actually leads to a delay in the issuance of licenses, these processes should be removed. god willing, we are actually looking to
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reach a result and report the result to our dear people, and this facilitation will happen in the area. how long does it take to get a permit now? see, this permit usually takes an average of two and a half to three months because there is a legal process. in fact, they have to go through a series of legal processes , but in our opinion, this period should be shorter. . and this is definitely necessary to reduce this period of time. it should be up to how much legal duty you have. see , we don't have a legal duty in this field, but you mean the regulations that have been set for the rest of the jobs and licenses, this is for the company license. it is actually different from
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private activities, for example, we are in the field of business the house that happens to be in charge of the ministry of comfort and. we issue an activity license immediately , but in connection with law firms that are formed either in the taawan sector or outside the taawan sector, finally, the law has provided some processes that if these processes are not taken into account the formation process will be questioned and legal problems will arise later. i think that if we reach the time to form the national level within a week and 10 days , we have done a very good job. we gave friends in the area between internationalization in the world is almost the same , that is, this formation process is accompanied by an extension. now , somewhere, for example, a month, somewhere, 15 days, somewhere
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, i would like to have a larger number of you. it is a difficult task, of course, you see, this requires amending the laws . you are talking about the need to amend the parliament, at least in two years, no , not in two years. it will definitely require the government to present a bill. giving people a good platform is the rule both in the government and in my country in the presence of you, the parliament, and i hope that this year we will reach this outcome. god willing , at least a few people can start a cooperative. today, at least seven people in the country can form a cooperative if they gather together and organize in one place. of course, this is actually the minimum ceiling of the formation and there is no maximum for it, and however many members of the society are willing
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to join together, you know how many members our biggest cooperative has. we have large cooperatives in the country with 8,000 members and 10,000 members, with numbers of approximately the same number, less and more, which finally their members have a wide social range, but i believe that one of the programs we are considering this year is the development of cooperatives in the context of platforms, and if god willing, yes, it will be in the context of platforms. thank you, and if we can establish this platform, god willing, the number of cooperatives membership can definitely be greatly increased, and you have a wider focus on micro-cooperatives. the sooner it can be formed, the sooner it can show its effects
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in the economy or not, this is the opinion about it the existence of cooperation is an area that actually deals with both small businesses and medium and large businesses. by the way, the best platform for the formation of small businesses is the exchange platform , because you need small capitals in small businesses. collect, most of the people who do not have large funds actually find entry in this field, well, the cooperative platform is a place where it is possible to collect small funds and enough capital to carry out an economic activity . therefore, this has been seriously and fundamentally in the focus of attention of the cooperative sector and still is today. but a we have a point here. let's be careful and actually follow it, and that is to create value chains for small businesses . small businesses, considering that
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they are small businesses, their production volume may be small and their production range, naturally, they may face problems in the market. the scope of the cost of supplying raw materials at the optimal rate suitable for creating value chains in these cooperatives. micro cooperatives will definitely reduce the cost of providing raw materials and will connect these circles together and also increase their entry into the supply market. it will guarantee, as a result, the stability of these jobs will also increase, similar to what some suggest in the export sector, so that we, the producers, can supposedly find markets. marketing abroad is a specialized and expensive work, but we also have many good manufacturers whose products
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they produce can really compete with foreign samples and supply to international markets. and some people say that cooperatives should be formed between producers of goods they have foreign destinations, so that they can market it more cheaply, more technically and more specialized. maybe they don't have the possibility to be present in the international markets of marketing and such activities, but these interplay of international services with the knowledge they have of the international market and the knowledge they have of its capacity. production cooperatives actually create this interface with the issue of export and these cooperatives are the product of this cooperatives that have an export objective are actually
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exported to their target countries and provide these services. well, we have approximately 6 minutes until the end of the program to learn a little more about how to form a cooperative if we want to. let me convince you, the citizen, that for your benefit , there are disadvantages to some other types of work, such as other companies that many people are going to now, and what should i do in the shia path so that i can go and form this work as a cooperative. and let me follow. yes, thanks to your presence, i will mention some of these in the beginning i was going to give another hint here. to serve you and dear viewers, first of all, we believe that any economic activity can be done in a cooperative context, and i would like to welcome you, especially for those
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whose capital is not sufficient for investment. let them share , share their thoughts and make an investment and move forward with a collective work, and of course get more favorable profits. after all , collective wisdom is better than sub-divisive wisdom. well, why the company, no, why the company, see , i am not saying that those debts, yes, you want to say that this has a disadvantage that he does not have, yes, exactly, we do not want to say that those debts will absolutely bring you wealth. in fact, the private sector is not a competitor. the private sector is not a competitor for the cooperative sector. both of these are capacities in the economy and actually complement each other
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. but, see, you don't have the possibility to accumulate wealth in the cooperative sector. in the cooperative sector, in conventional cooperatives, each member can have a maximum of 15% of the total capital. this means the balanced economic growth of all members and someone whoever has more capital will not have more growth , and no one will have less growth. everyone is equally present and active in this direction. on the other hand, the management is a fair management. it's not like this in other companies , depending on the amount of your capital, if you have 10 units of the capital, you can vote as much as 10 units , but here the priority is with thinking and with people, that is, here you focus on people, with the individual. the labor force
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, the labor force, that partner in the capital can have a vote in the management of capital, in addition to this the problem is, because cooperative organizations are based on a social platform and social relationships , they have more stability of employment, that is , a number of people gather with one goal, naturally, this number of people requires more and more coherent efforts. i will target his salary, so this job is more stable and has more lineage , it shows more resistance against economic crises , there are also incentives in the laws of the country for the cooperative sector, in addition to all the positions that i have i mentioned part of it if your cooperative is in the bed of your economic activity form a cooperative
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and you have 25% tax exemption. if i am not mistaken , there is the law on the implementation of general policies, article 44 , which deals with this issue. the country has a position and an incentive for the economic activity of allocating the cooperative sector, 20% more than that incentive, if you are a member. a cooperative , as an employee in that cooperative, can actually operate and operate, and the government too, of course the subsidy should provide these , the employer will actually have a 20% exemption in paying the insurance contribution of the working member, just like i said, subsidized education is foreseen here, that the government should help in providing subsidies for education and cheap education to the resources.
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sometimes we have some help for the cooperatives. with the presence of cooperatives in international and export arenas , if they participate in international exhibitions or even domestic exhibitions, we actually pay subsidies from the government as a part of their expenses. the issue of education in the field of cooperatives is done for free in the government, and there are many such incentives that we can finally mention. the cooperative sector that is formed , the cooperative that is alive today , will have the opportunity to benefit from these reforms, in addition to the benefits of the nature that we have presented to you, in the field of cooperation . you accepted us, you appeared on the first page of the show , and i think that finally some of our viewers
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, our audience, are probably more interested to now think about the issue of cooperation and form cooperatives . thank you ladies and gentlemen who watched this program. have a good night and good times. this is gymna publications. we always tried to serve you with the latest methods. and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources for free. only by sending the number 5 to the 300 sms system.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. according to the announcement of the head of the business environment improvement center, so far 20% of paper business licenses have been given unique recognition. may 25th is the last chance to convert paper licenses into id cards. in terms of the device or organization meli sandar is ahead of all and 25%


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