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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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seeing deals with it. so far, at least 500 students and university professors in different states have been arrested by the american police in the most violent way possible. but this behavior of the american police did not disperse the protesters and many of them set up tents near their universities. they clearly declare that american students, professors and scientific bodies will not cooperate with companies that support the zionist regime from now on.
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allah is the greatest. i testify that there is no god but allah. i testify that there is no god but allah . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al ali hai ali khair al-alam hai ali al-khair al-alam, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god
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, there is no god but god. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may allah bless him and grant him peace. good morning. the minister of health said that the decision to provide free medical services to children under 7 years of age
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has been notified to all public hospitals under the ministry of health. dr. ainullah pointed out that the production of dressings for butterfly patients is in the research phase and said that the production of medicines for thalassemia patients has also increased. we believe that by strengthening companies based on knowledge, we will be able to use many of the necessary medicines for most diseases, god willing. it is the same with thalassemia patients, we had a very good increase in the production of domestic drugs, so sometimes they say that we do not want to use domestic drugs, we definitely want to use imported ones . whatever is needed, we will supply the shortages that are needed, god willing. the head of the
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iran space organization said: this year, the number of telecommunication and research satellites is more compared to it will be launched into space last year. it is very likely that we will launch tolo 3 zafar satellites, 2 kausar satellites, and several other satellites during the year 1403. we have an orbital transfer block, which god willing, we plan to launch again this year, god willing, a persian satellite, a second sample, considering that the sample first, the persian satellite has been put into orbit and is now being tested. according to the reforms that are considered , we will apply the reforms to the second sample of the pars one satellite and it will also be placed on the launch path. rural communications manager of the ministry of communications
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he announced the implementation of more than a thousand kilometers of optical fiber in sistan baluchistan province. mr. ruhi said that the implementation of the first phase of connecting villages to the national information network was made possible during the recent flood in sistan baluchistan. they will be connected by the end of the year, and god willing, we will connect all villages with more than 20 households in this village. the 18th hikmat motahar conference was held at the university of broadcasting and broadcasting with the theme of martyr motahari and youth. martyr ayatollah allameh morteza motahari
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was shot by the elements of fargan group in the evening of 12 ardobehesht year 58 and was martyred. martyr morteza, in which the structures of the country had a western flavor motahari presented another meaning of this word to the students and educated people of the country. in the years before the victory of the islamic revolution, he used to appear in universities and scientific environments and talk with students . when he raises the issue of hijab , and it is still in our hands today , he gives a convincing answer for the day of his society. maybe we need the same answers now. it is time to tell our society. martyr motahari considered it his mission to answer the doubts raised in the society and did not spare any efforts in this way. in the past, someone talked about issues such as capitalism or others capitalism basically did not think about
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what kind of economic regime is islam? is it 100% compatible with today's capitalist regimes? is it 100 with socialist regimes? it is relevant today or not , it is an independent regime, neither is it, nor is it an independent school, and if it is not an independent school, how is it not an independent school? martyr morteza motahari also had many affidavits in his career, all of which were approved by imam khomeini. he is without exception, all his works are good. martyr metri started a kind of explanatory jihad, especially in answering doubts about islam, the introduction of islam to iran, which is the book of mutual services between islam and iran , is the result of this approach, whether it is related to hijab, categories such as hijab, in relation to the islamic worldview, or in relation to islamic ideology
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. islam should not be led astray by groups of hypocrites. martyr motahari was very harmful to the enemy in that period, and it happened that people like martyr motahari came from this society to take the islamic republic, that is, the government , which caused him to be assassinated by the furqan group in the first months after the victory of the revolution. rafi's martyrdom was confirmed by the shedding of our dear blood. our revolution and from that time until today, every year on the 12th of ardibehesht , the memory of martyr motahari is commemorated . at the same time as
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student protests escalated in america, braum university in rhode island stopped investing in palestine. occupancy checks. the washington post has announced that brown university has reached an agreement with students protesting the israeli genocide in gaza until october. stop investing in pro-zionist companies vote for the university. the protesting students also announced that they will end their sit-in today . student protests against the zionist regime's genocide in gaza started two weeks ago at columbia university and spread to more than 80 universities. american police have arrested more than a thousand students so far. prime minister of malaysia from muslim countries. the arab wanted to
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bring the zionist regime to justice for its crimes in gaza. anwar ibrahim said that muslim countries should express their protest against israel's illegal invasion of palestinian land. simultaneous company the american restaurant chain has closed more than 100 branches in malaysia due to financial losses. malaysian citizens in the badge boycott campaign. businesses supporting the zionist regime boycotted these restaurants. danesh baniyan's technological export products were presented at the export capabilities exhibition. products such as hemodialysis machine with upstream industry equipment, which in addition to preventing the outflow of foreign currency, with the development of the export market , have also brought benefits to the country. a vital device for the treatment of kidney patients
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, hemodialysis device is the only domestic supplier of the device we are in the country, and due to the quantity and quality of our production, imports have been banned for about four years, and we were the only source of supply for domestic needs. domestic demand, we could also export to countries from southeast asia to south america . or a technological product that is used in the field of agriculture and can increase the fertility of the agricultural land and the task of pest control without the use of pesticides. this product is based on microorganism yes, and the short life means that no more pesticides are used in this product, and only the minimum fertilizers and enhancers that are needed for growth are used, such as uzbekistan
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, oman, and kenya. they like our products very much , including it is iranian technological products that have found suitable market development in other countries and have a wide range for the country. we brought the valve control and its precision instruments, which of course you can see here, with a built-in depth of 90. technical knowledge and this construction ability can be used together with foreign brands in the construction projects of the countries first, the neighboring countries, then the countries that work with big brands can create exports . the device we have here now is a ventilator. at first, these are imported into the country, and well , they were imported devices, until now we are producing them ourselves for the most part. persian gulf countries and a series of european countries. now we are exporting, according to the announcement of the vice president of science, there are now more than 9 thousand knowledge-based companies
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operating in the country, out of which 1000 knowledge-based companies have exported their products. end of this news section. the first row, the first row, the first row, the line of service, the line of humanity, your stronghold
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, your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello and good night, dear viewers of khabar tonight. we are also proud to have another program. we dedicate the first page to your presence. well, we are leaving the labor week behind us, and the issue of work, employment and workers is a very important issue. in view of naming this year by the supreme leader of the revolution as the year of production leap with the participation of the people, the issue of work and employment , the way people participate in the economy is not unrelated to the issue of work, labor and production, for this purpose tonight , we are hosting mr. dr. mahmoud karimi biranvand, the honorable deputy minister of employment
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, labor cooperation and social welfare, to see how our situation is in the field of employment. and then see what kind of planning is planned to improve our situation in the field of employment. hello , i say hello. you are very welcome. in the name of allah, the most merciful. i have special courtesy and respect to all the respected viewers of the first page program . dear employers and workers, who are the backbone of production in the country, according to the supreme leader , i also congratulate all the dear teachers of our country on the coming of teacher's day. without a doubt
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, these dear teachers play one of the most important roles in the field of entrepreneurship development and sustainable employment in the country. we have them in schools, and education itself plays a unique role . i also congratulate this dear society. i am at your service. god. then we looked at what happened to your hand. be healthy. it's nothing important. now it's a fracture. yes, it's a minor fracture, so you're naughty. i wish you health in order to enter into our discussion , let's see a part of the leadership's statements in this area and return to our conversation with mr. karime. the improvement of the condition of the working community has a great effect on the improvement of the condition of the whole society. as reported to me now , we have about 14 million workers, which if
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we count their families, more than 40 million , forty million. they will become human beings. well, 40 million means half of the country's population. if they try to do something to improve the condition of the working class society, this means that the condition of half of the country's society has improved . this is very important. what is a worker, mr. karimi? look, as hazrat agha also said, in this recent meeting, which was successful, we reached him with a large number of workers. taking care of the worker's condition really means taking care of the society's condition, both qualitatively and quantitatively. well, more than 50% of our society
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is made up of these same workers who are in different fields of production, in addition to their families, in terms of quality, no matter how good the condition of the worker is , naturally, the growth of production is better , the productivity of production is higher. well, naturally, our most important duty in the ministry of labor is to take care of this it is now clear that in the 13th government , we have really tried from various aspects to be able to address this issue in the ministry of labor, especially in the deputy employment offices. in my opinion, we can say whether the condition of the workers is good or desirable or has improved, that the condition of the workers has improved compared to before, but to say that they are in a favorable condition is in the best conditions in which a worker can live and have a salary. not naturally, but according to
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the index and with the assessment that we have of the labor market , the numbers and statistics show the same. i think it's working. compared to the beginning of the government , it has definitely improved. the workers themselves definitely have the same assessment. well, we have to ask the workers . why don't you monitor the condition of the workers from the point of view of whether they are doing well or not? you can check the income and expenses of the workers. well, this is in the domain of most of the ministries of other houses. from the point of view of the indicators that we have in the ministry of labor, we have the indicators of the labor market in terms of employment, the indicators of the labor market by the center. statistics are announced, the methods and models of evaluation and measurement are the same method and model the evaluation that was done before is one of the aspects of improving the work situation. just as the great leadership also pointed out that the issue of job security is for the worker to feel job security, just today the job security bill was approved by the government, mr. president also
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said today, pointing out in his own speeches , this working group was presented to the parliament since 1401 in the ministry of home affairs. it was established that what measures can be taken for the job security of the workers, and today alhamdulillah, it was approved by the government board and will be presented to the honorable parliament. on the other hand, last year, we worked in more than a thousand classification scheme workshops jobs that are special for hard and harmful jobs, of course , these are in the field of labor relations, these measures have been taken, we had 17 thousand crimes, forgiveness of crimes in the field of social security. for example, what cases? in short, it means that the workers in the workplace should feel that their work is continuous and stable
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, if the rules are finally followed in every workplace, this is related to a wide range of components . it does not end only with the relationship between the worker and the employer in the workplace the task of the ministry of labor finally, macroeconomic variables are definitely effective in the field of job security. the household income and expenditure system is definitely effective on the variable of job security . i am sure that the stability of macroeconomic variables is effective on this area, but it is not in your area, which is not in our area. it is, but with this, it is not what you are saying , but everything that is in the area. the authority of the ministry of labor is there, now the details should be announced by our colleagues regarding the narrative of the work, we have seen it in this bill and we will definitely take care of it, god willing. we
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in the field of employment assistant, our duty is to increase the employability of the country, that is , our job is to regulate and monitor the labor market in such a way that it becomes easier for people to find a job , and people earn more from jobs. may the continuity and stability of jobs go up. this is an incident that we are finally having in the field of employment in a special way . we are following it up at the government level, and for this reason , if we look at the issue of the worker's situation, i said that the events that happened in the 13th government in this area are nothing. there is no record of time, not more than my worker i think that a part of education is related to their livelihood. you didn't mention it. well, the part that is related to the livelihood of the workers, well , as you mentioned, it is more in the scope of the duties of other ministry of home affairs, such as the cost basket of a
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worker or an ordinary or normal family. the level of the country goes up, down, increases , decreases and many of its variables at the governance level should be a part of it . it is not related to the ministry of labor at all . it is not directly related to the ministry of labor. well, you, for example, of course, the inflation rate has decreased year by year in this government, but finally, we had a one percent inflation. this directly affects the livelihoods of all the people who live in iran and are finally covered by this economy, who are subject to this story because you, obviously. it works in the field of work and workers , for example, the expectation is that perhaps with a regulation with a recipe, special support will be provided directly to the workers, for example , this means that we have had an effect on their livelihood, for example , this year for the first time, the right to marry for workers
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both for women and for male workers in a special way in the story has the determination of the minimum wage been seen or is it possible for you to be present that we finally have the ministry of labor's set of subsidy plans, which includes kalaberg , includes the fajran plan, includes the yesna plan , includes the plan that has the most users in the nomadic and rural areas, so this help it is being done, but i think that what was within the authority of the ministry of labor and could have been done has finally been done to a significant extent, but it is not enough, and we hope that, god willing, this situation will improve day by day. this year's slogan is the leap in production and people's participation. is it has a specific program, that is, for example , we prepared a document, which means that if the slogan of the year was not this , this document would not exist, that is
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, you are so direct and specific. we, in the ministry of labor, as a whole , the production jump program was approved with the participation of the people. last week, in the ministry of labor , what actions can we take with the internal capacities of the ministry of labor? the next day, i think it will be communicated to all the agencies there, and we will also play our own role in the negotiation with the program organization that is in charge this program was set up. we identified and there we said what measures we can take, but specifically we in our own employment vice-chancellor can finally activate people's capacities in the field of production jump , which is clearly related to the vice-chancellor's field and in the area of ​​the powers of the vice-chancellor of entrepreneurship development and employment is a special program that we have this year, well, as you mentioned, every year we have a commitment to create employment.
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we will notify the governors to the honorable governors , that is, this work will be done before the end of the year, and on april 1st, the notification will be in the governors' folder. respected, with the signature of the minister of interior and the minister of labor, one of the special programs that we have seen this year in the share of the announced commitment of employment of the provinces is the issue of dealing with the employment of graduates . with the slogan of creating one million jobs per year , it should be related to the field of graduates. the presence of graduates in the field of employment means an increase in production productivity. the more the participation of our graduate community in production matters, naturally , the production productivity and production leap will be greater. as you say, by checking their commitment last year, yes every year, the ministry of labor like to determine at least 10, of course
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, this is a program that only happened in the 13th government. no, you are re-imposing a new commitment on him . for example, he has not been able to do this for two years. again, this commitment is happening again in the negotiation and back and forth between us and the governors, which means that we have been calculating the commitment for the next year for almost the last three months. we reached the number of about 1 million 40 thousand last year to 1 million 88 thousand we reached the year 1401 and our number was 250 thousand because we had a backlog from previous years, so a 25 percent share from next year, exactly 245 thousand people in total in our country for the governorship, which, for example, is not true to the commitment of the last year. all governors are finally one.
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we also have polarization based on our own observation system, but all our provinces have reached their commitment of last year . the ministry of labor has mainly done to we reached the number 1 million 15 thousand for the year 1402 , which is all based on the national code, that is, we say 1 million and 15. there are thousands of national codes for creating employment in the country, of which we did not accept about 250,000 as employment , that is, they were registered by the provinces and agencies, but the ministry of labor did not accept that registered employment . we are verifying that you are communicating with my people. yes, i will. if i give you an explanation, the first step of our validation is that if a device declares
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that it has created a job for a person. done immediately the monitoring system is a text message. the monitoring system is the employment creation system of the ministry of labor. it sends a text message to a person who says that a job has been created for you. a link will be provided to him . he will be provided with a certain employment service. and any of the employment incidents that have happened, a person can go to that sms with that link and announce that no, it was not correct, there was a mistake in corrections, how much was it, and this is the second step. we call all the applicants , that is , we call each of these national codes that are registered by the devices all over our country. we started the country's employment call center in the 13th government, so far we have received a total of almost 800 thousand calls, that is, we call with this national code, we talk to them after the sms stage, where they say where a job has been created for you.


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