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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speedy their fate, dear compatriots, greetings to you , good morning, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam jafar sadiq , peace be upon him , i offer my condolences to you, the mourners. the rain made the air fresh in most parts of the country. most of the provinces in the west and east of the country, alborz and zakros valleys, the rains brought happiness to the people. the weather is soft and pleasant. we come from a region that is very attractive to us. we don't have this waterfall , that area is very nice here, thank god that the rain has come, the waterfall is walking, thank god. thanks god
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we had a very good rain. we were on the way. we were coming. thank god, the weather is very good. the weather is very pleasant. when it rains , my mood is very good. i like to walk in the rain. spring rain is really another pleasure, but the rains are in west azerbaijan. ilan and kermanshah caused flooding of rural areas, flooding of seasonal rivers, floods in canals, and flooding of roads. south khorasan in the west of the country, including the shabab of east azarbaijan and deholran of ilam, led to tuberculosis.
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the attack of the american police on the dartmouth college was announced in the cyberspace. images of violent encounters the security forces with the students of this faculty caused the name of one of the professors of this university to be repeated. a name and a photo have been seen a lot among the users of social networks in america for several hours. annelies orlek is a 65-year-old jew from hanover, america. the video that shows the american police violently throwing him to the ground , made his name famous and caused many media to write about him and ask him about anneliese.
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banned from entering the university for 6 months due to protecting the students who gathered in support of palestine against the police attacks became. he, who has been working as a history professor at this university for 34 years , said about his interest in studying history: i was born and grew up in the neighborhood of brooklyn, new york . brooking's amazing collection of cultures books made me interested in studying history and ethnicity, which continues to this day. ms. anlis called the police's treatment of a professor who has spent half of his life in this university shameful and believes that the police's aggressive approach to the university where he teaches is funny. in the riot police attack on dartmouth university, 90 of the professors students and reporters were arrested.
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the armed confrontation of the police led to the opinion of political analysts who were witnesses of the incident. this is the biggest deception and hypocrisy that we have seen. america supports freedom of speech and assembly, human rights and democracy in other countries' universities , but now it treats protesters who gather peacefully and say they want peace in palestine and an end to this genocide, with this violence . fatemeh sharifi of sed and sima news agency , 13 professors among the 200 faculty members participating in the motahari martyr festival and medical education conference the best in medical sciences were selected. the vice-chancellor of the ministry of health said that thanks to the educational system and the efforts of the professors, iran's medicine is in the 15th place in the world, dr.
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i have been an anesthesiologist for 22 years . i went to stanford university's department of cardiac anesthesiology. it is one of the top 3 universities in the world. i wrote a reference book. there were already 7 of those in this department. they accepted my invitation as a sub-category of that book , and i can say with great pride that the name of shahid beshi university of medical sciences and the name of iran, in fact, had a very high flag, and there are not many like him. the professors of medical sciences of the country gathered together for the first time in the 17th festival. they make a way for the education of medical students . various projects in the field of educational processes
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have been sent to the secretariat, and after our special awards , these processes have been sent to the ministry of health and the university of medical sciences. we will use the secretary of the supreme council of cultural revolution says that the relationship between teacher and student is a characteristic of hekmat system it is based on iranian medical education. the student grows step by step with the teacher. not only in the classroom in the hospital. not only in the hospital in the same movement and jihadi groups. thanks to medical education and its claim with the health system , the result of the efforts of professors and doctors. iran became the 15th place of this field in the world. if today we excel in the fields of medical sciences , it is due to the presence of professors. otherwise, our facilities are not as good as many other countries. medical sciences in the islamic republic of iran, according to the acknowledgment of all
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international organizations, are one of the the tutorials are actually in it is on par with the advanced countries of the world. it exists and all the indicators that are necessary in an advanced medical education are in the islamic republic of iran. 13 of the country's best professors of medical sciences were selected in this year's martyr motahari festival. hani new nejad of sed and sima news agency. the general manager of marketing and development of foreign tourism announced that more than 600,000 foreign tourists visited our country last year. sari 2020 and ardabil 2023 are two iranian cities that became the tourism capital of eco countries two years in a row due to their cultural commonality and shared tourist attractions with eco member countries. it is an opportunity for the world to change its view on iran
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cane with the knowledge of ardabin. we recently came to the conclusion to present our stand at all in some of our exhibitions in the world. the same is the case with mazandaran. there was an opportunity, new movies in the virtual space, various productions, translation of many brochures, catalogs and information to the media that we had to do, all this was done under the pretext of sari , and now in the year 2024, the green city in uzbekistan is the tourism capital of eco countries on the road tourism route. silk is introduced. i hope the tourism cooperation between iran and uzbekistan to increase the number. i welcome to the group between the tourism capitals of sari and ardabil with shahr sabz. the growth of tourism in the countries of the silk road is the goal of the annual selection of tourism capitals, if other conditions such as the
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bilateral cancellation of visas between the member countries are implemented, iran is one of the historical countries in the world. it is colorful and all these things and beautiful nature, hospitable people and all these factors attract tourists from foreign countries to iran. global tourism events such as these elections and measures such as the cancellation of iran's visas with 28 countries, including eco member countries iran has attracted many tourists. the amount of tourism we have now. uzbekistan has almost 5 thousand tourists, both uzbek tourists to iran and iran to uzbekistan, with these events that have happened , these are actually the events that exist, and also the cancellation of visas that we did for uzbek tourists, it is expected that in 1403 , god willing, in fact may the amount of incoming traffic from uzbekistan
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increase. nasreen bekpour of radio and television news agency. thank you for your companion
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. may god protect us. enfants, hay tres compañeros, el día de ayer.
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good evening, many of us were released from jail today uh for participating in encampments at columbia university and at the city college of new york, imagine the site late last night after midnight when hundreds and hundreds of riot police with helicopters and drones rated. our campuses surrounding us, i mean imagine if you were uh a student who came from a vulnerable background, what that would look like, hundreds of riot police descending upon you with their batons drawn, some of the officers drew there uh guns as well, and what was our crime advocating for peace, denouncing one of the uh grossest, most horrific events. in our lives and denouncing all of the censor ship that comes
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along um with that, we really don't even know uh what what words we can use anymore, look at the latest bill that the house of representatives has passed, this is absolutely embarrassing , this is having a chilling effect on free speech uh, this is coming from the us foreign policy uh establishment um so that they can continue to use this uh colonial outpost to do their bidding against the palestinian people, against the people of the middle east, and to see the horrific violence of this mob who attacked our peaceful encampment at ucla, what message are we sending to young people about free speech , about the future of this uh country, the media, this treatment of everything that has gone on has been shameful. our encampments were based on
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peace, on popular education. uh, for me as a graduate of uh colombia with the past generation, i couldn't be prouder of this generation of students, my students, students like me, two sons who are the same age, and we're going to keep resisting and raising consciousness, just like the palestinian and ancestors and the antis i nist um jewish sisters and brothers uh teachers so despite all of the intimidation and the brutality to be held for five hours in a police vehicle before they even uh take you off the police buses and in patty wagons in handcuffs that are extremely tight it's a great deal of um of discomfort but of course a small small uh a price to pay for the principles that we believe in that palestinians are in fact
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human beings who have a right to life, dignity and self-determination, which is something we cannot say or advocate for in the united states.
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protests against the invasion of gaza inside american universities are spreading like a fire in a haystack . palestinian flags are being raised on the walls of famous universities in the west , along with cries of support for palestine despite all threats and warnings. from the size to the force to suppress it becomes taller measures that could not shut down this university revolution.
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students protested against the attack. gaza joined. near the white house, an indefinite sit-in continues at george washington university in solidarity with gaza, and the university administration's threats did not scare the students, but increased the enthusiasm of their counterparts in the two states of virginia and maryland. and a large number of students joined the protesters and chanted slogans calling for economic sanctions. and israeli universities were boycotted. at the university of new orleans, repression and attempts to disperse students by force the arrest of 12 students was not effective, and they insisted on continuing the sit-in in the university campus , and clashes
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were recorded between the demonstrators and the police forces. attempts to make the student demonstrations look evil. it continues at the university of pennsylvania, the administration of this university emphasized on the option of confronting the protesting students and demanded that they be dismantled. meanwhile, the police broke up the students' sit-in at the university of virginia by force. the media reports the widespread arrest of more than 500 students and faculty members. anger of students america is still expanding. in canada , a number of students gathered on the campus of the university of ottawa and chanted in support of palestine. two universities in ontario warned students about holding similar protests and repeating the actions of students at american universities.
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students in the french capital also expressed anger at the continued aggression against gaza. despite the repression. france hundreds of students gathered at the sorbonne university and set up tents and emphasized their movements until the invasion is stopped. on the way to imam khomeini airport , a french organization couple was arrested become their trick was: if they are arrested, they are either tourists or
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sicily, and because the international labor organization uses its name, the education organization, or the ia as a cover in its missions, what the international education organization does is to institutionalize the value imperialist countries like america and european countries are trying. i used to carry out my missions in iran officially and under the guise of the fo official, and naqsh. it is friendly but used for superpower dominance and soft warfare . in fact, the purpose of these actions is to overthrow the current government and replace the pro-government government in service
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american imperialism, french imperialism is part of those foreign security services that use organizations for networking. then these networks should implement some strategies in the target countries. change in lifestyle, change in belief. and the slow transformation of changes in different levels of education, such as the implementation of document 20-30 and the use of women for these changes, this organization supports sexual freedom and all issues related to sexual relations , and also supports gender equality. international organizations that want to show that they are in good hands. but their people take the orders of imperialism execute
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our trip should be in the spring for almost a month , when the protest rally is supposed to take place.
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as a result of these actions, the next protests will be much more widespread, and the money that should have been used to buy weapons for this rebellion was spent on preparing foreign sim cards to deceive the security service and on providing any tools needed to do things, including weapons. the need for weapons was used to confront the police and assassinate the opposition.
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one of his trips to france, where he was invited to france by sezhet, after the end of this meeting, he was given several thousand euros. get louder and direct the rally the way they want. i gave 5 thousand euros to reza shahabi. although reza shahabi.
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he took personal benefit from this money to meet the needs of the workers and from here he was able to reach burj neshi or shaaban mohammadi, who himself and his son are members of the separatist group. by taking money from the french security agents, he sought to link union protests to each other. to bring workers and teachers together. of course, these people flee to the same countries after they return and post bail and foreign anti-revolutionary aid , such as masoud nikkhah iskandar lotfi and shaaban. mohammadi, people who paid for their stay in europe by selling their homeland, this is the french couple
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. they implemented the formula with the active shell of the education union in some countries of the region. the french intelligence services tried to create a movement for subversion from the demands for the rights of workers and teachers with the beads that have the mask of the international organization. he wanted to create problems for the government of iran and put pressure on this government by creating protests. certainly, the goal of his digis is to overthrow the government and replace it with a government in favor of imperialism, and this sedition was nipped in the bud. they didn't even know that he was wanted from france there are unknown soldiers of imam zaman. they came with a suitcase of money, but they were returning with failure and an unfinished mission when they were arrested.
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pilgrimage day of agha imam reza (peace be upon him) ali
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