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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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[000:00:30;00] dear viewers, hello, good afternoon . the one-week campaign period for the candidates of the second round of the islamic council elections started this morning. in this election period, 90 candidates for the 12th parliament
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are competing for the remaining 45 seats in 22 constituencies. candidates can advertise until 8:00 a.m. on thursday, may 20th . the second round of the 12th parliament elections will be held on friday, the 21st of may. according to the law , those who can vote in that area those who have voted in the first stage of the election, or who have not voted in any election, cannot participate in , or who have not voted in any of the constituencies, they can also participate in one of these constituencies. 22. the house you are waiting for, for example, a person living in tehran, now mashhad, mashhad , has a second round, he can vote there if he has not actually voted in tehran or anywhere else , but those who vote in tehran should vote in 112 in tehran. according to the spokesperson of the electoral headquarters , voters must
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bring one of the identity documents. article 11 of elections the islamic council states that people can enter the branch by presenting the original of one of the documents, i.e., the national identity card, the certificate of completion of service and the passport, and by presenting the original of the document, they can actually vote. well, it is different from the previous courses, but in first, we tested this , there was no obstacle to broadcast the advertising programs of the candidates of the second round of the 12th parliamentary elections , as well as the debate of the candidates in tehran province , starting today on the tehran network, 34 20-minute television programs with the title of people's representative for the candidates of the second round of the parliamentary elections. council considered islamic. these programs
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are broadcast every day at 93 10, 30 13, 30 15, 30, 17 and 30 minutes on tehran network. its radio version will also be broadcast on radio tehran. advertisements of the two candidates of varamin constituency, qarchak and pishva are also on the broadcast schedule of tehran network on may 15 and 16 at 1130 minutes. in the first phase of the elections in tehran constituency, 14 people were elected to the parliament, and another 16 people will go to the parliament on may 21st. found. for varamin, qarchak and peshwah constituencies, 2 people will enter the islamic council. advertising nominations are open until 8:00 am on thursday, may 20th. with the continuation of the rains, the western and southwestern regions and the northern regions of the country were affected by this rainfall system. rainfall in the provinces
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of kurdistan, kermanshah, hamadan, iraq. it will rain in the south and east of the country. the rains in some urban areas caused flooding of roads. also , the highest rainfall was in ilan province with 48 mm. i am happy that the rain has come, the weather has become spring, fresh everywhere. thank god, it is obligatory that we do it. now, with this rain, it is very beautiful to go for a walk, but we said, today, at least this let's not miss the weather. we said not to miss this weather again. let's come out today . thank god, we have really great weather. thank god, the rain is very good. we enjoyed it. the air is clear and clean. it's really a blessing for
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us . the weather is spring. forgiven 5. it was the first medical assistant exam held in universities of medical sciences. in this test, more than 1200 candidates competed with each other. the key to the test of the day. sunday , may 16th , will be published on the website of the medical education evaluation center. according to the law of the 7th program , at least 12% of the assistantship exam capacity must be filled every year to increase compared to the previous year, according to which more than 5,000 people will be accepted in 25 specialized medical fields this year. 130 residential and commercial buildings in imamzad ebrahim shef area. a fire broke out in gilan province, according to the governor of shaft, a fire started in a closed bakery this morning and
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spread to other buildings. of course, the fire was contained with the 3-hour efforts of firemen from seven areas of fuman and rasht. the cause of the accident and the amount of damage are under investigation. the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of kuwait called on a permanent agreement with iran regarding the joint arash gas field, mr. kanani, in response to the repeated kuwait's unilateral claim about this gas field in the final statement of the emir of kuwait's visit to egypt , emphasizing iran's right to the joint arash gas field according to historical documents and the records of negotiations between the two countries, he said that issuing repeated statements and unilateral claims would create a right for kuwait from a legal perspective. . will do. in a letter to the security council, iran's representative to the united nations stated that the baseless claim made in
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the recent letter of the representative of the zionist regime is a blatant attempt to divert international attention from the crimes committed by this regime and the genocidal actions of this regime against the palestinian people in the gaza strip. mr. irvani with referring to the operation, sadegh added that iran's action was carried out in the framework of legitimate defense and in response to the repeated military aggression of the zionist regime, especially the military attack against iran's diplomatic facilities. the representative of our country in the united nations emphasized: iran was never the initiator of the war against the zionist regime and has no intention of doing so in the future. mr. irwani added: however, the islamic republic of iran
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reserves its inherent right according to international laws to respond to any use of force or acts of aggression against its sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and national interests. iran has a number of institutions and it sanctioned british and american officials for supporting the zionist regime and organized human rights violations. the ministry of foreign affairs announced in a statement : iran has sanctioned the british defense minister, along with the chief of staff of the armed forces and 6 other officials of the country, the diamond air base of the british navy in cyprus and the red sea, and 3 british companies among the sanctioned officials. general brian fenton, commander of special operations forces and commander of the us navy's fifth fleet, along with six other officials of this country and five american companies, including sky company is seen. during the gaza war, skydive provided drones to the zionist regime. based on this
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, it is prohibited to issue entry visas to iran for british and american sanctioned individuals, companies and institutions. and their bank accounts, property and assets in the financial and banking system under iran's jurisdiction will be blocked and confiscated. the number of students and faculty members arrested in the united states exceeded 1,600. according to the washington post , police intervention in the protests of several american universities, some of which are among the largest universities in the country, led to the arrest of more than 1,600 people. american student protests in response to the crimes of the zionist regime in the gaza strip for more than two weeks. it started and so far dozens of universities and educational institutions across the united states have joined this movement. the students demanded the disconnection of their universities with the zionist regime.
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the students also demand the end of american aid to this regime. demonstrations of supporters of palestine in various american cities and universities, including new york, washington. students and professors of columbia university in new york, holding rags and chanting slogans against the american police they condemned the violent confrontation with the students and arrested many of them. pro -palestinian students against the war in gaza also gathered and protested at george washington university and tel aviv university. the american police removed the students' tents and forced them out of the tulane university campus and arrested about 20 students. in the last two weeks, the anger of american students against the crime of the regime. it has increased in gaza and gatherings and protests
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have spread in america. the palestinians of deir al-balah thanked the students of american universities by sending a message. according to al-aqsa network, request palestinian citizens from arab and european countries are holding demonstrations and similar actions to end the genocidal war in gaza. i thank an american university and its students for the gatherings they organized in solidarity with the palestinian people . i want the european arab countries to do something similar to this university and demand an end to this war and a permanent ceasefire.
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the issue of students in american universities is now understanding the blood that is being shed in gaza, the buildings where they are very grateful, so we thank them for their support. as a displaced person from northern gaza who has been away from my family for 7 months, i am an american university student in support of the palestinian nation. the students of the american university of beirut held a protest rally in support of the palestinian nation and the condemnation of the occupation regime's military genocides in the gaza strip
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. american university students in beirut, the capital of lebanon , while holding the palestinian flag and the crime they shouted at the occupying regime to participate in the student uprising against this regime. their cries from american universities reached deep into israel. the participants in the rally in support of the palestinian nation and resistance condemned the barbaric actions of the zionist occupation regime. considering the great sacrifices being made in the gaza strip and other fronts, there must be a political plan. the sacrifice of these mujahidans should not be seen as a superficial and transient issue. we in the american university want to say that we are all united and with one voice and defend the palestinian brothers we do. we are at the american university of beirut.
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several titles have been held, the first of which is stopping the genocide in the gaza strip and stopping the war in southern lebanon. the second case is the political efforts for the liberation of palestine and the formation of a democratic government throughout the historical land of palestine. the third title also requests the release of all the financial information of the american university of beirut so that it can be identified with the companies of the zionist regime or companies that support this regime. it is not for supporting palestine. the participants
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asked all the students of lebanon and the world to participate in this student uprising against the oppression of the zionist occupation regime and the palestinians and their resistance. to support death to america and death to israel and labik are the slogans chanted by the participants in the meeting of the american university of beirut to emphasize that they continue to support the palestinian nation and land. international workers' day demonstrations in france were met with a violent reaction by the country's police. demonstrations that were held in more than 300 french cities turned into solidarity with the palestinian nation. the french police violently attacked the gathering of the french and arrested a number of protestors while beating them . the number of detainees has not been announced. published pictures of the injuries of some protesters
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has it. hundreds of british workers gathered in front of the ministry of
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commerce of this country and demanded to stop selling arms to the zionist regime. international aid organization oxfam recently wrote a letter to the british ministers of trade and foreign affairs , referring to the high number of casualties in gaza , and warned that the london government is complicit in the humanitarian disaster by supporting the zionist regime with weapons. supporting the people of gaza on international labor day in lebanon lebanese and palestinian workers condemned the crimes of the zionist regime by holding demonstrations while supporting palestine.
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lebanese and palestinian national parties and groups on international labor day with the people of gaza resistance, especially the workers of palestine, declared that they depend on tahieh for the soul of al-shahad. many of the male martyrs in the gaza strip were workers who stood up to the zionist occupation army and did not surrender. the lebanese and palestinian directors condemned the continuous crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and emphasized the continuation of the anti-zionist resistance . the message of this demonstration is to declare solidarity with the nation and the palestinian resistance and emphasize the continuation of the resistance. pretense lebanese and palestinian supporters
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have also considered the comprehensive support of western governments, especially the united states, to the zionist regime as direct participation in the killing of women and children in the gaza strip. the victory of palestine and the destruction of the zionist regime is close to the efforts of the jhanrakf fighters. in this demonstration, remember. thousands of gaza workers martyred in the attacks of the zionist regime were commemorated. these days, palestine is the main topic in all demonstrations and occasions. palestine has become the main indicator of the false right and the global theme of the struggle between the supporters and enemies of humanity. the brutal attack of the zionist regime on the gaza strip caused more than unemployment 500 thousand palestinian workers and the destruction of their job opportunities. seyyed mohammad hosseini of the beirut radio and television news agency al-mayadin news channel announced that it has reached a version of the initial agreement for a ceasefire in gaza and the exchange of prisoners. so far, the official sources of hamas and the zionist regime
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have not reacted to this report. according to this report, this agreement includes 3 stages, in the first stage, the zionist forces must withdraw from all residential areas. the second phase includes the initiation of the necessary preparations for the comprehensive reconstruction of the destroyed areas and infrastructure. also, based on the third stage of this agreement of the forces in exchange for handing over the bodies of palestinian martyrs, the resistance will hand over the remains of the dead soldiers of the zionist regime. at this stage, the implementation of the 5-year reconstruction plan of the gaza strip will also begin. during these three stages, all the zionists are released to the palestinian groups. each of these courses lasts 40 days, which can be extended. a senior member of the hamas movement said that if the zionist regime
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attacks the rafah region in the south of the gaza strip, the resistance will stop the ceasefire negotiations . emphasizing that the resistance does not negotiate under fire, osama hamadan warned any attack on the resolution will mean the end of the negotiations and the failure of the release of the prisoners. negotiations to end the aggression against gaza and azadi and the zionist house have accelerated since last week , and some sources report that an agreement has been reached between the parties. rafah region is in the south of the gaza strip and houses more than one million people of the gaza strip. the zionist regime has threatened to attack. but the resistance movement, the countries of the region and the united nations have warned about the consequences of the attack on rafah. there are 57 members of the us congress. by sending a letter to joe biden, the president of this country, they asked for all possible measures
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to prevent israel's attack on rafah . the islamic resistance movement of palestine, hamas, issued a statement and expressed its appreciation for the decision of the president of colombia to sever political relations with the zionist regime. the hamas movement considered the position of gustav and petro as an important victory for the palestinian sacrifices and the just solution of the palestinian issue, and called on the countries of the world, especially in the south american region , to sever their relations with the criminal zionist regime. colombia's president, gustavo petro, announced yesterday that his country is severing political relations with tel aviv due to the genocide in gaza . islamic resistance of iraq declared an important goal a drone attack targeted a zionist in the occupied golan heights of syria. the iraqi islamic resistance
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emphasized that this attack was carried out in the context of confronting the zionist enemy, supporting the people of gaza and responding to the crimes of the zionist occupation against palestinian civilians, especially women and children. hamas and palestinian islamic jihad movements have condemned the actions of the security forces of the self-governing organization. they strongly condemned the palestinian resistance in the west bank . ahmed abulful, a member of the resistance forces of tul karam battalions, was shot by the security forces of the self-governing organization at the entrance last night tul karam camp was martyred. in its statement, the islamic resistance movement of palestine, hamas , called for the unity of all palestinians against the illegal actions of the security forces of the palestinian authority. the islamic jihad movement of palestine also announced that this
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crime was committed to serve the zionist enemy and to pursue and destroy the palestinian mujahids. palestinian youths also clashed with the security forces of the self-governing organization in the city of hebron in response to this action. turkey at the same time as increasing exports to the zionist regime. turkish foreign minister wants to sue the zionist regime in the hague court israel continues its crimes and the international community must stop it. according to hakan fidan, turkey joins south africa's complaint against the zionist regime. in early february, the international court of justice, with south africa's complaint , asked the zionist regime to take action to stop the genocide in gaza. since the court's ruling, around 9,000 more people have been martyred in gaza.
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the permanent representative of russia to the united nations said: palestine's full membership in the united nations as an independent country is the first step for a peaceful settlement of this conflict. wasselin benzia said: this vicious circle could only be broken if may we achieve an unconditional ceasefire. at the end of april, while 12 members of the security council voted in favor of the resolution accepting palestine as a full member of the united nations, the united states vetoed this resolution. the independent state of palestine has been recognized by 140 countries out of 193 members of the united nations, and palestine
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has embassies and permanent representatives in 95 countries of the world. the end of this news section of khodnaghadar. hello again, dear compatriots , i would like to inform you that during the afternoon and tonight, i still see the activity of the barista system in most parts of the country. are. rains can only be said in the northwestern parts of the country. the southern slopes of the caspian sea , the southern slopes of alborz, the northeastern parts of the country are less severe than in other parts of the country. the rains are expected in the form of rain showers with lightning, and in the areas prone to these rains , it is also in the form of hail. the intensity of the rains, which caused the
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flooding of the public roads, the rise of the levels in the river and the road. fars, the southern parts of kerman province, hormozgan, sistan, baluchistan, south khorasan and the southern parts of khorasan province, razavi, we are witnesses . we recommend that our dear compatriots during this period avoid being on the banks of rivers and canals. during today, in parts of sistan province, in addition to the rains that we are witnessing and the rains are very intense in this region , strong winds are also a dominant phenomenon in sistan baluchistan province. tomorrow we expect that the intensity of the rains will decrease a bit. the rains will continue in the northwestern parts of the western regions, the southwestern parts of the country, the southern coasts, the northeastern parts of the eastern regions, the intensity of the rains
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will decrease in the central regions of the southern and southeastern parts of the country, and the intensity of the rains will increase during tomorrow. in the provinces of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan , ardabil province, kurdistan , kermanshah, ilam, lorestan, khuzestan, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, kakile, and bai rahmat , alborz provinces, tehran, as well as south khorasan and razavi khorasan provinces. and the messengers should avoid as well as pointing the rains even in prone areas in the form of heavy rains. there is also a system with strong winds, these strong winds cause damage to temporary structures, and avoid being under temporary structures.
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on saturday, we will witness rains in the northwest parts of the country, the western parts of the country, the heights of the southwest, the southern coasts, the southern slopes of el bard, the northeastern parts and also the eastern parts of the country . we are witnessing the north-western parts, the western parts, the southern coasts and to some extent the northeastern parts of the country, but from monday, another rain-producing system will enter the country from the west. the country begins. we expect that because of its situation, the gulf
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may fars and the strait of hormuz be smooth, thank you. they have that they should follow and this is the education of the generation, which is a great right, the gem of the nation is in the hands of the teacher, sir , he says that the teacher builds the infrastructure of the country's pride, see what phrase he uses. and the more important thing is that we have to prepare for this, after all , our teachers owe this right to the administrative system, i mean the educational system. sir , you should train me monthly . the year of the teacher empowerment movement, god willing , plans are being made for all teachers of all disciplines in all cities and villages, so that special growth courses can be seen to improve themselves, the teacher's body is improved, the level of education is also


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