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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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we also considered the employment deals for ourselves , which had explained these programs. yes , one of the special measures that we want this year , god willing, we will have a special focus method, the issue of quantitative and qualitative development of employment is one of the issues of our employment field in the country of mr. khosravi's opinion is that matching or accurate recruitment does not happen in the labor market, part of this is due to the lack of information or the lack of information that exists. let's increase one of our special development programs job search system last year, we unveiled the job search system, about 8 months have passed since the operation of this system. in the course of 8 months, about 300,000 job opportunities were uploaded to this system by the private sector, which means that the government did not interfere in this matter. this year
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, we have specially planned to offer at least 400,000 new job opportunities on the system through interaction and private promotion, so that employers can meet their needs, and job seekers can also focus on the search system to solve the unemployment problem of farooq, tahsilan, and farooq employment. students, how do you mean this needs assessment? how do you define these opportunities, the need of the private sector, you say the call is announced, the order is high. the address of the system is to search for a job . there is also a search on the internet. well, the employer comes and announces his need, for example , i need this number of workers in a certain job field in a certain place. he registers his application, for example, i have a resume , fills in all the information, and announces his job application on the system.
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are active on the system, both the demand side and the supply side connect each other, if this happens through job search, if it doesn't happen, the requests from the employer and the job seeker will be freed, that is , they can see each other freely and submit their requests directly to each other on the system, we have provided a space that has its own private sector. there is no government interference in it, but because we can offer a series of advantages and finally a series of disadvantages to the private sector , we announce all our priorities on the system , for example, paying a part of the employer's share of the insurance premium on the system we will raise the search this year god willing, this is part of our plans this year, or if there are positions and concessions for the production sector and employers, we are currently negotiating with the authorities for these concessions. we are
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coming again to the search system in order to help us improve the matching process on the system . so far, during the last year, approximately 300,000 job opportunities have been uploaded. i was checking my job today , it was loaded on the system, this year we will pay special attention to this issue, much more, for example, one from the plugins that we have added to the system and it will be unveiled soon, god willing , there are various tests on the system that we provide to the employer and the job seekers so that the job seeker can test himself to see what kind of job he is good at or what job he has chosen. is it useful for him or not, or what kind of job is suitable for him according to this education degree? from that side, we also provide a series of content tools for the employer , which job position you want in the workforce, what type of workforce is suitable for you, and what skills.
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what capabilities should he have? ok, or for example, one of the other actions we are taking on the system is that the welfare organization loaded a series of special privileges on the system last year for the employment of its target community, especially for example, our beloved disabled community or special target communities. we are negotiating to increase these positions. let's take care and strengthen and develop the infrastructure of the search system itself, it can help the process of applying for jobs through this system. last year , we unveiled the recruitment that was registered on the system during almost 8 months, that is, in july. by the end of march, it will be almost 8 months. during these 8 months, about 40,000 jobs were registered on the system. that is, the job search itself and the employer and
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the job seekers announce that we have been hired in this process, but the number is more than this , but we only announce what is registered, but naturally, it is another part. it has also happened that not announcing the job, for example, happened to the employer, and the job seeker didn't come to announce it. well, now we have nothing to do with that part. this year , our plan is to increase the employment to at least 120,000 people through the system with development. the tools that it has, another one, if you want to understand because i have a report ready, let's go and see the report. you are right. i wanted to explain one of the special programs that we have produced this year for the leap year. you see, one of the problems of our country in the field of the labor market, mr. khasrafi, was the lack of registration information, that is, for example, until now, as i am presenting to you, we report to the people according to the national code that employment was created or not, sir, this is
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the national code that is registered. well, this was not the case before that we, who are part of the national code, are one of the measures that we have started this year in a special way and we have a working method. what we do is identify the unemployed. let's go to the national code before he declares himself unemployed at all , or refer to the various infrastructures of the systems, or go to the offices in person, and we have a special program for this year, so that we can identify the national code of the unemployed, and then classify them. for example, the unemployed who graduated from a and the unemployed who graduated from b, then these in a process and in an interaction with the institutions that should be in charge. let's do these jobs. this has never happened in the country when we go to the unemployed let's find the custodian's device, let's say, sir , it is your duty to finally get it to work, because it suits you, because it is your license, because you have to give it your cables, and this
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is a very complicated action, in terms of content, it is a difficult action , but i am happy to say. we have done almost 80 jobs and we have a special plan for this year to do this. one of the help that we will give to the honorable governors this year is that , god willing, we will try to identify the unemployed separately, because if the unemployed are at the disposal of the administration and the province it should also be prioritized it happens by them, that is, they can say , for example, the first category of these, for example, they are in a difficult situation , let's go to the issue of unemployment or in the hands of support institutions such as the aid committee, such as the welfare organization, such as mobilization. let's put a job and they will steal the unemployed, again with the priority of the graduates , we said almost everything we do this year in the employment promotion, everything we do , we must say what is the benefit in the field of eliminating the unemployment of the graduates,
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let 's define its relationship with this issue. let me state clearly that the issue of unemployment among graduates is a problem that governments have never solved find it and break it because it is a solution. it is more complicated than other market issues , it wants more tools, it wants the complexity of the content , it wants the most accurate designs. we have included this in our program this year , sir. two years on the issue of unemployment of students, other than this, in general, if you want a very general statistic, please tell us how many people are unemployed, how many people are unemployed, the statistics center estimates that it is almost 1 million people. unemployed and graduated from the entire collection of unemployed people in the country according to the center the current statistics are approximately 2 million and 100 thousand people . how many did you say? 2 million and 100 thousand people, 2 million and 1000 people, of which less than a million people are unemployed and graduates, and
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this number has also improved compared to the past. in the next parts, if you want me to talk about the labor market information statistics in detail , there is a term that is a statistic of the number of people , that is, someone who is not working, not studying, or training, that is, someone who is not interested in being in the job market or is hopeless. to a type an incentive for this population to be in the labor market literally, they say intention. now, i told you, the persian translation is the 3 million non-working people, about whom they say, look at this statistic, no, this statistic is not reliable. the estimates and events that are made, we have not been able
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to provide accurate statistics in the area of ​​intentions until now, as part of the census plan. there is no statistics center. we have a story from the statistics center that at the end of 1401 , the number of intentions reached 35% from 38 at the beginning of the government . it should be announced regularly, alternately, and continuously. we are negotiating on the same issue, since this year again hazrat agha, a very brief mention of this issue, if you could please tell us the specific program for us, our most important program in the field of intentions is one way of cultural attitude , two is to strengthen the skills of this population, because these
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people are mostly young people, so the population of intentions, so to speak, is more oriented towards the youth. in the programs of the technical vocational education organization, we have come to the conclusion that the vocational technical organization itself has announced, and i can also announce in the program what actions happened last year and what leaps happened in this organization. and their special program for this year what is wrong, it is clearly aimed at this society, but the issue of intentions is one sentence, if i want, now intention is a very english word, it should be the same as the non-working population , non-working population, non-students . economic variables will not return, so there should be a special program this year. a report, if you agree
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, let's meet and come back. the final part of this discussion is that the production wheel of our country is not booming, but with the efforts and support of the youth of this border, we were able to localize it with iranian parts. production and increase your mileage. young people who break the sanctions and turn their desire into ability. we were able to launch many of the imported lines that had been stopped with iranian simulations in different ways without the need for foreign countries where these devices were imported into iran from those countries. workers who , despite the hardships of their work and livelihood, are only motivated to earn halal sustenance and to be dynamic for the industry of their country. they are really hard workers. their salaries are very low, but
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they are blessed. the blessing is that my son is a student at the bachelor's level in arshad, and i am here. i am working, my wife and children are happy , i hope that i can stand on my own feet and build the future of my country. one will become a doctor, one will become a worker, and one will become an engineer. they started and walked the steps of progress only by their own will. i started from the lowest level as a simple worker and according to my interest in my work and my expertise, i promoted myself and now i have reached a good position in this group. with my efforts, i was able to get a job promotion. the workers in the hair bleaching production line and now their experiences they give it to younger people. you served for 30 years and came back to start again. love for work, love for my country, and
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to share my experiences with all my friends and colleagues so that , god willing, the cycle of this production will turn in favor . my advice to young people is to never look away from their own education, to get to know themselves first and to discover their own talents. and move in the direction of that talent. the wheel of our country's industry is moving in the hands of 14 million and five hundred workers so that we can continue to be a pioneer in the bastion of progress and self-sufficiency. yazidi installation of sed and sima news agency. well, this was the report it is prepared under the title of "iranian labor day" and it is a campaign that is about the workers who fulfill their obligations under any circumstances. they are in the country and we are grateful to all these dear ones . i would like to mention article 43 of the constitution
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, where it mentions that the conditions for full employment must be provided for people. how close are we now to realizing this article 43 of the constitution ? 43 the constitution, in my opinion , was among the neglected principles of the constitution from the beginning of the revolution until now, that is, maybe. so much so that we paid attention to article 44 of the constitution and the field of privatization as a result, the privatization organization and the actions that are happening now have been in different governments, and maybe the previous governments and in the previous years did not pay that much attention to this issue. in principle 43 of the constitution, it gives this right to the people of our law . finally, they should have access to production facilities , which means that if you
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plan to produce in the country, you will have easy access to work tools. you will have more access to the variables that cause production . only in such a case, the jump in production happens with the participation of the people, so that anyone who wants to do production work has access, well, in this government, this means access. let me explain what it means to have access, it means that the chinese production tools are the production tools at the community level , the technical tools of production, the place of production, the licenses related to the business, the financing that must be done for it, and perhaps the most important of all these is the skill knowledge that it should be done for him. well, what happened in this government
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in line with the improvement of article 43, and in accordance with this. the variables that occurred i think the most mutation we had progress in the implementation of principle 43 in these 3 years, but this leap is not enough . let's make it easier. let's make it simpler. let's make it simpler . let's remove the obstacles. well, through the issue of the national license portal, the facilitation of the business environment happened . to give an example, in the past years, a simple home business license sometimes took 8 months, especially 8 months for the next person to apply. he used to attend in person, now he has a 5-minute home business license, and in absentia and without
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referral to experts has made us more than 400 thousand tomans in 2 years. let's give a home occupation license. this is the facility for issuing business licenses or the same job opportunities that we talked about . previously, the job license sometimes took up to a year. now, the job permit issuance takes 10 days. well, access to the production permit is another of the measures that are taken in this government has done in order to implement the 43 principles and strengthen skill training. for example , free technical and vocational schools in the past took up to 8 months to get their license. now, 3-day technical and vocational schools can get a license to start training. to acquire the skills or one of the significant projects implemented in the technical and vocational education organization is the construction of training workshops for
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students in the university environment, in the workshop environment , next to the workshop. university neighbors and the like are happening after the development of skills is one of the events that happened both quantitatively and qualitatively. another aspect of the implementation of principle 43 is to strengthen our financing in these two and a half years , the government's collection is more than 160,000. billion tomans has helped directly only for employment in the form of notes 18 16 supporting institutions for the second half of this year which the process of its implementation will start in a few days, well, this was also a help that happened, but i want to say that we were paying attention, but this is not enough for principle 43, for principle 43, public production must happen . i remember everyone's exercise. he
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made a place in the society that, sir, let's all go exercise together. it's friday morning, let's go to the park. the issue of universal production will happen in the country with a cultural synergy, educational synergy, governance synergy if it happens. it is not an issue that only the government can implement. yes, the government he must prepare his infrastructure and provide his visions . i said that the government has entered and is strengthening it in various fields. but he wants a common goal. same word mass production is perhaps the best word to fit this culture of mass production . regarding the share of propaganda and cultural programs of radio and television for the culture produced for production, let me tell you clearly how much it is for buying and selling. i don't want to say what
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areas to buy and sell. it is not necessarily a production service, i mean , i want our cultural institutions, not just radio and television, cultural institutions or at the level of education. let me say this , if we want principle 43 to be implemented, the slogan of the year , in the opinion of my humble servant hazrat agha, is to say this year that the officials should go and explain to the people what the increase in production means to the people. principle 43: the full implementation of principle 43 is the work of one home ministry, two home ministries, not the work of one government . it can be very effective, but one by one , we want everyone's synergy, especially cultural and propaganda institutions play a significant role. now, we hope that due to this order
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of hazrat agha in the year 1403, we will also start special regulations and instructions corresponding to the revival of article 43 in the government . he did not raise his flag and raise his own flag because it is difficult to implement it , but we in this government will definitely pay special attention to it, god willing, and he will try to complete it , that is, because the definition of the job is different. 15,000 were created last year, for example what happened is based on the definition, because some people say, for example, the definition of two hours of employment per week . on what basis do you define the transfer in this way ? you present the statistics. it's a very good question . look at the definition of a job. one thing, let's talk without compliments
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. another thing is the mentality of the people and the mentality of the general public . in recent years, there have been no changes in the same standards as in the last few years. and changing the least variables and standards that has become an unemployment rate in recent years does not mean that 81 if i have seen this word, sometimes i have seen it very rarely in newspapers and magazines and these are not acceptable words. work. it is clear that we also have a definition in the ministry of labor. we call a phenomenon a job in the ministry of labor
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. to be continuous means that a person has started a new activity and is active in this activity to have three incomes. yes, it means that this is done continuously, which is now a few hours a week, and it is not much anymore . we do not make any input in that standard statistics center anymore . the statistics center is completely independent. their statistics calculation is different from the statistics center, not this 1 million 15 thousand. as we said, based on the 3 stages of accuracy, which we do ourselves, the statistics of the statistics center, whose variables are different, its indicators are different, which also declares that the lowest unemployment rate in recent years has happened, as well as faro's unemployment rate. there has been a decrease in the number of educated people , the unemployment rate of women, the underemployment rate, and the unemployment rate the total youth unemployment rate is 2 hours per week. the statistics center refers to a phenomenon, so to speak, to an activity
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that has an activity that leads to income for one hour per week. your statistics must be very high, the central statistics of your statistics must be very high. because approximately 8, and if i'm not mistaken , yes, 80 percent of the employment in our country is incomplete, the rest is continuous, this is according to the statistics center itself , the statistics center says that at the end of 1402 88 , we have less than 2 million people with incomplete employment, the rest of the employments those jobs that are either permanent or close to 44 hours , this means that they are almost full-time jobs. it means that the standard is 1 hour per week in the reference week and on the seventh day in the middle of the reference week , it does not mean that the jobs
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are all one hour, only 8. we also have another definition, so we have the statistics center, and the international standards have always been the same. we have another definition, which i told the ministry of labor is the calculation. another definition is the mentality of the people and the expectation that people have from the job. i think that is the most important thing to see. yes, of course , the most important thing is what people want from a job who have the satisfaction of obtaining this is a problem that is separate from people. it is because of the level of education . it is because of the level of income. the statistics center will announce it, or i will announce it, i don't think it has anything to do with it. well, we have run out of time, but many of our questions, god willing , will be postponed until another time when
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we can be at your service again. thank you and thank you for looking did you have a good night and may god protect your hand? , the sick, the wounded, the adults, תמורת איזשהי עזראליטיטים , by the way, we could have given it two months ago, to take out the shelter south of gaza and bring back the residents, there is a figure here, there is a withdrawal from
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the previous proposal, but i strongly support it all stolen property, all stolen property that can be returned to israel, must be done, but if this business is out for money, it is her. the deal that israel could have agreed to two months ago, we know what two months in captivity mean for the refugees, you know, every day and every hour there , they cost us human life, you understand well what i said, and the second option that i am reading already in this studio for a long time is the option of bring back all the people תמורת סייום הוארים, see gidon, we are in the end. that our strategy reached a dead end or the point of exhaustion, it was true to put both goals in october, both to dismantle hamas and to bring back the refugees. after six months, we realize that these goals are too high and sometimes they conflict. today , we need to change the strategy, the partners need to be the first goal, the war with the word of disdain, but all the world wants it to stop officially.
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5:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear viewers, we are at your service with the 5 am news segment. the burden of teaching compensatory classes for teachers and principals of the second round of schools was announced. according to mr. farhadi , three thousand billion tomans of credit has been secured to pay the rest of the teachers' demands for teaching fees and purchasing services, and these demands will be cleared by the end of may. our guessing rights are more than 700 billion per month.


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