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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 7:30am-8:00am IRST

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we have the hands of the foreign ministers of islamic countries, and tomorrow is the summit, of course, iran did not participate in the summit level for legitimate reasons. mr. amir abdullahian arrived in gambia's capital banjal this morning, and he will make his speech there today, and he will meet the slogan of the 15th islamic summit. promoting unity and solidarity through sustainable dialogue is about to issue a statement on the issue of palestine and gaza, which we have witnessed in recent months, the deadliest and longest war between the zionist regime and the palestinians, and a document will be issued. the final must be approved by the summit and ministers if it reaches abroad , i can't hope for a big event, mr. mohammadi . i would like to point out that many experts believe
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that considering the vast potential that islamic countries have, despite the fact that many meetings have been held in these seven months , no concrete results have been obtained, and many countries, despite chanting slogans, but not accompanying them, are the most important in your opinion. the challenge of the organization of islamic cooperation for a practical result to deal with crime. zionists have and can make a definite decision , unfortunately, it is as you say, that is, we in this 7 months, we had a meeting of foreign ministers , we had an emergency summit in riyadh, but the output of these were only statements that even those countries that signed some of them did not implement them , the reason being their dependence on western powers, especially the united states. they have business contracts for a reason. unfortunately, some
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islamic countries are closed with the zionist regime even in the field of fuel, food and basic items, and they are not willing to give up this economic benefit or this political benefit for the benefit of the people of gaza, and they are actually greasing the wheels of israel's war machine. they do mr. mohammadi, taking into account the developments that happened recently and the fact that we had yesterday that turkey also announced that it will cut off its imports and exports with the zionist regime . internationally, we are among the oppressed people of palestine. even in the united states, can we promise that in the coming days the islamic countries
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will take a firmer stance towards this zionist crime in gaza? yes, i hope that this incident in turkey will be implemented and this one i hope it will become a model for other countries like azerbaijan and some arab countries . i am not very sure, but i hope this summit can take this action after 40,000 more than 40,000 deaths that we witnessed in gaza and all these anti-zionist waves that even in western countries. finally , their islamic leaders, who have either been silent or even supported until now, unfortunately, should give themselves a shock and change the atmosphere in favor of the palestinian people. they have the tools to put pressure on the zionist regime . i hope that turkey's move is an operational move, even though we know israel. he also threatened turkey to the sanctions and we have to see what happens there if turkey takes effective action on the ground and really implements the sanctions it has said,
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it can both put pressure on the zionist regime and be a model for some other countries that are still cooperating. with israel mr. mohammadi, you also mentioned the developments in gaza. considering that it is said that a draft has been set. do you think it is possible to reach a ceasefire in the next few days? the main problem in achieving a ceasefire is not hamas. even now, americans and westerners are the main problem there is israel and especially netanyahu, who still believes that the end of the war and a ceasefire can lead to the end of his political life and even filing a court case for him. this is the problem that has prevented any kind of ceasefire so far, and i think that the events inside israel, the demonstrations that are taking place, the pressure of the opposition parties can help. we have to go a little further to
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see more changes. today, mr. nicholas benz went to cairo and this can create a change . let's see what will happen. thank you very much, mr. mohammadi . foreign minister of our country to gambia and company in the organization of islamic cooperation meeting , in the name of god, i am at your service and say hello and good morning to you and the esteemed viewers, as mentioned in the news. the minister of foreign affairs of our country, at the head of the diplomatic delegation , arrived in banjul, the capital of gambia, this saturday morning to participate in the 15th meeting of the leaders of the organization of islamic cooperation. this meeting
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will be held on saturday and sunday. the gambia is actually the smallest country on the continent. africa located in west africa with a population of 2 million. there are a thousand people who are supposed to be high officials of 57 countries out of four it will be hosted by different continents and according to previous periods , the mission of this meeting is to examine the issues and challenges of the islamic world, and as it is characteristic, the most important issue in the world and not only the islamic world today is the palestinian issue, which will mainly focus on the palestinian issue in these two days. . and a draft has been prepared in this regard, called the palestine draft, in addition to the palestine draft, two other drafts called the banjoor statement, in which other issues are included, and the statement of the heads of state, and a total of three statements will be approved. the
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meeting of the preparatory meetings of the heads of the cooperation organization islam started on tuesday, gradually these statements were formed and ended in these two days. it will be received if there are additional explanations. very well, thank you very much, mr. nikmin . i will say goodbye to you. we will continue with various news programs live and directly .
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greetings to you, dear and respected compatriots, thank you for continuing to be a viewer. greetings, one of the reporters the very big events that will happen today and the news event that we will have is the burial of the bodies of 26 martyrs, who will be buried yesterday and today in 11 provinces of the country, 14 unknown martyrs in tehran, qom, kerman and ghazvin provinces, and 12 identified they will be buried in the provinces of alborz, south khorasan, isfahan, fars, hamadan and khuzestan. yesterday, their martyrs were buried in qom province, and today in 10 provinces of the country
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, other martyrs will be dissected. and we are publishing works of holy defense more details about the two martyrs in the capital. especially in these provinces, where two of them are identified martyrs, we will listen to mr. jakhshqani. good morning. you are very welcome. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to your excellency, and the same to the viewers , as you said today, god willing. in tehran. we will witness the cremation and burial of two unknown martyrs, god willing, one of the martyrs will be cremated in baghershahr area, from the end of naft boulevard to
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the oil industry technology park , where the cremation and burial ceremony will take place. this, god willing it will take place from 9.30 to 12. it is planned that this ceremony will be held, and likewise, our other martyr is related to your presence in the 22nd district, which is going to be organized and organized first among the mourning delegations for the martyrdom of agha imam jafar. sadiq will be present and in the afternoon, god willing, from 15:00 at the north door of shahid kharazi town to the memorial that is planned for this martyr, god willing, on the shoulders of the hezbollah nation
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related to the khyber jazira majnoon operation and the martyr who will be commemorated in district 22, god willing, related to operation karbala 5 in shalamcheh area is very good. if my colleagues are in any of the provinces where we are supposed to communicate so that we can have more details from the words of our journalist colleagues regarding the legalization of the now unknown and identified martyrs, please tell me which province is there so that we can establish this communication. mr. joshghani , if you have any other information about this program that is going to be held today , please let us know so that if we go to the other programs that you have in the future, that is why. anonymous and yes families, i am grateful for your presence , because these programs are in a provincial form
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it is held, but we also have a nationwide program that is held every year on the anniversary of the martyrdom of hazrat zahra, peace be upon him, on a national, national and national level, because the day of martyrdom of hazrat zahra, peace be upon him, is also named as the day of the unknown martyr . on that day , in all the provinces of the country, we will have a nationwide autopsy of the unknown martyrs, god willing, mr. joshghani, we are in contact with ahvaz. let's go to my journalist colleague mrs. hamidi. may you be buried, mrs. hamidi. hello journalist bismillah rahman raheem. i have greetings, courtesy and respect to you
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, my dear colleague. they are the hosts of two recently investigated martyrs, and of course, they have identities, and they are the hosts of guests who have returned to their homeland after 40 years, and today they are in the hands of my province. velayat madar and martyr sarwar of ahvaz despol should visit and be buried. if the martyrs my dear, we want to talk to you. shoeed khalamoli ashiri, born on the 1st of mahmah 43, on the 21st of bahman 61, was killed in the preparatory operation of wal-fajr and was killed in the area of ​​fakeh javid. recently , his clean body was identified and after 40 years , he entered khuzestan from ahvaz international airport on wednesday. they are from the expeditionary groups. from the basij resistance base of hojjat ibn al-hassan mosque, may god bless you with the blessings of the new month
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, today at 9:00 am, the people of mada province and martyr parvar have ordered the hands of this dear martyr to be cremated on their hands and in the flower garden of martyrs of shahid abad. bury the city, our next martyr is the martyr of ahwazi, who is going to be buried today by the people of mother province of ahvaz, martyr mansour azizpour parmohammadi, who became a member of basij on the 21st of asfan in the year 63, after the operation, he became immortal and his body is pure. after 40 years of returning home, today this noble martyr is going to be buried in hossein, this dear martyr is going to be buried in the hands of the people of ahvaz province, and he will rest in peace in ahvaz martyrs . let me correct that in my first statement i said that there are two unknown martyrs, but two martyrs who are in ahvaz desful today. there are martyrs who have been identified
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and given more details about the time and place of martyrdom of these two noble martyrs, our esteemed colleague . thank you very much. that have the description of the martyrs, let's go back to mr. joshghani and other programs that the foundation for preserving the publication of the works of holy defense in 1403 have ahead. for the martyrs and their families , yes, i am grateful for your presence, god willing, we will be there at the same time the third day of june. we will have a country and there are various programs, including the laying of flowers at the shrine of the imam in the presence of the armed forces of the holy defense , the warriors who were present in the jerusalem operation
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will be honored there, and on the third of june , of course, probably, dear viewers and compatriots. dear sirs, do you know why you chose 3rd of khordad for this date, in fact it is for azazeh khorramshahr and 4th of khordad is also the day of resistance and victory of the people of dezful? and facing the audience dear, open to those interested in the field of holy defense, 8 years of holy defense, which really made the youth of our country not to turn a single part of our soil to the enemy. what are the plans? god willing, in the continuation of the festival, we have the song of victory and song of the epic.
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it is related to the music groups of the armed forces, as well as hymn groups. a student in the field of sacred defense at the same time as the liberation of khorramshahr, and god willing, these programs will be completed in those days. now you mentioned the student songs there is also a very important point, those who are students now have no understanding of what we saw during the holy defense and what they are seeing are the narratives of different people who were present. being in the war or being an observer of the war, in any case, they hear from their families, from their teachers , from those who were influential and effective people to get to know more young people, especially the same young people that your excellency also mentioned in the foundation for the preservation of the works of value publishing. holy defense , special programs and special working groups have been formed
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education, which we have a very close relationship with, in front of you, the holy defense, these days , they are present in schools, educational assemblies and explain the different aspects of the holy defense, the epics that were created , the massacres that took place during that time, and the youth generation. they somehow introduce us to that atmosphere and this security that we have now . it happened during the holy defense period. well , naturally, our young generation feels religious towards these martyrs and these programs, alhamdulillah , are being carried out very well and are well received. it is our youth and young people, thank you very much, mr. joshghani, we are going to have a video connection
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with bojnoord and shiraz in bojnoord, a martyr. they are supposed to be buried after 41 years . unfortunately, the parents of this noble martyr, who were waiting for news about him or his body for years, are not alive. south khorasan and all the people of iran are the mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers of this city. the noble martyrs will bury them in shiraz as well as the martyrs it has been identified that we are going to establish contact with fars so that we can hear more details from the language of our journalist colleague. let us get a media opportunity from the command room to see and hear a video about the unknown martyrs.
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when you left, your mother remained in this world, you are a stranger to grief and sorrow, you are far away from sadness, this grief has been given to me, my tears and moans , come to me one night in my dream to tell me where your grave is kalmcheh or talai
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, my ghoon is shriveled and shriveled. you have become the mother of tokhon jagar , who is waiting on the tomb of the unknown martyr, thirty and several years old, and you are still burning with the eyes of the eyes. martyr ganna
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when the beautiful name is mentioned on my lips, the picture on the ledge of mons is trapped, who knows what will happen to his mother. a young rena, when he becomes a unknown martyr, you closed our eyes, a hidden martyr, who wished
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that the swindler would bring you to tehran, please point out once more , dear citizens of the capital, who want to participate in the legalization ceremony of the martyrs. it will be held in anbar naft blvd. in the city, god willing . it will start from there. in district 22
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, first, among the mourning delegations in the olympic square it will be from 10:00 to 12:00, then this noble martyr will be transferred to shahid kharazi town from 15:00 from the north gate of shahid kharazi town to the memorial planned for the martyr. there, god willing, the burial will take place, god willing . publishing works of defense , i thank you, dear viewers, who came to the studio of the morning show, for being with us. god bless you until tomorrow at 6:30.
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in the name of the lord of the martyrs and the sadiqeen, the clean body of the martyrs of the general area of ​​shalamcheh, iraq, these searches and signs , the news of the search from kalle qandi area and returned home. 37 i have been waiting for 8 years. i am happy that
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i had such a child in god's way. a house whose members may have their eyes on the heavenly way, like the mother of martyr mohammad mahdi fani, 19 years old, waiting every day for him to come, for example, if there was more noise, they would say that someone must have brought news . body. sahar, a mortal martyr, has been found and according to what has been done, the martyr's body has been identified. they also brought the news of the identification of the body of martyr mohammad shafi fizizadeh. we have many intentions. you are very very welcome. we told them that you are one nafarid, a woman with children, don't let your children come with us. do not participate in operation information. they said
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that the soil of the land is more important to me than anything else. mohammad was martyred in mehran in 1962 and now he returned to karbala as a traveler. it's over. i know my father achieved his best wish in the world. this security and comfort that we have now is because of this city, which is like this nanny of mine has been destroyed for 40 years. may i be able to continue her path. fathers whose memories of not being free were visible in every moment . you were studying in an old school. the principal said, tell all your fathers to come tomorrow. don't call your mothers. i want to be here. i will do construction work that same night until morning, like the memory of mohammad ranjnoush when he was from the 32nd brigade of ansar al-hussein. he went
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to the front and in 1965 he did not come again until a few days ago when they said that his body was found according to the announcement of the new genetics center, the sample id number 65 17 559 belongs to the noble martyr haj mohammad ranjanuj . i met him in the 155th battalion in 1965. saying that friends the force is low. anyone who wants to stay can be a guard. he stayed and became a guard at 7:00 a.m. at shahid dastegi international airport in shiraz . it's very difficult. it's very difficult. it's the mother of seyyed ala'adin 37 years ago, when he left him for the front, now he's back. this time he came to welcome his son. istkhani came from
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yusufesh. their vows are over and the mood of the city is getting ready for tashril. mehboob babarahim, sed and sima news agency.
8:00 am
hello, welcome to the eight morning news . the meteorological warning about the flooding of the roads in parts of the west, center and east of the country, following the rains of the last two days, the dez dam was completely filled. nationwide gathering of sadeghion on the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam jafar sadegh ( peace be upon him). 10 provinces host unknown and newly identified martyrs of holy defense.


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