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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 6:30pm-6:54pm IRST

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draw, broadcast programs, stage, broadcast programs, stage, draw, broadcast programs, stage , broadcast programs, stage d , we tested this first, there was no obstacle, draw, broadcast programs , stage, draw, broadcast programs, stage d, broadcast programs the second step is to play programs , the second stage is to play programs, stage 2 , the second stage is to play programs . the lottery for broadcasting the programs of the second phase of the islamic council elections was implemented on wednesday night . the sub-category is actually the executive branch of the bank customs tax. all of these are obliged to provide the information required by the credit database, which the credit database in the central bank will be independent, each of the suppliers, if it is actually their duties. let them know that they are subject to a set of
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punishments, the punishment of 6th grade punishment, other issues , which can direct the country's liquidity of more than 7,000,000 billion tomans more towards production. sara fazli, sed and sima news agency. iran and the uae in the joint economic cooperation commission two cooperation documents in the field of expanding trade relations. and signed an investment. forecast the trade between the two countries has reached 30 billion dollars this year. the united arab emirates is the second trading partner of iran. according to the customs report, trade between the two countries reached 27 billion dollars last year. out of this 27 billion dollars, about 6.5 billion dollars are exported to the uae and more than 20 billion dollars are imported from the uae. we have the united arab emirates.
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after 10 years, the joint economic commission of iran and the uae was held in abu dhabi for the development of economic and trade relations. the fields of development of port activities were presented. good initial agreements were also made. it was announced that it is ready to invest in a port like chabar. uae can be one of these good countries that can invest here. this is the readiness that both we and they invest in the uae. uae invests in more than 90 countries , i hope iran will be added to this list. according to the head of the iranian economic commission of iran and the uae, the strong presence of the private sector is one of the priorities of the government to improve the trade relations between the two countries. looking at the private sector inside looking at the business of iran and
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the uae is very important not only for the uae itself, from the emirati side, but naturally also from iran's point of view. it has a special place. if we can get acquainted with the literature of investment day and attract investment in the world and talk with the same literature, we can greatly develop the development industry as a private sector. in the areas of health, in different areas , we have a two-year plan in the chamber of elders of iran to develop economic relations with all the countries with which we have economic relations, including the top 10 countries with which we have the most economic relations. the basis of targeting of trade development organization of trade exchanges of iran and the uae in the last year is 30 billion dollars
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seen zohrtang of the radio and television news agency. the executive of the gem development project of iran's mines and mineral industries development and modernization organization says that according to the national gem industry development document , iran's share of the world gem trade should reach 1 percent by 1405. rivers of mehran city, south of ila. wealth. it is valuable that lies in this area . this sample is in our view, a high-quality jasper stone heart. mr. farajullah is one of the activists in the field of ornamental stones, who supplies his raw materials from this area. one of the most prominent gems of ilam province, aghi jaspers in different colors onyx and scenic jasper, each of which
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has different uses in the fields of jewelry making, gem carving, sculpting, and sculpture. the stones collected from the river beds come to the workshop, are cut, and shaped. after the cutting and polishing stage , it is used for rings, collection works and other applications . in addition to mr. farajullah, this art has been welcomed by other provinces . the first ingredients are very easy. people work in this field as home jobs and 15 we have an active workshop in the field of pickled gems. this capacity has made the education of gem cutting
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widely followed in the province. we train more than 120 people per year with 3300 person hours. it has been announced with the aim of increasing discoveries, creating added value and creating a market in the country. the total turnover of precious metals, diamonds and gemstones is about 120 billion dollars per year, and our share is very small. the programs that have been prepared in the national document , finally, god willing, at the end of 1405 to 1% and 1410. we will reach 2% of goharsenga's turnover. so far, more than 7 thousand people in the country have been trained they learned this field in a specialized way in technical and professional education centers. mohammad hamid agal of ilam tv news agency and the price of one ounce of gold
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reached 2314 dollars and 56 cents at the beginning of trading in asian markets today with a 15 percent decrease. in other metals market. the price of silver decreased by 41 percent to 26 dollars and 53 cents. each ounce of platinum increased by 86 percent to 969 dollars and 50 cents . palladium reached 956 dollars and 28 cents with an increase of 13 percent. goodbye. national media hosted a group of people's elected representatives
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in the twelfth term of the islamic council we have many studio sites and program production sites. ok, this is an opportunity for like-minded interaction between representatives of the house of nation and media people in pursuing the demands of the people of our political sphere and the information and news sphere. there is a family area and i also have a request in the year when there is a leap in production. it is in the field of work, production and industry that this cultural work will be done, god willing. visiting representatives from different media sectors they had a national all the programs that are going to be broadcast , including serials, production programs, recordings,
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are all relayed here from this line. even for the news that we have news at 2 p.m., we have news at 21 p.m., from here we provide them with the line, we deliver or broadcast it by the hour and line. for example, the nokheh series, which we had recently, is done from here . it manages 18 radio channels, and out of these 18 , four are radio channels. there is more, so it says that you transferred the sports there is a network, the main part that has more audience is broadcasted on channel 3, and of course, there is also an escape from the performance of radio and television for election advertising. majlis zadand sada vasima showed good initiative in this period of elections. it provided capacities for everyone. all the candidates were able to express their plans and programs in a rational and logical way.
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a good capacity had been created. this is admirable and god willing, all of this will continue in the future, it will greatly reduce costs. also media justice. it was observed and everyone was finally able to they should use those facilities, the set of questions that they could ask to draw a good perspective for the system. candidates for the elections, the issues of their constituencies , their programs, and in a mutual discussion, the issues related to the country's situation were discussed and finally , by appearing in the news column , they became aware of the follow-up of the specialized desks of the radio and television news agency.
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there are 11 economic groups here, from the bank and macroeconomic insurance, agriculture, stock exchange, industry, mining, and other groups. the reason why we came and formed 11 groups was to be able to follow up the issues point by point. for example, the issue of facilitating the issuance of permits, which was a law of the parliament , was actually approved, with the follow-up that was done here, now you can see that a large part of the permits are now being issued electronically , which the honorable president also visited. having one of our economic groups right here to point out that your follow-ups made us be more persistent in the implementation and the work. let's follow you, god, thinking about these 20 thousand deaths , be it road occupations, 20 thousand people, 20 thousand families, the law of youth, the population is a law. there is no time limit, it is a seven-year law and we do not have time for seven more years to compensate for the aging of our country's population. you
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in the parliament can actually coordinate with each other in some of the issues that you want to monitor . people can actually see the laws on their tables. we have followed many economic laws as a group of elected members of the 12th term of the islamic council. more than 6 hours of sections various national media visited. maleeha pejman, seda sim news agency. on the way to imam khomeini airport, a french organization couple is arrested. their trick was: if they are arrested, they are either tourists, or social activists, or party members in france, but their headquarters were here. i
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drew the second floor of the french foreign security service, which is related to the asian continent. jacques paris, i am jack paris, i work for the french intelligence service, i came to iran in 2022 to carry out a mission, they are also an employee of an international organization. cecil and... use the international labor organization in his name as the education organization as a cover in their missions. . i used to carry out my missions in iran officially and under the guise of the fo official, and the role of intermediary for
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the actual purpose of these actions is to overthrow the current government and replace the pro-government government in the service of american imperialism, which french imperialism is also a part of the foreign security services. that of organizations for they use networking. then these networks should implement some strategies in the target countries . change in lifestyle, change in beliefs and slow transformation, change in different levels of education, such as the implementation of document 20-30 and the use of women for these changes. this organization supports sexual freedom and all issues related to sexual relations. it also supports gender equality.
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vu avec comment dire intérêt et caractère positiv de la part de la dgse, ça nous convient bien, mais ça doit passer par les syndicas. our trip should be in the spring and for about a month
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when the protest rally is supposed to take place. in the present they were also seen walking in tehran, not for tehran , but to meet with the leaders of the illegal asalaf.
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is it a student who introduced himself as a labor activist to be a leader in rallies, or this cctv image shows that the main elements of the illegal teachers' trade union center met iskandar lotfi, rasool badaghi, shaaban.
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he was invited to france. after the meeting, he was given several thousand euros to become taller and lead the gathering in such a way that
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they read i gave 5 thousand euros to reza shahabi, although reza shahabi used this money for personal gain. he went to meet the needs of the workers and was able to reach burjneshi from here. or shaaban mohammadi, who himself and his son are members of the separatist group of kammule. by taking money from the french security agents, he sought to link union protests to each other. to align workers and teachers. of course, these people
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flee to the same countries after they return and post bail and foreign anti-revolution aid , such as masoud nikkhah iskandar lotfi and shaaban mohammadi, people who sold their homeland to pay for their stay. pay in europe. this french couple uses the same formula with shells. build a movement to subvert the demands for the rights of workers and teachers. it was to create problems for the iranian government and to put pressure on this government by creating protests. certainly, the goal of djso was to overthrow the government. and the replacement of the pro-imperialist government that this sedition was nipped in the bud. they did not know that they were even coming from france and
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were being pursued by the unknown soldiers of imam zaman. they came with a suitcase of money, but they were returning with failure and an unfinished mission when they were arrested. ahadah ahlah ahlah ahlah andana andana andana andana andana ahlah
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naftre la shahreed la shahreed la shahreedna anda anda andanda.


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