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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, greeting us with economic news. accompany me the supply of eggs is lower than the approved rate. the deputy minister of jihad agriculture says: the increase in the production of this product has stabilized the price in the domestic market and increased exports. according to mr. peyman pak, at the retail level, eggs are sold at least 2 thousand tomans less than the approved price. the approved price of this product is 56 thousand.
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per kilogram, last year we exported about 13 thousand tons in april, now it is about 20 thousand tons, this year we exported more than 20 thousand tons we exported in april, if we still have this issue of excess supply, we will control the export process so that, god willing , our producer will be able to reach the desired profit and not lose if this process of market regulation continues . with the aim of reducing thin plastic products , a regulation was approved in the fall of 1401, which has not yet been implemented. according to unofficial statistics , the amount of plastic bags produced in the country is estimated to be more than 177,000 tons per year, of which hundreds of tons are consumed daily. one is here. 2 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8.
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since the promulgation of the law to reduce the consumption of plastic bags in the fall of 1401, the ministry of position has been obliged to reduce the production of plastic products less than 25 microns by 20% annually for 5 years. we lost two years, which means we lost two to 20%. now the country should have a jump in a short game when that 40 is compensated. reducing the production of plastic bags and replacing them with compatible bags. environment and biodegradable products. according to the law, environmentally friendly bags are paper or cloth bags. biodegradable bags are also bags they turn into water during decomposition and do not produce any non-harmful substances. but why is the speed of implementation of this law slow? the optimal syntax of production lines should be changed as generators. although delayed, the standards for the production of biodegradable bags have finally been formulated. we must.
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we were able to produce those plastics that are degradable in the first country, and then take steps to reduce what is available and should be reduced in the order. at the same time, this guideline has been compiled to detect the biodegradable nature of a bag there is still no plastic laboratory in the country. we are investigating and taking action. that is , now we are experimenting. after two years have passed since the approval of the plastic bag reduction regulations , the manufacturers of thin plastic products are still not aware of it. nothing has been communicated at all . they say that the raw materials they have in their possession are not degradable. the materials that give us it does not have this capability, plastic products
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are left in nature. their decomposition takes more than 500 years. due to the damage that this type of residue causes to water, soil, air and finally creatures lives, implementation of legal duties to reduce their consumption and production is inevitable. saeed hajizadeh, radio and television news agency. specialists of a technology company succeeded with the name the use of several mineral compounds to produce light construction materials. being lightweight, durable and reducing cement consumption are among the advantages of this product. the fall of heavy construction materials during accidents is one of the problems of the construction industry. sarpol zahab earthquake, we had an example in islamabad gharb hospital. their walls are cement blocks. well, stone prayer. it poured down with its slurry.
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mozali, who hired the experts of a knowledge-based company to design and produce a new generation of ultra-light building materials. there are 3 blocks. there is an earthquake, which helps the styling a lot . in the conditions of an earthquake in our country, there is also a wet earthquake, and it increases the safety of buildings. this product uses nano micro technologies and silica compounds. it is made of lime cement and aluminum powder and prevents the wastage of cement in the construction industry. according to the statistics that 8 and a half to 9 million tons of cement was wasted per year, we have cement that the use of ready-made mortars in different sectors now, whether in the field of blocks or for ceramic tiles
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or flooring, the use of ready-made mortars will minimize this waste of cement in the construction industry. the use of these new materials. in buildings , it reduces sound and heat transmission by 10% and prevents energy wastage . according to the discussion of the lack of quality of buildings in our country, we have a very high consumption of gas and lack of energy. due to its insulation according to the national regulations of the building code, topics 18 and 19, this product is about 10 times the insulation of traditional materials, both in terms of sound insulation and in terms of energy consumption. it is insulated. this national product of the young technologists of our country has also found a transnational customer and they are exporting the product to neighboring countries. we are exporting products to russia, kazakhstan, afghanistan, turkey, armenia. according to the company's technicians, this structure, which
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was produced in accordance with the national building codes and regulations , has high thermal endurance and can withstand temperatures of up to 1400 degrees . sammeh nasser of radio and television news agency. industries that require continuous energy are required to procure at least 2% of their electricity from renewable energies or from the energy exchange. vice president of iran's electricity market he said that government offices should also purchase 5% of their electricity through the energy exchange. otherwise, their electricity consumption will be calculated at a higher price than the green panel. mr. bagheri said that industrial subscribers with consumption of more than 1 megawatt were required to buy their electricity through the energy exchange or bilateral transactions since last year, and so far , 59 out of 7,500 subscribers of more than 1 megawatt have purchased their electricity in this way. and the latest news is that iran and
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the uae have signed two cooperation documents in the field of expanding trade and investment relations in the joint economic cooperation commission. expected trade between the two countries it will reach 30 billion dollars this year. the united arab emirates is the main trading partner of iran. according to the customs report, trade between the two countries reached 27 billion dollars last year. out of this 27 billion dollars, about 6.5 billion dollars are exported to the uae and more than 20 billion dollars are imported from the united arab emirates. after 10. the joint economic commission of iran and the uae for the development of economic and trade relations was held in abu dhabi, the fields of development of port activities were presented, good initial agreements were also made, and readiness was announced to invest in a port like chabar in the uae.
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there are good countries that can invest here, this is the preparation that both we invest in the uae and they invest in the non-food sector. and in various fields , especially in the field of knowledge bases, medical equipment, medicine, nanomedicine, uae has investments in more than 90 countries, i hope iran will be added to this list. according to the head of the iranian economic commission of iran and the uae, the strong presence of the private sector is one of the priorities of the government to promote business relations in the country. looking at the private sector inside the uae, looking at the trade between iran and the uae. no it is very important only for the uae from the emirati side. from the point of view of iran, it naturally has a special place. if we can
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get acquainted with the literature of the day of investment and attracting investment in the world and talk with the same literature, we can develop a lot as a private sector. the mining development industry in the fields of the fields. he came to help in different areas. in iran's chamber of elders , we have a two-year plan to develop economic relations with all the countries with which we have economic relations, including the top 10 countries with which we have the most economic relations. based on the targeting of trade development organization of trade exchanges of iran and the uae this year, 30 billion dollars is predicted. zahra taicheng of sed and cima news agency. i sincerely thank you for your companionship .
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it is about two hours away from mashhad, a village in the north of radkan. in fact, it can be said that there are a thousand mosques in kopai, in a way, there are a thousand russian mosques in the mountains north of ratkan. plow with fish and all kinds of soups
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were among the popular dishes of this festival, because the weather is spring , we can have all kinds of soups for this season. differently, we say khush and ash avalin. now you have used a certain term. maybe i can't express it in persian. this model of ashes is extremely useful for the body. we stopped at this festival today.
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which have flourished in the province in the last decade . 11 ecotourism lodges in chanaran host travelers from all over the country every day. ali mohammadi moghadam, sda news agency, abgahi village , syed abad chenara district. the national media, with the topic of the favorable current employment situation in the year of the production leap, with the participation of the people , hosted the deputy of the employment of the ministry of labor, the deputy of the employment development of the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare from fulfilling the commitment of 97 job creation last year and said that the job security bill was approved by the government board and sent to the parliament. in short, it means that the workers in the workplace feel that their work
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is continuous and sustainable, if the rules are followed in every workplace. this is related to a wide range of components , it does not end only with the relationship between the worker and the employer in the workshop environment, which is only the responsibility of the ministry of labor, but everything that is within the scope of the ministry of labor's authority, now the details must be announced by our colleagues regarding the narrative of the work . we saw the bill and god willing we will deal with it. branvand called the revival of article 43 of the constitution as one of the ways to achieve a jump in production. production at the community level, a self-production technical means, the place of production, licenses related to the provision of business. which must be done for him and perhaps the most important of all these is the knowledge of skills that must be done for him.
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shortening the licensing time for home businesses and skill schools in the national licensing system is also one of the measures the ministry of labor is in line with principle 43. in the past years, a simple home business license sometimes took 8 months, but now the home business license takes 5 minutes and is done in person without referring to experts. let's only issue a license for the work place. this employment license sometimes took up to a year. now, the license is issued. 10-day job search happens for free technical and vocational schools. in the past, it took up to 8 months for these to be licensed . now, 3-day technical and vocational schools can get a license to start skill training. mr biranvand said: so far, 300,000 job opportunities have been uploaded to the job search system, and updating this system
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will help job seekers and employers get results sooner. we provided a space that the private sector. he can act on it himself , there is no interference from the government, but we can provide a series of advantages and disadvantages to the private sector. we are raising job search this year, one of the extensions we are adding to the systems and soon, god willing, it will be unveiled on saman. there are various tests that we provide to the employer and the job seekers so that the job seeker can test himself as to what kind of job he is suitable for. what kind of work force is best for you?
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good evening, many of us were released from jail today uh for participating in encampments at columbia university and at the city college of new york, imagine the site late last night after midnight when hundreds and hundreds of riot police with helicopters and drones raided our campuses surrounding
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us, i mean imagine if you were... uh, a student who came from a vulnerable background, what that would look like, hundreds of riot police descending upon you with their batons drawn, some of the offices drew their uh guns as well, and what was our crime? advocating for peace, denouncing one of the uh grossest, most horrific events in our lives and denouncing all of the censor ship that... comes along um with that, we really don't even know uh, what words we can use anymore, look at the latest bill that the house of representatives has passed, this is absolutely embarrassing, this is having a chilling effect on free speech, uh, this is coming from the us foreign policy establishment, um, so that they can continue
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to use this uh colony. outpost to do their bidding against the palestinian people, against the people of the middle east, and to see the horrific violence of this mob who attacked our peaceful encampment at ucla, what message are we sending to young people about free speech, about the future of this uh country, the medias treatment of everything that has gone on has been shameful, our encampments were based on peace on popular education uh for me as a graduate of uh colombia with the generation passed, i couldn't be prouder of this generation of students, my... my students, students like my uh two sons who are the same age and we're going to keep resisting and raising consciousness, just like the palestinian
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ancestors and the anti-islamic jews sisters and brothers uh teach us, so despite all of the intimidation and the brutality to be held for five hours in a police vehicle before they even take you off the police buses and in patty wagons in handcuffs that are extremely tight, it's a great deal of um of discomfort, but of course a small small price to pay for the principles that we believe in that palestinians are in fact human beings who have a right to life, dignity and self-determination, which is something we cannot say or advocate for in the united states. the work is the title of an exhibition at amirkabir university of technology. the number of job seekers who
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applied was very high. opening new job opportunities even for companies. an exhibition whose purpose is to familiarize students with job opportunities and work in knowledge-based companies. it was very good, the exhibition of various companies from different trades, even the exhibition had many good things in these 3 days. i visited most of them because i myself work in the field of programming . i filled out my resume with several companies from the country. i think it gives very good explanations they give us a very good explanation about their company and i enjoyed it very much. our field was less in it, but there are a series of fields that, well, not in that format, they are showing us, but they are doing things that are helpful for us. he eats just a little , the children should eat more. then three or four job positions were found, i filled out four resumes, and from now on i hope that i will be able to benefit a lot for my internship in this exhibition, and that i will be able
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to be hired for my favorite job here. companies of other scientists the objectives of this exhibition are: fortunately, our company has been very well received because it is one of the companies with a real history in this matter. we repair engines and airplane bodies, heavy engines, large airplanes, and we received about 300 resumes from students of various fields, especially aerospace, aircraft maintenance, and mechanics. the resumes that we actually received in writing were about 500,600 in two days, but we also had online resumes that we have not yet had the chance to see how many there were, it was definitely more. we made an estimate. children sent us almost a thousand resumes in addition , we got in touch with them a lot now, we introduced the collection to them , we saw the capabilities and potential of the children, fortunately, the reception
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was very good and this connection between the industry and the university as well as the people was quite palpable. the good thing about this exhibition is that when inside the university "berter" is held, mostly there are children who are currently studying in top university of tehran, and this gives a very special opportunity for most of them. employers, now our company is an oil company that has put together a plan called the belief plan, which means that our company believes in the potential and talent of the students and the students' faith. for our company, and for about 2 years, this plan has been put in place for the graduates of prestigious universities who are attracted to the system. the job fair was a good opportunity for us to establish a good relationship with the university and the job seekers we wanted to get the necessary infrastructure. to develop. let's provide it ourselves. most of the companies present in this exhibition are working in the fields of oil and gas, aviation industry, textile, electronics and food. there is a place where students are valued.
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several screens have gone before, but not like this. and what i think we need is you our universities are exactly what we need to have this relationship with the industry. send a resume, we will do an experience and then go for an interview . it can be very effective, especially since the children get to know different companies. and. but the request of the organizers and students from the ministry of science is a good opportunity because the children are usually disappointed because they don't know that there is such an opportunity . no, by the way, there are many places that are asking for power now, but you are not for many years now , there has been a concern about the relationship between industry and university. it may be difficult for students to read about different industries and factories . naturally, the presence of the industry inside the university establishes this relationship much better. the existential philosophy of exhibitions around the world is the familiarity of
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all involved people. it is great to have diverse companies in different fields of activity in the same industry with their technical and scientific facilities, considering that we are actually a country with a young generation ready to work , we can help a lot in this way. to entrepreneurship for my young generation, i have a suggestion that this work exhibition should be repeated in the coming years or in the coming months, and if possible, the ministry of science will rotate these exhibitions in different universities, such as sharif universities, beheshti university, tehran university , and amir kabir. it will be very good for the industry, this exhibition is helpful for most of our employers, even though our factory is mostly in another city and not inside tehran, but still we were able to attract a lot of talents even inside those cities. what is the exhibition in this university?
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what about top universities? it is especially necessary that most of the industrial companies have neglected this connection and this is their introduction in the field of branding. this is a good opportunity for us in the job fair of amirkabir university of technology. 250 job positions were introduced to students by 20 companies. sed and sima news agency's smile.
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and min almiya lalmiya, min almiya lalmiya.
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wahla wahla andana andana andana andana ahla naftna la shahid la shahid la shahidna jad vaya andha.


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