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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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a single macaron at the top. the biological and genetic resources of every country are considered the country's capital, and the health, economic and food security of the country depends on these genetic resources and in the same direction. the national center for genetic and biological reserves was opened by jihad academici after the establishment of the bank of human and animal cells, the bank of marine reserves of iran, for the preservation of marine animal and plant species . preserve the maintenance of some endangered species that we have in the persian gulf because of the environmental pollution that has occurred , especially the excessive exploitation. neighboring countries
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have happened and we actually have the same policies in order to revive them, we are considering that it is being done, for example, bacteria or archaea may be different groups that have been stored, and this complete system of information is registered in our database, and in fact, we are using global standards that are actually in the class. there is a classification of bacteria , we classified these from the shores of the gulf. fars, we conduct sampling, the sample enters the laboratory , work is carried out on the samples in the laboratory , they are also examined morphologically according to valid classification keys and identification standards, in fact, their appearance is checked and according to the reference books. matching is done, molecular identification is done on the genes, and
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it is placed together in a complementary way with other levels of identification, and that strain and species that is purified is identified by laboratory methods, and finally these strains are stored for a long time. it will take some time for us to be able to carry out the project method and other works . i will come to jaluk and syonobacter will be kept in this tank . mellat's yeast will be kept in another tank and each of the tanks will be able to separate the samples from different sources so that they can be separated together. banking should be done , each of these will be maintained and if necessary for research use, these will be taken out, cultivated and made available to other researchers. in this bank, in addition to maintaining the biological reserves of marine animal and plant species, other measures are taken. we plan to achieve production based on these biological reserves this year. different pigments that are used in the pharmaceutical industry.
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our various research groups have started to extract these to produce them. this center also provides scientific infrastructure for other academic and research centers. this center is actually one of there are strategic centers in this field that can provide the necessary infrastructure for other scientific centers in addition to providing research services. this will actually preserve these reserves. there will be a study in the future. maybe consider this now . it is not just related to the sea. these can introduce products in the field of medical biotechnology. and it will be available to the companies of scientists in the department of pharmaceuticals, in the creation of this bank, the environmental protection organization and a number of gulf universities.
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about a thousand species of animals, plants and micro-organisms are kept in iran's marine reserve bank , which number can be increased due to further identifications. mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency. hello, we are with you with economic news. issuing an invoice for the purchase of a mobile phone with a promise that almost a year has passed, but it is still not implemented. the deputy minister of mining industry and trade says: all the necessary measures have been taken to issue the invoice for the purchase of mobile phones and it will be implemented in 3 months. according to mr. brothers, the purpose of the implementation of this transparency plan.
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it is possible to buy meat with a mobile phone in november 1402. the deputy minister of mining industry and trade repeated several times the promise of issuing electronic invoicing for mobile phones. we don't have a plan whose goal was transparency, transparency in the supply chain, explaining and buying the mobile phone of the person who wants to make the purchase, before he wants to pay, by scanning that mobile ima, in addition to the specifications that come with the company's warranty. a guarantor and a fair price a fair price range is also displayed. deputy minister azar made a promise last year. with an expiration date of 2 months. in a period of two months, we will see the beginning and implementation and growth of this issue
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. and 2 months later, from the beginning of the year, i think it will be implemented. first of next year, god willing, from april 1st, god willing, we will try to do that. now, after the deadline of mr. brothers' promise, we have come to mobile phone sellers . we do not know anything about electronic invoices. we only send manual invoices to our customers. for now, we have not received anything and electronic invoices are not issued to our customers. the union is 100% ready to inform us from the dignitaries in the seb organization, we will also inform our members so that we can be very transparent. let's move forward. now, the deputy minister of the position for the third time has made a new promise to implement this data plan. we are sure that within the next 3 months, major importers , bankers, and mobile phone sellers
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will provide this electronic bill to the seller and the final buyer. note book. the ministry of electronic commerce development said that the implementation of this plan will make the prices fair in the mobile phone market. mohammad elhari of the sada news agency sima the deputy director of highways and road transport organization said: last year, 725 accident-prone spots on the country's roads were removed. mr. akbari said: the clearing and correction of 470 accident-prone spots agreed with the traffic police last year and 300 other accident-prone spots related to our previous years are also on the agenda of the road organization this year. in 1402, we corrected a total of 725 accident-prone spots
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. on the way to the country, we held 412 meetings. it includes 313 points related to the meeting we held with the police in 2016 that the projects were started from previous years and ended this year. minister samt's promise to produce 1,700,000 cars, the spokesperson of the principle 90 commission says that according to the announcement of the minister of registration , 1,700,000 cars will be produced this year in order to compensate for the shortfall in market demand. the ministry of security had promised the same amount of car production for the year 1401, but it was not fulfilled. in 1400 , car production had decreased to such an extent that the president ordered a 50 % increase in production to regulate the market. this should be done immediately and
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a large part of these cars should be handed over to the people they are the ones who are in turn and they have the right to make themselves available to them in their own time. the ministry of industry announced that in 1401 the production of automobiles should reach 1 million 700 thousand units and for the year 1402 , the ministry of industry forecast reached 1 million 600 thousand units, according to the latest statistics of the ministry of industry, despite the promise of producing 1 million 700 thousand units. however, 1 million and 34 thousand cars were produced in 1402 , despite the promise of increasing production, but the car manufacturers did not increase production and produced less than 1 million 338 thousand cars in 1401, the minister says that 5 thousand cars are produced daily, but with the existence of this huge amount of production, in my opinion, according
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to the demand of the market, it should be balanced. will increase as the automaker keeps production at around 1,400. our car manufacturing systems have this capacity of 70,000 very easily, the thing that makes them unable to produce is their liquidity problem that has happened in the past few years. it came into being with this pricing system. now the price increase is an excuse for decreased production in car manufacturers. the price increase that was given to auto manufacturers last year may have lost its effect today and it is not attractive for auto manufacturers to increase production. according to the spokesperson of the competition council, the reason is the determination of the new price of the car according to the instructions of the competition council of the ministry of education. in fact , it calculates these prices, the final price
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is done in the support organization as an expert trustee, and in fact it is announced that according to the vision document 1404, car manufacturers should produce 3 million cars per year and export 30% of them to the world markets. in other words they should double their production in the remaining one year. faizeh shabani, sda news agency , iran-uae joint economic commission was held in abu dhabi. the expansion of cooperation in the field of transportation and financial and banking transaction ports was the focus of the negotiations of this meeting. the development of port activities was one of the fields of cooperation and the investment of emirati companies in iranian ports. facilitating banking processes is one of the needs of our businessmen, and this is what our businessmen want from the emirate of tahsil.
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with a two-way partnership, each party puts capital in this fund to issue guarantees necessary for the operation of the commercial sector. deputy minister of agricultural jihad from an increase of more than 20%. sedi saderat of the food industry announced last year. according to the announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad, attending the exhibition and sending and receiving business delegations in the field of food industry products in russia, china, india, pakistan, indonesia and kazakhstan are on the agenda. about 2 million tons of food industry and processed products worth 2 billion dollars were exported abroad in 1402. we have dairy products, we have chocolate sweets,
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we have juices, we have canned food, which is one of them it is the great position of our country. removal of customs and horizontal restrictions is the concern of food industry activists. the biggest concern of the exporters is to return the currency to the rate that the central bank intends, and this has been a big challenge in the last one or two years . exporters of food industry products say about the favorable situation of export and marketing of these products in this year's export capabilities exhibition. we signed a memorandum of understanding and identified it, that is , the applicants who find us as the supplier of the initial talks and negotiations to export to the target countries and even the countries that we we didn't think we could work with them in this exhibition. we were able to establish links . it was beyond my imagination. in fact, that this happened in our collection. well, our
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activity in the field of export was very small, but fortunately , we were able to actually establish links with countries such as kyrgyzstan , tajikistan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan in the northern border of our country and in the southern border of our country. on the edge of the persian gulf , we should have very good negotiations with the uae, oman, kuwait, and actually sign various contracts. turkey was good, african countries were very good this year despite the large number of businessmen and companies this year , there was not much time for long-term talks, but alhamdulillah , we managed to reach several destinations in several countries. the common thread
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of exporters of judicial industry products is the possibility of increasing the export capacity of these products several times. the possibility that the government officials say is being provided through negotiations and agreements on preferential trade and free trade. aref jafari, sed and sima news agency. the ceo of iran's urban regeneration company attended. jihadis reported in the worn-out neighborhoods. mr. ayeni said: 15,000 jihadi groups with a presence in 6,000 neighborhoods in the country residents of these neighborhoods from tshui packages. the participation of popular and jihadist groups with urban regeneration company , in the joint meeting of basij sazendagi, the ceo of urban regeneration company, it was decided to use jihadi groups to inform about the renewal of the worn-out fabric in a face-to-face manner. we have middle circles that, on the one hand, convince the people to
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renovate, on the other hand , create trust between them and the builders, and on the other hand , make the builders aware of what rights they actually have , and how these rights should be shared with investors. do in the country, there are 6,000 worn-out neighborhoods and 2,700,000 there is an unstable structure. according to the announcement of the ministry
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of roads and urban development
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, jihadi and popular groups are scheduled to start on the 17th. 新 电 , 包 括 整 个 新 功 能 , 昌 内 的 一件 一宝。 我们经过 一个决策 , 车 , 在这里边的 航条可以开展的一个更的系统的的全面的一个体格 没沫, 包括生理
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beautiful arts that are alive by the hands of nomadic women. kuche eshayer festival had provided an opportunity for powerful nomadic women to display their beautiful and delicate works. there is handiwork in the city, there is a mirror, there is a city. most of the chiefs are in my hands the art of nomadic women has been able to become obsolete works that were not many in the past.
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art is falling, khalkhale handcraft industry, carpet weaving, jajim weaving, musand weaving, and bag embroidery , we have everything. some of these arts, like verni moghan , have reached the national register . we produce and sell them in different sizes and colors. god bless you. thanks to this art, the nomadic women, in addition to earning their own income, have also taken the hands of other women. women who are heads of the family study, work, and earn money for us. nomadic women's hand art. it has this capacity to be mass produced in large workshops . i need to explain my workshops so that i can get a job. in addition to the effective training that
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is given to those interested in this field in the cultural heritage offices of our cities. financial support is also provided to these loved ones, including low-interest loans to support the production of these loved ones to provide materials. there are nearly 300 fields of handicrafts, of which about 30 fields are the art and abilities of nomadic women. leila sedaghat of jafarabad radio and television news agency. implementation of the specific rules of the commodity group of precious metals and gohersang with the subject of inventory registration in the trading and export society system. the electronic invoice through maadian system was in the middle of december last year when the officials of the ministry of taxation and the tax affairs authority
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have set aside 3 months for the implementation of this law, so that the two systems of the trade community and maadian are connected. 3 months have passed and at the beginning of april of this year, this law was notified to the ministry of foreign affairs for implementation through the headquarters for combating goods and currency smuggling. in spite of all this , there are still uncertainties in the implementation of these rules, based on the note four of article 18 of the law on combating smuggling of goods, which it was announced in tower 5401 and it has the classification of product groups, one of the categories is gold artefacts, this is expected based on all the measures that have been taken with the cooperation of the dear ones, both the union itself , the ministry of registration and other dignitaries, who have given trainings strictly and to the above number of loved ones who are interested in buying, selling, transporting, maintaining, which is stipulated in the form of note four of article 18 , should register their information
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. transparency of the production chain should be done from the first the ring that is the balance will be realized when this transparency is keyed, with the cooperation of the loved ones, this issue will also travel the rest of the way. in the first stage, its benefits are for snaf itself, it promotes the industry itself . in the same program, with the presence of his highness , there were other friends from other groups, so at first there might have been some resistance, but later they realized that this was also in favor of consumer rights. it is for the benefit of both respectable sellers and respectable producers. it is a pity that they are more law-abiding, they are in favor of transparency, they are in favor of consumer rights first. they accompany and participate in training sessions kanan, now there are many meetings , what is the percentage, you ask for the percentage, tell me how much, i think we have about 30% in the guilds , but it is much more in the exchanges, which means
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that most of the gold coins we see are exchanged now. well, it is in the area of ​​exchange offices, yes, and of course there are some places that are unclear for us, those are the places where we should, well, 70 is still left, this figure is less than 70, the cultural authorities are the next. sometimes they think that this transparency, which is the right of some kind, i will know later, is a golden seller in the country who does not give this right to the consumer, which he should. there should be an invoice in which the seller's name is mentioned, the buyer's name is mentioned , the weight of the gold, the carat of the gold, the gem of the gold, and the amount of the 70% fee, which is the reason for not recording the resistance that mr. brothers is talking about. your class has been three months. in january, we saw that this maadian system, its implementation, caused the multiplicity of two systems of a series of cyberspace problems that now exist.
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being compatriots and colleagues and the people of the community and the appointments that were made in that approved three months time for these two systems to make their efforts to become one system in the government, there is no difference of opinion in the way there is no action, that is, both the central headquarters, the friends of the ministry of seman, and the friends of the tax affairs organization in the implementation of this task, emphasizing that there is no need to re-register the information. and according to the law , the gastrointestinal system needs to be resolved and fulfilled. they have an understanding, we have no problem with this connection between the systems, and all these processes have been implemented and tested in government systems, even from the side of the saman system. the electronic invoice system of the trading community should be issued according to the rules of the tax affairs organization and this electronic invoice should be issued to the system
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the average number of employees for last year was about 10 million tomans, so
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that means more employees. our colleagues say why do we need the capital that has been installed and now reached us and how many families are using it , why should we use it in this system and its problems and security ? clarification of trust.
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no action has been taken regarding this issue, according to mr. bazarfshan, what is this for , to enforce the law, to ensure the benefit of the people, so that the people can be assured of the authenticity of the goods they buy, in fact, the authenticity of the goods. under the ambiguity, under the question, standing firmly for the implementation of the law, both the trade union law and the consumer rights law , as well as the anti-bullying law, so that when i buy a gold coin, i must be sure that this gold coin is an authentic gold coin. conducting radio and television.
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la la la yahle wahde ahle ahle andna andna andna nafla la shahrid la shahrid la shahridna barla aghala walansara.


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