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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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together with the ministry of agriculture, the farming pattern must be changed in some areas, water productivity in the agricultural sector must be increased, that is, from the place of water saving in the agricultural sector to the needs of the country's industrial sector , you can see that you are speaking from our language. sir, i don't know your name , i don't know, mr. moderator , i would like to tell you about an incident that happened last year in the budget law. the industry is really suffering from the consumption of fresh water. sarjem dud, i want to tell you one thing i would like to tell you that shamsabad industrial town with 150 liters of water, to which 45,000 people are employed, 45,000 jobs have been created. we at
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shamsavad industrial co., ltd. say that it is not desirable. water is still being bottled. we cannot supply water for our industry for 12 hours in 24 hours . this is why the industrial sector of sibel has been cut off . share of agriculture sector 98 i am telling you this mr. mahneh q. i am expecting it . can you seriously defend these issues in the committees that you are invited to, if not in the parliament , let the law be passed, please allow this case to be the same as note 8 of the budget law of 1402. on behalf of the industrial units
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, we went to different commissions for hours and discussed the directive that all the towns use a portion of the water they have. by the honorable minister of energy at the end of the year 14
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, our industry and artisans are smart and wonderful people economic people know its value. you mentioned water. the most added value of water is probably in the industrial sector. for every one liter of water supplied in a city, on average, we have 50 to 145 jobs in different provinces. compare this . in the agriculture department, in the people department, i want to say this. mr. mohammad , we do not deny your efforts, but i am the target. now my parliament is in this story , the parliament that will pass the budget law, i don't know which commission has been the expert on the issue of city water. there is no special industry in the town. we
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have a food industry, a drug industry, and a water network yes, everyone accepts from that network, as the famous saying goes, and they are supplied with water. in my story, my argument is that every policy is aimed at the industry sector and not targeting another point. i wanted to point out your point . the head of the company's board of directors of hashgardam, let's ask them how good their infrastructure is, and how favorable they see the conditions, as mr. ebrahimi pointed out that in most towns , the infrastructure service situation we are talking about is good. mr. alizadeh, this happened in your company. whether it is good or not, i remember your voice. yes, your voice in the name of god, i offer my respects to mr. ebrahimi, the honorable vice president of the industrial towns company and our dear one from the shams abad towns company.
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i am present. i would like to take a few moments of the opportunity to tell a general description of the industrial city of hashgerd, and if i had the opportunity, i would like to visit these infrastructures, dear ones. pointing and we worked in the non-governmental industrial town of hashgerd, so far as i am talking to you, maybe 70-80% of our infrastructural problems have been solved by ourselves. if you allow me, i will continue. do it yourself whether you agreed or not, in cooperation with the same incident , i would like to tell you that after the formation of the new city which was decided to be established about 30 years ago, and at that time it was called the employment district, and it was supposed that the units that want to leave the radius of 120 km from tehran and not be polluting, in terms of the environment, should be settled there, and in
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fact the town the organization of hashgar new city development company was to establish a settlement in an area of ​​about 250 hectares that is no longer developed, which later became an employment area about 12 years ago, based on the permission we received from the settlements company. we have become a non-governmental industrial town of 8, please , my brother, the reality is as my friends pointed out at that time, well, there was no industrial town company , the new settlement construction company of hashgar, in relation to the housing issues of shahr sazi, is now documented , none of these sub-states
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and in the discussion of the four deep wells was that this deep well was shared between the companies. the industrial town and the new town of hashtgerd were fed from the same source. well , naturally, from the very beginning, the household consumer was given priority, and there were the same problems that almost 12 years ago, when the industrial town company came, they made us different. the government announced and gave us the license to operate independently. this leap started from there. now you have a challenge in terms of infrastructure, water, electricity, gas. after the license we signed, we started two jobs at the same time, we came out from under the municipal ticket, we became independent, and we started two jobs . my first argument was that we came and said that the new 8gaz city development company, which was the new 8gaz settlement company,
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had obligations here. and we did not do it, we got a lawyer , we got an official judicial expert, we did one, two, three, four, and filed a lawsuit in the judicial authorities, mr. ina shahrek. of these obligations should be for the benefit of the units he was doing production and he didn't do this . right now, our complaint is still ongoing . i was convicted twice and about 20 billion tomans should be paid to the ministry of urban housing or the construction company. we gathered the city , we stated the facts, we said that this is the fact anyway, we have a problem with water supply, the main issue that friends have somehow not mentioned yet. the issue of sewerage fees is because during this period , it was proposed to bring not only excellent units to the city of cheshengard, but also all kinds of industry came there from the industry. paper, chemistry, iron, metalworking, all kinds of industries came there with our assembly
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, we opened the so-called door, and we said that we should, while demanding our demands from the city of arkaz , request our demands from the government and follow up. if we want to stand on our own feet, we must invest ourselves. now that it has become independent after 12 years, i would like to tell my boss that we have solved the subscription problem , we have acquired two deep wells with 70 liters per second , and we have isolated ourselves from the new city of heshket by tapping a 200 cubic meter source. we are at your service discussing the most modern house plan that our puzzle faces an exit. agriculture makes it very great . i have been thanking you for 3 years since almost four years ago, mr. alizadeh. stay with us . i will come back to you, god willing. if there is a chance , sir , i would like to ask you one thing about the water situation. so, water and sewage, now, regardless
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of the fact that this water has not been finally provided , see what we really request from the industrial units, of course, we will do our own follow-up, the task we have will surely follow. we will definitely make this demand from the ministry of energy . i hope you will be present on your behalf . of course, we are colleagues in the government, but we will follow up. a high-efficiency unit means a unit whose water is effective in their production cycle. the demand we have is that they must use recycling systems. incidents have happened. you, mr. engineer , in your statement said that sanders are smart, educated people who are looking for open technology. these things happen now. these things have happened. if mr. engineer if if this happens, the need will be reduced to a minimum, but if you look at it as in the past, we
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are aware that part of our water supply comes from underground water sources, so the rainfall will decrease, the level of the underground water will go down, and the problems that the area of ​​this order will face. i would like to tell you about the management that should be applied. in my opinion, the best management of water resources has happened in the sector of industrial partners. i built a town like shamsabad with an area of ​​over 2,800 hectares with 150 liters per second, 1,800 active industrial units, nearly 45,000 workers working in that town, 200 hectares of green space in this city. the best place to manage is not the best place to manage. i have this to say , mr. engineer, in the discussion of water, the government's view on managing the water consumption of industrial units is to zoom in. i
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did not expect the honorable parliament to pass the budget law 1402 as a resolution to cut the water sources of the settlements. let them go and provide them with sewage . it is possible. it has been corrected with your efforts , but the opinion has not been corrected. the opinion has not been corrected in the parliament, and i would like to say that your opinion has not been corrected. the next point, mr. sir, is another point that i forgot in the electricity discussion. dear sir , the issue of lack of electricity, mismatch between this year and last year and this is not the case. this issue happened 10 years ago. at that time, there were many protests . a law was passed in the parliament, and i have now brought a law to you under the title of the law on the continuous improvement
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of the business environment, article 21, yes, article 25, by the way, article 25 of this law was promulgated in 1990. i am very interested in this law. no, i did not ask the regulatory body of the ministry of energy about this legal issue. what action did you take? i read article 25 exactly as it is it's okay for friends to give their own opinion, and i am going to read to you the same article that came in the law, saying that during the shortage of electricity, gas or telecommunication services, industrial and agricultural production units should not be the priority of cutting off gas electricity or, let me say , telecommunication services, and the companies the suppliers of electricity, gas and telecommunications services are obliged
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to include the obligation of power cut in their contracts when signing contracts with industrial units, but it did not happen . the interesting thing is that it is very interesting that the companies that supply the services are obliged to pay damages. who checked this issue at all? i expect that small industry organization is a body of the government as a representative , this also happened. almost 30 days, that is, one month a year, the industrial unit was closed due to the lack of electricity, with a meeting. i was in the service of the inspector general, the head of the inspector general of the country. i told him just one point
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, in a town like shamsabad, the employer's payment to workers who do not work for them is just one point , it was actually 600 billion tomans, just one point. to their sellers, besides this , i am waiting for you with this demanding attitude . you complain. because there is a law, how does the tax affairs organization enter an industry when the executive goes , blocks his account, prevents him from leaving , this is the law that causes the supervisory body to enter for one.
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do you have a separate review and a report to submit, how many of them have problems with water and electricity. and they have gas and see the connection of communications. we have identified almost 860 industrial cities in kenai last year, the cities that have water stress, electricity stress , right now, for example, they need water or they need electricity, almost separately. i don't have it, but it is separated which one our towns need water right now or do they have electricity. for some of them, we have a solution for them in the field of water . now we have to use gray water . we recycle, so we have municipal sewage treatment water. we buy it, take it to the cities and treat it. in the harsh atmosphere of the industry that can be used in the private sector, finally, the discussion of electricity imbalance , the inevitability of investment in power plants has not been done. in fact, a large part of
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the electricity production in the country is directly related to the rainfall. if it decreases , my electricity production will decrease, so avoid something it is unacceptable, what should be done with this issue? we have offered our share, mr. engineer , i have made a very clear offer to you as a representative of the organization. or no, allow it, allow it, no, no, i propose a solution, i did not come here to criticize only, my point is that the government does not care at all to continue the work, let the rest of its commitments be left to the private sector to return the money it took from them, let the government study. the same thing which is also valuable, your excellency, now you are doing the construction of solar power plants in partnerships , what is the reason for this to happen , take money back from the people, don't blame the people, if this happens, by god, most of the problems will be solved in a town
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like shamsabad in your sector. you in time that the energy consumption is about 20-30 megawatts. 20-30 megawatts for an industrial company to build, i don't think it will be too difficult. my industrial unit, i am talking to him, he says, sir, i came as an investor , went to the industrial town, signed a contract, a government is obliged to provide me, he is right, a contract. legally, he has fulfilled his obligations. we have a proposal. friends say, sir, the government should give us our share even in the form of a loan. we don't want to return our money at all. the use of distributed generation power plants such as chcs, we have identified about 11 chps that have a series of minor problems, some of which go to the government
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. it is completely correct. for example, the private sector may have problems . if we fix these problems, then before the peak, about 100 megawatts will be added to the power capacity of industrial networks. god willing, we will be able to import this 100 megawatts by the end of june, my dear, i am not denying your hard work , every aspect of that organization or the ministry of energy should be held accountable for its work, for the commitment it has made, we are with you , see, i say that is another discussion. now let 's finally go
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for the next month. in kerman province , there is an industrial town specializing in solar energy. it is really up to the government over there to invest some others he doesn't want to invest in a motel. anyway
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, he will go by himself with a diesel generator to provide other loads, but according to the servant of the government , despite the efforts that have been made, we are not in denial, but we really have a lot in this story that needs to be planned. allow me to point out, now the discussion will be left to the service companies that we are in charge of. look , there is a challenge with the industrial estates company, and the main reason is the unnecessary sensitivity of the monitoring system, friends. according to the law, that basement should be rapped, repaired , and delivered to us. i believe that this infrastructure that has been paid goes back to the last 30 years, for example, the example of the asphalt of the street
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has been paved, you have fulfilled my promise, servant of god, now he gives me to maintain it, what are my resources for maintenance , a charge that i get from an industrial unit is used for the current affairs of the company. my suggestion is that in the discussion of maintenance of industrial towns
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, industrial towns and all industrial towns should sum up their demands on infrastructure, as our dear mr. vali mentioned, and ask the government to resolve the issue of water, gas, electricity , energy, but in at the same time, the units in the town are independent with assemblies that are formed based on reality as far as they can, their efforts should be to stand on their own feet and reduce their dependence on them. we planned a modern house, 100 cubic meters a day , we explain the best agricultural water, now we want to invest this water, recycle it, return it to the units
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, it costs 100 billion tomans, industrial estates must interact with banks, at least a get a low interest loan in this situation of liquidity, i will give this in terms of power plant and electricity supply. well, we are in contact with the national expansion fund, so that we can do it according to the needs of our town. let's build a power plant, that means i have the final say, mr. valipour, if the industrial units do not organize themselves , they do not provide their own demands and needs from their own sources of income with financial assistance from the government. in our basic infrastructure, at least the provision of electricity in the country in 10 years is necessary for planning, but no. this does not prevent you from organizing our demands from the settlements company from the government . please, mr. alizadeh, mr. valipour
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, do you have a point? i had mr. engineer ibrahim the government industrial companies are the obligations of the government, which , as they say, took their money from our refiners, but part of it has not yet been done. our story with your excellency is that your industrial partner is non-governmental, we are a government industrial partner , all of its problems are common to almost everyone , but. the main story of our responding side in the story of the government , excuse me, yes, sir, i want to say something, just because there is no more time, i will ask mr. valipour a question and i will come back to you, mr. ebrahimi, about
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the gas field and... from the beginning of this program, the elders demand that three or four sessions should be held in order let it be discussed in detail. yes, i am talking in detail. we have a problem . look at the cold season. i said, unfortunately , there is no class that is more oppressed than the industrialist and economic activist. . the industry that i will offer to you will make tiles , it will make ceramics, it will make crystals. in general, the existence of an industrial unit depends on the supply of gas. restrictions can be applied. restrictions can also be applied to produce a unit. how much damage is there? i don't have a limit, i don't have numbers and numbers. i can
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give you numbers and numbers. an industrial unit that manufactures crystal glass should be legally shut down within 10 minutes, within an hour, a furnace that costs billions of tomans will be completely out of business. the damages are like this. in the gas debate, mr. ebrahimi , we have two minutes less, i think it is very good for them. mr. milipour, we are unanimous, both from the capacity of the private sector and from the ministry of samad and the small organization . in part , we have to spend money for the renovation and reconstruction of the infrastructure of industrial cities. in my opinion, it requires a serious determination god willing , we will follow up on this issue again in the new parliament, because what you have mentioned for industrial towns is part of the worries , mr. engineer. i think that shamsabad is the most followed town in the story. he used to say that this matter did not get a vote in the government. in
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the government, when it doesn't get a vote, i will go to the parliament . higher today even
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if he wants, he must have an electronic license or unique identification. from 1402, new licenses are only issued electronically, and the identification of one of them is available here, and its validity can be inquired by everyone. the law on facilitating the issuance of licenses stipulates that all paper licenses must be electronic and have a unique id. if you are a businessman or have any other type of business license, but your name is not here. take action as soon as possible to get a unique id. it is very easy to apply and you don't need paper documents. you just need to have your national card and paper license. by entering three numbers, you can get a unique id. get it and get your name here and be officially recognized in government systems. if you don't have a license yet, it's easy to get it. if we have the conditions , the national license portal
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will issue a license within 3 to 7 days. in non-attendance and without paper , remember that if you don't have a unique knowledge , you will have problems in the bank and government offices, so act early at 2:00 p.m. , the first stage of the 19th evaluation and certification exam . tehran was the largest exam area with more than a thousand participants. 10 direct components, 20 maintenance and the whole building. today, we were in the group of entrance exams, of course, i fell in love with the koranic type was. are you stressed a little.


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