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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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you will definitely see the topic of the program, the purchase of 40,000 buses, taxis and vans in the form of a contract between tehran municipality, shahr bank and china. i also offer greetings, courtesy and respect to all my dear viewers and to you on the anniversary of martyr motahari's martyrdom. i would like to congratulate them because their martyrdom was actually the source of enlightenment. may god curse those who did this . i would like to congratulate all the teachers on teacher's day. thank you very much to all the honorable professors, with the short introduction of mr. dr. zakani, let us say goodbye to the esteemed viewers of ik sima channel and invite you to join us for the official start of this conversation on khabar channel.
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in the last 10 years, the decrease in the number of cars, buses, taxis and vans in the public transport fleet of our country, especially in tehran, has caused this fleet to wear out. tehran municipality, with the help of the government and of course the private sector , put the purchase of buses, taxis and vans on the agenda, and a contract with china in this regard is enough in tonight's special news interview, as we mentioned, with the presence of the honorable mayor of tehran. mr. dr. rezakani, we are going to discuss the various aspects of this contract as well as the state of the capital's public transport fleet. i hope that you will plan and
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accompany us until the end of the conversation. it has also arrived and let's ask what happened when you signed a contract with the chinese. congratulations again on teacher's day and to all the teachers and to all the teachers and to the service of my dear people. then let's go back to the transportation situation in tehran. 100 went. he came in his 66th city by car the reason for this is that the fact is that we are experiencing a historical delay both in the infrastructure and in the fleet, which means that this renovation and development has not been done for years, and there is a similar problem in our country. whatever the capacity
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was, we followed it to make our own purchases and we signed a contract for 3 thousand buses . we came 32 months ago, it was exactly the day of our introduction as the mayor of tehran. and the order of the ministry of interior came on that day, we received 1,880 buses, of which 860 were on the line and were working, while tehran needs 11,000 buses. today, as we speak, we have 3,200 buses , which are around 2,100 to 200,800. tash is active in the line.
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in the next few days, it will reach about 2,400, but this is not enough for the people of tehran . we had 72,000 taxis, most of which were past their expiration date and conditions . it was 17 years ago and 2000 of them are working in the city. which revolves around the state of the city you see, in terms of the metro fleet, we also have a serious backlog in the metro fleet , so the issue was the development of the city's infrastructure and our metro fleet, which we were invited to china because of the one belt one road idea that the honorable president of china and the leader china is we were invited, and
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when we were invited, tehran had signed a contract for 3,000 buses, 1,000 of which were electric , and we were there for two days, then we gave ourselves time to follow that metro fleet with a better condition for purchase. a contract was signed in 2016 for 630 wagons for the city of tehran, the client of this contract was the ministry of interior, and before we went to china, the team of the ministry of interior had gone to china
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and made this contract stable and operational. it was, that is, the previous government had not done this, but the current government , the current revolutionary government, helped us to the tehran municipality and this contract was implemented. it was, for example , 24 months to 27 months after conception the contract for the first ram of the train will come to iran, because of these 630 units, 8 of them will be complete, 10 of them
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will be large-scale parts, and the rest will be domesticated , 55 will be domesticated . the relevant company, its financier, and its related financial supporter, and we brought this contract for 24 months to 27 months , we agreed on it for 12 months to 14 months, and it was a year in iran's favor. the fact that they received us for 12 months was in our favor. we came to the second point. because when you say wagon maker, wagon maker, or traction maker, or bogie maker, it's your bogie technology it is not iran, there was no razer to the subway car, some new knowledge-based companies are trying this technology. the chinese themselves
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bought 88 million dollars from bombardin. we talked with china and 7 and a half million dollars. euro gave us this technology and since they are our 49 partners in wagon making, half of it was actually charged to them, for themselves and they were obliged to express the development of our wagon making . internationally, so here is a look at the strengthening of internal construction. this is a leap for you what happened was that we increased the amount of bogies that were made inside the country with this contract, and 25 million euros were spent on iran, that is, we put 3 and a half million euros
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in the middle of the 3 and a half million euros we came here for. the development of our facilities was also beneficial to us by giving 25 million euros and a new space for service in the country was provided. the work is done , the sample will be delivered to china in june , it will be built now, one by one, and according to the commitment of the chinese, trains should be delivered to iran from the end of the year, so in the first step of development. both technology the development is also going in the direction where we will internalize the best parts of it, let's not decorate it, and
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these are my next point was to make the people happy because i am making a lot of noise and coming to make the people happy. . we don't pay attention to it, people should know what big thing is happening in the country and what services are being provided in this government and we are also serving the people in the municipality. in addition to that , we had a contract for 133 domestic wagons , the contractor here is actually the tehran municipality, this contract is for the construction of 85 domestic cars, the first of which is now being tested. we also got the international one, this is an honor between tehran's knowledge-based and wagon-making companies, between mapna university jihad and private companies that we
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do this work domestically. we closed it last year and from this year, the train tracks will be used in the lines from the end of the year. dr. zakani, this year we will reduce the delays in reaching the stations we see that more stations will be opened and more lines will be activated . tehran has 7 lines already . we will start next week, by god's grace, and we will start line 11 in two to three weeks , that is, all metro lines are active, all metro lines
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except line 9 and 10, which will actually start next week and two weeks later. a big revolution is happening in the metro area as a basic infrastructure of all the cars inside our lines 1181 your wagon came in the last 25 years, except for the line. the fifth one is the karaje line, that is, we, for the past 25 years , within the next 3 to 4 years, god willing, more wagons will be added to our lines, in addition to the fact that the overhaul we did is not comparable to any year in the past, the same wagons that are left until it should be overhauled as much as possible. we went to china on the topic of one belt, one road, at the invitation of the mayor of beijing, and then wagons are on the agenda. beside this, we started in china and
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pursued various issues that needed it. china is a very good source of finance and technology. china has its own characteristics and the most important issues we needed in that trip were the issues of transportation from the point of view of the municipalities of tehran . i will explain a little about the environmental issue and we forgot about all these three issues that by the way china was suffering from for the past few years and today a revolution has taken place there and you can see that these three issues are no longer relevant to them, it is our issue. what was the issue of being able to use their technology and their financial resources? i went to the transportation of three of these . when we went to the transportation, we saw that the prices
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that we were told inside iran are not there, the prices are much cheaper, the conditions are actually higher, the quality is higher, the price is cheaper . bashi, what are you doing? i started considering. economically, mr. doctor , please answer in terms of economics, and in terms of the fact that you and other friends in tehran municipality always emphasize the issue of employment and stability of employment and lunch inside , i had bought 3,000 from inside , tell us both sides. i had bought a thousand inside, but inside he said that it will take one to two years for me to deliver it to you, it will take one to two years. now i will tell you what happened to that story. i saw that it was cheaper and of higher quality. i told them that you should
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partner with me as the mayor of tehran and the municipality of tehran. as the mayor, you should partner with the municipality of tehran. i can buy a bus, it's my power, i need it, i won't give you my need for free , you have to be a partner in the city of tehran, today it's me, tomorrow it might be someone else , whoever it is, then you're importing technology, you 're going to buy it. coat with me and create a new field of this semen i would like to mention the municipality, but when i was standing in front of them, i said very clearly, i said that we do not need our power
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, our identity as tehran municipality is our power, and our money and facilities are our power. i will enter into negotiations with you on the condition that you must be our partner. be technological and take your money, go inside iran , accept, yes, accept, what happened , i don't want to tell you, the result is that when i returned to iran, the price they gave inside iran , the price inside iran is 347 thousand euros, officially to us. the ministry of interior announced that this document is the minutes of the meeting. 323 thousand euros, this is the minutes of the meeting, because i saw that someone said something today, and finally 316 thousand euros were given in 3 different sets of prices, the highest of which is 347 thousand, these prices are domestic prices. the price of the electric bus is over
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. then i went for 500 of these for 31,000 euros. well , i signed a contract with one of these companies in china, which has come and gone . i came to see mr. aliabadi. i said, mr. aliabadi, there are new things like this. i went there i discovered, i discovered and what he said, i explained to him , the result is that he gave 316,000 euros , 500, i signed a contract for 273,000 euros with the same features. tehran municipality made a profit of 316 thousand euros, the written document is in my hand , and i have the contract for 273 thousand euros, in fact, i have the contract now.
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we had closed with a company, we had paid for it , but he could not provide it . we have and the nation's property cannot be joked with we put the warranty to execute that 500 tom, 2000 diesel units, i had bought 200 diesel units, 25 we had to give cash, 25% we had to give property, 50% we gave banking education, now we gave most of them, we gave most of them, and alhamdulillah, they too. they are delivering it to us now , part of it has been delivered, the other part will be delivered by the end of the year. diesel is coming diesel is coming one point, mr. zakani, now that you have mentioned the issue of the bank guarantee and next to it we are talking about the china contract, maybe some people will ask that this contract is in different political and economic conditions. what kind of guarantee does it have for execution, and now think about it in terms of execution and delivery
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. it doesn't leak at all , sir. the first guarantee i mentioned was with domestic companies, that's why it's called a guarantee because we don't have any complaints. this is what i'm talking about right now, inside that 200,000 diesel machines are gradually coming , we hope to add them to our lines by the end of the year. there were 500 more that he could not provide and it can be taken in terms of your time, so let's put this inside next to the inside
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. therefore, wherever the quality was, we went and signed a contract. whatever it was that we signed a contract with, we collected it, and in response to those who may have criticisms, what he has put in the form of this will not be a burning opportunity in these three axes that you mention, no, no. now i will explain that when we went there, the prices are very different, the quality is different, we said that we will buy everything we promised, but that price was before. i don't buy i said that when i went, i saw that the price was not this, what extra money should i give you? in short, he understood up and down with that group of friends.
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but could we take the needs of the people as a hostage so that the domestic car manufacturer does not have the traction to deliver to us? we could not therefore, we created new conditions to serve the country. one point, dr. sakani, because i know you want to tell us important points. was this 3,000 all our internal production capacity? where with the conditions we had and they with our conditions and we too. we were satisfied with their conditions, yes, because for example it was another car manufacturer, we took its car , most of its cars remained in our terminals
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, we went and bought cars that have excellent quality for the people, excellent quality, so it was two-way , it was two-way . the price was 323, we bought 273, that is, 27 to 23 , how much is 50,000 euros, under the price of 50,000 euros, that is, how many are the ones we just bought from inside, we said that we are a little indulgent, but we want my birthday to be inside because i am when they are there , they bring his room from outside and his room inside they make some of our parts in the same way we come and go . we have 500 devices. i can tell you that
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we brought the bus from 316 thousand euros to 27 thousand euros and we were able to tell you that this profit is for tehran municipality and for the people of tehran. the municipality of tehran means the people of tehran, let's keep this , mr. doctor, along the way , we got a series of legal permits and of course i left a series of formalities. it means that we have reduced from 16,000 euros to 27,000 euros how much does it add up? the total is 44 thousand euros. 44,000 euros for each device, we worked on 500 devices for the benefit of the people here. when we went there,
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we negotiated. our first step was to convince them to finance. it was for financing. therefore , those who get it, broadcast it here and there, it has many attachments. they agreed to grant us a 3-year license with a figure below that of the government, even less than the government in the international fields, and because we were a municipality, the government, which i say had not happened to iran and to anyone else. those who work in yozans they are trying to come to tehran municipality and calculate a percentage less than the head of the bank. the center said that for the first time, something sweet is very sweet, and this was in the context of some domestic companies saying that the money should be in place for
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now purchases. we agree on the property and 50% of the facilities, that is, whatever they give us, the bank will give them , the bank will give them. the point is that here. when we entered into negotiations, our first step was to convince them to work with us. this was the first time that the chinese in fact, the iranians used the understanding, and this 1 million, 1 billion and 40 million euros was used for a number of cars, which were buses, vans, and electric taxis, 40,000 and...
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when this when we came there , we made an understanding and signed. we were shahr bank, and china shahr bank was our agent and followed all the issues. after this chinese group came to iran, the chinese group that came to iran , we told the chinese to bring their own price, they are the price. i went to the table and counted, and said that with these prices you see, the basis of the money that you have with us. we calculated the price of them at 1 billion and 670 million euros. it was 1 billion and 670 million euros. there were 2,000 buses, 10,000 vans , 25,000 taxis, and 150,000 motorcycles. who gave the price? it was not important for me to be chinese, it was important for me to
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take that amount of yuzans up to the capital. i calculated that there were many meetings with the chinese. the chinese team had come . i calculated and the price was 1 billion and 670 million euros. i said, ok, we agreed . it was 1 billion and 6 million euros behind the team. we sent an expert to china, we said, let's see who has the best sex in china, who has the best sex in china, and the good sex there is known to belong to 6 sevens. the municipality of going to china , inspecting the arrival of tehran, giving us an expert report , saying that such a car with such conditions can work in iran, tehran, this car manufacturer has this car, this car has this car , not talking about its price, that is, the chinese did not let them talk
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about this. automobile manufacturers have it, and we want this quality. the quality is proven. what quality do we need in tehran? the best quality is, for example, a 350-watt battery. for example, they say that it is an offer. it is clear here that we want 423 in the amount , in fact, the possibility of battery capability or in various other discussions, we picked ourselves up in the achievement of the specialized team , we went to china, mr. doctor, we have 10 minutes of time , time management with you intensified us, we went to china , we went to china, there we are with the factory. i sat down , i talked, i brought each factory, the spec we wanted, they compete with each other, compete in the competition, the best quality and the lowest price, we contracted with them, mr. doctor
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, there was a criticism that critics said why these taxis, buses and vans are from a construction company it was purchased . look at that company that provides the finance. look at our line 1, 2, and 3 of the metro. it is provided by a chinese military department. this is not relevant at all. this is because they do not pay attention to what it is. it is not possible for one of these companies to give you a car to the ministry of china , and they will not give it to iran. its capability is so high , it sends only for flanges and flanges to some place in the world in the country. who is better than us on that side? the point is that we went there , had a meeting with each one of them, and made the price competitive between them. we brought it down with the same fixed features of ours and it was built so that they can invest within the country , build factories, transfer technology and with
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tehran municipality. you should partner with tehran municipality and then take a 3-year license from us, not cash for a 3-year license. it's all a piece of cake for the people of dr. rezakani. the benefit is for the people of the capital and ultimately for the country. the contents were not published in a clear way. there was a reason for me to say this. and all this , if god willing, this contract will be fulfilled after bringing zananadnameh, other works should be done to make it available this year, all these facilities will come inside the city of tehran, that is, tehran will become another tehran. bus 86 will be ours 32 months ago, what will be 8 thousand to 7 thousand with internal contracts and with overhaul.


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