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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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that is, whatever we want to say, sir, there is a problem with the science of country divisions, we will accept it if you say so , today the parliament is in the framework. people ask us for help , they refer to us, they refer to you , no one tells us, because you live in the city, i call you less often. in fact, the representative gets stuck in this mess by himself, and his problems increase every day. if at least you look like this.
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a local district brought this plan, mr. hosseini, i defined three indicators, i was the secretary of his specialized group, i have been working on this plan for 3 years , we brought all the representatives who objected to the commission. we talked with them in 1 meeting, hundreds of hours were spent, research centers, other scientific centers were invited, we defined three indicators, one 50 points for the population, considering that the constitution says that the population of malacca is 25 points for deprivation and political considerations, 25 points for the extent of these points has been collected and explained with these indicators . i have every representative who has protested . you saw my protest in my parliament. it was a strong protest. well , anyway, this is the issue, sir. my constituency says why you couldn't get a representative. unfortunately, sometimes this is what we are facing. said sir
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there are 40 of them. we cannot make them 41. please explain these 40 with these indicators . we don't vote, we say, sir , please explain the 40 points on those indicators, we don't have any method . some structures and some laws should be revised and amended , but the current reality is that both the law has allowed us and today we are soft. we are lagging behind the world and other countries, and i told my friends that there are 6 cities that have one representative with a population of 65,000 and cannot provide drinking water for the region
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. the basis of many injustices in education , construction, development, and health is all this . now, mr. s believes that his duty as a representative is not at all, that is , he should follow up on educational issues, and he should actually think about anyway, legislation is his main duty, and now the field affairs. election is not one of his main duties, maybe now mr. hosseini, who is overseeing this matter, actually says that the number of representatives should be a bit more qualitative so that it increases a little bit. regarding the discussion of the development of the areas of shortages and deprivations, we do not have any differences of opinion in this matter. my point is this. i say that
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this plan is so important. now, mr. doctor, let them say for themselves that from now on, my opinion will be somewhat different from the opinion of dr. sabakian. the design is so important when you don't set the foundation properly he finds out that the colleague of the representative is accused or the parliament is accused that because i don't get a share from this, i don't vote. is this true? if the rule was correct, i want to say that the first problem with this plan, which mr. doctor is bothering with , is based on the statistics. when i have the population statistics of the year 1395 ah and 7 years since then, the rule of population composition has changed in the country as a whole in these 7 years. i didn't want to talk about my district at all , there are 360 ​​villages, about 220 thousand people, the population
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at the beginning and end of the district is about 20 and 220 kilometers , 2030 kilometers, that is, the population composition is 70% 30% of rural living is urban living on its own terms, that is, with its own problems and problems, in one climate , mr. doctor's area, with 6 cities, with different requirements , in another climate, why does this law remain on the table? the supreme leader also said, sir , consider these factors as the population factor, but there is one thing, in terms of the fact that it is an inevitable issue, consider that too, of course, mr. saba said, giving a number is another credit, 50 %, for example, the population is 25%, political considerations. no, i want
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to say that this is based on a pattern that they made themselves in the report of dear ones, even the research center is frank. he says that sir, this solution is not a solution to the problem, it can solve the problem for a short time, but the main point is, you see, i have a city with this situation, another one has a city with a different situation, with limited facilities. i can't visit places with this volume of work density and these restrictions , then there are also places in tehran province , for example, you are in a district of my city, which is not comparable to the district of mr. doctor's city . it is 5151 square kilometers in tehran. with 500 square kilometers, 400 square kilometers
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, the population density is too high at one point, so it is natural for the representative to be present if we consider the population, yes, 2 million people, one million people, the representative is not enough, but if it is convenient in terms of size, it can be done within one or two roz will defy all his constituencies. on the other hand, is this what we are saying here about the population level of the departmental system and the level of the departmental system of my city, mr. doctor , the executive technical ability of the forces that are there are the same as the technical ability of the forces that are in the center. together, i want to say that there are many parameters from those three the parameter that mr. dr. and part of the basis of this plan is of talent, my question is the constitution , the constitution says for our country, it means that we should stick to it. if we reduce, we cannot
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reduce because we are on the side of the people, the truth is , we are not saying that we should reduce them, but if we are going to increase these requirements, then let's go this way. we , who are 20 years old, 18 years old, did not add 40 people, so really, let's take 6 months, 7 months, a year, and a year to solve the root problem instead of this now. let's do the work, and one of the problems with this was that we wanted this to happen at the end of this parliament, so it would have been better if this happened a year before the end of this parliament. i myself, finally, the parliament is in the process of working in a situation. it is finally taking its turn. i will say this again . look, the supreme leader said the requirements of his own work , the parliament says that its work should not go towards the central bill. you see, four to five projects with the same name
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have been introduced, mr. dr. bordeh, in the four commission system five designs that have 90% of the structure in one direction are overlapping. bringing it under one title with the title of adding 40 people. when you say , sir, the constitution says this, my share is that every 10 years for the past 20 years, i have to add 40 people. let's discuss, maybe he will tell us, sir, if there are 500 people, what's wrong with 40 people , but with the current style and format, 40 people. farham, add to my opinion that with these opportunities , nothing special will happen, that the government does not follow their work, the government should answer, really. ajahed, during the period of nine governments , currently many governments know the conditions of their own requirements
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and do not want to create conditions that have more people to supervise, in any case, the parliament is perfect. it's clear, but this side of the matter, well, the parliament has been insisting on monitoring, well, during the years that are now 11 terms, that well, every ten. i believe that if we want to do a bachelor's degree, if we want to work , the exclusions that the doctor says should happen. i am strongly against this matter, i do not accept it at all , even though i am 278 years old and have experience in the field of implementation, it is true that it happens. we go and explain them according to the needs that people ask us. this is not the way to explain the sources, which
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may not have happened in many places. the fact that deprivation is spreading is not due to the number of representatives, it can really be a factor. besides, i believe that this plan has more work to do. insisting on the issue structurally will not solve the problem. number more people will be added, but that's it. this will not turn around , the necessity of work must go in a direction, i think there is more opportunity, by the way, the next parliament should really spend time with these requirements on the number of people. really, because the discussion is very simple and cannot be concentrated in one point, it is true and deprivation in the country. in terms of distribution of resources , it is not close to justice, and many places have it, many
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places don't have it, at least we will achieve some justice regarding the number of representatives, god willing. i am not against its addition, but i say that when you do not set the foundation correctly, the geographical areas are not correct. when you add the number, there is nothing special . you say that a foundation has been laid now, and if it is added, i now say that the doctor is in the same direction to solve the issue. there are many representatives in the constituencies, they are not in agreement with each other , they are in the same area. now, mr. s, my colleagues, mr. sejaze bedi, my colleagues, prepare a report , gather a number of opinions for and against this issue, and we will see this together. we are at your service and answer your questions mr. dr. hosseini , we are at your service, mohammad saleh jokar agrees that the increase in the number
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of representatives should have been done in the previous parliaments, and while the government and the parliaments did not act , a complete plan was prepared in the 11th parliament, and now the government representative opposes its approval. where has the government been in the last 3 years? why did the previous governments not issue a bill? ali edani is against the increase plan. the act of the members of the parliament is contrary to the articles 64 and 75 of the constitution and is burdensome . it is also contrary to the general election policies announced by the supreme leader. on the other hand, the election process of the 12th parliament is still over. it has not been done, what happened and what was the necessity that we are changing the law and election tables between the two stages of an election. mohammadreza sabagian agrees. article 64 of the constitution allows 10 people to be added to the number of representatives every 10 years.
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the last revision of the number of parliamentarians was done in 1368 when the country's population was 45 million people. but now, after 24 years , the country's population has reached 86 million people, while this legal right of the people has not yet been added, and this injustice is precisely in the distribution of representatives in the country. building. this many injustices caused by distribution it is unfair to the representatives. by the way, three indicators of deprivation population and political considerations and scope have been determined for this plan. ali akbar bastami disagrees. this plan should have been developed based on expert opinion and field investigation. this is despite the objection of a number of representatives , it was put on the agenda, in the situation where the most important projects related to livelihood and attention to the deprived masses are discussed. i wish
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they would observe justice in the distribution of the number of representatives in this plan. hossein hosseinzadeh agrees: a country can progress when its officials and representatives have their hearts for each moment people should clap and all decisions should be primarily for the opinion of all members of the society. not that they decide on the decisions in which zainaf is and... this does not make sense at all. if the representatives want to get involved in the minor issues of their constituencies, we must witness the plurality and diversity of the representatives. so we have to deal with the man. and to solve their problems , consider these issues. a small ogre of the opposite race. the plan to increase the number of representatives greatly increases the financial burden of the government. on the other hand, this plan involves many provinces. because , contrary to justice, the increase in the number of representatives in some
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electives are included. well, thank you for continuing to follow the above . we are at the service of mr. sabakian . we have seen the opinions of some parliamentarians and experts who have commented on this matter . we have also heard the doubts raised by dr. hosseini . we hear mr. hosseini saying that the population statistics of 1995, naturally , statistics are taken every 10 years, but then again, 1395 is 17 years from the past. we have the statistics, well, this brings us closer to justice in the case of what you said now, some devices and some privileges. in some places, naturally, deprived areas are deprived of all privileges, in principle, so when these 40
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people were explained, this gap and the distance of this existing situation would be reduced. it is true that we didn't reduce anyone and it is not possible, but these 40 people came and gave it to those who have better conditions. having and naturally, i would say that 45 thousand people would be one representative now, or 600 thousand people, 651. well , naturally, we would have been given one if you wanted to , it would have been reduced in terms of the financial burden, which the government always opposes. he does and his argument is this. now i don't know how to add 40 people to the parliament mali has hundreds of government companies and various organizations created during this period. how many organizations do we create every year? how many
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large government companies are created every year? let's say it has a financial burden. if 40 people are not left to this 290, they will burden the government , they often help the government, so i implicitly, now that i have always seen mr. hosseini , their views are the same, i accept their argument. find it, but it's us let's create a series of non-arguments now . let's bring it up, but let's put aside the existing reality . this is not possible. now, i don't want to talk about the deprivations of my region, but the fact is that i, mr. hosseini, live in the city where i am. when i move , i go to the last point of my district. i return to one of my cities, for example, herat, 7 hours and 45 minutes away.
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8 hours round trip in the car is easy, you are a representative, you know what people will judge, do you want to go. how or when even the ministers come among the ministers, mr. dr. vazir says, sir, they themselves, sir, have come from yazd province, zanjan province, well, i am waiting for everyone. a minister and an official between their election proposals, the one who has one city says, sir, i have my share , i am a representative, he should come for me , does he have time to spend a few hours, the one who has two says the same thing, well, the one who has 6 cities in the province says , well, we are one. i will come to your city. how about five? there are two of us. how about four the fact is that friends do not look fairly. the lobbies that exist, the follow-up by the representatives. and naturally, it is the right of every representative. i am not saying that no one has the right. but this leads to parts not being seen. now you may not believe that 45 years since
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in the last revolution, i have a city called behabad, still the minister of behabad. because i touched it, the minister did not come with flesh, skin and bones , the minister did not come there after the revolution, i said mr. minister, you should come there. many praises for the province's ablution, good health, treatment, and now the province has an almost high rank in the country, and... he was surprised that this city ha is also a part of this province, so i would like to confirm what mr. rahmat said in this implicit context, but. one point, we are facing the reality. the fact is that today the share of the representatives in pursuing capital, credit, facilities
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are too many, the licenses are too much because there is no representative, the share of the regions. the conditions that you have considered for tehran province will disappear, except for those two cities or two provinces where almost many of the places that could have been, we even resolved the dispute . although i know your personality , you are active in the national arena, but the rule of work in terms of
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deprivation, lack of justice has made you unconsciously go towards thinking local, i say if the rule of the parliament goes in the right direction in terms of decision. making and formulating the right laws does not require you to be concerned about, for example, the field of health. when a correct rule in terms of regulation. if it happens in the field of healthcare, i am as much involved as you are in the field of election and my other representatives are involved in it. when the elements do not fit together properly and the right decision is not made, we are forced to think. i want it to be local and we can't go to big projects to help the country in terms of structure anyway, so it turns out that the representatives in the first year and in
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the last year almost from the review phase of these projects because he wanted to ask for the rights there are a lot of areas where many of these things are inevitable let's separate from the issue of mr. doctor, why does he have a degree in health care because he is a person. i say that except for those two provinces that have at least one issue, for every 900 thousand people in alborz province , there is also one city for every 900 thousand people, which has 45 thousand people. this is true , but in another dimension. with this explanation , for example , you inject this into the powers within the assembly and add a total of 5 people to tehran province. are they
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divided according to the rule of thumb in the political issues of the polls in the parliament? inside the assembly of the figure they are the ones who will cause your city to become a province because their power will increase. that the value of the votes given to mr. doctor is not the model that one side of the city does not go to them at all , this is me, it is an agreement in the field of implementation, i am the representative of the people, the vote that the people gave me value.
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you may have rarely heard of me having local discussions, but your doctor your statement is all about infrastructure, why didn't we fix it? i want to say, well, one is me, the other is you , there are 290 representatives. if you don't go that way, or if you do , you won't be successful for reasons that you know, but you have a question about the constitution, with my permission, i said that the experience of the world is what we need to solve.
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it creates injustice, at least you were afraid of this , you were checking the plan, why should we oppose this , that now we have to send the commission and this collection to these cities that you either changed the mother city , anyway, you left a series of numbers. anyway, you have chosen a new field of choice you did it, except your field is right, you yourself, you came from the city of banda, this is the commission.
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when the government announces that i am against it, naturally, if the government here announced that i am in favor, please let me know if you have any points, because it is time for a community system to be implemented in the country with its own requirements for the zoning of the islamic council elections. if you make my parliament 500 people, it will not have any effect on this situation, and if it does
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, thank you very much for accompanying us until the end. dear mr. sabakian, who was with us today , god bless you until we meet again.
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2:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the joint economic commission of iran and the uae was held in abu dhabi , expanding cooperation in the field of transportation and ports. financial and banking matters were the focus of the negotiations of this meeting. the development of port activities was one of the fields of cooperation and the investment of emirati companies in iranian ports. facilitation of banking processes is one of the needs of our businessmen, and our businessmen's request from the uae is to facilitate financial and banking transactions, and promises of good cooperation have been made. we hope to see good progress in this field in the coming year.


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