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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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at one o'clock in the morning, the sheikh mofid award ceremony was held for top university professors. in this event , 110 university professors from all over the world participated. selected by the students , they received sheikh mufid's badge and the support of the national elite foundation. the ceremony of selecting 100 selected professors, whose distinctive feature is nurturing students in the country's higher education system. guys, which professors spend the most time for you in university? which ones stay up late? which ones are in other matters of life? they help
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and the students choose who they are, who are the teachers who nurture better students. these professors they will receive the sheikh mofid award and the defined support from the national elite foundation. there are 15-16 supports ranging from research studies and study opportunities to post-doctoral capacities. ability. selection of students from the point of view of professors, i spend a lot of time for students , even outside of working hours at home, other than matters related to the field of education, even in matters related to students' private issues, if they have problems, there is a mutual understanding. he is watching movies with them
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. usually, my classrooms in physics classes are famous for educational shows, exciting classes of this kind, my specialized classes , i try to have very exciting classes, new materials, if the country of iran progresses , it will not happen with underground oil reserves, its progress is progress . iran, the change of the level of the islamic republic, the change of the level of iran in which we live, with the brains that are in this country, by the way, those brains are the extract of the extract in our good universities, these are our good students, 20,000 students from 50 university complexes across the country, 100 professors. title the chosen master of choosing abbas rasouli of sed and sima news agency, the specialists of a technology company succeeded by using several combinations. minerals
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produce light construction materials. being lightweight, durable and reducing cement consumption are among the advantages of this product. sarpolul zahab earthquake, we had an example in islam gharb hospital. their walls are cement blocks. well, a stone prayer with its slurry fell down. this was a problem that made the experts of a technology company work to create a new generation of materials. there is an earthquake, which helps the styling a lot . in the conditions of an earthquake in our country, there is also a wet earthquake. it is safe this product raises buildings.
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it is made using nano-micro technologies and silica, cement, lime and aluminum powder compounds and prevents the wastage of cement in the construction industry. according to the available statistics , we waste 8.5 to 9 million tons of cement per year. the use of ready-made mortars in different sectors, whether in the field of blocks, or for ceramic tiles, facades or flooring, the use of ready- made mortars causes this waste of appearance. in the construction industry, the use of these new materials in the buildings for sound and heat transmission should be minimized reduces it by 10% and prevents energy wastage. considering the issue of buildings not being insulated in our country, we have a very high consumption of gas and lack of energy. this product is about 10 times more insulating than traditional materials due to its insulation according to the national regulations of the construction industry, topics 18 and 19. and
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it is very good in terms of energy consumption. this national product of the young technologists of our country has also found a transnational customer and they are exporting the product to neighboring countries. we are exporting this product to russia, kazakhstan, afghanistan, turkey, armenia. according to the technologists this structure, which is produced in accordance with the national building code and regulations , has high thermal endurance and can withstand temperatures up to 1400 degrees . sammeh nasser of radio and television news agency. japanese technologists have developed a portable wearable device that regulates body temperature like a ventilator. adjusts the air condition . according to an announcement, this cooler has a set of sensors that control body temperature, humidity, and even a person's movements, and offers 5 levels of cooling for hot days and 4 levels of heating for cooler weather. this
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wearable cooler is adjustable and handheld and through the phone the accessories can be adjusted and the battery life is 17. hours with one barge, which is ideal for long-term use. using salt water, scientists have created a type of artificial brain cell that functions like a human brain. the researchers used this solution in a device called memory resistance and were able to create artificial reactions similar to the activity of the human brain. according to the announcement to the university. this device is slightly thicker than human hair and simulates a part of the brain that helps people think and learn . resistance device unlike previous models it does not contain silicon or metal. therefore ,
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it is the closest example to the way the human brain works in an artificial environment. specialists of a knowledge- based company succeeded. recycling is considered solid fuel. this fuel is non-polluting and can replace mazda. the eternal refuge of non-recyclable plastics that both make the face of nature ugly and are a threat to nature and animals. a place where the crisis has become global. and now danesh banyan company by converting these non- recyclable plastic waste. solid fuel has come to help solve this problem. this technology is like this we enter the plastic waste without the need for separation and cooling all at once and at the same time, except for the plastics that are recycled, and one by one, a chemical process and a device that zero to
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100 of this process was designed by me and the antipolymer of this the process synthesized by myself broke all the recycled plastics from their polymer bonds. and turn the plastics, which are thermally unstable oil material, into a thermally stable material. in the process of converting these residues into solid fuel, neither significant water consumption nor pollution is created. in this consumption system we have very low water and the water we use goes back to the system and is only for cooling our chemical process, so we do not have any environmental pollution in this system. plastics are directly converted into fuel. this solid fuel has various uses. from domestic use for countries without oil and gas, in thermal furnaces in power plants. high flammability is another advantage of this solid fuel. i can say that its calorific value
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is two to three times that of surplus coal. the initial idea of ​​this technology was keyed 17 years ago and its final product was approved. it has also brought the world. at in 2019, i managed to register this technology in the united states and receive the highest scientific score from the american government, and the honor of this technology belongs to the name of my dear country, iran. this technology has been praised by the head of the environmental protection organization. we look at this discussion from the environmental aspect , we look at it from the economic aspect, whatever we look at, we see achievements. according to the officials of this company. scientists , the solid fuels that come out of this device have the ability to ignite several times that of heavy fuels. thank you for your company.
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ahora. irani sharaf iran is playing with a telegram across the country, why are you setting prices this month ? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager . in the name of god, greetings, courtesy, respect, service
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to each one of you, dear and respected viewers of the higher program, we are at your service with another debate . you know that industrial towns are places where, thanks to your presence, all the infrastructure necessary for production work, such as water and electricity and gas until the telecommunication function is basically unavailable for all in order for the producers to be able to produce and do their work more easily in one space , let us remind you of a law, article 81 of the law on the addition of certain substances to the law on the regulation of part of the financial regulations of the government. all the infrastructures that are needed, as i told you, water, electricity, gas, communication infrastructures that go back to the three ministries of the house, oil, power and communication, the three ministries are obliged to carry out these infrastructure works so that there are no such problems in the industrial towns of machal. to be today's debate is dedicated to this topic how many industrial towns were able to take advantage of these axioms and
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priorities set by the law so that a production job can be done in an industrial town and their work can be done easily. please accompany us until the end. on the other side, mr. valipour, ceo of shams abad industrial estate, while saying hello and god bless to both guests of the program, before we start our discussion , i invite my colleagues to prepare a report in the sanat news agency's industry group. let's see if we can come up with a topic, we will come back and start the debate.
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according to the law, the units that consume more than one megawatt of electricity must obtain a part of the energy through solar power plants and invest in this issue, and we provide conditions for them as well. rezaei from food industry producers in abbas abad industrial town. power outages cause damage to raw materials. and our machines have been. of course, this closure will make workers unemployed. when our electricity is cut and production stops, we have to increase the price of our goods to compensate. tehmur selahouti, vice president of small industries and industrial towns organization of iran. article 25 of the business environment improvement law explicitly declares that the ministry of energy, when it exchanges contracts for the assignment of branches, must cover the damages caused by power outages in the country. take into account the contract and even pay the damages. this issue is our demand now and
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we are following this issue seriously. fath ali mohammadzadeh , the former technical deputy of iran small industries and industrial estates organization, based on the regulations we have inside the industrial estates, for each hectare of land we prepare, 250 kilowatts of electricity, 20 cubic meters of gas , several telephone lines and 3 to 5 tenths of liters of water provides do. the sum of these is a number that we receive from the artisan as usufructuary rights . moreover, if the artisan requests , we provide them in the form of surplus services under the condition of being provided by the ministry of energy. if the law is implemented correctly and the service providers fulfill their duties, the industrialists and industrial units will benefit from the implementation of the law. saeed sadeghi, managing director of industrial estates of tehran province, industrial units from gas outages. they are complaining that their production
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decreased last year because of the problems that occurred in gas transmission. the industrialists expect that the outages it should be minimized so that they can not lose production and competition by solving the problems. jamshidi is one of the activists of abbas abad industrial town. power outages every hour can cause hundreds of millions of tomans worth of damage to raw materials and much more severe damage to industrial equipment. of course, when these outages are without notice. if the former happens, the situation will be worse. ali rasoulian, the former head of iran's small industry and industrial estates organization , faces restrictions on land transfer in some big cities such as tehran, tabriz, shiraz, etc. that is, if any amount of land in tehran is ready to be handed over today, there is an applicant for it and the person is not willing to go from tehran to another place. everyone wants to invest in tehran. sajjad hashemi, an industrial activist in abbas abad industrial town. when a town is under load, it is necessary to
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build its infrastructure. the infrastructure of the settlement is behind their handover. as a result, if there is a problem with the supply of water, electricity, house repair and access roads, the reason is that it was handed over before the town's infrastructure was completed, and this caused production units to lag behind. yes , we saw the report of mrs. parvesh from the news agency's industry group sed and sima reviewed the opinions of experts regarding whether the infrastructure of industrial partners is ready or not. with your permission, i want to start with mr. valipour, the ceo of shambat industrial company, and ask him if he is ready to answer this question. basically , the infrastructure is already in your city, which is one of the largest cities, and in general, if you know , how much is it in the whole country. this preparation of these legal materials, which have been assigned to the ministries of various houses to prepare the statement of these infrastructures , has been complied with in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful.
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dear guest of the program and viewers, the topic of the program is about the infrastructure of industrial towns. if you allow me, i will give you an introduction about the construction of industrial towns. you can see the construction of industrial towns in general in the section of the constructions that the company is in charge of creating. industrial companies are usually small industry organizations and industrial partners. the second category is the infrastructures that are provided by other ministries and agencies related to the issue. the first discussion is that the infrastructure that the industrial partners company should create in the partners is based on friends the operating plan that they have has a schedule , it feels that from 0 to 100 tweets are their own authority, that is, they don't need to go to another device to get permission from another place , they have to
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provide an extension plan every year, and part of they create the infrastructure that is in their commitment. in this matter, i am not saying that it is a desirable issue, that there is a deficiency that i will present to you in the rest of the meeting, but it is a kind of system, that is, the person who answers listens. to a kind of self-owned industrial town company, a media service company provides some kind of service, such as electricity supply , gas supply, for example, access to industrial partners must communicate with other organizations. in this issue, the main challenge in industrial partners is under discussion. there is, that is, there is no accountability body , there is no one who is responsible for these cases. i would like to give you a point. you who are in charge will follow up on this anyway, but excuse me. for example
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, the ministry of energy is in charge of the country's electricity supply. it is in different areas. i have a point for you. let me tell you , for example, we want to see the discussion. in the town shamsabad industrial, which dates back to 30 years since the establishment of the industrial town, until now, i am mr. engineer. now, i will tell you my information. now, if there is a problem, please fix it in the town of the ministry of energy . it has sold nearly 600 megawatts of electricity to the people, made a commitment , and received the money from the people based on the last report i got from my friends is that the capacity created now is about 250 megawatts. who took money, signed a contract with me, an investor with me, an industrial activist, i fulfilled my obligations , my friends did not fulfill their obligations, they are not responsible anywhere , the monitoring device should come in, turn it on. by the way, my friends are insisting that you come and invest, sir. i said that we have made our investment. my suggestion is that in
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the electricity sector, my friends have a commitment to create a capacity. they should come in, become industrialists themselves, go to the power plant , supply electricity to the city , save themselves from these troubles and problems. this is really a discussion , a serious challenge. you should join the partnership now , and ask any refiner what is your real problem. power supply, power cut, now i will tell you how much power we have, see the power cut of my system during the peak load time, which usually starts from mid-june to early october, this issue continues last year two days a week , depending on the schedule they give, for example , monday and wednesday. a town like shamsabad would be cut off, a town like abbasabad would be cut off on tuesdays and thursdays, 2 days a week, every day of the week would really create a disaster for the city for the industrial unit , now instead of this planning,
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they have a series of sudden power cuts. what is worse is how many sudden power outages we had last year before this program was implemented, around 15 it was a sudden day before, what do you mean before i said, for example, that it was the year of qibla, for example, in the city of shamsabad. there was also a crisis in the town's electricity supply. we went to meet it almost 20 days and 25 days earlier . it means that without coordinating with you, the machine will cut off under the cutting load , it will burn and it will be damaged. yes, the next point , now i will tell you that i need certain things i would like to tell you that you have a factory that collapsed
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and caused nearly 500 million to 1 billion tomans in damage and the next thing and the worst of all was the voltage drop which was the next disaster in my company , mr. ebrahimi. i still say that it exists. how much did you follow up ? where did you follow up? yes, in the name of allah, the merciful. greetings and respect to you and your dear colleagues, to mr. mansi valipour and to all those who watch this program. well, aram sadlipour correctly pointed out some points. that part of obligations that we can fulfill by ourselves in the town, almost according to our schedule, we solved the needs of industrial units. of course, i said it is not desirable. you agree to see this. overall , i think it is desirable, that is, the part that is the inherent duty of an industrial town, i believe it is desirable, but a part of the joint work with the ministry of energy, the national gas company, and the regional water organization, but those parts where
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we are not alone. and they are working in other service providers. yes , mr. engineer valipour's statement is true in some of our towns and provinces, and we are far from that. we have a good distance. how many towns are you in? in the country , we have established industrial units out of this total . these settlements are demand oriented. these basic infrastructure services are in cooperation with you. i would like to present to you that the service department has been established. shamsabad, which you mentioned as an example, mr. mans valipour, is one of the good towns
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in the country. i agree that the development of electric substations has not been done in the past years, but the industrial estates of finfe have done their work and signed the post agreement with the ministry of energy and fulfilled their financial obligations. one thing you should note is that the electrical substation is a specialized job, if all the activities of the service department of the industrial estates are to be done, we will do the electricity work , we will do the water work, and we will also do the gas work inside mr. engineer valipur, we will do it. yes, inside the town, but as the law says , sir, up to the entrance of the town, a service device is responsible. the ministry of energy is obliged to make electric substations and transmission lines. in the same way
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, now the khudamatistan device, of course, let's not talk unfairly, they also have problems. we recently had a meeting with tawanir. 12 years since the year 400, these memorandums have been concluded. in late 2002 , it was due to the trip of the president of the republic, about 124 agreements about the capacity of 500 megawatts of electricity will be added to the capacity of industrial cities in the country. the agreements at the time of the signing of the memorandum of understanding were about 9 hemats. now, due to the increase in inflation and the events that have happened, the completion of these positions requires a higher number. some of the equipment may need to be imported from abroad, which cannot be produced domestically. may i request your presence to see this issue for yourself, if the number is
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updated, maybe the number is correct. and in the budget limit of this ministry of housing , there is a part of this mr. valipour because of the fact that the service provider is not accredited, so i cannot provide that service to the industrialist of mr. ibrahim. i have listened to your comments carefully. see the issue that the government agency is not valid. it is a matter that should be dealt with on its own. i told you the problem clearly. regarding these discussions, in places where decisions are being made, i am telling you that in a town like shamsabad, 600 megawatts of electricity have been sold . taking money means that if i fulfill my commitment, how much is 600 megawatts? no, how much does it cost ? there is another , see the company of industrial partners and government services according to the time of the money they receive, this money
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loses its value. we came and helped with a small industry organization. we went when the bill to amend the value added tax law was being considered in the parliament. the government allocates 1% of the value here. the obligations of the small industry organization, which could not be fulfilled in time and on time, they were not fulfilled in time , because the construction of a town takes time, which cannot be done in one year, it will not happen in at least two or three years. the money that was taken from industrial units has lost its value. we
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made a proposal to compensate for this provision of financial resources. unfortunately, this project was not decided in the government. it was proposed through the small industry organization. it went to the government and it was not approved. something happened. regarding the remaining commitments that have not yet been completed, in the discussion of water supply for the town , your first report, mr. mohammadzadeh , gave you information that in our industrial town, we are used to supply 30 liters of water per second , and supply 250 cubic meters of gas per hectare for each town. . this is in the towns according to their growth the exact information of shamsabad has not been provided. i am telling you right now that shamsabad has an operational phase of about 1700 hectares. if you ask, calculate something like 300 liters. at least water should be provided for it. our water resources are now about 150 ml. of course, projects are working. but this project has not yet come to fruition, what i am saying is not desirable, the points are such that they should
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plan a method, god willing, mr. if the industry goes from two to four percent, it means that if this happened , there would definitely be a revolution in the industry sector, not only the policies that came from the ministry. in fact, the announced force has not only not increased, but i have made adjustments . the water consumption pattern
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should be changed in some areas , the water productivity in the agricultural sector should be increased, that is , from the place of water saving in the agricultural sector, the need of the country's industrial sector. dear mr. moderator , i would like to tell you that the debate that happened last year in the budget law was really a disaster. mr. m. sabraei, pointing out the share of the industrial sector in the consumption of fresh water is wrong, unfortunately, any restriction and according to the management, it is not always sweet. well , now, shirin sarjam, let me tell you something. i will tell you something. shamsabad industrial town with 150 liters of water allocating its output to 45,000 employed people, 45,000 jobs have been created.


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