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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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creating until finally those events in the fall of 141 that it seems that israel is forced to activate other faults for iran , mr. alizadeh, you mentioned a few points, i will definitely talk about it with our expert in the studio, now a part i would like to ask regarding your media activities now in various media, for a while you also had an activity in the bbc , put forth some theories and now some beliefs. kenan about the issue that if an independent journalist worked on this issue, the bbc would not be able to work. what does not understand mean? if the newspaper an independent reporter was working on this issue, bbc world could not work on this issue and could not bring the goals that it has in mind in the internal dimension and the companions that it can bring with it in this issue. now we checked internally, in the global dimension and in
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the international arena, in the same way that i did not work in their bbc, i was invited and went as a guest, and at the same time, finally, when it hit their red lines and regarding iran's national security, i spoke very bluntly, so they cut me off and i hit their red line with expressions. now me as far as i understand, now saddam would be disconnected from himself. if an independent journalist works , he will definitely report such things in this way, in this dam, where the documentary is made, the 3d images are ready in advance, these things are decided at a very large level. although i have to explain this in such a way that, for example, the journalist who worked on that film is now aware that he is doing security work, but at the macro level, we can say that choosing the time for when the films will come is an election that has a security meaning. now i say in the mechanisms that the reporter himself may be aware of
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he doesn't know what kind of puzzle he is playing in . he feels very much that he is helping the people of iran and giving them a news about their freedom , but he is fed up in such a way that he does it exactly at the right time, which is necessary, dr. rostampour khaileshu has many examples. i said that i will give two more examples , a very famous example is that, for example, in order to tell you how much the bbc is a security media , the famous example was documented and the commander or commander is in the shadow about the martyr haj qassem soleimani. it will be published in bahman 97 and then you say things and then just two months later, the irgc by trump he is placed on the terrorist list, he thinks to himself when he is placed on the list, all the things he said in the documentary subconsciously justify you that it must be obvious, sir, that the irgc must be placed on the terrorist list, in other words, you ask yourself, is bc a prophet? the bbc has a revelation . how does the bbc know that it should arrive at this time? why does it all arrive on time?
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the national government of dr. mohammad mossadegh is fine, but why do they work in iran? sometimes, because some friends inside iran give them a coefficient , they implicitly confirm their credibility and give them legitimacy. you see, from yesterday until now they say, of course, a very good thing happened and a kind of spontaneous national media defense started, similar to the defense that was at the beginning of the war, and a lot of people came and i questioned the direction of these things, and
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the news really caught on, but at the same time, some friends coming to iran to say that if this is the case, woe to regrets and calamities, etc., etc., while you should tell the news that you do not know at all whether it is true or false, sir, let's all wait to see the detective report the news, let the experts say whether this news is true or not. you still cry for someone whose illness is unknown, etc. especially my friends who really don't want to commit a crime and the issue is reformist friends, some of them are still not sure where this incident came from. two plus two equals four have not been seen yet. i would just like to say this point, you see, we are very intense in the media environment and this amount is not a joke, either we really accept that the media has become a weapon in the 21st century, or we don't accept it. islamic in the same english, the media
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said an extra word, well, pressure from the governments it is placed in america as well, when the situation becomes critical, people speak the truth in the virtual space , to a large extent restrains elba, because this is not seen in the eyes of the islamic republic of iran, but in the eyes of iran . he will kill and dozens of children like shakermi will be injured or killed or something will happen to them and
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iran will be destroyed and the overall national interests of iran will be harmed. you are creating a noise from the top to the bottom of the lie, you are creating a sound they think it's real news, but in my opinion , after the events of payid 1401, we really don't have any excuses to have media vilification , vilification at the individual level, at the party level, and at the national level, which means that every person has a national responsibility for the pain of an individual. if it is news and you are not sure about it , don't rebroadcast it, it becomes news that takes our feelings hostage.
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we use the fault and that's it. currently, until the time has changed, finally , iran is the axis of resistance and these countries can gain access to sufficient media power . let's refrain. well, against these lies
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, i didn't get your sentence, mr. alizadeh, if you have our voice. i have your voice. i said that we should refrain from republishing such news, republishing lies, and in fact, from completing the merits of these media. see, the bbc media has given news that will hurt my feelings, shut down my mind, and make me leave. in the virtual space of twitter , instagram, etc., i should say that you are dishonest, you are bad people, etc., etc. you attacked all this cruelty and so on. well, this is designed to shut down the intellect, and if you are not a media expert, at least be patient, give 24 hours time to the media experts
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and news analysts of weissen to do their work. the fact that blood has been spilled in iran, iran's security will be endangered and iranian citizens will be harmed and iran 's overall benefit will also be harmed. thank you. mr. rostampour, let's talk about what was part of mr. alizadeh's speech that is, the content of your evaluation and finally the important point of verifying this report. yes, you see, in the category of verification, there are a series of cases, a series of techniques , a series of confrontations, a series of intersections . i want to point out two or three intersections only. look at a cnn report about the late nika shakrami. in fact, when
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he came , he did something called investigative journalism. we are faced with three stories. i had a call from him, a narration of thirty, which says that it is 8 and 37 minutes in fact nika has been seen in the streets of tehran and publishes her picture, and at the same time, it is the view of bbc world, which actually announced hours before this time that cnn is actually saying that it happened and that she passed away. intersection taking these three shows that one of these should be doubted, and one of these should be formed, other than the cases regarding the letterhead, regarding the fact that the secret seal is not worn like this, regarding the fact that the military structure is not like this, all these cases. us it comes to the point that we should at least doubt , see a point that we should
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let's be very careful. i know that due to various reasons, including our involvement in a media war , the credibility or trust of some citizens in official institutions may have fallen or actually decreased , but the important point is and the main thing is that we have not come to convey even a series of basic and basic techniques to the society , regardless of the hatred you have towards a set of systems or managers or officials, take care to see if do you want to form, doubt, these are points like one of these cases really, this point is a parable . it was said before that no cat catches mice for the sake of god. the first question is why the publishing body , why the bbc, why now the point that
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mr. alizadeh said, i should add a supplement to it. i know that last time, we can't ignore the fact that operation sadiq's promise was a stunning success for the islamic republic of iran in various areas. i personally followed the promotion of iran's image in foreign countries. the gaza issue is a serious issue in all countries meeting the needs of the people on the other side, all these countries are paying attention to the fact that only iran is a staunch supporter of palestine, and iran, with the technological power that can actually respond to israel's threatening response
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, respond to israel's attack. i went to a series of instagram pages and saw some arab media people or influencers. i saw arabic speakers. all of these are actually faces that until now had the image of iran as a regional competitor and even in some cases. in fact, promoting religious divisions was not allowed. also in the image that was presented this is the image of glory, power and greatness that iran is broadcasting, and mrs. emami, the comments that came, the comments that are no longer in the hands of such and such an official and such an organization, i can't comment on that face , i don't know arabic, those comments are all yes, all the comments were leading us to the point that despite all the sanctions and despite all the confrontations, it is the technological power of the islamic republic of iran that can
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defend both national borders and transnational ideas, and we arrive at the same point that you mentioned first, those circles that are weakened in the topics are brought up and topics they are trying to downplay the strong. now imagine this paradigm shift that iran is interfering with as a system or system that i don't know. stigmas and labels such as terrorism have been put on it, it has become a living and elite supporter of what is palestine, and after that , a country that bomb after country, not actually a regime that has an atomic bomb, finds this courage. to attack before this, that is, in fact , he announces before the attack, and in the face of threats that he does not back down, this paradigm shift definitely needs different cases.
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that these cases are not credible, in fact they are false and fake cases, but they will be found in the name of investigative journalism, they will be found, for sure , as mr. alizadeh said, from now on, we have many media cases so that the anger inside the country will unfortunately happen again. we must be careful. the recent report and program of the bbc world service, i say goodbye to you. i am grateful to alizadeh, an independent journalist, who, in
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the name of god, may god bless you. dear and respected viewers . hello, good evening. welcome to the world today. i am vahid modareszadeh with a review of the most important news and developments in the world. . in service for about an hour i will be you first news from gaza. al-akhbar website announced that it has reached a copy of the initial agreement for a ceasefire in gaza and the exchange of prisoners. so far, the official sources of hamas and the zionist regime have not reacted to this report.
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after more than 200 days of war. zionists in gaza, some news sources report that an agreement has been reached between hamas and the zionist regime. according to what al-akhbar website published, this agreement includes 3 stages. in the first stage , zionist soldiers must withdraw from all residential areas . the second stage includes the initiation of necessary preparations for comprehensive reconstruction of destroyed areas and infrastructure in gaza. according to the third phase of this agreement, the resistance groups will hand over the remains of the dead soldiers of the zionist regime in exchange for handing over the bodies of palestinian martyrs. at this stage , the implementation of the 5-year reconstruction plan of the gaza strip will also begin. the ceasefire draft, whether it is agreed or not, as zionist sources say, puts israel at an important crossroads.
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israel is at an important crossroads between the deepening of the war in gaza and the ceasefire and the return of a part of. that too with the group that was supposed to destroy it. there will be no victory without the return of the abducted was. now the zionist regime is at the crossroads of cease-fire or war, a crossroads that experts call the crossroads of failure. if this agreement is realized, it will
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be another victory. it will be realized for the palestinian resistance, if this plan also fails and basically this plan is not implemented , the palestinian nation will still be victorious. shah soni of radio and television news agency. good time , dear viewers, regarding this topic , we are at the service of our dear guest, mr. dr. seyed hadi seyed oghahi mr. doctor , i say hello to you. good evening. welcome. today, the media published a news about the possibility of a ceasefire between the parties. do you think
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there is a possibility of this ceasefire happening? viewers, greetings and courtesy and respect. both the hamas side and the zionist regime side have not yet announced their final and official opinion, especially that netanyahu often adjusts his opinions to the type of pressure that his ministers like abengfir and s. moutrich are under and say that we must attack rafah. he makes himself happy tick he was even asked that it came in the report that it is based on the assumption of the problem. the prisoners were solved . he said that even if the prisoners are solved and exchanged, for example
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, we release 4,000 palestinian prisoners in exchange for the freedom of the entire zionist era. to this war , especially in the last square, which they called the last square. nefe, we will definitely attack, mr. doctor, please forgive me, the international assemblies at this time , if there is an agreement to be made, they cannot determine the requirements for a ceasefire, and the zionist regime that he should stick to his commitments after their freedom, peace and exchange took place, no country and no organization until now, unfortunately, except the united states, whose hands are stained with the blood of the oppressed noble people of palestine. it does not have dominion over the regime, and in these issues we see tactical differences, not substantive and strategic differences. for example, during blinken's trip
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, he had a periodic trip, including saudi arabia , where he came as a gift, for example, to tetmil natanya and his far-right group bangfir and smutich. and he said that if you don't attack rifa, don't worry, we will release the prisoners next, your big gift is that we got a promise from the saudis that they would do the normalization with you, even if i asked, now the saudis are not reacting. again, we see that saudi arabia. saudi arabia has already said that we will normalize when there is a government solution, and now it clears up the darkness. netanyahu says that we
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will never accept the government solution, which means, according to the students, suspension is impossible. let the government solve this problem he does not accept that the asram issue should be resolved, he says that i must finally attack rifa and destroy hamas forever. now, the issue of rifa is actually a method of consensus. he said don't attack nathani now, it shouldn't be a serious attack , it shouldn't be a big attack, it means that it is netanyahu who is imposing his opinion on the americans, not that the americans can create an obligation for netanyahu. unfortunately, this is one of the reasons for netanyahu's slander and the continued killing of nazism he still feels that the white house cannot
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impose anything on him because it is on the eve of biden's election and they know that the zionist lobby and the influence of the regime in many institutions, many ministries, the issue of the press, the issue of cyberspace, the issue is actually circles. they have political influence, yet the americans insist on solving this because this demonstration that is now in america and is spreading like a flock of snow that is eating , it is getting bigger and has reached the capitals of europe . they want to solve this with netanyahu, so mr. a ceasefire should be reached. from that point of view, the opinion of hamas is also important he says that first of all, i want the ceasefire to be complete, even if they have to leave all of gaza at one stage. the captives you release, you should not capture them again
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. the issue of gaza's independence should be our responsibility , while the sunni regime says no , we do not allow the issue of gaza's independence, especially the military infrastructure. therefore, this issue of the possibility of a ceasefire and the end of the war in gaza is still in tension and in a series. the contradictions of mr. modarzadeh are irreconcilable. now who wants to solve it and how does it want to be solved? i think that the rafah issue is an excuse for more extortion. mr. asnawar and abu obeidah are first under al-shafa hospital, and i don't know muhammad, then they said no in khanonuse, because khanunose's children left khanunose for 4 months. nothing has happened to them, now what is the guarantee that you will go to rafah , that is the solution, that now there are about 1,205,000 palestinians displaced there, the international community
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does not accept egypt. they are warning america , at least they are preventing it, so the issue of rafah has become an agent of hostage-taking in the zionists from the americans, mr. dr. seyed afkhari , you mentioned blinkel's recent trip, he is coming there and the zionist regime says that now is the time for a cease-fire . do you think this shows the need of america for a cease-fire, or do you see the need of the zionist regime for a cease-fire? the zionist lobby pointed out that they actually put pressure on biden. before i came to the studio, biden gave a speech in connection with these recent riots. almost 80% of his speech
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was the fault of these demonstrations. don't wait for such an opinion, it means you can suffer as much as you want. we repress because he is afraid, if he wants to anger, in fact the zionists have fallen into a trap in the issue of elections. this is another issue. nathanaho knows that he may attack rifa and it won't work . but he is also under pressure. bangfir and smotrich put a sword in his vein,
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if you don't attack rifa. . and if you want to give points to hamas, we will resign. when we resign , they have about 112 seats in this synagogue, which means that they have 64 seats now, which means that the relative majority of them should resign. well, the cabinet will be dissolved. we should go to early elections, and it is not clear that netanyahu's political future after resignation of extreme religious right factions with who wants to make a coalition, that is, lepid, who is actually the leader now. this is for the war to continue so that there is a solution that will secure his political future . america has and
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is here openly saying that now is the time for a truce . i want to say that america itself now feels the need to come closer to a truce. you see, this goes back to the roots of the demonstrations inside the university. what is the slogan of the students, whether in america or in . in england, in france, in spain, in canada, which was recently added, it is joining , the country is to stop the war, so this america is in dire need of stopping the war, i.e. the killing, of course, they have other demands that our universities should not have their own projects and the money, in fact, the financial aid that we give to these universities, why are you going to the zionist regime, why with
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the scientific projects of the project industrial it goes inside the swiss regime, and with our money, the people of gaza are actually being massacred with tax money, which is a tax that, therefore, urgently needs a cease-fire . as the elections get closer, the pressure on biden will put pressure on the party the number of democrats and supporters of the democratic party is increasing, mr. doctor, my final question to his highness is this, assuming that the ceasefire does not take place , what other options does the zionist regime have in front of it, and according to the goals that it had already announced, is the seat there is hope that he will be able to achieve his goals or not. it is very vague, that is , many analysts say with one but and if, if hamas accepts, if the zionist regime adheres , if there are requirements as
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you mentioned above.


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