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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family. hello dear viewers. good morning . we are at your service with the news section at 6 o'clock. in the follow-up meeting of the country's major rail projects, with the presence of the president, solutions to remove obstacles and finance the most important projects in this area were reviewed. and the completion of tehran's seri and sir railway, mashhad and roshd astara railway, the main focus of this meeting.
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the 164-kilometer roshd astara railway is one of the most important railway projects of the country, which, while completing the north- south transit route of the country, provides access to russia and central asian countries. with the implementation of the tehran-mashhad high-speed train plan, the travel time between these two cities will be reduced from the current 12 hours to less than 5 hours. iran sanctioned a number of british and american institutions and officials due to their support for the zionist regime and the organized violation of human rights. the ministry of foreign affairs announced in a statement that british defense minister grant shapps, along with the deputy general staff of the armed forces and 6 other officials of this country , as well as the diamond air base and the british navy. in cyprus and the red sea and three
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british companies have been sanctioned among the sanctioned authorities the american namesake of general brian fenton, the commander of the special operations forces and also the commander of the fifth fleet of the us navy, along with six other officials of this country and five american companies , including the skydive company, can be seen during the gaza war. entry visas to iran are prohibited for british and american sanctioned individuals, companies, and institutions, and their bank accounts and assets in the financial and banking system under iran's jurisdiction are blocked and seized. new york police on wednesday 282 protesters at two columbia universities.
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we can see on our phones that there are rights there humanity is violated. supporting this ideal is a reasonable action. for many generations and many years, the palestinians did not enjoy such a huge support. what is happening today in western and american universities is the result of al-aqsa storm. i believe that the protests will involve all the universities of the world and this is a very important development in the field of the cause of palestine.
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the police are trying to collect the tents and disperse the crowd . students, but from learning their tents again. they say they say it is stronger this time. saeed zanganeh of the us house of representatives continues to support the zionist regime voted in favor of expanding the definition approved by the ministry of education for the term anti-semitism. this plan, which was approved by the majority of votes, takes place at the same time as the protests of american students against the killings in the gaza strip. this definition of anti-semitism is a certain perception about jews that can lead to hatred of jews. this plan was approved while the academics announced that their protests are not anti-semitic and their purpose
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is to prevent the zionist regime from committing crimes against the palestinians. the opponents of this plan also announced the plan of the us house of representatives to prevent criticism of the cabinet of the zionist regime. it will result in the destruction of jews and the restriction of freedom of expression. specialists of a technology company managed to produce lightweight construction materials using a combination of several minerals. being light and insulating, high endurance and reducing cement consumption are among the advantages of this product. the fall of heavy construction materials during accidents is one of the problems of the construction industry. we had an example of the sarpol zahab earthquake in islamabad west hospital. being cement blocks. well, a stone prayer was poured down on him.
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a place where the specialists of a knowledge-based company are involved worked to design and produce a new generation of ultra-light building materials. it can be used due to its stylization according to the national building regulations of the 2800 earthquake code, which helps the stylization a lot . in the conditions of our country's earthquake, there is also a wet earthquake . this product increases the safety of buildings by using nano-micro technologies and compounds. silica cement is made of lime and aluminum powder and prevents the wastage of cement in the construction industry. according to the statistics, 8 and a half to 9 million tons of cement is wasted per year , what about the use of ready-made mortars in different sectors? in the field of blocks, whether for ceramic tiles or
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flooring, the use of ready-to-build mortars will minimize the waste of cement in the construction industry. the use of these new materials in the transition buildings. buildings in our country have a very high consumption of gas and we have a lack of energy . due to the fact that this product complies with the national regulations of the building code, chapters 18 and 19 , it is about 10 times more insulating than traditional materials, both in terms of sound and energy consumption. national product of technologists. our country has found a transnational customer and is exporting products to neighboring countries are. we are exporting the product to the countries of russia, kazakhstan, afghanistan and turkey, armenia . according to the company's technicians, this structure, which was produced in accordance with the national building regulations
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, has high thermal endurance and can withstand temperatures of up to 1400 degrees. sammeh nasser of radio and television news agency. well, a lot. thank you for being with us, have a great day.
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the national media hosts a group of people's elected representatives in the 12th term of the islamic council . we have many studio sites and program production sites. for the like-minded interaction of the house of nation representatives and the media people in pursuing the demands of the people in our political sphere and in the information and news sphere, it can be of great help to the respected representatives in their plans, in
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defending their bills, in the cultural debate , and in the family sphere. yes, and i have a request. in the year when there is a leap in production in the field of production and industry, this cultural work will be done, god willing. the representatives also visited different parts of the national media , all the programs that are going to be broadcast, including the series of recorded production programs. here is all from the same line can be relayed even for the news that we have news at 14:00 and 21:00. from here, we provide them with the danger, we tell them about the time and the delivery line , or broadcast serials, for example, we had these days. out of these 18, four are radio channels, we cover sports, that is , there are more sports competitions and sports programs on channel 3 than on channel 2, so this means that
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you have transferred sports and the channel is the main part that the audience more is being aired on channel 3, and of course, it is not related to the performance of radio and television the advertisements of the parliamentary elections were played on television in this period of the elections . it showed a good initiative from itself. it provided some capacities for everyone . all the candidates were able to continue there in the future. it was complied with and everyone was finally able to use those facilities
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. the set of questions that were asked were able to draw a good vision for the system. good thing that happened the people who are candidates for the elections discussed the issues of their constituencies and their plans in a mutual dialogue and discussed the issues related to the country's situation and finally, by attending the news editorial , they became aware of the follow-up of the specialized desks of the sed and cima news agency. there are 11 economic groups here , including banking and insurance, macroeconomics, agriculture, stock exchange, industry, mining, and other groups. the reason why we came and formed 11 groups was to be able to follow up the issues point by point . for example, the issue of facilitating the issuance of permits, which was a law of the parliament, was actually approved with follow-up what was done here, now you can see that
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most of the permits are now being issued electronically, which the honorable president , who visited our economic groups right here, pointed out that your follow-up has led to we can be more diligent in the implementation and follow up the work. please god, think of these 20 thousand people killed in road accidents, 20 thousand people, 20 thousand families, youth law, population is one law. there is no time limit, it is a seven-year law, and we do not have time for seven more years to compensate for the aging of our country's population. let's be coordinated in some of the issues that you want to monitor. let's do the follow-ups so that people can actually see the fruits of these laws on their tables. we followed up on many economic laws. .
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now it is getting more attention. some of the segkohs of the field. the publication of advertisements provides the conditions for the possibility of brokerage and speculation in the real estate market , in this way that sometimes some of the properties that are published in these advertisement publishing platforms do not exist at all. it can be seen that several ads are being published for one property and with several prices . let me tell you about the inflammation in the market and pricing in the market . the ministry of roads and urban development
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is creating this atmosphere. they know that raising the prices is an issue that the activists of the housing sector confirm, most of the prices that are currently in the market are undecided and are really fueling the confusion of the prices and the price increase is related to these platforms , the reference is for now unfortunately saitan and the middle , the only one who loses are our dear tenants the existing softwares do not have price monitoring, the prices are very out of the norm in the region. if the market is chaotic, anyone who wants to will come and look at the ad for 110 tomans. the country's union of virtual businesses
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had announced that two real estate advertising platforms are preparing the technical process and this is important. soon they will be operational. as much as we can increase transparency in the real estate market, both for those who advertise and for those who want to use these ads, the security of transactions will increase. this will reduce court cases later . now, after 7 months from the letter of the national union of virtual businesses, one of the platforms promises again to implement this law. a series of other minor cases are also pending. it will be done soon and it will be ready for people to use in the coming days according to the approval and in fact the coordination that has been done. but one of the most visited real estate advertisement platforms , as the official of the ministry of roads and urban development says,
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has not fulfilled its legal duty in connecting to amrak and eskan system. another big platform this area did not accept. has resisted until now , and if this resistance continues, based on the reasons of the supreme housing council and the committees organized by the security council, then the real estate section of these platforms will be blocked. after these criticisms, the managing director of a real estate advertising platform claimed to have fulfilled his legal duty in a statement and criticized the ministry of roads and urban development in a part of this statement . among the contracts of the ministry was that if someone other than the owner intends to advertise the property. it is only allowed to publish the ad if the national code and mobile number of the owner when registering the ad enter in the platform and after the approval of the owner, permission to publish the ad is given. the implementation of this issue is one of the duties of the ministry of roads and urban development, but so far no action has been taken to determine this issue.
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however, the director general of the housing economics office of the ministry of roads and urban development says that the required infrastructure is available. the infrastructure is completely established . our technical friends have established the infrastructure completely and there is no infrastructure problem to inquire about the national real estate and housing system through the platforms. another big publishing platform has not fulfilled its obligations and there are various excuses that there is no infrastructure. and these are in short defying this matter of organization that the president emphasized in the 11th meeting of the supreme housing council. the issue of segco and platforms must be organized in such a way that they do not set prices and start speculation in this space. the ministry of roads and urban development has announced that the organization of real estate advertising platforms will prevent
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traders from running wild in the real estate market. hassan nejad sada and sima news agency, the title of an exhibition at amirkabir university of technology, the number of job seekers who applied, the number of new job opportunities, even the companies opened. an exhibition that the purpose of holding it is to familiarize students with job opportunities and activities in knowledge-based companies. i was very good. the exhibition of various companies from different trades, even though they are not related to my field, the fact that the exhibition was in these 3 days had many good things. i filled out my resume with them. i think they gave very good explanations about their company
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and i enjoyed it very much . they show their own format, but they do some of the work that is useful for us. only one of the children needs to work harder. after that, three or four job positions were found. i filled out four resumes and from now on, i hope that i will be able to apply for an internship as well. in this exhibition. i would benefit a lot if i could be hired here for my favorite job. recruiting skilled and university-educated personnel by scientific companies is one of the other goals of holding this exhibition. fortunately, our company has been very well received. because it is one of the companies with a real history in the matter of engine and aircraft body repairs we have heavy engines, big planes and about 300 rezas. we received from students of various fields, especially aerospace, aircraft maintenance and mechanics, the resumes that we actually received in writing
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were about 500,600 in two days, but we also had online resumes, but we have not yet had a chance to see how many there were, definitely more. also, we have made an estimate that almost a thousand resumes were sent to us by the children, and now we have contacted them a lot, and we were able to introduce the collection to them. the reception was very good and this connection between the industry and the university as well as the people were completely palpable. the good thing about this job fair is that when it is held inside the top university, there are mostly children who are currently studying in the top university of tehran , and this gives a very special opportunity for most of the employers who now own their company. we are an oil company that made a plan called bawar plan, which means our company's belief in petan. and students' talent and students' belief in our company and about 2 years that this plan has been put in place for the students of prestigious universities who are attracted to the system, the job fair
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was a good opportunity for us to communicate good with the university and the job seekers that we wanted to establish so that we can provide the necessary infrastructure for our own development. most of the companies present in this exhibition are in the fields of oil and gas, aviation industry, textile, electronics. and they are busy with food. there is a place where students are evaluated . they have gone to several screenings before, but this was not the case, and what i think we need in our universities is exactly what we need to have this connection with the industry, send us a resume, we will examine it, and then let's go for an interview, it can be very effective, especially if the children are with different companies they get to know each other, but the request of the organizers and students from the ministry of science is a good opportunity because the children , because they don't know that there are such opportunities , usually fall asleep saying, "sir, we don't know there is a job , there is a place to read us or not, but this exhibition happens to be continuous." can the children know, no, by the way, there are many places that are hiring now , but you don't know that
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there has been a concern about the relationship between the industry and the university for years. the industry within the university is this it establishes communication much better. the philosophy of exhibitions all over the world is to get to know all the people working in the same industry with each other and their technical and scientific facilities . it is great to have various companies in different fields of activity , considering that, in fact, we we are a country that has a young generation ready to work , we can help a lot in entrepreneurship for the young generation. my suggestion is that this work exhibition should be repeated in the coming years or in the coming months, and if possible, the ministry of science should rotate these exhibitions in different universities, including sharif university.
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beheshti university, university of tehran and also amir kabir should do this in rotation . it will be very good for the industry. this exhibition is helpful for most of our employers, even though, for example , our factory is mostly in another city and not inside tehran, but still we were able to. there are many talents. it is necessary to attract people to those cities, whether this exhibition is in this university or in another top university, especially since most of the industrial companies have this connection and introduce themselves in this area, in the field of branding , this is a good opportunity for at the job fair of amirkabir university of technology , 250 job positions were introduced to students by 20 companies.
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here at gilmanas publications, we have always tried to serve you with the most up-to-date methods, and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources completely free of charge, just by sending the number 5 to the message system.
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look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him.


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