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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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and it was supposed that the units that want to move out of the radius of 120 km from tehran and not be polluting , from the environmental point of view, should be settled there, and in fact, the settlement of the new construction company was in the same area. now there is no development anymore , he should have founded this town, which later became an employment area, and then about 12 years ago , we became a non-governmental industrial town 8 years ago for my brother's service , as my friends pointed out at that time, well, the company there were no industrial cities in shahreks, but the construction company of the new town of hashke is in the area of ​​housing construction
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, and in the discussion of wells, there are four wells. this was deep there were deep wells in common between shahrek industrial company and hashtgerd new town. they fed from the same source . well, naturally, from the very beginning, the household consumer was given priority, and there were the same problems that almost 12 years ago, when the industrial town company came, we were declared non-governmental. and gave us permission to operate independently, giving us this leap from there.
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it has started, now you have a challenge in terms of infrastructure, water , electricity, gas, communication, after the license we signed, we started two works at the same time. we came and told shahraksaz, which was hashtgerd new development company, what obligations he had here and did not fulfill. we got a lawyer , we got an official judicial expert. we stated the facts, we said that in any case , this fact is our water supply problem. we have the main problem
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that friends have not yet mentioned the problem of wastewater in industrial towns, because during this time it was proposed to bring not only excellent units to the city of sheshgerd, but all kinds of industries came there, from the paper industry to chemistry to iron and metalworking, all kinds of industries came there. we opened the so-called door with our assembly and said that we should, at the same time we request our demands from the city and our demands from the government and follow up. if we want to stand on our own feet, we must invest ourselves. now that we have become independent after 12 years, i would like to tell the government that we have solved our water problem. we got a deep well with 70 liters per second by tapping a source of 200 cubic meters, we separated ourselves from the new city of hashket
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, we paid for it ourselves. it's great , it makes almost 3 years from 4 years ago thank you, mr. alizadeh , stay with us, i will come back to you, god willing, if there is a chance, mr. masbat, i have a point about water , that's why i want you to tell me. the fact that this water has not finally been provided, see what we are really demanding from the industrial units, of course, we are doing our own follow-up . we will have you, of course, we are colleagues in the government, we will follow up on this, but the point i want to make is that the part of the town where there is a water challenge is usually for high-consumption units, that is, units where water is effective in their production cycle
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. all of you, mr. engineer, said your words, educated and intelligent people. i am looking for open technology, these things are happening now , something has happened, mr. engineer. another example is that part of our water supply comes from underground water sources. well, atmospheric pressures will decrease, the level of underground water will go down, and the problems we are facing are in the area of ​​management that should be implemented . i think we are the best. the management of water resources has happened in the sector of industrial towns. i said that a town like shamsabad with an area of ​​over 2,800 hectares with 150 liters per second , 1,800 active industrial units, nearly 45,000 workers working in that town, 200 hectares of green space, this
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town is the best place. it can't be managed , this is what i mean, mr. engineer, in the water issue, the government's point of view regarding the water consumption management of the industrial unit, which zooms in on 2 percent, this should be corrected, not only the government of the honorable parliament should enter, i did not expect the honorable parliament to pass the budget law of 1402 as a resolution to cut the water sources of the towns and go to waste water. it is possible to supply them, it is correct, it was corrected with your efforts, but the opinion is not corrected, the opinion is not in the parliament, it is corrected , let me tell you the opinion of the next government, in the discussion of electricity, i forgot, sir
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, about the lack of electricity, the mismatch between this year's and last year's, and this is not this. the issue happened 10 years ago, when there were protests. there was a lot of sandhara there were a lot of discussions in the parliament, a law was passed, which i have now brought to your service under the title of the law on the continuous improvement of the business environment, article 21, yes, article 25, by the way, article 25 of this law was promulgated in 1990. i am very interested in this law. it has been 9 years since it was announced, not by anyone, not by the ministry of energy's regulatory body. i did not ask them about this legal clause, what action did you take? i am reading the same article of article 25 as it is, except that there is not a single word before or after, so that friends may say their own opinion, i am reading the same article as it is in the law. i would like to say that during the shortage of electricity, gas or
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telecommunication services, industrial and agricultural production units should not be the priority to cut off gas electricity or telecommunication services, and the companies supplying electricity, gas and telecommunication services are obliged to sign contracts with industrial units. the obligation to cut off electricity in their contract, but it didn't happen , the interesting thing is that the companies that supply the services said that they are obligated to pay damages . who checked this issue at all? we accept that the small industry organization is a body of the government as the representative of article 25 document we are not here yet. see how much damage is done to the industrial estate every year. one point, i will only say one point, just one point. last year, we collected 2 days a week, 2 days a week, 4 days a month, 4
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days a week, 8 days a month. this happened four months ago, approximately 30 days, that is, one month. the cost paid by the employers to the workers who did not work for them was just one point, in fact , it was 600 billion tomans, just one point. now, their lack of interest in addition to their obligations to their vendors, in addition to this, this is what is waiting for you with this demanding attitude. we are there. i even have some friends let them tell you to go and file a complaint because there is a law. how does the tax affairs organization of an industrial unit, when it kills an executive, block his account and allow him to leave? this is the law there, which will cause the supervisory body to come in and check for once
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. how much electricity did you sell to the ministry of energy? how many habits have you created? thank you very much for being alive . because there are only five or six minutes left, i have a few questions. we have a lot to discuss . you said 860 units, 860 towns that we have more than half of them are now in a favorable condition . do you have a separate survey and a report to submit. how many of them have problems with water, electricity, gas, and communication? we have such a survey. we have identified 860 industrial towns last year that have water stress. the electricity tension right now, for example, do they need water or do they need electricity, almost separately. now, i don't have the exact statistics in mind, but this is a breakdown of which of our towns need water or electricity right now. for some of them, we have a solution in the field of water , now we have to use gray water
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let's recycle water, so we have the image of fazeleb's house in the city . some of them, in fact, most of the electricity production in the country are from solar power plants. it is directly related to precipitation. if the rainfall decreases, the production of electricity will decrease. so something is inevitable. what should be done with this issue? we offered our share, mr. engineer, i made a very clear offer i offered my service to you as a representative of the organization . i offered you an example of my service. shamsabad settlement , 600 megawatts have been sold and 300 megawatts have been supplied. did the government get the remaining 300? let the currency run out. no, no
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, the industrial unit i am talking to says, sir, i came as an investor, i went to the industrial town , signed a contract, a government is obliged to provide for me , it is true, it is a legal contract, it has fulfilled its obligations , and we should have made an offer, friends say , sir. he won't give us our share even in the form of a loan, we don't want him to return our money at all let's go to our own power plant and make our own electricity. you are
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doing the same thing. now this proposal will be reviewed, but see what can be done in kardipur. see the use of decentralized production forces like djs and chps. we have identified about 11 chps, which are a series of generators. there is a part that a part goes to the government, a donation, for example, is possible. if the private sector has problems, if we solve these problems, before the fic, about 100 megawatts will be added to the electricity capacity of industrial companies. i don't deny your hard work, that organization or that ministry of energy should come and be accountable for its work , bart the obligation it has created, i have nothing to say, see them next to you, i say that is another discussion, now let's finally go. really follow up with this story. look at this story. is there anything else
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we can demand? maybe it will be 6 years or two years from now. answer me. i say today what should be done for the disharmony. one is the discussion of digi hastra. no one has taken the shine but you, this same shamsabad there is so much empty land up to qom, mashaallah, that even in seven provinces of the country, within the next month
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, we will provide an industrial town specializing in solar energy in kerman province. so that we can get to the point , let me tell you one thing, i am a craftsman to complete the orders of the craftsman who have gone to invest. some people are really careless. the government does not want to delay its investment. anyway , it will go on its own with a diesel generator. yes, but according to the servant of the government, really here, despite the efforts that have been made , we are not denying it, but we are really lagging behind in this story, that an industry is handed over to service companies, which we
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are preaching. look , there is a challenge now with the company of industrial estates, and the reason. the main thing is the unnecessary sensitivity of the monitoring device. friends, according to the law, that sub-base should be violated and corrected and handed over to us. a city like shamsabad, i will serve you as an example. this numbered infrastructure goes back to the last 30 years. for example, the asphalt sample of the paved street. you have fulfilled my promise, servant of god. now he gives me to keep. my resources what is for storage? a charge that i get from industrial units is used for the current affairs of the company. this is my width. regarding the maintenance of industrial partnerships , our law needs to be revised , it is accepted for 10 years now, it has been 10 years , it needs to be revised, it needs to be revised, it is not comprehensive. that he came to the time to work hard to maintain this law, like the model of the manager of the building manager and all
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these things, may god forgive you, this story is now the first priority in industrial companies. must be the law of manner the handover needs to be reviewed , there are serious challenges now in the town, there are things happening in the town that are not legal, there are no tools, the construction violations that happen in the partners, i have the talent that mr. engineer should put this on their agenda. mr. alizadeh, you are summarizing. now we have talked about water and electricity. you also mentioned sewage . industrial and all industrial towns should summarize their demands below, just as i mentioned, and ask the government to solve the issue of water, gas, electricity, energy , but at the same time, the units in the towns are independent
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with the assemblies that are formed based on the existing reality . that they can, their effort should be to stand on their own feet. reduce their dependence on these things, i was saying this, we built a modern house , we explain the best agricultural water 100 cubic meters a day, now we want to invest this water, recycle it, return it to the units 100 billion tomans it costs money, industrial towns should interact with banks, at least get a low-interest loan , in this situation of liquidity, i will give this. regarding the power plant and electricity supply, we are in contact with the national expansion fund, so that we can build a power plant based on the needs of our town, that is. this is my final word, mr. valipour, if the industrial units don't organize themselves , they don't provide their own demands and needs from their own sources of income with financial assistance from the government, we need at least 10 years of planning in our basic infrastructure to supply the country with electricity, but no, this
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is not an obstacle that you organized our demands don't ask the government from the settlement company. please, mr. alizadeh, mr. valipour, have a point regarding your order. we have entered the state-owned industry on the side of the town's account, on the side of the industrialist's account, the government itself. yes, you are private. beyond the state-owned companies , you have very good powers. your congregations give you authority. they do very good work. there are very good examples . please see the discussion i had with mr. engineer ibrahim. i had state-owned industrial partners, which , as is well-known, took their money from our sandargari, but part of it has not yet been completed. our story with your excellency is that
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your industrial partner is non-governmental, we are the general state-owned industrial partner. it is possible to talk about the cold, i said, unfortunately , there is no class that is more oppressed than industrialists and economic activists in our community. our high consumption industry imposes restrictions on the industrial unit that i would like to offer you , it does tile work, it does ceramic work
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, it does crystal work, the existence of an industrial unit depends on the supply of gas. restrictions can be imposed. yes, it is possible to produce a single unit in the gas sector and the oil products distribution sector to supply alternative fuel. let me give you the numbers and figures. if the gas of an industrial unit that produces crystal glass is cut off , legally, within 10 minutes, within an hour, the furnace , which costs more than billions of tomans , will be out of service . we have a couple of minutes less . i'm very happy for your appointment, mr. mosli. we are united both in the capacity of the private sector and in the ministry of samad and organization. small should re-arrange this discussion a tax should be levied and a part of it should be allocated for the renovation and reconstruction of the infrastructure of the industrial estates. i think it requires a serious determination. god willing
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, we will follow up on this issue again in the new parliament, because you have brought some of these concerns and worries to the industrial estates. mr. mand, i think that shamsabad is the most followed city in this story , but unfortunately i shouldn't say this issue here , my friends, we followed it up. thank you to all the guests of mr. ibrahim mr. valipour's program mr. alizadeh, all the good viewers who have accompanied us until this moment, you are higher than me.
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interfering or resisting arrest may result in uses of force and or criminal charges. universities across the us, they want an end to the war on gaza and for their school to
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divest from israel, clearing the courtyard, arresting all who refuse to leave. after five-hour standoff, this is what is left of the solidarity camp. now students on other campuses are left wondering if they are next, and so are these protesters a little. lift the seed on re now lift the seage on now we want justice you say oh we want and the occupation now able to show you now the clear up of the location where the campsite was uh for the of course taking the fish away and a cleanup ongoing. good evening, many of us
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were released. from jail today uh for participating in encampments at columbia university and at the city college of new york, imagine the site late last night after midnight when hundreds and hundreds of riot police with helicopters and drones rated our campuses surrounding us, i mean imagine if you were uh a student who came from a vulnerable background with that would look like hundreds of riot police descending upon you with their batons drawn, some of the offices drew their uh guns as well, and what
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was our crying? i'm advocating for peace, denouncing one of the uh grossest, most horrific events in our lives and denouncing all of the censor ship that comes along um with that, we really don't even know what words we can use anymore, look at the latest bill that the house of representatives has passed, this is absolutely embarrassing, this is having a chilling effect on free. speech uh, this is coming from the us foreign policy establishment, um, so that they can continue to use this uh, colony outpost to do their bidding against the palestinian people, against the people of the middle east, and to see the horrific violence of this mob who attacks are peaceful encampment at ucla, what
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message are we sending? to young people about free speech, about the future of this uh country, the media's treatment of everything that has gone on has been shameful, our encampments were based on peace, on popular education, uh, for me as a graduate of uh colombia with the past generation, i couldn't be prouder of this generation of students, my students, students like my uh, two sons who are the... same age and we're going to keep resisting and raising consciousness, just like the palestinian ancestors and the anti nist um jewish sisters and brothers uh teachers, so despite all of the intimidation and the brutality to be held for five hours a police vehicle before they even take you off the police buses and in patty wagons in
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handcuffs. extremely tight, it's a great deal of um of discomfort, but of course a small small price to pay for the principles that we believe in, that palestinians are in fact human beings who have a rights of life, dignity and self-determination, which is something we cannot say or advocate for in the united states.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. hello and good morning to you dear viewers. welcome to sports news. the emirates world athletics championships won two gold and bronze medals for the representatives of iran. in this competition, which was hosted by dubai, ali amirian, our country's runner in the 800 meters event, finished 1 minute, 47 seconds, and 74 hundredths of a second faster than other runners.


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