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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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it has different clauses. the program is relatively comprehensive. it contains a document that has several rulings, more than 40 rulings approved in a prescribed manner, and in addition to that, an action plan has been approved in line with the implementation of marine economy policies within the legal deadline, alhamdulillah. it was approved by the cabinet. have a good day, dear viewers , you are watching the economy and market news section of khabar network. continue to import red meat until the market stabilizes. the deputy minister of jihad agriculture says: the situation of domestic production has improved, but until the meat market reaches the stability of imports. continues. this rate
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the consistency is red meat. announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad. the price given by the vice-chancellor of livestock affairs is almost equal to the farmer's profit, in other words, now it is 480 to 490 thousand tomans, the consumer price for sheep carcasses. a rate that the market figures are far from. of course, the numbers are decreasing. here , bahman square is the place of wholesale and food supply. red meat and this table are the last prices that have reached seb. now we are selling lamb flats for around 580 to 590. it was about 620 tomans, but it has come down a bit. how much is it now? 585 thousand tomans. when did this happen? it has been almost 20 days now. how old is the calf? 440. was there a price change? yes. this month has become much more precious than you. it became cheaper by 20-30 tomans. 445 thousand. domestic production conditions are improving.
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last year, in the last four months of the year, we had a very good breeding discussion in the field of light livestock, more than 13 million were born. well, this is a good statistic . we had a very good stop in the field of breeding livestock last year. not doing the previous year. these are all promises that really show the restoration of our red meat chain. import and supply of meat with regulated rates the market will continue until the market is stable. at the moment , the imported meat is regulated in the market of tehran albarze province , but in a few days, the import will increase , and other provinces will be covered, so that this meat can be offered all over the country. sheep meat has a market regulation with the price of each carcass.
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bazarm veal, mixed veal with a price of 280,000. the officials of the ministry of agricultural jihad promise to stabilize the market with these measures . at some point, if you see now in the spring season , now in this month and a half, farzadeh azaribagha of sed and sima news agency. the promise of the position of the minister for production 1,700,000 cars, the spokesperson of the principle 90 commission says that according to the minister's announcement , 1,700,000 cars will be produced this year in order to compensate for the deficit in the market. the ministry of interior had promised the same amount of car production for the year 1401, but it was not fulfilled. in 1400, car production had decreased to such an extent that the president ordered a 50% increase in production to regulate the market. this should be done immediately. a large part of these
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cars should be given to the people who are in their turn and they have the right to have their cars given to them in their own time . the ministry had announced the year of production in 1401 the number of cars should reach 1 million 700 thousand units and for 1402, the ministry of industry predicts reaching 1 million 600 thousand units, according to the latest statistics of the ministry despite the promise of producing 1 million 700 thousand cars. but 1,344,000 cars were produced. in 1402, despite the promise of increasing production, car manufacturers did not increase production and produced less than 1401, i.e. 1 million 338 thousand cars. minister samt says that 5 thousand cars are produced daily. but despite this huge amount of production, in my opinion , it should be balanced according to the market demand. a little there are other inflammations that are fueling that we need your help, god willing.
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they have it very easily, the thing that makes them unable to produce is their liquidity problem, which has arisen in the past few years with this pricing system. now the price increase has become an excuse to reduce production in car manufacturers. the price increase that was given to the two instruments last year may have lost its effect today, and the two instruments are not attractive to them, as is the increase in production. according to the spokesperson of the competition council, the reason is the determination of the new price of the car according to the instructions of the competition council of the ministry of education in fact, it calculates these prices , the final price is done in the support organization as a specialist trustee, and in fact it is announced that according to
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the vision document of 1404, the automakers should produce 3 million cars per year and export 30% of them to the world markets. a phrase in opportunity. they have to double their production in the remaining one year. faizeh shabani of sed and cima news agency. the member of the board of directors of the steel manufacturers association says that the country's steel production capacity has increased to 45 million tons , and according to estimates, this capacity exceeds the target of 55 million tons in the horizon of 1404. to according to ahramian, iran's steel production is twice the domestic demand. steel is a very strategic metal for the world, an industry where 71 countries in the world are competing with each other in the amount of production of this useful metal. if we want to be the steel pole of the world, it is not by name, that is, the world will never say your nominal capacity, there is so much steel production in the world, the world
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is now a steel product from us. he wants our steel to compete with the steel of the world in terms of quality. and in terms of quality, our steel is really at the first level in the world . iran's presence among the top 10 steel producing countries in the world is the result of increased production and development in this is an industry, we have 43 million tons of steel production , and soon this 43 million tons will reach 55 million tons, even though the capacity increase that is being done in other countries of the world is still going forward because of this increase. the capacity or the capacity building process that we had in our country, we managed to maintain the tenth place in the world, according to the statistics of the world steel association, the country's steel producers
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produced more than 7 million tons of steel in the first quarter of this year, which compared to during the same period last year , the chain's shares grew by 16 percent steel, perhaps , we had a high increase in production in 1402 compared to the previous year of 141. naturally, in 1403, we should plan in such a way that our growth percentage is much higher than these numbers. the country's steel producers say that some energy restrictions in the steel industry , it has been one of the production obstacles in this industry, but alhamdulillah with increasing productivity with production management. we were able to increase production, more important than that, serious investments in the field of self-sufficiency and development, now the country's steel industry with production more than double the internal requirement, has set a target to produce 55 million tons of steel will be realized by the horizon of 1404.
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zohreh parvash of sedav and sima news agency , iran-uae joint cooperation commission today with the presence of the minister of roads and urban development as the chairman. this commission will be held in abu dhabi. the last meeting of this commission was held in april 2013. after many years , this joint commission is being held. this amount of trade agreements established between the two countries will be reviewed again during this trip. last year, trade terms between the two countries increased by about 25%. these new goals , god willing. well, the minister of the joint commission we will do. well, the traffic of passengers between iran and the uae, the high volume of our flights, the volume of many flights, the agreements that we will make at the air gate will be significant agreements. we
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have many financial wishes for the uae and they are also on our agenda. various cooperations in the field of ports and port activities are among the topics under negotiation. issuing the invoice for the purchase of a mobile phone is a promise that has been made for nearly a year, but it is still not implemented. the deputy minister of industry, mining and trade says that all the necessary measures have been taken to issue the invoice for the purchase of a mobile phone. it has been done and will be implemented in 3 months. according to mr. baradaran, the purpose of implementing this plan is transparency in the purchase of mobile phones. november 1402 deputy minister of mining industry and trade and repeating the promise of issuing mobile phone electronic bills , i don't think there is any ambiguity in this matter and it is one of the areas that can quickly provide transparency. ok, we have no problem with the implementation of a plan whose goal was transparency, transparency in the
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supply chain, explanation and purchase of the mobile phone of the person who wants to make the purchase, before he wants to pay , by scanning that mobile phone in addition to the specifications that come to him, the guarantee of the guaranteeing company and the fair price, a fair price range will also be shown to him, mr. deputy minister. azar made a promise last year with an expiration date of 2 months. in a period of two months, we will see the start and implementation and growth of this issue, and two months after that, from the first of the year, i think it will be implemented . we want to oblige this, now that we have passed the deadline of mr. baradaran's promise , we have come to mobile phone sellers at all. we don't know anything about electronic invoices, we used manual invoices
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we just want to say that nothing has been communicated to us for our client and no electronic invoice has been issued. for our client, the union is 100% ready. for the third time, the minister made a new promise to implement this plan. we are sure that within the next 3 months, major importers, explainers, bankers, and mobile phone sellers will provide this electronic invoice to the seller, the final buyer. the ministry said that the implementation of this plan will destroy the prices in the mobile phone market. mohammad elhari of sed and sima news agency
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has issued 55 other notarial notices to date . these people received notification without internship because they were either among the top ranks of the exam or had experience working in notary offices. according to the deputy of the country's property registration organization. the internship of about 3,700 people will start from next week. i am very happy. i always asked god for success. his 34-year-old son was notified today notary public got official documents after waiting for several years. after i graduated with a bachelor's degree , i was waiting for the notarial exam for several years. until two years ago, there was no specific order for holding the notarial exam. you are 67 years old. i used to work in an office, so i would have liked this exam to be held every year. i was waiting for an announcement every year
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. when there was a break between the exams , there was only one way to become a notary public: to buy a license. the number of our offices has not changed . how can the offices be moved or should the owner of that office die after 120 years? you would either retire or you would go to the next one. you can buy it in the black market . there was also a notary license. at one time in tehran, a notary license was actually worth 7 billion to 6 billion. those who did not have the ability to buy a license had to pay a crime and listen to the notary exam that has been held for several years. it is not possible for me and my family to become an unemployed person with no income and no use. with the approval of the law to facilitate the issuance of licenses, the document registration organization was obliged to hold an exam every year. approved
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it was won with 203 votes. the first test according to the new law was held in azar 1401. i was educated and had work experience. but because there was no test, i could not get into this job . but thanks to god, with the law of education and with the test that was held, i was able to become a notary. in these 400 days since the announcement of the exam results , about a thousand people have been accepted. notification of the notary granted, the rest of the acceptances are waiting for the start of the internship. the regulation of the industry is a specialized matter that should be included. if they don't enter , it will harm both the people and themselves. police responsibility he is criminally responsible for preparing his document in these training workshops . we used experienced law professors . we used notaries who are proficient in notarial matters. the internship of the remaining 3,700 people will start in a few days and
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they will be notified in a few months. mehdi javadiar of sed and sima news agency. the director general of the environment office of the ministry of agricultural jihad said that it is forbidden to release disposable plastics on agricultural lands and the farmers have been informed. rufi added that those who do not implement this law will be introduced to the regulatory and food authorities. these covers the plastic you see is hope in the hearts of farmers. our water consumption is lower. in the cold season , the root turns red when it is warm. according to management experts, it is effective in using pesticides, avoiding pests and producing high-quality and fast crops among the benefits of cultivation under plastic. reducing the consumption of poisons and making the products grow faster has made farmers highly welcome this method for the eyes . some farmers are eager to spread these plastics, but
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careless in collecting them. after you remove the products , these nylons. it can be found in nature as micro plastic soil pattern. and when it enters the soil , it affects our biodiversity, both animal life and vegetation. according to article 8 of the regulation on reducing the use of plastic bags, the ministry of agricultural jihad is obliged to prohibit the release of used plastics on agricultural land and the rest to farmers. inform and notify.
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we ask the respected ministry of agriculture jihad to determine the task of collection in relation to the cultivation under plastic that is being done. do this after harvesting the product, which is done there . have you been given training by the ministry of agriculture or not? no such thing we haven't seen any training about these things, neither have you been told anything, nor have we been told anything. the training of farmers is a matter of discussion. and done the advantages of using the method of cultivation under plastic are more than can be ignored, which doubles the necessity of observing the necessary considerations to prevent plastic from entering nature. the youth of the radio and television news agency. executor of the operation of meth janja mine from signing the construction contract
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egyptian concentrate factory in sistan baluchistan province announced. mr. sedmedi said to build this factory. 400 million euros will be invested and will be put into operation within 3 years. iran is fifth in the world in having egypt's reserves. more than 204 million tons of egypt's reserves have been identified there with 26 hundredths. of course, explorations continue and there is a possibility that our reserves will be much more than this amount in the region and this potential for investment. again, there is going to be a concentrate factory with a capacity of 130,000 tons, actually with 16 million tons of soil coming from ahdas mine. may he be able to actually process and produce egypt's 26 concentrate, this amount is actually equivalent to 300 million dollars
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of annual income for the country and that region. 85 dollars and 58 cents arrived. american crude oil is traded with a 55 percent decrease of 81 dollars and 14 cents. each gas cylinder reached 769 dollars with a decrease of 26 percent. the announcement of an increase in crude oil reserves and oil production in the united states has reduced the global price of oil. in the meantime , i invite you to watch the news be a meteorologist.
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in the name and memory of god, greetings and good time . dear viewers of khabar network, with the systematic activity of rain in the southern parts of the country , we are seeing rain in these areas, especially in bushehr province , we have had rain in the past few hours, which we expect it will continue for the next few hours in the form of the southern parts of our country due to the activity of this system , water coverage has been reported in the next few hours in the west, southwest, south, and to some extent in the central regions of our country, rain, lightning, and strong winds
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are possible. hail and the possibility of collision in this there are areas due to the intensity of the activity of this system , the meteorological orange warning level has been issued in parts of kermanshah, lorestan provinces, as well as parts of iran, khuzestan, the fourth, southern and western parts of isfahan province, parts of bushehr province, parts of fars province and also parts of the province in kerman , the rains are heavy , there is a possibility of overflowing of seasonal rivers, flash and local floods , there is a possibility of damage to farmers, and for thursday, the activity of this system continues in parts of our country . expansion the activity of this system also affects the eastern parts of the country. it still brings heavy and widespread rains. the orange weather warning on thursday is also valid for
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kermanshah, as well as lorestan, ilam, khuzestan, parts of central province, areas of isfahan province, chaharmahal bakhtiari kokil rahmat, bushe, fars, yazd, kerman, areas of hormozgan, heavy rains it is, and the possibility of water flow and floods for this. they exist, and we will have good rains in some areas of sistan baluchistan province , mainly the possibility of seasonal river flooding in this region. it is expected that we will have disruptions in road traffic and there is a possibility of severe damage to farmers and agricultural products . meteorological orange warning. agricultural orange warning has been issued. during this period, staying on the banks of rivers should be avoided and farmers should harvest ready-to-harvest crops. transfer the body to covered places sooner. similarly, for the persian gulf and for the islands of the persian gulf , we will have good rains for the next two days. in addition to
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the good rains, we will have good rains due to the turbulent sea wind. parts of the persian gulf coast bushe hormozgan provinces, strait of hormoz, the sea is turbulent, we have an increase in wave height. a marine orange warning has been issued. marine activities should be limited. for the next few hours , the speed of the wind will increase in the slopes of elbors. i sincerely thank you for your attention.
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how are the prices this year? buy this year at last year's price , well done. have you heard that they say this year at last year's price , this year buy at last year's price, kids say this year at last year 's price. a wonderful news of buying this year at last year's price. seeking medical centers from bingar organizations, an issue
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that has been for many years for medical centers in the country. many challenges have been created by the demand which, according to saeed karimi , deputy minister of health ministry , is 20 thousand billion tomans. the ineffectiveness of insurance and bad reputation of insurance has become an achilles' heel. during the recent days, the head of the association of pharmacists and the technical officials of the pharmacies announced their demand of 26 thousand billion from the insurance organizations. according to the 17th paragraph of the budget law of 1402, the request must be made within one month. receive the documents to liquidate the issue that has not been realized and pharmacies face the risk of bankruptcy. if we go ahead like this, first of all, we will not have the power to buy medicine from distribution companies. by paying about 4500 billion tomans of its claims, the social security organization has settled the debts of medical centers until the end of september and pharmacies until the end of december last year. the amount of demands of the universities and.
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by the end of february , 10.7 tenths of the university's demands are fully due and calculated. the officials of the health insurance organization also announced the settlement of claims of pharmacies until the end of 1402. share health insurance organization made 402 payments until the end of the year. the social security insurance organization has cited several factors as the main causes of delays . the reasons that created costs for the insurance organizations without us being paid with the difference, we should have had an increase of about 45 in the cost , while our payment in the payment growth of about 60% means that we are a part of the debts transferred from the previous years. we paid the increase in the price of medicine that happened, despite the fact that the drug side is about four and a half hemats
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, according to the vice president of the ministry of health, the payments to insurance organizations play an effective role in persuading private sector doctors to contract with insurance and reduce out-of-pocket payments. maryam beikpour, radio and television news agency.
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they get hit from where they didn't expect. here is george washington university in the heart of america. hundreds of university students and professors equated zionism with fascism and demanded an end to the palestinian genocide. in addition to washington dc, these protests are also being held in columbia, texas, mit, princeton, harvard, indiana, stanford and berkeley universities. protests that make fun of politicians who claim freedom the expression is not well received in america and strongly with. it
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is countered. so far, at least 500 students and university professors in different states have been arrested by the american police in the most violent way possible. but this behavior of the american police did not disperse the protesters and many of them set up tents near their universities. they clearly declare that the students of american professors and scientific bodies will not cooperate with the companies that support the zionist regime from now on. in the name of god, the light, in the name of god , the light, in the name of god, the great god, the great god


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