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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the news of nimroz, the leader of the islamic revolution in the meeting. teachers and educators who are the role models of the community of teachers should be introduced as heroes. ayatollah khamenei's criticism of the non-implementation of the education reform document in the past few years. act on this document to be effective at all levels. the leader of the revolution's emphasis on gaza as the first issue of the world and the return of palestine. the main owners of
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ayatollah khamenei, referring to the anti-zionist protests in american universities , proved the rightness of iran's position in not trusting america, the way america behaved in the gaza issue and suppressing students. did american university students, do not destroy , do not destroy slogans, do not kill anyone. i didn't set fire to anything, i didn't break a glass, this is how they are being treated.
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violent suppression of students in new york as police entered the university through a small window. the universities of the states of new mexico, california, florida, washington and the universities of germany and france are still the arena of anti-sefarinist demonstrations. warning of 50 international humanitarian organizations about the zionist regime's attack on rafah. the same hague court started the investigation about the collective groups of gaza. approval of a 35% increase in the salaries of pensioners and retirees at today's meeting of the government board. for example, a dear retired person who has a wife and a child . above 10 million tomans, the minimum salary will be for this year, god willing. the government
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allocated 1500 billion tomans for the flood of sistan baluchistan. and in the higher program , we will check the increase in the number of representatives of the islamic council, yes or no? what are the different views on this issue? how can the parliament be helpful in this plan? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate . good day, dear viewers, at the beginning of this series. on teacher's day news , i would like to congratulate and congratulate all the dear and hard-working teachers, especially ms. mashrafe, my first grade teacher, and invite you with the detailed news of this hour.
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please accompany us. on teacher's day, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , in a meeting with thousands of teachers and educators from all over the country , called honoring and thanking the teacher the duty of the individual of the nation, and by pointing out that education is comparable to any other institution in terms of importance and impact, he added identity. creating the youth generation and creating enthusiasm and hope in them, continuous transformation, material and non-material empowerment teachers, support of teacher training centers, strengthening of educational assistants and role modeling in the community of teachers are the most important work chapters of education and training. ayatollah khamenei also called the expansion of demonstrations in support of the palestinian nation in america and other countries a sign of the continued priority of the gaza issue in public opinion. the world read and emphasized: the crimes of
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the zionist regime and america's complicity with it, the legitimacy of the positions of the iranian nation in rejecting the occupying and pessimistic regime. he proved to america and let everyone know that there is no solution to solve the palestine problem other than the return of this land to its jewish and christian muslim owners. it does not exist, and relations with the zionist regime and normalization will not solve the problem. congratulating the dear community of teachers on teacher's day, he said: everyone's attention and respect to teachers will create more attraction for this honorable job, raise the level of the community of teachers and, as a result, raise the country, and the media is necessary. and the owners of public forums
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should be active in explaining the position of the teacher and the need to praise him. the leader of the revolution is the reason why the importance of education is different. they mentioned human resource training with other devices and said all devices they employ human resources, but education nurtures human resources. hazrat ayatollah khamenei considered active teachers to be identity builders of the youth generation and said: every word and behavior of a teacher and even a gesture of a teacher has an effect on shaping the personality of the new generation. he called the existence of good human resources incomparable with natural resources and capital and said that the progress of security , health, science and the realization of all human and islamic values ​​in the country is in the group of the existence of suitable human resources
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, which is the responsibility of education. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, the words of the minister of education they evaluated the education in this meeting as good and added: "thank god, some of the points we have made in the past years have been put into practice ." in explaining the important topics of education, the leader of the revolution called the implementation of the transformation document the most important and said: we have lost due to inaction and lack of attention to this document in the past years, but the review is in the process of finalizing this document and compiling the plan. its implementation is a good news that the restoration of the transformation document with the use of elites inside and outside of education should continue. empowerment was the second topic that hazrat ayatollah khamenei spoke about the duties of education
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they brought up breeding. he said: livelihood and material empowerment of teachers has always been emphasized and now everything possible should be done in this field. the leader of the revolution added: empowerment has another axis, and that is the consistency of the work of a teacher. it means that the teacher should use the spiritual power and love for education that exists in every human being and by benefiting from the requirements, needs and experiences, he should make the busy job of the teacher consistent and stable. he in the same discussion , they considered the intention, spirit, motivation and true understanding of a teacher as necessary for the education of the new generation and added: a teacher only with class and teaching is not realized. ayatollah khamenei also
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called the strengthening of teacher training centers necessary for the teachers' community to reach a level level and added: farhangian university and other teacher training centers should be completely strengthened. the third topic that the leader of the revolution explained was the importance and necessity of strengthening the educational assistant. he said that at one point, some people said that the educational assistant is not necessary and the teacher himself performs the task of education in addition to education. of course, this is true, but it is not enough for the teacher to pay attention to educational issues, and there should be a group responsible for this issue. be important ayatollah khamenei called the prevention of the creation and spread of social harm among the expectations of the youth and said: the prerequisite and condition for the realization of this important thing is that there are no social harm in the schools themselves, which
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is one of the duties of the vice-chancellor of education. correctly explaining the fundamental issues of the nizam country for teenagers and young people was another duty of the vice-chancellor. the leader of the revolution pointed to it and said: if these millions of young people and teenagers that we are in education and training. we want them to know the fundamental interests of the system, to know the interests of their country, to know the front of your friend and the enemy of their country, to know the issues they should know the basic needs of their country , the enemies' propaganda and all the billions of efforts they are making for propaganda and such. and to mislead the public opinion of the country, the enemies are doing it, it will
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be concluded if our youth can be prevented in this field , be prevented, be vaccinated in the common sense , intellectually, these propaganda of the enemies will be disgusted with the youth of the country, what are the components of the country's interests and the logic that what is behind him? this is important. for example , let's assume that about america, for example , they are chanting death to america. well, jovan is chanting, but he should know why we are saying death to america. why are we saying it? death to the zionist regime, he must understand this , know the logic, why we say that we are with so-and-so. the government of a certain country is not willing to communicate, what is the reason? this rationality behind these general issues
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should be known. in another headline, the leader of the revolution emphasized the importance of managerial stability in education and considered short-term managerial changes to be the reason for the failure of basic works and said: i emphasize stability in high to mid-level management so that programs and works can be carried out . followed the important. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, referring to the existence of role models for different classes of society they called role modeling and introducing the best examples of teachers as necessary and inspiring and added: education should have successful models such as a teacher who teaches well or has spent many years of his life teaching or suffering. to travel to difficult areas to teach students is to gain recognition and
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introduce these teachers as heroes of education. in another part of his speech and expressing the expectations from the society of teachers, he called the teacher not only the teacher of science but also the nurturer of the student's identity and said that the teacher can develop potential abilities and talents. knowledge. to discover and actualize the student like extracting gold and silver from the mine, so the teacher should give the student motivation, self-confidence and enthusiasm for study and work in addition to learning science, so that his inner capacities flourish. giving a national perspective to students was another expectation that the leader of the revolution pointed to and said: he
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considered creating hope as the duty of other teachers and added that hope is the guarantee of the country's future, and if someone inspires hope in the hearts and souls of young people, in fact, it has helped to build the future of the country and that is why we repeatedly insist on creating hope. hazrat ayatollah khamenei added that people who disappoint the youth because of their stubbornness with the system or the government or other people are actually harming the future of the country. encouraging students to engage in social activities as well as teaching students skills were other recommendations of the leader of the revolution to teachers. ayatollah khamenei addressed the issue of gaza in the final part of his speech and added: despite the great efforts of zionists and american supporters. for their europeans , the issue of gaza is still the first issue of the world that
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the protests against the crimes of the zionist regime in american universities and its expansion to european universities from there are signs of continued sensitivity of world public opinion to the gaza issue. he called the increasing pressure of public opinion on the occupying regime as necessary and added: the barbaric and barbaric behavior proved the correctness of the position of the islamic republic and the people of iran and the killing of thirty thousand people, half of them women and children. they are the evil and malicious nature of the zionist regime and showed the truth of iran's permanent position to the whole world. look at
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what the americans and their related organizations are doing with their language opposition to israel. students of american universities do not destroy the slogan is to destroy, not to kill anyone , not to set fire to a place, not to break a glass, this is how they are being treated, the center of america, the center of america, death in america, death in america, death in america, this behavior of the americans is also the truth of the position. it showed the islamic republic in its cynicism towards america, that is , it actually supported the death of the american that you say, it showed everyone that america is an accomplice in a crime, an accomplice in a crime, they may be
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criticized at some point . america's complicity in this great crime in this unforgivable sin with the regime the zionist is an accomplice in the crime. how can a person be optimistic about such a military and such a regime? how is it possible to trust his words? ayatollah khamenei called the only solution to the palestinian issue proposed by iran, which is the return of palestine to its original owners, including muslims, christians and jews, and emphasized that the problem of west asia
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will not be solved until palestine is returned to its owners, and even if they will try to keep the zionist regime going for another 20 or 30 years. god willing, they cannot, this problem will not be solved. the leader of the revolution added that palestine should belong to the people it will return and after the formation of the palestinian system, they will decide what to do with the zionists. referring to the moves to normalize the relations between the zionist regime and the countries of the region, he said: some people think that the problem will be solved with these actions, while assuming the normalization of relations between the regime. zionism with the surrounding arab countries, not only the problem will not be solved , but the problem will be directed at the governments that have befriended them by turning a blind eye to the crimes of the occupying regime, and the nations will fall to the lives of those governments. at the beginning of this meeting, the minister of education
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gave a report on the final stages of revising the transformation document informed. mr. sahrai announced the approval of the implementation roadmap of the transformation document, focusing on teachers, educational and educational programs, schools, and educational evaluation among other activities. the unprecedented recruitment of 70,000 teachers with the priority of recruiting student teachers, completing the construction of 2,900 schools across the country, increasing the share of technical and professional students in the second secondary education level, pursuing the policy of every knowledge. teaching a job skill, promotion of educational and counseling matters were among the main points of the report of the minister of education in this meeting. new york policemen
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climbed the university wall to suppress columbia university students and they entered it through the window. student. colombia is at the forefront of the movement to support gaza in america and condemn the genocide of the zionist regime this time . hundreds of american anti-riot police forces in the last hour of tuesday local time, wednesday morning tehran time, to new york's columbia university, which has been the place of peaceful anti-zionist improvement of students for two weeks, and of course the initiator. american universities were attacked. affected students at columbia university the night before after their university. suspended and deprived of education and left their tents after increasing threats from the police they captured the university building and
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installed the palestinian flag on top of it. dozens of riot police entered the hamilton building through a small window. and they arrested the good students. according to the american media, in this riot police attack on columbia university in new york. more than 100 students were arrested. columbia university announced that for about 20 days, this university will be fully occupied by anti-riot police units. the reason why i am personally here and at this graduation is because i want to see all that the university invests from my money in israel. they have withdrawn beshohad and cut off any relationship and cooperation with israeli scholarships. we don't want massacres and killings. at the university of north carolina, students protesting the crimes of the zionist regime
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pulled down the american flag and replaced it with the palestinian flag . the anti-riot police reacted strongly to this action of the students and at the same time, by pulling down the palestinian flag and returning the american flag , they suppressed and dispersed the mothishan students and arrested at least 36 students. we talked a lot with the university officials and tried to understand let them understand how upset and offended we are by the killing in gaza and we will stop short of stopping it. riot police at the university of florida, usa , attacked students in a peaceful anti-zionist demonstration with tear gas batons. too much police violence in this university caused a conflict.
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students at the university of new mexico in the united states were violently suppressed by the police and arrested at least 16 students . the united nations high commissioner for human rights expressed concern about the excessive violence of the american police against the peaceful protests of students in this country and asked the american government to do so. in the face of protests , avoid discriminatory policies and support the right of freedom of speech of palestinian students.
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students in other universities around the world also demonstrated in condemning the crimes of the seholisi regime and accompanying american students. the french police kicked out the students protesting the zionist regime's genocide in gaza with a baton at the university of political sciences in telluz. tulbiak college of paris and the university of a port city were also closed due to protests in support of palestine and condemnation of the zionist regime. university of auckland students in new zealand. by
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erecting tents, they show their connection with gaza student demonstrations in america and in support of the people of gaza announced in berlin, germany, the police announced that the tents supporting palestine by students are prohibited, and the police are ready to deal with these gatherings. at the same time, a protest rally was held in london, the capital of england, in front of the entrances of the ministry of international trade. the participants in the rally demanded to stop the issuance of
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weapons export licenses. pakistani students also demonstrated and marched in the cities of lahore and karachi in solidarity with the people of gaza. the students of the american university of beirut, lebanon, in their gathering, demanded to cut ties and stop cooperation with regime companies they have become zionists. well, as you saw , anti-zionist demonstrations in american universities. it continues. now i am talking to an expert on american issues, mr. yousefi. hello, please tell me exactly what the american students are demanding and what is the relationship between the american universities and the zionist regime, and now the students are demanding to end this relationship, in the name of god. and greetings to you and dear viewers of khabar network and congratulations on teacher's day. commemorating the position of professor and teacher
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on this day and regretting that we are witnessing these days in american universities the position of professor and the teachers and coaches have been neglected and suppressing them as much as possible. what is clear from the scene is that the students of american universities do not want much. they believe that american universities have economic, industrial, etc. cooperation with the zionist regime, and they make joint investments in their companies here, and these investments and cooperations have led to the fact that the profit of these economic or industrial activities and these funds will be used to strengthen
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the regime's war machine and the regime will use them to suppress and kill the palestinian people. because so far thirty thousand palestinians have been martyred and these tortures are still going on, therefore students and professors and even university staff in america and in european countries knowing that this investment and economic and industrial cooperation with the zionist regime will lead to this they say that we don't want to be a partner in this genocide, so american universities should disclose their funds and their activities with the zionist regime. and companies affiliated with this regime to invest those funds which are the foundations
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of the american people, so that they do not participate in this war and can end this war. yes , mr. yousefi, please tell me the options of the american governing body to manage the situation and overcome it, considering that the elections what is ahead of them and whether it is possible to reduce it in the coming days or if this challenge may take longer, see what they experience. in the united states , protests usually have aspects of racism, i.e. protest against racism or class divisions, that is, we have seen two major mistakes in the united states. one is the fault of racism, which is a war between white people and colored people, and it continues and we see it from time to time.


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