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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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the strength that was strongly strengthened in 1980, even in 2013, a free trade agreement was signed between colombia and israel, which of course has not been implemented yet, but in fact, even in the interactions between colombia and israel, it is to the extent that in fact, student exchange and even it included academic issues and such, but in any case , since the beginning of gustav petro's literature, it has been said that a genocide is taking place and that this genocide must actually be stopped, and when this happened gradually, in fact, petrovi's policies went in such a direction that it was more severe than oil extraction in qaz it condemns until israel decided to
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apply these restrictions to such an extent that finally israel decided to cut off the exchange of arms with colombia and colombia instead announced in february 2024 that it will not make any more purchases of repairs. when this happened, by the way , there were actually many positions and criticisms that what will happen to the military fate of colombia, which is heavily dependent on israeli weapons, especially that colombia is a country that is involved in farke, and we have, for example, the peace agreement since the obama era. remember that this how heavily was the country involved in peace issues and in the militias, but the fact is that
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since the collapse of the twin towers and the events of september 11, colombia has become a place to buy weapons from israel and such. all of these actually overshadowed colombia's military and terrorist situation , but these military issues did not become less real, and finally, when this actually happened, the purchase of weapons from israel was stopped. the government itself announced that it will find alternatives , and this is in a situation where, in fact, all these events took place in a situation where many the countries of the latin american region, especially the left-wing governments like bolivia, which was actually the first country to cut off diplomatic relations with israel, and belize has adopted this position now, and we, on the other hand, actually had the petition that nicaragua brought to the court. the hague against actually germany.
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had sent, and when all these events happened, in the end, gustava petro's literature became strongly anti-israel and he announced that this country will cut off its relations with israel, especially since the focus of his talks has always been that in fact, civilian centers are attacked and exactly that disconnection of weapons that was immediately after that actually aided. a human being could not reach gaza, and now that this war is still going on and the classes of this generation are strongly pushing back, the reaction is that humanity is dying, and even in their literature there were cases that if, for example, there was a holocaust in gaza. it is a holocaust itself, and if we remain silent, humanity will die. therefore, when their literature became strongly anti-israeli, in the end, this relationship.
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it is natural that if we look more specifically at the economic relations between israel and colombia now, if we look economically, colombia is the second trading partner of israel in the latin american region, and on the other hand, the first trading partner of colombia in our region, the middle east or west asia, is israel, and therefore it will certainly have many economic consequences. but as i said from the beginning, this severance of diplomatic relations and this severance of arms relations and these things happened gradually, and generally, gustav and petro's policies are gradual policies, and he certainly intends to gradually replace his own positions. find and marry your lady nouri you mentioned the formation of that triangle at the beginning and then economic relations. that colombia
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has had with the zionist regime after this termination of cooperation, well , the zionist regime authorities did not expect such a thing to happen. in your opinion, the future of the relationship between these two countries depends on the future direction of this relationship . kurd, because we are concerned about you, take into account these feedbacks, taking into account these feedbacks that you mentioned, taking into account these business exchanges that you already have and the commitments that both parties have to each other, now taking into account you are thinking about this termination of cooperation, but the fact is that considering that colombia is the pole of israel's relationship with the countries of south america and especially latin america, now israel has lost this pole
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. i was serving for the new round of relations this country will have with the west, do you think that this termination of cooperation with the zionist regime will destroy the relations of this country with the western world. look, yes, now, as i told you, in the short term, we may not see gustav and petroi's policies moving in this direction. let the economic relationship with the united states or the political relationship be cut off, but the reality
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is that this relationship is gradually going in the direction that gustav and petros are establishing leftist policies in colombia, and this is naturally now. in the first step, the discussions on the continuation of the activities of the united states military in this region are also under. very well, thank you very much , mrs. nouri, an expert on latin american issues. a un official says that the reconstruction of gaza will require 50 billion dollars. united nations development program. he said: in if the war stops immediately, the reconstruction of the gaza strip will cost between 40 and 50 billion dollars. abdullah al-dari said: as a result of the zionist attacks on gaza, the human development index
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has gone back 40 years and this includes achievements in the fields of education, health, average life expectancy and average income of people. he warned that the consequences of the zionist regime's aggression on gaza will continue in the long term unless temporary education centers are established and social and psychological support services are provided for the people of this region and the provision of basic services is resumed. the zionists killed the palestinian people between the car and they divide a human straw. this is faren afrez's description in an article in which he investigated the use of artificial intelligence in the zionist regime's army and said that the army of this regime kills palestinians by using artificial intelligence, and at the same time claims
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that humanitarian laws are strictly adhered to. this report examines artificial intelligence-based systems from diverse data. these systems are used to detect targets. faren afrez also asserts that the ashgangar military is trying to trap targets in their homes with the aim of reducing conflicts. in the last seven months, the zionists more than 3460 people of gaza have been martyred, more than 72% of them are women and children. i invite you to look at palestine according to the picture.
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except for the sake of god and the sake of god. the people are angry with me, god, and i will strike them as a dwelling place.
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turkey has announced that it will sue the zionist regime for its crimes in gaza to the hague court. i am talking about this issue with the expert of turkish issues, mr. hamed roshan cheshm. hello, mr. roshan cheshm, i would like to say that a series of measures had already been taken by turkey, including the imposition of some sanctions, while about 7 months from the war in gaza is going on. in your opinion , how can turkey's action be provoked? in the name of allah, the merciful , the most merciful, i offer my greetings and courtesy to your excellency , respected colleagues and dear viewers. yes, as
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you mentioned, in the past two days, turkey, in addition to announcing that it will appeal to them regarding the crimes of the zionist regime in the courts of lahasht. attached is the statement of the business development ministry. it seems that this country has announced that despite the fact that turkey has always tried to take a clear position, especially in the condemnations of verbal towards the crimes committed by the zionist regime since the beginning of the gaza war, and with the international system becoming more complex and the pressures created by public opinion, and in the same way, the pressures that in terms of from the political point of view of this country, especially their defeat in the elections was related to the sharadaris
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, in a way, they took the procedures out of the state of favor and tried to make an operational decision in this case. if i want to mention this issue , especially the discussion business relations with the zionist regime are important for us to review and see how these relations were in the past. since 2019, according to the official data published by the turkish statistical center, the amount of trade between turkey and israel has increased greatly , and until the last few days, when the reduction and sanctions were actually applied, we have seen an increase in this we are clearly in 2021, the volume of this trade is 636 billion dollars in 2022 to 7.
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in 2010, due to the mavi marwa crisis, which somehow caused the zionist regime to attack a turkish ship. we do not see a decrease in trade, that is, trade relations between the zionist regime and turkey are mostly in political phases it doesn't work, but what we are witnessing today, especially the decrease in the amount of business and finally the suspension, has been operationally implemented
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, because according to the data published by the turkish airports and the zionist regime, there are about 232 programs per day. the flights that the zionist airports operate during the day are four, in fact , the schedule is related to the trip to turkey and from turkey to the flights that were made from turkey to tel aviv and from tel aviv to istanbul, which is actually may day, which means that it can be said that there were three flights yesterday. taken by turkey to talavi. by turkesh airline and mng which is a cargo company and a flight from tel aviv to istanbul, but on may 3, that is, today, in fact, we have seen that no flight between turkey and the zionist regime took place in these flight plans , that is, the statement
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made by the ministry of development of turkey operational and completely cut off from commercial and air communications. in fact, there has been a meeting between ankara and tel aviv. the point is that turkey, in addition to completely cutting off its trade level , is trying to reduce the pressure on the zionist regime by joining international procedures. in fact, the reduction of israeli crimes is more effective, mr. roshan chashm. tell me how much these measures are a deterrent against the crimes that the zionist regime is committing. you see, without a doubt , in this cut of communication between turkey and the seini regime , something around 6 billion dollars of trade volume that the zionist regime could have benefited from has been cut off, and even the zionist regime has stated in its statement of reaction to this action that he is looking for alternatives and he is trying to
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replace turkey with his regional and western partners, but the important thing is this. turkey, in addition to taking these actions, should be active in regional actions, especially countries that have some kind of direct relationship with this country, including the republic of azerbaijan, as well as the united arab emirates and qatar . turkey has reduced these connections, but the republic of azerbaijan has about three daily flight schedules, which are mainly in the field of transportation, and in a way, it provides trade, goods and issues that are actually the needs of the zionist regime , so we should aim for this. that and waiting we believe that turkey can
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increase this pressure by interacting with its regional and strategic partners such as the republic of azerbaijan, the united arab emirates, qatar, and other countries that are under interaction between the two countries, but without a doubt, this will have a very effective result. straw and in fact , deterring actions can actually be a crime of the zionist regime in the region. mr. roshan chesh, what other more effective measures are there that turkey can implement? you see, without a doubt, turkey is actually in a very different environment compared to other countries it has an area. the reason is that this country is actually a member. the north atlantic treaty is nato , it has very close relations with western countries, including the united states of america, and it is natural that this country, considering the influence and connections it has, especially in nato countries, can have some kind of power in fact or that volume. sangin
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is actually the crimes of the virgin zionist regime, on the other hand, turkey oversees the eastern mediterranean. it is from south cyprus and greece, which is somehow located in the complete environment of the turkish aristocracy, and turkey can use this space, especially in controlling the corridors that go from the east to the west is going to create a deterrent role and in fact the role of increasing additional pressure on the zionist regime, just as yemen can make a robbery in the sea, turkey can easily take measures to actually reduce those transports or increase economic and military pressures. apply the song easily to the zionist regime in the east. well, mr. roshan chashm , stay with us, we will continue our conversation with you . let's prepare a short report. let's see together. we will come back and continue our conversation
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. by allah, we will not repeat the above, o god. it is not haram, haram, nor haram, you have three, four, five, shoofah, god forbid, let the world die. now that seven months have passed since the zionist invasion of gaza and the killing of about 35,000 palestinians, the voice of this palestinian lady seems to be heard by some of the heads of the countries. as a muslim here in turkey, the people of this country have been protesting the palestinian cause for months in different cities like istanbul and ankara and condemning the crimes of the zionists , but now the positions of the turkish leaders against the zionists are close to the positions of the people of this country. ankara in the first weeks of the beginning of aggression the zionists cut off diplomatic relations with the gaza strip. the turks, however
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, considered this action insufficient and wanted their statesmen to listen to their words and do something against the zionists. we want the aggression against gaza to end. we want the authorities to hear our voice. we want a palestine and a free state. it was the people's requests that convinced ankara to take a practical action after 6 months, and what action is more important than limiting commercial and economic relations with the zionist regime, according to the new york times report of the turkish ministry of commerce. he announced that because of israel's disruption in the process of providing turkish aid to the gaza strip, ankara will export 54 of its goods to israel, such as aluminum , steel, cement, and jet fuel. until the complete cessation of aggression in gaza. before this, turkey's positions against israel were limited to rhetoric. but now he
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is witnessing a serious practical action against israel. in my opinion , the pressure of public opinion in turkey, as well as the positions of political parties and the defeat of erdogan's party in the turkish municipal elections, were against this decision. political and economic action in ankara's latest action. it is accompanied by a legal motion, i would like to be the first i would like to announce that turkey intends to officially join south africa's lawsuit against israel at the international court of justice. last year, turkey exported 5 billion and 400 million dollars worth of goods to the zionist regime to become the fifth largest country in the import sphere of this regime. crossing out the names of 54 items from the list of export items to the occupied territories is only a part of the bilateral trade value and
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there is still a long way to spend the trade index with the zionists. salam alaikum muhammad hasan nikamin of the radio and television agency regarding this issue, that is , turkey's complaint against the zionist regime. at the hague court we will continue our conversation with mr. roshan chesham . you mentioned mr. roshan chesham. turkish membership in nato and the good relations it has with the westerners may increase turkey's recent anti-zionist actions , considering that, of course, turkey has very serious considerations in its relations with the zionist regime, because as a member the treaty is actually the north atlantic and it can have an impact. western countries, which are now the main supporters of the zionist regime, can be severely affected by them, and especially in the economic field, it can cause turkey to spend
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but what we are witnessing now is because the social body and society of turkey and in some way the government that now needs this companionship and legitimacy to reproduce the legitimacy of the administration and development party need this. to give clearer and clearer answers. it seems that considering the process and the trend in the gaza war , especially approaching the more sensitive stages that the possibility of an attack on rafah or the efforts for a kind of ceasefire there, turkey wants to use more levers in region to persuade the zionist regime to stop and accept. ceasefire it takes actions, this discussion of joining the legal procedure against the zionist regime is a very important point because in the matter. the first one, which
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was actually formed by this court of lies and was accompanied by the initiative of south africa , was the majority of the documents that turkey provided to south africa and this court, no doubt considering the number and scope of journalists that turkey has in the region in particular. gaza has enough documents to be able to influence this procedure, and on the other hand, turkey's joining this legal procedure is the amount of pressure that america and the zionist regime are now putting on this international court itself and its gazettes or its structure are introduced in order to prevent any judgment against the authorities of the zionist regime, it can strengthen this procedure and prevent the hague court from actually being removed, so it can be concluded that this action of turkey an important point in the discussion of stopping
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the crime of the zionist regime. very well, mr. roshan chashm. at the end, you have about two minutes at your disposal . what is your prediction for the future of turkey's relations with the zionist regime? look at the way the zionist regime officials are doing towards turkey's actions in the past 7 months the relations have become extremely cold, but the important thing is that the geopolitical structure of the region requires that if a normalization process is ever to take place again, the relationship between turkey and the zionist regime can be strengthened even more because turkey is trying to according to the structure of zoprotic in the region, both from the north, that is , the south caucasus, through zang zor corridors, and from the south, that is, through a new plan in the form of
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a road. development through the uae, qatar, iraq, and in a way europe has created to dominate this geoporotic , so the role of the zionist regime in this region especially in the east of madid, the song is very important and important for turkey, so we have to see the de-escalation process and in which direction the equations of the gaza war zone will go if it leads to a ceasefire and a different procedure in the same way that in the historical experience it always breaks and joins. it has had relations with the zionist regime at times when the relations were completely cut off and these relations were regenerated. this strategy can be put on the agenda of the authorities in the country again . thank you very much , mr. roshan chashm. today we reached
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the case of all colleagues. i was about to take leave of your presence in this section, dear and respected viewers. have a good night and god bless you.
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at 3 o'clock, different tv channels will broadcast a series of iranian and foreign movies , badigar armament and gold and copper are iranian movies of this series.


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