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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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other methods should be used, and everyone should accept this, including americans , europeans, and everyone, even those who are in that axis of resistance , are absolutely committed to this issue, mr. stegenberg, thank you for being with us in this conversation. .
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we continue today's world with news from gaza . 15 people, including 5 children, were martyred in the attack of the zionist regime's fighters in east rafah. in gaza city. in the north of this time, at the same time as the zionist abhachi helicopters fired , the army artillery of this regime continued shelling different areas of the town of zeitoun in the southeast of gaza city. it is said that the fighters of the zionist regime also carried out an air strike in the jabalia camp in the north of the gaza strip, in the center of the gaza strip, as well as the artillery of the zionist regime, as a result of which dozens of palestinians
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were martyred and wounded. in response to the zionist crimes , the qassam battalions announced that they targeted the gathering place of the zionist army in hulit town with a large number of short-range missiles. zionist sources reported that 12 soldiers were killed in the last 24 hours. were injured in the gaza strip, and now the second case of tonight's program is dedicated to investigating some whispers about america's behind-the-scenes efforts to normalize establishing relations between saudi arabia and the zionist regime in the situation that gaza has been suffering from genocide for 7 months and the number of martyrs has exceeded 34,000. this
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topic is hosted by mr. amir masoud jamshidpour, an expert on saudi arabia issues. mr. jamshidpour, well , in recent days, we had blinken's trip to the region for the first time after the al-aqsa storm . one of his destinations, which was one of the main destinations, was said to be saudi arabia. the agenda of this trip is to pursue the normalization of relations between saudi arabia and the tel aviv regime. blinken himself said, i will quote directly, that the bilateral follow-up between the united states and saudi arabia regarding the normalization of relations with israel , it is in its final stages, it is said that it is almost finalized , and in the american and zionist media , we are faced with an atmosphere where it is said, for example, that netanyahu has two options in front of him, one is to attack rifa, and the other is to normalize relations. agree with the zionists. now, an interesting point. it should be noted
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here that in the last two months, the zionists have been talking a lot about the attack on rafah, but they have not been able to do it yet, and analysts say that basically the option of attacking rafah is a dead option, it is not operational , just like the attack on other places in ghazi. if he didn't have it, he can't achieve anything for them . now, it's not possible that they are putting the burnt option of attacking rafah on the table . we are not attacking gaza to remove the attack, but the normalization of relations that have not had a good face for years in the region should be justified in some way and the nations should be convinced that now instead of removing the attack , it should accept normalization . i would like to ask you and the viewers to see that we have discussed the normalization of relations between arab countries and especially saudi arabia with israel, if we want to, in terms of let's look at the history. the first time in 2002
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, this discussion was actually raised at the arab league meeting in beirut, where mr. amir abdullah, who was actually the crown prince of saudi arabia at that time , came and proposed a practical initiative. in that initiative, there were preconditions, such as , for example, israel withdrawing from the occupied territories after 1967 and recognizing palestine as an arab country with east jerusalem as its capital. it was heavy and expensive. in fact, the plan that mr. amir abdullah had was postponed had done, in fact, we are looking at the normalization for years, in fact, these ph.d. mr. amir abdullah was the basis of saudi arabia's foreign policy apparatus in regulating its relations with israel , even during the period that was referred to as the normalization spring during trump's presidency, when countries such as bahrain and the united arab emirates refrained from normalizing saudi arabia. because
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of the position he considered for himself in the sunni world , he actually refused this issue . in order to reduce their own security costs in the region, the democrats should try to facilitate a series of negotiations and agreements and improve relations . start from a comfortable place . where was the comfortable place to lift the blockade of qatar? arab arabia and qatar, between saudi arabia and turkey, between the uae and turkey, many arab countries are actually going to damascus there , actually discouraging the issue of syria , allowing it to become an embassy there. this is actually the initiative of china, which is actually the restoration of relations between iran and saudi arabia it was there, in fact, after that project was successful and the us did not interfere with that project, israel blackmailed an attachment on the us foreign policy table, and that
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was that the case of normalizing relations between israel and saudi arabia should also be pursued. yes, it was a demand that the zionists had from the american government. it was because of the yes from the american government , and the interesting thing is that the american officials themselves announced that one of the most important reasons for the al-aqsa storm was actually the discussion of annexing the normalization project, and this also happened to the palestinians. it was a normalization plan, it was a normalization plan, and in fact , they considered this to be a betrayal of the palestinian cause, and this happened, that is, we are witnessing this, after the akhza storm, for a long time, the normalization case was actually forgotten. in fact, in march of this year , negotiations took place again, but the turning point and the turning point that actually made this issue serious again, in my opinion , was the military operation of the islamic republic in israel, which actually made israel want to the same statement that you say, israel is actually facing a crisis
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security was faced and many people announced at the same time that if israel's response is not firm and this means actually recognizing the deterrence of the islamic republic against israel , it will probably lead to a crisis in the security cabinet that the attack on rafah will not be realized and in fact, they poured oil on the well-known saying of the king and now they want to make a triumphant gesture of the immediate result of the missile operation of the islamic republic of iran, which is the end of israel's aggression in the gaza and rafah region. and in fact, this discussion and this issue we have translated a report from channel 12 of the zionist regime. they are talking about a crisis that will not lead to an attack on rafah. they are asking for people. they want the attack
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to be carried out, but the zionists still couldn't reach a conclusion . none of the two. in the meantime, they are waiting for sinuar's response to the egyptian proposal, which is expected to arrive tomorrow night, only then will it be decided that the israeli delegation will leave for cairo to continue the talks. too in the sea, we are waiting. the programs for the operation of rafiha have already been approved for the fifth time. the prime minister promises the day to families who are weak, with a deal or a deal, they will not go. this message is mainly intended for the right's coalition partners, who are sending the messages again. this one mr. prime minister, speak to the children of israel , and give the command at last, רפיח now, the purpose of which is clear, and not חלילה לקנייה
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איומה. minister heizenkot may not be a part of the government on the other side. donald trump again attacks netanyahu and says the attack of חמאס הייה במשמרת שלו היה לי אחרים ראים ביבי הוא געם ומר we are still with you in the world today, mr. jamshidpour, i will continue the conversation with the same interpretation that you said, it is as if they want to make a vow to imamzadeh and they themselves do not have a conclusion about rifa. yes, now you, when if you look at the problem, all the three parties involved in this issue have their own interests and everything seems to be the same in america, israel, america is close to its elections, it would like a ceasefire to happen there as soon as possible . collect these from the other side i mentioned the primary goals. actually, reducing its security costs is something that should be done by saudi arabia. well, when it sees that both israel and america
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are so interested in this issue , it is definitely looking for important concessions. saudi arabia has demanded a big concession, one of which is actually a joint security agreement with america. one is the issue of the nuclear power plant. of course , this news is unofficial, that is, in fact, this is not the official position of the government of saudi arabia, it is what has actually spread in the media . apparently, all three parties have interests, but really, i have two points. i still could not actually let me digest, this issue is very surprising. the first point is how america, when it comes, declares that in fact the al-aqsa storm and the collapse of shiraz, what is referred to as peace in the region, was due to the discussion of normalization. he is repeating the same mistake again and the same is the prerequisite.
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he had a calculation error and this is the third time . the first time was to give the green light to saudi arabia to attack yemen, which would destroy the talks that could be formed after the iran nuclear deal. the second time was when he came to join. the extortionist put israel on the table and it led to a storm, especially now they are carrying out the same program again. this is surprising for the month. when they have to sign a joint security agreement and
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plunge the region into a new crisis. the second issue should be very surprising from saudi arabia when it actually comes and talks about the joint security agreement with the us under the discussion of normalization with israel , while knowing that in fact israel's security is a deterrent to the axis of resistance. it is to provide for the lives of its citizens. they are talking about the multi-layered missile shields of missile defense actually claimed throughout the region, for example , they want to actually slow down this deterrent tool, and at the same time, they imagine that through actually a proximity that comes with there is a possibility that iran can actually dissuade the axis of resistance from pursuing its own geopolitical interests. it has a heavy risk and danger for saudi arabia, and it is very risky
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. now, of course, this was already mentioned by the experts in the previous paragraph in the same sed and sima, the elite experts that sed and sima had invited. but, in fact, they are moving in the same direction again, and it would not be strange to reap the storm for the one who makes the wind , thank you. which may have been aired when you were talking about the devastation of gaza, is it really possible for someone in our region to normalize relations with the zionist regime after this war and this genocide that was seen in front of the eyes of all the people of the world? it is very difficult for them, but okay. they are a door in fact, they prepared and arranged plans for this issue, such as the fact that i want
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them to express the fact that the cease-fire in gaza, which i mentioned was the immediate fruit of the resistance axis, and opportunistically do things in their own name. actually, the game of this propaganda can be played by the media to some extent, it can actually manage the public opinion. another issue is probably the sending of financial aid, which in fact, the conservative faction in the palestinian territories, such as the self-governing organization , makes them have the upper hand. in fact , find an equation for palestine, and one of them is actually this discussion they are trying to get closer to iran. and expressing and declaring that we are not looking for a coalition against iran, they should try to justify us in relation to the issue , which does not necessarily mean threatening the national interests and national security of the islamic republic of iran and the axis of resistance , this is actually an attempt. which is being organized to be able to do it to some extent, but to be able
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to do this, these are actually the axes that they want to advance, this will probably not be perfect, it will have serious flaws , especially what is happening in europe now and america fell and we were there like a flower that grew from the side of a rocky cliff, it will definitely have results in the region. you see, the people of saudi arabia and the people of the uae are different. you see, the uae is actually a minority of the population there, and these are in fact. as a unit of the nation , find political agency. saudi arabia is not like that. the population there is actually mostly natives. this situation exists in saudi arabia, kuwait, and bahrain, but the uae and now, for example, maybe qatar is less. have the problem when the situation in saudi arabia
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yes, people as a controlling agent. yes, as a rule, they will have such an issue as a thing, of course, they will try to actually suppress it, but how successful they will be, we have to see how it will turn out, mr. jamshidpour. the fine was set for trump's contempt of court during his trial in new york. a new york court judge has warned of a sentence if trump again violates the law prohibiting talking about the court arrest him. the republican candidate in the 2024 us presidential election has been accused of falsifying business records.
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sea trials of china's newest largest aircraft carrier , fujian, have begun. this test will measure the driving power and electronic systems of fujian. fujian is the third aircraft carrier in china and the largest ship of the country's navy that was designed and built in china. the officials of tesla motor company announced the decision to lay off hundreds of employees, including a number of senior executives. officials of this american company they announced that the electric vehicle department was completely dissolved and the theme. its employees are fired. it is expected that the chief manager of tesla's electric chargers unit along with the 500-member team of this department will leave this company soon. these layoffs are about 14,000 people. 24 people were killed and 30 were injured due to the collapse of questani road in south china. this accident happened in guangdong province in southern china, where 20
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meters of the road was destroyed and 18 cars were damaged . more than 500 rescuers to. they were sent to the scene of the accident. also, according to the announcement of the chinese authorities, after the subsidence of a part of this highway with a length of more than 58 18 meters of cars fell into shale. following the attack of a 17-year-old student, bashi tiz, at burley college in sheffield, england, 3 people were injured and hospitalized. the attacker has been arrested for attempted murder. following the rain and flooding in saudi arabia, a red alert was issued in some areas of the country. areas overlooking the persian gulf and riyadh medina near the red sea in western arabia are in the warning zone. saudi authorities have closed school roads in flooded areas due to adverse weather conditions and flooding. well, we come to the end of the world today. shabton
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goodbye god
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they have witnessed the barbarity of the zionists in gaza in the past decades, so they recognize that israel is actually a fascist regime that considers jews above all, and the young generation of america says that we cannot do this.
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it is led by anti-zionist jews. of course , there is also a big claim that these protests are anti-semitic. but this is not true. a large number of jews are present in these improvements. there are thousands of jews protesting in the streets , and for this reason i think it is important to know that this fight is against zionism as an ideology and israel, not against jews. of course the mainstream and israeli media do not say this. the zionist government and the american government try to confuse these two issues and say
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how are the prices this year? buy this year at last year's price . congratulations, have you heard that this year they say they
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buy at last year's price? this year they say they buy at last year's price. they say this year at last year's price. at last year's price. the permanent problem of non-recyclable plastics, which both disfigures the face of nature and is a threat to nature and animals, has become a global crisis. and now danesh banyan company has come to help solve this problem by converting these non-recyclable plastic residues into solid fuel. this technology is such that waste. plastic without the need to separate and cool down at once and at the same time, except for the plastics that are recycled, we enter this system and one by one chemical process and
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a device that zero to 100 of this process was designed by me and the antipolymer of this process synthesized by myself. all recycled plastics break their polymer bonds and plastics that are in the form of thermally unstable petroleum substances. become a thermally stable material. in the process of converting these residues into solid fuel, neither significant water consumption nor pollution is created. this system consumes a lot of water. we have a bottom and the water we use goes back to the system and it is only for cooling our chemical process, so we do not have any environmental pollution in this system. plastics are directly converted into fuel , even from the vapors that are extracted in our mechanical process. we can absorb its vapors by the condenser and use the vapors again in our system, which is in liquid form.
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the fuel is easy to use. you can export this fuel to any model you want in the form of powder, tablet, granule, and even in different shapes and sizes. this solid fuel has various uses. from domestic use for countries without oil and gas , it can now be used in thermal furnaces in power plants when we cannot use the surplus because of its environmental pollution . it even has the ability to produce electricity from this fuel. high flammability is another advantage of this solid fuel. its calorific value is more than 1190 kilocalories, which means even the calorific value i can say that there is two to three times the surplus of coal. the system can provide services in different dimensions . we have the ability to provide this technology in any capacity, even for rural areas of this size or even for large cities
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that have a large amount of plastic waste , and launch this technology for them in a large community. the initial idea of ​​this technology was keyed 17 years ago and its final product has received global approval. in 2019, i managed to register this technology in the united states and received the highest scientific score may the american government receive it and be proud of this technology in the name of my dear country, iran. this fanama it has also earned the praise of the head of the environmental protection organization . this idea has a buyer in the world for these young people who believe in their own country , have a special interest in their own hometown, their own country. this idea was formed inside the country. we look at this discussion from an environmental aspect , we look at it from an economic aspect, everything we look at is an achievement. the plastic that could be used became a solid fuel that we can use for the country's power plants instead of diesel fuel that
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now we are using it. use solid fuel, it doesn't have any smell , it doesn't have any pollution problem, it doesn't have any waste, and the officials of the environmental protection organization suggested that the municipalities use this system to deal with the plastic waste. this process can help the municipalities of the country to actually get rid of this evil and not only that it will be released in any way , because it becomes a threat and an opportunity. and it will be a source for the revenue generation of the municipalities of our country, for example, if we are if we consider the plastic production capacity of the city of tehran as 10% of the total, in fact , we can convert all the plastic of the city of tehran into a solid fuel that can be used according to the officials of this company. the basic knowledge of
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solid fuels that come out of straw has the ability to ignite many times that of heavy fuels . hello and courtesy to you, dear and respected viewers, how much we expected to see a good game today, to see goals and to see the top and bottom of the table , but nothing happened, very cold and soulless games. football is still going on
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in the premier league.


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