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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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we talked about the details of the budget . thank you very much to you and all the good viewers of his talk , who have accompanied us until this moment. god bless you, ali. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan, i am with you today . we will start the program with the latest images of the continuing student protests against the zionist regime's genocide in gaza.
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now on the occupation now and the occupation now on the occupation now and the occupation now palestine will be free palestine free palestine and the partine and a partine and a partine and a partine free palestine free palestine free free palestine free palestine.
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from the river to the sea, from the river to the sea, palestine will be free, palestine will be free.
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with the escalation of student protests in america, the new york police arrested more than 300 students last night in just two universities, city college and columbia. in new york, police deployed hundreds of officers to deal with students who gathered at city college. the police arrested dozens of protesters while clashing with the students. at columbia university in new york, hundreds of
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police forces took action to suppress students. spark the recent student protests from columbia university ended with the arrest of 108 students. the young man and the president of the university failed to stop the protests two days ago, the police took dozens of arrested students to prison by bus. at the university of california, los angeles, a group of supporters of the zionist regime attacked students who gathered in support of palestine with sticks and iron rods. these students are here
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to express their protest. also , be the voice of those who cannot voice their protest and for what they believe in. flag students at the university of north carolina bringing down america and replacing it with the palestinian flag, which was accompanied by the arrest of at least 36 students by the police , demonstrations have been held in other countries in support of the protesting american students. university of california students attack.
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they will be surprised if the police do something against the zionists. freedom of speech is dead. it is said that americans who support palestine and are against palestine behave differently than, for example, at columbia university in new york. the police line up against the students in a way that the cnn reporter described. many such events covered all over the world. i have never seen so many policemen moving in one area. or a little further at the university of california, los angeles. the big question on the mind is where the los angeles police were when israel supporters attacked the pro-palestinian student tents. a behavior by the police that raised the voices of cyberspace users and
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repeated the phrase uc in english meaning the university of california. welcome to the united states of israel. at the university of california, pro-israel mobs set fire to peaceful believers. isn't that funny the temporary tents of palestinian supporters in the universities have angered the zionists, but the illegal and permanent israeli settlements in the palestinian territories are carried out as usual. police raided columbia university in new york and arrested 100 students. according to the washington post, 1300 american students so far. the students gathered very calmly, i think they were treated like terrorists, we didn't have to see this amount of police violence, instead of the way the government
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has taken, the american users, despite this arrest , say that if they think for a moment, what the police does not make people stop protesting. is wrong the movement is getting stronger every day. in the end, goodness will prevail. fatemeh sharifi, sed and sima news agency. condemned because of the zionist crimes in other universities of the world , in the university of leeds, england, hundreds of people joined the protestors of the gaza war with demonstrations. the french police kicked out protesting students with a baton at telus university of political sciences. paris toulbiag university and univ.
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auckland university students in new zealand also set up their solidarity tents with gaza and student demonstrations in america in support of the people. declare gaza
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in france, the police suppressed the anti-zionist demonstration in the city of lyon. in london, the capital of england, a protest rally was held in front of the entrances of the ministry of international trade. in this gathering , they demanded to stop issuing weapons export licenses to the zionist regime. now, in this part of the world, today we want to have an overview of all the events that have happened in the last one or two weeks in american universities , how did these protests take root and then spread, in this regard , we are hosting ms. azadeh taheri, a reporter for sada and sima news agency. mrs. taheri let's start from the beginning of the story, the protests
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there were people from the beginning of the war in gaza and the zionist genocide inside america, but what happened to the starting point of this level of student protests? in order to pay attention to the starting point of these student protests , we must first know that in recent months, dissatisfaction with the performance of the biden administration towards the gaza war has escalated significantly. a recent cnn survey shows that more than 70% of the american people are dissatisfied with biden's performance in this field, and this dissatisfaction is significantly higher among groups such as muslims and youth , but the starting point of these student protests is columbia university was formed in new york on april 17th, on april 29th, i think it's okay, i came and sat down a part of the university building there and had a specific
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request. are or are somehow involved in the war in gaza, cut off the connection , now it is worth mentioning this point to know that this building where students gathered at columbia university and during the last two weeks, which is the annual hamilton hall , has a symbolic status for columbia students in the decades before and during the demonstration anti-vietnam war and civil rights movements , students occupied this building in those years and it was a focal point for protests in this columbia university. he was summoned to the congress and asked the questions of the representatives about what anti-semitism is in the university. columbia replied, "of course, summoning university presidents for this reason
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is not a new thing. two or three months ago, the presidents of harvard university of pennsylvania and mit university were also summoned." unlike those three who supported the students' right to express their protest, ms. minoush shafiq took a different approach and gave the students 24 hours to vacate the area, which they also resisted and the police intervened, that is, the university president. he asked the police to intervene. so , probably, the difference between columbia university and the previous university was that the university president did not want academic deans like those. he lost his job and accompanied the congress and now the regime that is ruling in america and asked the police to come to the scene. what happened next? then we saw that the protests quickly spread in it spread in different american universities , as it was in your reports, in addition to america , we are witnessing massive protests in other countries, the university, that is, if the president of klanby university
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did not ask the police to enter the scene and those students would not have been arrested there, maybe . the next one will not happen. well, of course, we must say that the volume of protests at columbia university means that they came and occupied a building and sat down. well, this was unprecedented, which means that the type of protest by columbia students was also unprecedented. now, the reaction of the university president is also these protests then, in other universities , how to spread it in different universities , as mentioned, for example, matara university , harvard university, princeton university , george washington university, these are students who sit in demonstrations, and in most of these gatherings, the police intervened. violence spread, especially in a university like the university of texas in austin
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. was not and in some cases even the professors who were accompanying the students were arrested, and now the professors of the university of amori, whose pictures were very popular on social media, have been arrested. last night , in new york, in los angeles police, a group of people who were mobs and did not have a clear identity attacked my students. before i answer your question, i must point out that american politicians and prominent media sometimes do not have a friendly approach with the palace students. sefid considered the students' approach to be wrong and even some republican politicians and their affiliated media even considered the students as terrorists
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. threat period. it has also increased against pro-palestinian students in america. but in the latest developments, we witnessed the peak of violence last night at ucla university and columbia university. the police arrived at the request of the presidents of the university and used tear gas. according to mayor eric adams new york, more than 300 students were arrested at columbia university and the university authorities demanded that the police be present at the university until the end of the university's closure, i.e. the end of the current semester. uc university, where we witnessed similar violence , announced today in a statement that classes will be closed . thank you, mrs. taheri, for being in the world today. we also had a conversation with mr. samer hassan , a student activist from chicago, about the latest
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situation. we asked about the protests in this country. currently , the situation in the united states has reached a turning point solidarity with gaza with the title of people's universities for gaza reached about 38 universities across america. this week, that number has grown exponentially to nearly 80 universities, as well as the university of chicago, where i volunteered. the students' reaction was trying to depict a situation in which there is violence, but none of this actually happened. most of the time, the protests are very peaceful, and i want to say that almost 500 people
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showed up to express their solidarity with the people of gaza. what is going on in america right now is basically coming to a head a situation in which politicians are basically trying to deflect this movement and show that these institutions do not deserve government funding or claim that the nature of these protests is violence against jewish students, while many volunteer organizers of many the supporters of this camp and protests in all these universities are themselves jews. we always emphasize that zionism is equivalent. there is no anti-semitism and these movements are an example of them. you have many jews, christians, muslims who come together to show their solidarity with the people of gaza coming. we want let me say that so far, hundreds of students have been arrested all over the country. in texas , police officers used tear gas and rubber bullets against organizers, student protesters
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. although the protests themselves were peaceful in nature, they became very violent as soon as the police arrived. it was not student protesters, organizers and volunteers who started violence. in each case, this situation has reached a point reminiscent of the kent state university massacre when the national guard was called to kent state university against protesting students and killed them. killed four organizers, four students were killed there alone, as well as two others in another university. the protesters have intensified their protests now.
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let's discuss political issues analyst and expert, mr. stegenberg, the most important developments in the last 24 hours in the east of america was the new york police attack on the columbia university library, which was accompanied by the beating of students by the armed police forces and the arrest of more than 300 of them. in the west of america, in los angeles, the american police witnessed an attack by unknown forces. he objected to the students when i said that your analysis about the increase in level was done while the police were present what is the violence used against students?
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it is very sad that the level of violence that the american empire is dealing with students . they are acting like this against their own students, and in fact, the level of violence they use depends on their ability to abuse the media , that is, as much as they can control the media and abuse it. they will use more violence if they manage to close some of these protest camps.
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universities may be able to stop the wave of protests take israel's genocide, basically, how many voices raised for the end of israel's crime will be silenced.
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it determines what their intentions are and they are supported. it is not the people that if one of the presidential candidates is found and says that i will stop this process, that person will certainly gain a lot of support among the people, and we are seeing it now in the american election campaign that is going on right now. that the current government , in fact, biden, who is the current president, did not give good conditions. in the polls that are conducted and now it should be seen that these are actually the results
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surveys are a clear message. all the presidential candidates, what is the opinion of the american people now, and they are standing against this process and this process will not stop. another question i have for you is about the treatment that the american police is doing with the students, many claims and slogans of the americans. it questions, for example, the support of freedom of speech, why the structure of the government in america. and the centers of power are spending so much of their credit for israel. i think that the work has become a kind of arrogance and a kind of arbitrary behavior. they
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american empire now. he thinks that he can convince people, that means he should do his own actions and convince people that this was the right thing to do and that it was the best thing that has been done, or he wants to make people believe that his behavior is right, maybe now some people are deceived. eat this thing , but this genocide that is being carried out against palestinians is a historical act and in fact it is an act that has been done in the past and this. we have seen that even in some cases churches and synagogues were even targeted in some attacks, but what we are seeing today in washington dc means that in the past few days we have seen strong demonstrations in this city and when people put aside their virtual identities and as
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the recent events of the recent protests and their expansion make you hopeful for the end of the oppression of the palestinians. of course , this won't be a short battle , it won't come to an end so easily, but i really hope and if this vitality and this driving force that has been created continues, we can hope that this demonstration will be impossible for the american empire. be controlled and they
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cannot now countries like iran, russia and china they are actually declaring their protest against these events and it can almost be said that they have come to the level of these events, america has actually started a police government to control these protests and how much i have to tell you this. as much as a nation. if you suppress people more or put them under pressure, the risk of them exploding increases. now we see that israel, iran, and the united states are actually trying to support israel, despite the killing they are doing, but this is not the solution to the palestinian problem.
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it should be done in other ways. should be used, and everyone should accept this, including americans , europeans, and everyone, even those who are in that axis of resistance, actually adhere to this issue . mr. staggenberg, thank you for being with us in this conversation.


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