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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad. the leader of the islamic revolution, in a meeting this morning with a group of teachers and educators , emphasized the need to pay more attention to educational affairs at the same time as educational affairs . ayatollah khamenei
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said in this meeting, which was held in the year of ayatollah motahari's martyrdom day and teacher's day, that: models of society teachers should be introduced as heroes. where are the role model teachers in the community? they must be introduced. education, institution of education. look at the teachers who are outstanding in terms of teaching indicators, you will find them all over the country, there is a teacher who teaches well. because he has an outstanding teaching, he is a teacher who has spent a long time of his life in education.
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having been a teacher for 60 years. it's important. this is a pattern. a teacher who teaches in difficult areas. he rides with dusharkeh and goes, for example, suppose that he teaches 5 to 10 students in a distant area and returns. a teacher who does not give up the work of education with all kinds of internal, internal, physical and mental discomforts, cares about him , they are heroes, they are seen all over the country. find people and introduce them as heroes . the leader of the islamic revolution stated that the explanation of
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the fundamental interests of the country is one of the duties of the education vice-chancellor and said: "the youth must know the logic of the slogan of death to america and death to the zionist regime." referring to the developments in gaza, ayatollah khamenei said: "gaza today is the first problem of the world, which is exemplified by the events of american and european universities." the gaza issue. today, it is the first issue of the world. this is what the zionists and their american and european supporters are doing at the international level to remove the gaza issue from the agenda of the world's public opinion. you can't look at these american universities every day. today i was reading in the news again
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how many more universities have been added in australia in europe . let 's get out of this issue of being the first, the pressure on the zionist regime must increase day by day. death to israel. death to israel. death to israel. death to israel . a language with israel. you
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see what the americans and their related organizations are doing with their language opposition to israel. american university students do not destroy, do not destroy slogans, do not kill anyone, do not set fire to anything, do not break glass. this is how they are being treated . this behavior of the americans also showed the correctness of the position of the islamic republic in its cynicism towards america, that is, in fact
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, the death of the american that you mentioned showed everyone that america is an accomplice in the crime. the crime they may say something like, for example, sympathy is a lie, contrary to the facts, what a person observes in practice shows america's complicity and complicity in this great crime in this unforgivable sin with the zionist regime . how can a person be optimistic about such a military and such a regime? how is it possible to trust his words? the revolutionary leader added that
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the only solution to the palestinian issue is to return it to the original owners of palestine, if in 20 years. if they try to maintain this regime for another 30 years , god willing, they will not be able to do the same, solve the problem the problem will not be solved when palestine returns to its owners, that is, the palestinian people , palestine belongs to the palestinian people, among them there are muslims, christians, and jews . our palestine is theirs. return palestine to them . forming a body, then the system will decide how to deal with the zionists, keep them out, let
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them make the decision. this is the solution that we announced a few years ago in the united nations . we rely on this, until this happens, the problem of the west asian region will not be solved some people think that they will force the neighboring countries to normalize their relations with the zionist regime , the problem will be solved, they are not wrong, the detailed news of this meeting will come to your notice in the next sections, dear ones, we are following the news. 35% of minimum wage earners of social security pensioners reported. the increase in the salaries of pensioners, that is, our dear retirees
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, was approved by the cabinet of ministers today. according to the proposal that was approved by the cabinet of ministers today , the minimum wage earners of dear pensioners, the minimum wage earners, have increased by 35%. that is, for example a dear retiree who has a wife, a child, more than 10 million tomans, the minimum salary for this year, god willing, for other levels will be 22% plus a fixed number that was according to the usual procedure every year. like the areas that looked after family and children and so on . the side allowances sometimes increase even more than this amount. mr. bahaduri jahrami also announced the approval of the board of ministers with the implementation plan of sea economy policies.
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the president's scientific and technological deputy said the plan to build 100 planes nefarah, which the president promised , is going forward seriously, and what was said about stopping this plan was about another plan. we had several aircraft design projects in the country, including the 72-seater aircraft project, which was based on the upgrade of the 141 aircraft, which is that project. after that order, they formed a specialized working group to investigate, and the ministry of poisons organized eight working group meetings. the ministry of defense, the ministry of defense, through the airline organization, the reliable and summary, was
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to design an up-to-date jet aircraft with at least 100 people and 100 passengers, and the work is being done. the main thing is the so-called h-wish elements that i mentioned, sometimes feeling 10-12 years ago. it has been closed and it is moving forward very firmly and seriously. i hope that we can make good progress in this story. the minister of communications and information technology announced the launch of the first phase of the country's space base by the end of the year. the new space base that we are building is a new launch base that is being built in the south of the country. well, in this government, it was keyed.
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on this occasion, today, for dear teachers who communicate with students through shad, we have a free package to use shad in interaction with we have designed communication operators. dear teachers who use shad , they can use up to 30 gigabytes, in fact, for free. in fact, shad traffic will be automatically activated whenever it ends, even for those who are active in shad. it will be activated, there is no need to register. the minister
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of health said that the decision to provide free medical services to children under seven years of age has been notified to all public hospitals under the ministry of health. mr. dr. ainullah pointed out that the production of dressings for butterfly patients is in the research stage and said that the production of medicines for thalassemia patients has also increased. is. we believe that by strengthening knowledge-based companies, we will be able to provide many of the drugs needed for most diseases. god willing , the same is true for thalassemia patients. we had a very good increase in the production of domestic drugs. they say that we do not want to use internal medicine. we definitely want to use imported products, this will be determined by the relevant experts, with
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the priority of supporting the companies, they will provide everything that is necessary, the deficiencies that are necessary, god willing , the head of the environmental protection organization will provide 50% of our ponds have been drained, mr. selajgeh said , 60 million cubic meters of water has been released for our ponds. the recent rains were in a good condition for consultations to be carried out. we can draft it with the agreement of the board. governor of afghanistan , the situation of our ponds will be more suitable, but now the canal that was built two years ago for drinking water, that canal has been completely drained , about 50% of it has been drained so far, but okay. i hope the situation will be in such a way that we can completely get wet there and discuss it
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according to the managing director of the central depository company of iran , mr. baqestani became a member of the board of directors of central depository companies of asia pacific for the third time, adding that the central depository company of iran joined this group in 2013. 6 working groups. asia pacific central depository corporation is an active member. iran was previously a member of the board of directors in 2016 and a deputy in 2018. he was elected as the chairman of central depository corporation of asia pacific. the deputy minister of employment, labor cooperation and social welfare from issuing licenses for home businesses he informed as soon as possible. according to mr. biranvand, more than 400,000 home business licenses have been issued in the last two years. in the past years, a
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simple home business license sometimes 8. it used to take a month, that is, 8 months, the person had to apply in person , now the home business permit is 5 minutes and in person and without referring to an expert. this has caused us to give more than 400,000 tomans in two years, only a permit for a home business. more news , students. george washington university protested the genocide in gaza in this university, these students said: america should support this end the genocide. we know that our country is spending our taxes on killing in gaza by supporting israel by sending weapons to it. we want to stop this genocide.
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american police removed hijabs from four protesting american students after arresting them , abc reported in a report that these students were protesting the american policies regarding the gaza war and were arrested by the arizona police, according to abc news. news and virtual media have been published and have brought many reactions. in these pictures, a woman with handcuffs is screaming he asks the police to stop their work. however , at the same time as the student protests in the united states, brown university in the state of rhode island
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is considering stopping investment in occupied palestine. the washington post announced. brown university has reached an agreement with the students protesting the zionist regime's genocide in gaza to vote to stop investing in zionist companies supporting the university in october . the protesting students also announced that they will end their sit-in today. student protests against the zionist regime's genocide in gaza it started two weeks ago at columbia university, columbia, usa and has spread to more than 80 universities. american police have arrested more than a thousand students so far. the american police arrested at least 16 people while removing the students protesting the zionist regime's genocide in gaza from the university of new mexico. at the university of florida, 3 students
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were arrested for attending the gathering condemning the genocide in gaza. a female student at new york university's faculty of engineering chained herself to a bench using chains and glue, and the new york police arrested her. the french police are also in talaz university of political sciences kicked out the students protesting the zionist regime's genocide in gaza with a baton. a college in paris was also closed due to protests in support of palestine and condemnation of the zionist regime.
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berlin police too. he announced that the action of students in erecting tents supporting palestine is prohibited and the police is ready to deal with these gatherings. 50 organizations and institutions active in the field of humanitarian affairs warned rifa about the consequences of a possible ground attack by the zionist regime. in a letter to the president of the united states, these organizations warned that an attack on rafah would lead to the collapse of aid distribution humanitarian activities in the gaza strip. it will result in. the director general of the world health organization also said that the ground operation of the israeli army in the city of rafah will lead to a human disaster. the prime minister of the zionist regime announced yesterday that the army of this regime will attack rafah with or without a ceasefire agreement. the
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zionist newspaper israel hum reported that the authorities of this regime have asked the members of the us congress to put pressure on the international criminal court in order to prevent the issuance of arrest warrants for netanyahu and other zionist leaders. zionist media announced yesterday that netanyahu is also from the families asra sahi does not want to pressure the international criminal court. channel 12 of the zionist regime announced last week that the regime's officials, including the prime minister , had seized the british and german foreign ministers for fear of arrest. according to media reports, the international criminal court is likely to issue verdicts after investigating the war crimes case of the prime minister and some zionist officials in gaza and the west bank. to issue the secretary general of the united nations called for an international investigation on the collective groups discovered in the gaza strip . antonio guterres expressed concern about the situation
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a person in gaza described the reports about the discovery of collective groups, including in shifa and nasser hospital complexes, as very unfortunate and considered it necessary to investigate this crime. the international criminal court also investigated the witnesses in the hospital. gaza began. after the discovery of a mass grave in nasser hospital and the removal of hundreds of bodies from them, the palestinian authorities demanded an investigation. earlier, south africa filed a complaint to the international criminal court in protest of the zionist regime's genocide in the gaza strip. taking out the bodies of the martyrs in al-falujah area in the north of the gaza strip relief workers in gaza are trying to get the bodies of the martyrs out from under the rubble of houses with minimal resources. in al-falujah area in the north of the gaza strip
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, where the zionist regime's fighters bombarded it many times, the bodies of some martyrs remained under the rubble. now we have an opportunity to come to this area. houses are completely destroyed and rescuers can't go quickly. because the earthmoving machines do not have fuel, and in addition, due to the ground entry of the zionist military, no one could reach this area after repeated requests from the people of a group of the rescuers were able to reach the place with simple facilities. these forces are trying to remove the bodies of the martyrs from under the rubble. there are 70 martyrs under the rubble , most of them are women and children. more than 200 days have passed since the zionist attack on gaza. rescuers just managed to reach this area and remove the bodies of the martyrs. our facilities
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are very limited and simple, and working in these conditions is associated with many risks. this was a five-story house that was completely destroyed. parts of it may collapse at any moment. it is very difficult to work in these conditions. we are trying to remove the bodies of the martyrs. to we say more than 70 martyrs below. they are rubble. we work with simple facilities and tools. in two days, we removed about 30 martyrs. we ask god to help us to bring out the rest of the martyrs . it has been a long time since we had access to al-falujah area. we tried many times to come to this place. but the zionist soldiers did not allow it and some of our forces were martyred or injured in this way. the attack on this area was very intense and nothing was left of the house. after the air raid. the surrounding areas were occupied by zionist forces. sadaf sime news agency of gaza. prime minister of malaysia
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muslim and arab countries wanted to bring the zionist regime to justice for its crimes in gaza. anwar ibrahim said that muslim countries should express their protest against israel's illegal invasion and occupation of palestinian land. at the same time , the restaurant chain company k. america announced that it has closed more than 100 branches in malaysia due to financial losses. malaysian citizens boycotted these restaurants in the campaign to boycott trademarks supporting the zionist regime. dear fellow countrymen, thank you very much for your attention and cooperation with this news section. but following the latest report of the situation how to talk about the country. i see and hear greetings from the meteorological organization, mrs. salami . i say goodbye to you.
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in the name and memory of god, i greet and respect your presence, dear viewers. khabar network, with the activity of the barsta system, is currently witnessing widespread rains in busheh provinces, which are rahmat fars, parts of kermanshah and ilam provinces. we expect to see widespread rainfall in the southern parts of the country for the next few hours. the activity of this system
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it has brought extensive cloud cover to the southern regions of our country, in addition to the rain in these regions, as we mentioned , it has caused rain, sometimes thunder, and winds in the next few hours in the west, southwest, and southern parts of our country. there is a strong possibility of hailstorm in these areas. the intensity of the activity of this system has resulted in orange level meteorological warning for the provinces of kermanshah, parts of lorestan, ilam , khuzestan, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, kokil rahmat. bushehr areas of fars province, southern parts of isfahan province, areas of kerman province and so on in addition to this, the persian gulf islands will always have heavy rains, which the weather warning for these areas has informed about the possibility of spot and local floods. in addition to this , seasonal river flooding is also likely to happen. there is a possibility of lightning strike, there is a possibility of stone falling from heights. also orange warning.
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agriculture has also been issued with an orange meteorological warning that there is a possibility of damage to agricultural products during this period. for thursday, in addition to these areas, the expansion of the activity of this system will affect parts of the east and southeast of our country. it gives and still the orange weather warning will be valid for the provinces of kurdistan , kermanshah, lorestan, ilam, khuzestan, central province , parts of isfahan, charmaha, bakhtiari, kokil, bushe, fars , yazd, kerman, sistan, baluchistan , we have heavy rains, which cause point floods and the possibility of river flooding. damage to infrastructure, damage to farmers, rock falls from heights and the possibility of lightning strikes are also expected during this period due to the possibility of road traffic disruptions and rural road blockages.
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south of the country. may also be avoided. in the same way , we expect that due to the wind, parts of the coast of the persian gulf will be rough and choppy , especially for the beaches of busher, hormozgan, strait of hormuz, and for thursday , an orange warning has been issued towards the oman sea, mutlatam sea. done marine activities should be limited. strong winds are expected in the slopes of elbors for the next few hours. for tehran, during the coming hours, the sky will be partly cloudy, sometimes we will have an increase in eyebrows, along with that , we predict that the wind will be blowing fast in the hours of the wind. it is raining and it is severe for thursday and friday , we will have rain and lightning .
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one of the add-ons we are adding to the system and it will be unveiled soon, god willing , there are various tests on the system that we provide to employers and job seekers so that the job seeker can test himself to see what kind of job he is good at or what kind of job he wants. he chooses whether it is useful or not or according to this. what kind of job is suitable for him? from that side , we provide a series of content tools for the employer, which is the situation that the job you want in the workforce, what workforce model. what skills should he have, what abilities should he have, or, for example , one of the other measures we are doing on the system is that the welfare organization for the employment of the target community.


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