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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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away from him very quickly. taking and leaving, but in
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my opinion, it is not acceptable at all to publish such a false news, whose purpose was to create chaos, rebellion, and public anger in iran, and now they say that it was not who it was, it was not me. i personally think that in the face of such a serious error, i can only say this. i really expect what the iranian embassy in london is doing . for example, i don't know why there is a statement from the iranian embassy in london in the past 48 hours. it has not been published to protest to authorities from ofcom to the british government the bbc itself should go and interview the english media and shout, sir, what is the state of official interference in the affairs of our country by the media that once overthrew the national government of dr. mohammad mossadegh in 2032 with the same media that interfered many times after the revolution. he intervened in iran in 2008 and tried to cause chaos in iran's style. in 1401
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, the role was very clear, and if the embassy does not want to do something and they are not familiar, the least we can expect is that we beg mr. amir abdullah, the foreign minister, and the british ambassador should call and hold a press conference and tell all available media. in tehran, the international media should say that this media called bc international, what is its purpose, what did it want to do , why did it want to provoke the public sentiments of iran, and with this level of lies, in my opinion, we should orphan the iranian media at the level let's put an end to the world. your guest is very nice to say that because there is not much information about iran in the international space , it is easy to lie about iran, but we have a duty to make it difficult to lie, similar to these events when it comes to venezuela, president chávez himself. now maduro is going to cuba when castro himself many politicians like mr. ahmadinejad were alive in iran itself. they go and
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play the role of the media themselves. it should not be allowed to slander and lie about iran to be so easy and they can kill their heads and leave without any punishment. now if you allow me to just explain why this moment is happening. mr. alizadeh, please explain this to us , this is where you mentioned that they seek to hurt the emotions and feelings of the people inside iran. there are points that mr. dr. rostampour, a guest in our studio, also pointed out that is, this issue and broadcasting of this program and this report have the goals of both domestic and foreign audiences , what are they looking for ? first, all the newspapers and media of the world , as we now know how much influence the zionists have in them, etc. but despite all the influence
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, the events in recent weeks have been so heavy that the front pages of the newspapers are all writing about the crimes of israel , they are writing about the youth protests in america, and they are writing the first news of america right now. what is it that a group of people in private clothes attacked a student at the university of sili, and they beat the children and called them ma. a bunch of thugs tell them who these thugs are. it's interesting that most of these thugs are iranians in california . which iranians are they? they are probably the second generation of swakia children, because after all, an iranian who goes there has their voices. sisters and mothers who see the obscenity they are doing will come as an iranian kid. the american who grew up there was probably brainwashed by the same bbc farsi iranshanal televisions , he was probably
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formed from the second generation as a talib and zionist, and the whole world has it. he condemns, even the american media are condemning. what is the next news? the next news is the killing of a boy in the bakhtariyah bank of soharsta. 14 thousand children were killed in these 21 days of slaughter.
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working on the news because on october 7, in operation storm werksa, hamas not only killed these citizens, but also raped and sexually assaulted them, and greatly magnified this news , especially when it comes to sexual assault in the west, we are
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in the space after the mito movement, we are at last we are in a space where these important issues in the mental atmosphere of the society are not addressed at all and no one dares to question this and... so heavy emotionally and emotionally that it shuts down the critical and rational powers. we throw stones at him because of his aggression , but a few investigative journalists dared to spend, including max blondel, including ali abu nima in electronic fazem and grizon, and they showed a month and a half later that this story is completely fake. and it was false and none of this original. the emotionality of the girl being young, the discussion of sexual assault, etc
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both the international community should distract from israel and inside iran, but i will tell you what happened inside iran on the day that the promise came true. many in the world, even the opponents of the islamic republic, including, for example , the foreign policy magazine, last week, someone like john mearsheimer, a great realist thinker, said that based on two to four military figures, israel lost its deterrence or deterrence against iran. trust me , it is a calculation of deterrence or military deterrence . if you hit me, i will have to hit you hard , so that you can do what iran did to israel. israel's answer was the same, nothing was less than it, while israel was much bigger, if iran painted the sky of israel with its own missiles , then israel would paint the sky of tehran, iran, shiraz, and isfahan in such a way that
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there would be no need for a media discussion at all. and israel did not do this , so israel's military deterrence or its marketing has been seriously questioned. on the same day, i said in my jadaal program that you should be afraid that israel will enter the next phase in the military issue, and it will pull back from the assassination of iranian commanders in syria. and if he pulls back, he enters the media discussion and enters the usage discussion we are in the game of gender fossils, use of mental media issues and hostage taking of the iranian society, which should be a national unity inside me , everyone should refrain from creating them and the group. not a military war, but a hybrid war, because israel was wounded on april 14 in the next operation. now that he cannot answer from a military point of view, it must be a combined war
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, and this is one. no one called for violence, how to try active persian language treatises. and it has not been successful at all, but we have to wait let's say that in the coming weeks, events like the report that the world worked on will be consumed more and more and with a greater sequence. this reminds me a lot of april 1401 and later, that in a span of six months, so many of these events took place every week, until finally, those events in the fall of 141 when it seems that israel is forced to stop activating other faults in order to confront iran, mr. azizzadeh, you mentioned a few points, i
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will definitely talk about it with our expert in the studio, now i will ask a part about it, considering your media activity. now you are also in different media for a while you were active in the bbc. some theories and beliefs are now being put forward about the issue that if an independent journalist worked on this issue , the bbc would not be able to work. now we have checked internally, in the global dimension and in the international arena, in the same way that i did not work on the bbc as a guest. i was invited and i went, and at the end, when i crossed their red lines and
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talked about iran's national security in a very frank way, then they stopped inviting me and i crossed their red lines with certain phrases. now , as far as i understand, now saddam self if an independent journalist wants to work, it is certain that such things have been decided on a very large level. although i can explain this, it is not in such a way that, for example , the journalist who worked on that film is now aware that he is doing security work, but at the macro level, we can see that the choice of time for when the films will come is an election that means it has security, now i say in the mechanisms that the reporter himself may not be really aware of what kind of puzzle is he playing in? he feels very much that he is helping the people of iran. please do this if you need examples, dr. rostampour, i have told you a lot . i want to give another example. a very famous example is
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that, for example, to tell you how much security media the bbc is. the famous example was documented and the commander or commander is in the shadows about the martyr. haj qassem soleimani will be published in bahman 2017 and then he will tell you something, and then exactly 2 months later, the irgc will be put on the terrorist list by trump. clip with your own thoughts, when he is included in the list , all the things he said in that documentary will subconsciously justify you that, sir, it must be obvious that the irgc should be included in the terrorist list, in other words, you ask yourself, is the bbc a prophet of b.b. c. vahi has a clue, how does the bbc know that everything should arrive on time at this time, well, it is certain that they are giving it security reasons. now , since you have discussed it within you, as far as i understand , we, the bbc, have to say this point. global bbc farsi tv.
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it went very well and there is a kind of spontaneous national media defense of the kind that was at the beginning of the war it happened and a lot of people came and questioned the authenticity of this and the news really spread, but at the same time some friends in iran came and said that if this is the case, woe to the regrets and calamities, etc. , etc., while you do not know the news at all. you have to say whether it is true or false, first of all, sir, let's all
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wait for the detective to report the news, the experts will see if this news is true or not, you are still mourning someone whose illness is not known , we are shouting , etc. i don't want to criminalize the issue of reformist friends, some of them are still not aware of this incident where did it come from? two plus two equals four has not yet been seen. shouting that this is why these things are happening in iran and pointing the gun at the internal forces. and this is a joke.
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and dozens of children like shakrami are either injured or killed or something happens to them and an iranian child from pyare is harmed to the overall national interests of iran. when you falsely create a noise , you create a sound
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but in my opinion, we have no excuse after the events of 1401.
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and in fact , let's refrain from completing the puzzle of these media. look, the bbc media has given news that hurts my feelings, shuts down my intellect , and makes me go to the virtual space of twitter , instagram, etc. oh, etc., etc., why did you attack a 16-year-old girl, all this cruelty, etc. well, this is designed to shut down the mind, and if you are not a media expert, at least be patient , give 24 hours to media experts, news analysts, and weisen to do it. after the experience of the fall of 1401 that we we saw that many of our close friends, very good people , were unknowingly complementing israel's media war and causing blood to be spilled in iran, endangering iran's security and
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harming iranian citizens and harming iran's overall interests. thank you. you are alizadeh. independent journalist from london who accompanied us in tonight's special news interview , i say goodbye to you, mr. rustampour , let's talk about what was part of mr. alizadeh's speech, that is, the content of your assessment, and finally, the important point of verifying this report. yes , see it in the category checking a series of things a series of techniques, a series of confrontations, a series of intersections happen. i want to mention two or three intersections, just see. cn published a report about the late nika shakrami, in fact, when he had come , he had done something like investigative journalism with 3 narrations. we are facing one account , the account of nika's mother, who says that i called her at 110:00 to 11:30, a third account , which says that at 8:37, nika was actually
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seen on the streets of tehran and published her picture , and a glance. the view of the bbc is global which in fact hours before the hour that cnn is announcing, actually says that it happened and that he passed away. the intersection of these three shows that one of these should finally be doubted and one of these should be formed, other than the cases regarding the header, regarding the fact that the secret seal is not worn like this, regarding the fact that the military structure is not like this, that's all. these things lead us to the point that we should at least doubt , you see, one point that we should pay a lot of attention to is this, i know that for various reasons , including our being in one. possible media the credibility or trust of a part of the citizens in the official institutions and the official media may have fallen or actually decreased, but the
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important and fundamental point is that we have not come to bring even a series of basic techniques to the society. in fact, let's convey that regardless of the hatred you have for a system or administrator. or the person in charge, take care of this and see that if you want to form it, do not hesitate. these are cases and points like one of the cases. this is really a point. it is a parable. it was said before that no cat catches mice for the sake of god. the first question is why the publishing body, why the bbc, why now, the point that mr. alizadeh said is actually a supplement to it. let me tell you, i know that last time, we can't ignore the fact that operation sadiq's promise
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was a stunning success for the islamic republic of iran in various areas. one of the areas that i personally followed was the promotion of iran's image in foreign countries. the issue of gaza is a serious issue in all the countries are pointing to this point, that finally the immediate ceasefire will meet the needs of the people on the other side, all these countries are paying attention to the fact that only iran is a staunch supporter. in fact, palestine and iran have the technological power to respond to israel's threatening response . in fact, respond to israel's attack. in fact, all of these figures, who until now had the image of iran as a regional rival and even
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sometimes promoted religious divisions , are also in the image that was presented, this image of glory and it is the power and greatness that iran is conveying and mrs. emami's comments there were comments that are already in the hands of so-and-so. it is not the person in charge of such an organization, but i can't comment on that face , i don't know the arabic language in all those comments, yes, all the comments were leading us to the point that despite all the sanctions, despite all the confrontations, this technological power it is the islamic republic of iran that can defend both national borders and transnational ideas . the circles that bring up the weakened issues and try to weaken the strong issues . now imagine this paradigm shift that
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before this, iran, as a system or system that i don't know interferes with, has been stigmatized and labeled as terrorism, it has become a living and elite supporter of palestine, and after that , a country that bombed the country that is not in in fact, a regime that has an atomic bomb in its possession finds the courage to attack both before this, that is, in fact, it announces before the attack, and in the face of the threats that the future threats of this regime actually do not back down from this change. paradigm definitely needs different cases, which are valid cases, but in fact, they are false and false cases they will come to the same conclusion as mr. alizadeh , but they will come to the name of investigative journalism
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. anger inside the country unfortunately happened again. we have to make sure that this anger is not available now. thank you very much , mr. dr. rustampour, for your presence and explanations about the recent report and program of the bbc world service . i bid you farewell. i am grateful to alizadeh , an independent journalist who accompanied us in this conversation from london. thank you for broadcasting the news network that gave us more time and thank you as always good company, good night and god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. hello dear viewers. good morning . we are at your service with the news section at 6 o'clock in the follow-up meeting of the projects. in the presence of the president of the country's railway, solutions to remove obstacles and finance the most important project in this area were reviewed. the implementation and completion of the tehran-mashhad high-speed railway and the rushd astara railway
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were the main focus of this meeting.


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