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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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in the current situation , add 40 people, in my opinion, with these opportunities, nothing special will happen, the government does not follow their work, they must answer. they know themselves and they don't want to create a situation where they have more observers in terms of... anyway, the parliament is quite clear about this, but this side of the matter, well, the parliament has been insisting on this for the past 11 years. he said that these requirements happened every 10 years. i believe that if we want to do a bachelor's degree. if we want to work , the restrictions that the doctor says should happen. by the way, this is what the doctor said about the discussion. it also creates a
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figure, they give it to the representative. i am strongly against this matter. i do not accept it at all. even though i have 27 years of experience in the field of implementation, it is true that it happens . we go according to the needs that people ask of us. we are explaining this is not the way to explain the sources, that in many places , many, perhaps, this did not happen at all , that deprivation is spreading because of the number agents are not really an agent. yes, i believe that this plan has more work to do. insisting on the issue will not solve the problem structurally. the number of people will increase, but it will turn on its heels. in the first year, the next parliament should really spend time with these requirements on the number of people , maybe the election law at all. if a model
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changes or has been changed recently , more quality work should be done, because the discussion is very simple and cannot be concentrated in one point and deprived. in terms of distribution of resources in the country , it is not close to justice and many places have it and many places do n't. i don't disagree, but i say that when you don't set the foundation right, the geographical areas are not correct. when you increase my number, nothing special will happen. now a foundation has been laid, and if it is added, i will say now , mr. doctor, tell me whether to study those areas that two to three they have representatives, really two to three representatives are aligned to solve the issue , many representatives are in the constituencies they have no middle ground at all, they are in the same area now. mr. sarbani, my colleagues, mr. sajaze bedi
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, my colleagues prepared a report , gathering some of the opinions of the muafghan opponents of the issue . we will see this together . saleh jokar agrees that the increase in the number of representatives should have been done in the previous parliaments, while the government and the parliaments did not act in the 11th parliament. the complete plan was prepared and now the government representative opposes its approval. where has the government been in the last 3 years? why did the previous governments not issue a bill? ali is a religious opponent. the plan to increase the number of parliamentarians is contrary to article 64 and 75 of the constitution and has a tax burden. it is also contrary to the general election policies announced by the supreme leader. on the other hand , the election process of the 12th parliament is still ongoing. it is not over, what
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happened and what necessity was achieved that we are changing the law and election schedules between the two phases of an election. mohammad reza sabakian agrees with article 64 of the constitution, which allows 10 people to be added to the number of representatives every 10 years. the last revision of the number of mps in 1368 and in a situation where the population of the country is 45 million people. it was done, but now after 24 years, the population of the country has reached 86 million people, while this legal right of the people has not yet been added, and this is pure injustice in the distribution of representatives in the country, so many injustices are caused by the unfair distribution of representatives. by the way, three indicators of deprivation population and political considerations and size have been determined for this plan. according to ali akbar, this plan
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should also be developed based on expert opinion and field investigation. this is despite the protest of a number of representatives on the agenda he also took it in sharay. that the most important plans are related to livelihood and attention to the deprived masses. i wish they would observe justice in the distribution of the number of representatives in this plan. hossein hosseinzadeh agrees: a country can progress when its officials and representatives have their heart beating for the people every moment and all decisions are primarily for the opinion of all members of the society. not that about the decisions in which. zain nef are the ones to decide and this is not logical at all. if the representatives want to get involved in the minor issues of their constituencies , we must witness the plurality and diversity of the representatives. therefore, we should consider these issues on the basis of dealing with the people and solving their problems.
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a small ogre of the opposite race. the plan to increase the number of representatives greatly increases the financial burden of the government . on the other hand this it involves many provinces because, contrary to justice, the increase in the number of representatives is included in some constituencies. well, thank you for continuing to follow us . we are at the service of mr. sabakian. we have seen the points of view of some parliamentarians and experts who have expressed thousands of opinions in this field. the doubts that mr. dr hosseini also heard the suggestion. your response.
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45,000 people would be one representative now, or would the 600,000 people be 651 representatives? well, naturally, we would have given one to each of us, if you wanted, it would have been reduced. regarding the financial burden, which the government always opposes, and its argument is this, now i don't know how it is that 40
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adding a person to the parliament is a financial burden. hundreds of government companies and various organizations have been created during this period . how many organizations do we create every year ? how many big state companies are created every year ? how much do these 40 representatives cost? let's say it's a burden if these 40 people kill your government 299 times , they often help the government, so i implicitly, now that i have seen mr. hosseini's views all the time, i also accept their arguments in the parts that are friends' views anyway. it is possible that it will increase, but let's come and put forward a series of impossible arguments now, but leave the existing reality aside, this
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is not possible. now, i don't want to talk about the deprivations of my region, but the fact is that i, mr. hosseini, live in the city where i live. when i move, i go to the last point. i will return to my area, a city, for example herat 7 hours and 45 minutes, almost 8 hours round trip in the car, it is smooth, you are a representative , you know what people judge, how do you want to go , or at a time when even the ministers come among the ministers, mr. dr. wazir says, sir, they have come, sir, yazd province , zanjan province, well i all expect the minister and
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the other four, the fact is that friends do not look fairly, you know the lobbies that exist, the follow-up by the representatives. it is, and naturally, it is the right of every representative. i am not saying that no one has the right, but this leads to parts not being seen. now you may not believe that 45 years from in the past revolution, i have a city called the city , because touching the flesh, skin and bones of the minister did not come. after the revolution, the minister did not come there. i said, mr. minister, you should come there. it is a praise for the provincialization of health care, which is now the province in the country . it has a high level. when he came , he was surprised that these cities are also a part of this province
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, so i would like to confirm what mr. rahmat said in this context, but one thing we are facing the reality, the fact is that today the share of the representatives in the pursuit of capital validity, many facilities, many licenses. because the representative is not a share the regions will be destroyed, the conditions that you have considered for tehran province, except for those two cities or two provinces that mr. doctor , i will repeat a very previous answer. we came to a place where we separated the two cities in the same plan. we said , sir, this area is yours, these two cities are yours, and those two cities are yours. in almost many places where it was possible, we even resolved the dispute. in this
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explanation, you are forced to because you have made up your mind, even though i know your personality, after all, you are active in the national arena, but the rule of work in terms of the area of ​​deprivation, injustice has caused you to die unconsciously. if the rule of the parliament goes in the right direction in terms of making decisions and formulating the right laws, there is no need for you to be concerned about the health sector, for example, when a correct rule is made in terms of regulation in the field of health care . as much as you, we are in the field of election and the other representatives, when they are right there in the group of those
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elements, they do not stick together properly and the right decision is not made. we are forced to localize our minds. in terms of structure, let's help anyway, so it turns out that the representatives in the first year and in the last year are almost from the review phase. these plans are due to the fact that he wants the rights of a large region. in many of these cases , they have to be separated from the issue of mr. doctor. i say, except for those two provinces where there are at least two topics that can be said at one place for every 900,000 people in the province. for every 900,000 people, borz has a city with 45,000 people there is a representative, this is true, but in another dimension
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, with this explanation to the powers that are within the assembly itself, for example, you should inoculate 5 people in tehran province, are there any differences in political issues within the parliament? in any case, the right influencers are divided, when they are formed inside the parliament, they are the ones that cause your city because their power increases , they cause your city, mr. doctor, so you are saying that in fact the division of the electoral situation should change, exactly this is exactly what happened in the parliament he brought a plan to become a province, mr. doctor should go by himself with their colleagues in the district, if the value of the votes given to mr. doctor is not this model, that a part of the city should not be given to them at all
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. this is me. this is an agreement in the area of ​​implementation. i am the representative of the people . in fact, this law has remained on the ground and the number of people has not been found . it was because of the same considerations that you mentioned. when they divide 20 people with this model, the problem is that they know that they cannot do this in 10 years, unless it is the basis of the constitution. is not. well, i have a question, dear representatives of tehran district 30 curses, is there a problem?
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290 people are representatives, don't go in that direction, or if you go in that direction, you won't be successful for reasons that you know , but there is a discussion of the constitution that allows us , i said, the experience of the world is what we need , it creates injustice, at least you would investigate it. why should we oppose that now the commission and this collection should be transferred to these cities that you have changed? in any case, you left the madar city in place , you prepared a series of numbers anyway, you created a new electoral district, except your district is correct, you yourself , you came to bandedo city, you came to this commission. look what's our problem, shersan, we came to see our cities with the statistics, when we took the population statistics, i disagree that the number of your
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cities is the same as ours, mr. doctor. we agree, mr. joe, the work of talking is saying we agree, but unfortunately, it is time for action. now , if the representatives vote for this plan, well , anyway, the government will come and announce that i am against it , it will always be in a low voice. naturally, if the government announced here that i i agree, please
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let me know if you have any questions for 20 seconds because it's time for a community system to hold the election of the islamic council in the country with its own requirements. yes , god willing, if you make the assembly 500 people , it will not have any effect on the situation, and if it does have any effect, the exclusion of mr. dr. at the end of its work , the new parliament is making one of its priorities to finally solve this issue once and for all . well, it was a good discussion . and thank you very much for accompanying us until the end . i am grateful to both honorable mr. hosseini and mr sowagians who were with us today , god bless us until
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we meet again. the persian gulf is considered one of the most valuable aquatic ecosystems in the world. we can see the most important ecosystems in the world in the persian gulf, such as mangrove forests, grassy beds, this blue zone is home to hundreds of bird species and more than 1,600 species of aquatic vegetation , heat-resistant coral rocks, among other benefits of the gulf. fars
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is compared to other water habitats in the world. about 100 species. iranian issues, we have coral reef, but this special temperature tolerance created here for our sensitive habitats have created this special importance, the conditions that are going to happen in other parts of the world are now being observed by scientists in the persian gulf, although the corals of the persian gulf have somewhat adapted to the conditions of climate change and heat. human activities, along with oil pollution, threaten the life of corals. the transportation of oil tankers and cargo ships is more than in many other places. and there are many incidents that happen in this area , in addition to this, we have to pay attention to the constructions that happen around the coast of coastal areas.
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let us also mention that maybe you also have a question about the consequences of destroying coral habitats. a quarter of marine creatures spend a part of their lives in coral habitats , the habitat that fish depend on. we lose our expectation that the amount of fish will decrease, certainly a series of jobs that are related to syadi will decrease, and people's food basket will also be affected. in recent years , part of the coral habitats that were destroyed have been restored and revived. the area that has been restored in khark is about four to five hectares fortunately, we were able to plant 20,000 cuttings there . 3,000 coral cuttings have been planted in shawar havolush bay in kish island by one of the environmental activists there
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. also, with the aim of preserving the genetics of the living creatures of the persian gulf and the sea of ​​oman, including corals, the marine genetic reserve bank has started its activities. the reason for the indiscriminate harvesting of oil pollution and waste water from many industrial companies and the desalination used by the persian gulf countries, which actually make the persian gulf more salty, has caused the ecosystem there to suffer. be changed and one of the first goals of this zakhar center will be to revive them. the seas are sources of food and energy production , they help attract tourists and create jobs, without a doubt. destruction of aquatic habitats does not end only underwater and affects the environment of humans and other creatures on land. saeed hajizadeh,
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sed and broadcasting news agency. undoubtedly, the conditions are not like the days of the beginning of the war, the harsh conditions of the occupying regime. they have to persuade netanyahu to an agreement. before this , the cessation of war was conditional on the destruction of hamas. the end of the war in gaza must return with the destruction of hamas accompany the victims. now, however, their adopted brothers in the face of.
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the eve of the election has no way but to adjust its approach towards gaza, although some experts consider the change of face of the white house to be tactical and deceptive. america sometimes also plays the role of the good police. that the zionist regime is completely coordinated, but in literature, in appearance, in words. he says things as if there is a difference between the two sides. the government
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sees these protests as a threat because this year is an election year. joe biden himself sees him as vulnerable in this election. because many people who vote for the democrats are also among the protesters, or because of the seriousness of issuing the arrest warrant against netanyahu's zionist leaders due to the possibility of issuing an arrest warrant against him. and other israeli officials have experienced unusual fear from the hague criminal court, which can cause a great deterioration in the international situation of israel, and until the operation of the promise of truth as shah bayt, the three recent anti-zionist incidents that made the occupiers to review their calculations in gaza. dominor and serial resignations of security and military officials is the second problem of creating a very deep gap between officials security and political that the security authorities believe that they should deal with hamas as soon as possible
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and instead of war. to advance the work through political negotiation methods. the experts agree that the spread of protest against the genocide in gaza, especially in the western societies , has left no way behind or forward for the occupying regime. according to the announcement of the times, netanyahu's arrest warrant will be issued soon at the international criminal court. an event that can stabilize the defeat of the zionist regime in gaza. hamid turkshand. radio news agency.
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he says that this year's price is the same as last year's price last year's price, the kids say this year's price is last year's price.
3:59 pm
we made a single macaron only at the top of sera for you until you come to see it. this is called an installment purchase . come to sera as you wish. various accessories of every model and name are shown. don't worry about buying. they have a variety of prices . come to sera, come to sera, sera has a lot of discounts for anywhere. i am your host in tehran, qom and isfahan cities until 2:00 am in tehran.
4:00 pm
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you viewers dear and respected , we present to you the news of 4:00 p.m. in the past hour, the american police arrested another 100 pro-palestinian students who oppose the gaza war at columbia university, according to the washington post of knowledge. upon entering columbia university , he arrested the anti-skinist students. new york police.


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