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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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a wonderful news, buy this year at last year's price , sit on the front page, sit on the front page, sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, see the pleasure of meeting there , sit down, sit on the first page. stand up for justice , the burden of trust is left on your shoulders, stand up first row, first row, first row , serving people, your stronghold, your stronghold, this table and there is hope for you on the other side of your table, the eyes of martyrs are for you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello and good night
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, dear viewers of the khabar channel. tonight, we are proud to present another program from the series of sefe aol. it is very important and according to the naming of this year by the supreme leader of the revolution as the year of production leap with the participation of the people, the issue of work and employment, the way people participate in the economy is not unrelated to the issue of work, labor and production. we are waiting for the honorable deputy minister of employment, labor cooperation and social welfare to see how your situation is in the field of employment first, and then see what kind of planning is needed to improve our situation in the field of employment. allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, my servant, peace be upon him
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i would like to offer my greetings and respect to all the viewers of the first page of the program. i would like to congratulate the working week and the laborers to the production community of the country, both employers and dear workers. according to the supreme leader, the backbone of production in the country is also the development of entrepreneurship and sustainable employment in the country. these are our dear teachers in schools and education itself , which plays an incomparable role . i also congratulate this dear society. i am at your service, god bless you. karim, what happened to your hand, be healthy, it's not important.
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let's go back and start our conversation with mr. karim in this field . it is important to improve the condition of the whole society . as reported to me now , we have about 14 million workers, and if we count their families , they are more than 40 million and 40 million people. well, 4 million means half of the country's population.
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this means that half of the country's society has improved. this is very important. what is your assessment of the workers' condition ? he said that in this recent meeting, which was successful, we came to serve him together. a lot of workers, taking care of the condition of the worker really means taking care of the condition of the society, both qualitatively and quantitatively , well, more than 50% of our society is made up of these workers who are finally in different fields of production , in addition to their families. in terms of quality , the better the condition of the worker, naturally , the better the production growth and the higher the production efficiency. notice now, i would
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like to say that, naturally, our most important duty in the ministry of labor is to take care of the workers, which in the 13th government, we really tried from different aspects. i am of the opinion that in the ministry of labor, especially in terms of employment, we should be able to take care of the issue of whether the condition of the workers is good or desirable or has improved. in the ideal situation, it is in the best conditions that a worker can live , have rights and earn, not naturally , but definitely according to the index. and with the assessment that we have from the labor market, the numbers and statistics show the same thing. in my opinion, the situation of the workers has definitely improved compared to the beginning of the government, definitely the workers themselves. they have the same opinion. well, we have to ask the workers. you don't care. why do you want to monitor
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the condition of the workers from the point of view of whether they are good or not? can you check the income and expenses of the workers? well, this is in the scope of most other ministries of housing. from the point of view of the indicators that we have in the ministry of labor, we have labor market indicators in terms of employment . the labor market indicators are announced by the statistics center . from the aspects of improving the condition of the workers as well as the official azam dari also pointed out that the issue of job security is for the worker to feel job security . it was established in the ministry of home affairs that what measures can be taken for the job security of workers, and today, alhamdulillah, it was approved by the government board and
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presented to the honorable parliament. . these measures have been taken, we had 17,000 crimes forgiven in the field of social security, so these will help to improve the business environment in the field of workers, which we mentioned, for example, what are the very brief job cases. it is stable for the workers to feel that their work is continuous in the workplace. if the rules are followed in every working environment, this is related to wide components , it does not end only with the relationship between the worker and the employer in the workshop environment , which is only the responsibility of the ministry of labor. finally , macroeconomic variables are definitely
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effective in the field of job security. surely, the household income and expenditure system is effective on the variable of job security. you know that the stability of macroeconomic variables is effective in this field, but in general, it is not in your field, nor in our field, i want to say that it is not within the scope of the ministry of labor, but it has a direct effect on this variable, but with the fact that you could not do this, not these things, but everything that is within the scope of the ministry of labor's authority, now the details must be announced by our colleagues regarding the narrative of the work , we are in this bill. we have seen it and god willing , we will definitely take care of it. in the field of employment deputy , our duty is to increase the employability of the country, which means that our job is to regulate and monitor the labor market in a regulatory manner so as to find a job.
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it will be easier for people to earn more from jobs may the continuity and stability of the jobs go up, this is the event that we in employment opportunities are finally taking care of it in a special way. we are following up at the government level , and for this reason, if we look at the issue of the worker's situation, i said that the events that happened in the 13th government in this area have never been seen before, especially the situation of the worker . well, the part that is related to the livelihood of the workers, well, as you mentioned, it is more in the scope of the duties of other ministries of housing , such as the cost basket of a worker or an ordinary family. or normal at the level of the country, it goes up, down , increases, decreases, and many of its variables at the governance level are that a part of it is doing well, it is not related to the ministry of labor , it is not directly related to the ministry of labor, of course, yes
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, the same part that manages livelihood the family of the workers is like you, for example, the inflation rate has been decreasing year by year, of course, in this government. but after all, we had one percent inflation, this is directly from barketaran that all the people who live in iran and are finally covered by this economy are subject to this story. because you obviously in the field of work and working workers, for example, the expectation is that perhaps with a regulation with a recipe , special support will be given directly to the workers , for example, this means something that will have an effect on their livelihood, for example, for the first time this year, the right to marry for women workers and for male workers , it was seen specially in the story of determining the minimum wage . finally , the ministry of labor has a set of subsidy plans, which includes the kalaberg, includes the fajran plan
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, includes the yasna plan, includes a plan that is mostly used in the nomadic and rural areas, so this aid is being provided, but i think that what was within the scope of the ministry of labor's authority and could have been done has finally been done to a significant extent, but it is not enough, and we hope that , god willing , this situation will improve day by day. with this year's slogan of production jump and people's participation, does it have a specific plan, for example, we prepared a document, which means that if the slogan of the year was not this, this document would not exist , that is, you are so direct and specific. work as a whole, we have approved the production leap program with the participation of the people was last week in his collection of the ministry of labor that we have internal capacity. ministry of labor, what measures can we take? we also
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have the government's announcement regarding the interview of the cabinet, which i think will be announced to all the institutions there in a few days. we did and there we said what actions we can take, but in a special way, we in our own employment deputy, finally to activate. in terms of people's capacities, what measures can we take in the field of production jump, which are specifically related to the field of deputy and there is a special program in the area of ​​authority of the vice president of entrepreneurship and employment development. this year , as you know, every year we notify the governors of the employment creation commitment to the respected governors, that is, before the end of the year, this work will be done, and on april 1st, the notification will be made in the folder of the honorable governors is signed. the minister of interior and the minister of labor, one of the special programs that we
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have seen this year in the province's announced commitment to employment is the issue of dealing with the employment of graduates. the million jobs that have happened are related to the field of graduates, the presence of graduates in the field of employment means. increase in production productivity the more the presence of our graduate community in production matters, naturally the productivity of production and the jump in production will also increase. it happened only in the 13th government . we sit down and calculate that the one million jobs that we pledged to the people is the share of each province, and as a result, the share of each organization should be the governor's commitment. it didn't work the previous year, you
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make a new commitment again. finally, in this year, for example , all this happens in the negotiation and back and forth between us and the governors, that is, we were calculating the next year's commitment for almost the last 3 months of 1402. we reached 1 million 40 thousand last year , we reached 1 million 88 thousand in 2014, our number was 250 thousand because we had a backlog from previous years, so a 25 percent share from next year is exactly 245 a thousand people in total in our country have been employed by the governor's office, which, for example, has been committed for the year after all, we have a ranking based on our own observation system , but all our provinces reached their commitment last year. last year, we reached the commitment of 1,88,000 . it was not our report
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. after the validation done by the ministry of labor itself , we reached the number of 1 million 15 thousand for the year 1402, all of which is based on the national code, that is, we say that there are 1 million 15 thousand national employment creation codes in the country. of this number, we did not accept about 250,000 people as employment that is, it was registered by provinces and institutions. but the ministry of labor did not accept that registered employment. the reason was that we went. we have 3 verification stages . we communicate with my people. yes, i will explain this to you if i give you an explanation. the first step of our verification is that if a device announces that a job has been created for a person , the monitoring system will immediately send a text message to the person that says that a job has been created for you. he can be given a certain employment service, for example, you got counseling you have been trained, you have been paid, and
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any of the employment events that have happened, a person can link with that text message. he should go and announce that it is not true that there was a mistake in the corrections, how much was it, and this is the second stage, we call all the applicants, that is , we call each and every one of these national codes that are registered by the devices all over the country, the country's employment call center. we launched it in the 13th government, so far we have received a total of almost 800 thousand calls, that is , we call with this national code and talk to them after the stage. a text message that they say is for you where is the job created, what is your income level , that is, one step of all this is also recorded , it has certain properties and it is online, that is , online and 24 hours a day, we can refer to it.
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we also open the paid to them in person, but you don't call everyone, almost two-thirds. because one of the points that people always point to is that, where does this money and loans that are paid go, it does not become a job, so we, anyone who has received the facilities related to the field of employment from any institution. the set of the ministry of labor directly goes and supervises the total verification that we have. of these 3 stages and strict, in 1402 , it was approximately 73%, that is, the total of the three stages was 73%, so we do not accept everything that the machines register as employment in the ministry of labor, now there are 1 million 15 thousand confirmed job creation , employment creation in 2014, this is what we
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calculate in the ministry of labor with the bases we have, i said, nothing in this matter. we do not have any agreement with any device or any province , we do this work independently and even we also go and monitor the creation of employment announced by the labor departments themselves. this monitoring is not done by the labor departments. i will also say this , that is, we do not send the employees of the labor department to go and monitor them . be it by entrepreneurial consulting centers that are the private sector. in fact, the government's supervision in the field of employment and this process that i mentioned was started by the people on the government . the first stage is when we send text messages to ourselves, and the second stage is when we talk to the people themselves. we don't contact the agencies at any stage to see if the employment you said is true or not , we have no business with it at all. in all three stages
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, the government is directly monitored by the people. it is interesting that i once said that we in this government report the employment we present it to the people . it is based on the calls of the ecast messaging app, so we really appreciate it we do not have a field. because we honestly promised the people , we honestly said that if a million jobs are not created, from the point of view of the ministry of labor, we will not say that a million jobs have been created, but this is different from employment in the public sector, we have nothing to do with the government itself.
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we will calculate the number of employment tests that the ministry of housing itself will add up . we will calculate them because we have absolutely no connection with the government employment sector in the ministry of labor. and the province of may i can inform you about it. last year , it was 1 million 44 thousand . it was 1 million 88 thousand. last year
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, the announcement of the commitment to create employment on may 1 was 15 thousand. i told the governors that they are all fulfilling the commitment that we have verified to the people. more than 1 million and approximately 350 thousand national codes were registered on our system. these created jobs. no, i asked if the theme of the governor fulfilled their commitment. you said yes. no , we fulfilled our commitment to the one million jobs that we promised to the people no, our commitment was 1,800,000, of which we approved 15,000 . yes, of course, we count until the end of april for last year, which means that the registration period for 1403 will start from the first of may. until the end of april 1403, there will be another opportunity to register the provinces. 1403 no , my question is that you said that the governors all fulfilled their commitments. according to the commitment of one million, the government's commitment to the people, according to
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the commitment of one million jobs, we fulfilled it . well, well , if this year wasn't the year of the leap in production and people's participation, you wouldn't have done this job. we have taken into account the ministry of employment, as i was explaining some of the programs. yes, one of the special measures that we want this year, god willing , we will have a special focus on the issue of quantitative and qualitative development of employment. one of the issues in our employment field in mr. khosravi's country is that matching or precise employment does not happen in the labor market part of this is due to the lack of information or weak information that exists. this year, we want
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to make it a part of our program, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to increase the level of job search . one of our special programs is the development of the job search system. in the past, we unveiled the job search system, and about 8 months have passed since the system started working. in the course of 8 months, about 300,000 job opportunities were uploaded to this system by the private sector, which means that the government had no involvement in this matter. this year, we have specially planned that at least 400,000 we can present the new job opportunities on the system in the private mobakhsh interaction, so that the employers can meet their needs, and the job seekers can also focus on the search system to solve the unemployment problem of undergraduate and graduate students.
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i need a job in a certain place , i need this number of workers, i need this number of workers from that side. the job seeker goes and registers his application , for example, i have a certain resume , he fills in the information completely , he announces his job application on the system, and job searches are also active on the system to connect the demand side and the supply side. if by job vacancies this it happened that if it doesn't happen, the requests from the employer and the job seeker will be free , they can see each other freely and send their requests directly to the system. at the same time, we have provided a space for the private sector to act in it, there is no interference from the government, but because we
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can offer a series of advantages and finally a series of advantages to the private sector , we announce all our priorities on the system. for example , we will increase the payment of part of the employer's insurance premium on the shogh search system this year , god willing, this will be one of our plans this year. or if there should be positions and privileges for the production sector and employers. we are now negotiating with the agencies for these special privileges . we will come back to the job search system to help improve the process of matching on the system. approximately 300,000 job opportunities were uploaded this year, in the last one month, approximately 20,20,25,000 job opportunities. i was checking today , it was loaded on the system, this year we will pay special attention to this issue, much more , for example, one of the extensions we have to the system we will add it and
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it will be unveiled soon, god willing, there are various tests on the system that we provide to employers and job seekers so that the job seeker can test himself to see what kind of job he is good at, or whether the job he has chosen is good for him. no, or what kind of job is suitable for him according to this educational qualification. from that side , we also provide a series of content tools for the employer , which is the job that you want in the workforce, what kind of workforce model is suitable for you . or, for example, one of the other measures we are doing on the system is that the welfare organization imposed a series of special privileges on the system last
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year for the employment of its target community, especially, for example, our beloved disabled community or special target communities. and the strengthening and development of the infrastructure of the search system itself can help the application process through this system last year to the employment that was registered on the system during approximately 8 months, that is, we unveiled it in july until the end of march, it will be approximately 8 months in during these 8 months , about 40,000 jobs were registered on the system it means that the job search itself and the employer and the job seekers announce that we have been hired in this process , but the number is more than this, but we only announce what is registered, but naturally there is another part that not announcing , for example, to employment has happened , the employer of the job seeker has not come to announce it, so now we have nothing to do with that part this year and our plan is to increase the employment to at least 120,000 people through the system by developing the tools
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it has. because a report is ready, do you want to send it or let's go see the report you are right, mirmaneh, i wanted to explain one of the special programs that we have this year for the production leap year. you see, one of the problems of our country in the field of mr. khosravi's labor market was the lack of information . at your service, we report to the people according to the national code, sir, whether employment was created or not. this is the national code that is registered. well, this was not the case before that we , who belong to the national code, one of the actions that we have started this year in a special way and we are working is to identify the unemployed to the national code before they are unemployed at all. announce or refer to the various infrastructure systems or face-to-face with the offices, and we have a special program to identify the national code of the unemployed this year, and then classify them, for example, the unemployed who
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graduated. then let's do these in a process and in an interaction with the devices that should be in charge of employing them. this has never happened in the country when we go to the unemployed person and then we find the custodian, and we say, sir, it is your duty to get him to work because his field suits you, because his license is yours, because you have to give him an education, and this is a lot of work. complicated in terms of content means that it is a difficult task, but i am happy to say that we have done almost 80% of the work and we have a special plan to do this this year. we should identify the unemployed separately, because if the unemployed are placed in the hands of the government and the provinces, the prioritization will also happen by them, that is
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, they can say, for example, first of all , they are in a difficult situation, let's go to the issue of unemployment or let's put the authority of support institutions like aid, like the welfare organization, like mobilization, and let them steal from the unemployed, again with the priority of education graduates. almost everything we do this year , we told the employment vice president that everything we do should benefit the field of unemployment relief. students, let's define its relationship with this issue clearly. let me say that the issue of unemployment among graduates is a problem that the governments never go to and solve because it is more complicated than other problems of the labor market, it requires more tools, it requires complexity of content, and designs. after all, he wants to be more precise. this year, we included this as part of his program .


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