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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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in the name of god, light, in the name of god , light on light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light. in the name of allah, who is the master of affairs . and descend the light upon
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the descend the light upon allah, the great, the great, the great, the great, the great, the great, the great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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ashhod an alia, wali allah . hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah
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god bless you, god bless you, god bless you.
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in the name of god, the most merciful , the most merciful, you will accompany us to the news section at 12 o'clock. the ceremony and burial of the newly exhumed martyrs' bodies was held simultaneously with the martyrdom anniversary of imam jafar sadiq (peace be upon him) in six provinces of the country . the people of isfahan. merasi and an unknown martyr were dissected and buried. in south khorasan, the newly martyred martyr mohammad mehdi fani was also explained on the shoulders of the people. in your dry lips, peace be upon ali hussein. ali akbar is great. for pir khomein. in khuzestan province, people in cities of.
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they prepared it after nearly 42 years of being immortal. martyrs of muhammad rangjanush and mohammad darza kasaban were also buried on the shoulders of people in hamedan and alborz provinces. this evening, the people in zarghan, fars province, will exhume the body of the new martyr seyyed alidin asadpour . on the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam jafar sadiq (peace be upon him), mourning ceremonies were held in mosques, mosques, and mosques. he became a liver and burned and turned to ashes from the charity of imam sadiq (peace be upon him). thank god, every year the meeting of religious life is held more magnificently among the innocents. the most person who has hadith is imam sadiq.
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yes, i really revived shiism, girl. according to the hadiths of imam sadiq, peace be upon him , he placed great emphasis on the first prayer and said, "whoever considers the prayer to be a light prayer, my intercession includes the following. this was one of the methods of struggle that the holy prophet had the same discussion of the students who should train them and by training them. to cause the publication of the rulings of the religion, at the same time as the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam jafar sadiq (peace be upon him), iranian zahirahs appeared in jannat al-baqi today. umrah pilgrims reached out to all the accused by reciting ziyarat baqi. last night, the mourners of the night of martyrdom of imam jafar sadiq (peace be upon him) in the hotel
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they established their homes in madinah and makkah . the sending of iranian pilgrims to umrah has been resumed two weeks ago after a nine-year hiatus. heavy rains in parts of the country have caused damage in south khorasan province , river overflows and floods have blocked several main and secondary roads due to heavy rains in parts of this province, including the city of tabas, residential houses have been flooded in west azarbaijan. the rescuers of the red crescent rescued 7 people from khoi who were trapped in the silavi areas and the highlands. being saved in some areas of ilam and cities of khuzestan, the rains caused flooding of roads water entered the homes of citizens. according to the managing director of khuzestan water and electricity organization, more than 80% of the water reservoirs in this province have been drained. the amount
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of water taken from karun dam to 911 dez dam has reached 100%. spring rains today in areas of mazandaran, golestan, north and south khorasan provinces. ardabil, east azerbaijan, ilam, kurdistan , kermanshah, and south fars continues, according to the announcement of tashe abad meteorological organization in karwanshah province , with 19 mm, the highest amount of rain fell in the last 24 hours. the border guard who was injured in the attack of the opposing groups was martyred. setfan ii jalal etamad. who was injured 3 days ago in a clash with terrorist groups on the border of bane, he was martyred this morning. on wednesday evening, as a result of mand's groups shooting from the other side of the border strip towards the agents of baneh border post, conscript farzin belian
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was martyred and two conscripts and one cadre were also injured . it was held with the introduction of 84 selected groups. a thousand groups competed in 30 leagues and 15 disciplines from all over the country. the winners of this round of competitions will be sent to oman world competitions in december be. the 21st national competition of student scientific research creativity. iran's love was held in shahid beheshti university, although a thousand teams participated in this competition, but 28 teams
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are fighting and competing. there are individual players in some leagues, there are also meslupur and lekra. in this tournament, participants in 30 different leagues and 15 disciplines entered the field. this is an electronic competition. how many curses? 11 people named janjid robot. did you name him? no name. knowledge the students who passed through various stages before reaching the national level, those who want to participate in this competition in the following years can go to the double houses, where first the competition will be held in the city, then they will enter the provincial competitions and after these regional competitions are held. finally, the national competitions are the last stop of the work, and this is a football competition. each team has one minute to fight, just like normal football. in
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each bridge, they have to endure for 3 minutes . they are ranked and the winner is the structure whose weight is the national competition of student scientific research creativity is held every year among students, regardless of age, and this december, the winners will participate in the oman world competition. hossein kashanian of radio and television news agency and the explosion in baluchistan province of pakistan
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left three dead and nine injured, including a policeman . in this incident that happened in khuzdar region, a terrorist on a motorcycle attached a magnetic bomb to the car of the head of the reporter club of khuzdar city. no person or group has yet claimed responsibility for this attack. formerly the center for research studies security. islamabad, pakistan announced that in the first 3 months of 2024, more than 245 terrorist attacks were carried out in pakistan, in which 281 people were killed, including soldiers and ordinary citizens. thank you very much for your companion. have a nice day . god bless you.
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no matter how sweet and interesting the memories are , they have a longing for loss. to reduce this regret, people usually visit the relics left from the past. to adam and the old neighborhoods. to the houses that are full of memories for them. but for me, my family and my nation. the past has a deeper pain. not only can we not go back, but we can't go back to the place where our past was formed. all we have left from the past are movies that keep us fresh. our house is lost in history and right in front of people's eyes
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. i am edward said in 1935 in a christian family in this house.
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it was difficult for us to go to cairo with all our relatives. a one-way trip with no return date. had to uh our house was an area that was totally unprotected and it was an area that fell to the hagana in i think february of 1948, there was to my recollection there was no militia, there was no organized resistance of any sort, by the time the fighting began in the latter part of 1947 uh it became
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impossible to live there, and there was a general sense of panic and my family... "i had four sisters, he was much more partial to my sisters and i for him i was constantly to be reformed, and in many ways he focused on certain parts of my body, for example my back, he was very upset at the fact that i didn't have a military posture, so there was a lot of my childhood was devoted to training my back, training it, he would say, and so on
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and so forth, there was a lot of that, there was always my mother who of course counterbalanced it, and she she -
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i got it from harvard university. i wrote my doctoral thesis about joseph conrad. then of course i knew that he wasn't english and he was an outsider. like me, he originally
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belonged to another country and was born in poland. travel to this country and that country. kurdish and finally came to america and wrote his famous novels in english. similar to myself, i had a good life in america and everything seemed to be in order. until that incident in 1967 hit me like a slap in the face and completely changed the course of my life . israel attacked the egyptian army, which was on alert in the sinai desert, and it happened that six arab states. they went to war with israel. the war lasted for only 6 days, and it had no result except that the area of ​​israel tripled. he thought that we would perform several operations. israel attacks arab countries. the arab army is forced to do what? he defends himself and thus israel will be destroyed.
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he thought that the arab army is strong and we can. he showed them the 6-day war when he came. that was important for understanding this shift in attitudes towards israel and zionism, because as the us faced defeat in southeast asia, the victory that israel represented in defeating the arab states in 1967 was this seen as this incredibly positive sign of the west recovering its purpose and its military prowess and so on, and i first met him, he, he was just an american professor, but his connection with the palestinian movement was after 67. "and then when the war broke out in 1967, i was desolate , i was in new york at the time, and i was completely shattered, the world as i understood it and
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knew it, had completely ended at that moment, and it was shortly thereafter that i began for the first time, i had been in america already for 15 or 16 years and i started for the first time to be in touch with other arabs. saeed before 67, edward saeed after 67. between 67 and the 1973 war um when israel expanded again uh he became increasingly concerned with uh the question of palestine and the situation uh of of palestinians and the arab world in general. by 1970 i was completely involved. i had started to write uh in this country and... 'i was immediately politically involved up to my neck. edward also at that time began to realize that he is them palestinian and it's okay to stand up for the down-trodden and to actually regain
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that identity. it was in that environment that i think because i discovered them that i had to rethink my life and my identity, even though it had been so sort of sheltered and built up in this completely artificial way, i had to rethink it from the beginning.' "we did exactly what you expect us to do, we were just modern, we spoke your language, we studied your language, and then all of a sudden this society here slapped them, they said, no, you are dirty arabs because you couldn't" t even war, you couldn't even fight, the whole the whole war lasted only six days, that kind of immediate collapse of the of the of the arab armies at that time had very very deep influence on those and they felt insulted . "
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the idea of ​​being exiled is like a terror when it takes hold you will be alone in the crowd of people, an exile is never cut off from his homeland, nor can he return to it. being an exile feels like a parasite, an uninvited guest who does not fit in with his place of residence and is always considered another and a stranger, this feeling. exile belongs to all palestinians, palestine is the first thing, i don't know, it is the job of the second palestinian
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, who is unable to return to palestine, that is, a third place , relative to the palestinian, he is a stranger, he is a stranger without a place in the world, even in palestine, he is a stranger . time when he came to the united nations here in november of 1974 and he had the speech that was cobbled together and i was asked by him to put it into english, which he gave at
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the general assembly, and then from then on i started to see him regularly. it is well-known that he is one of those who translated the speech of yasser arafat al-qa'ah in the year 74 of the imam of the united nations . after this famous speech, the palestine liberation organization was accepted as an observer member of the united nations and the palestinians were given the right to determine the fate of the land they lived in. this situation did not last. the first time was 3 years ago. speech was to become a member of the palestinian national assembly. the parliament of palestinian immigrants and exiled from their homeland. i felt like i found my homeland again. and now
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i had to fight to get it, despite the fact that i am a scientist, that he is a researcher, but as an enlightened person, he is deeply committed to the palestinian liberation movement.
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point is if you want to negotiate some kind of peace with justice, you cannot legislate in advance who's going to represent whom. the israeli position and the position of the adl is that we are not only entitled to decide what to talk about, but we're going to decide who to talk to. now the palestinians have their own representatives, and that's what they've never found, nobody has found any other representatives of the palestinians except the plo. after all, it was the israeli government a, that dispossessed the palestinians, that destroyed lebanon in 1982, killed.
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and in this, i think most palestinians are like most people, it is very hard for the palestinian who feels himself or herself to have been the victim of injustice by jews, israeli jews, to sympathize or imaginatively incorporate the history of the holocaust and say, well, we forgive them for what they did, i mean, after all, they suffered this enormous, this, this... colossal historical tragedy the jews did, and the fact that they are evicting us from our territory, that they are placing us under occupation, that they're treating us as third class citizens, that they are killing our people, that they are confining us to camps, etc., etc., etc., we understand. look, i would, nobody can understand that, mean, you can, you can grasp the first fact, the fact of the holocaust,
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but you can't translate that into your... strictly entangled with the fantasies, dreams and ambitions of the west to rule and possess the east. there is also a question of how zionism conceives arabs, and it has become current for arabs to call zionism, racial, racist ideology. now what, patrick seal is the basis of that charge? well, i know it's a charge which created outrage when it was first raised, i think the un, they tried to dubyanism as a racist thing. but you
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see, unfortunately, i think there is something in it, i mean, much as one hates to say so, but if you just look at some of the statements say of a man like like begin, he's always ranting about jewish blood and how precious it is, with the implication of course that arab blood is much less precious, he says things like animals walking on two pores, or you remember his chief of staff at the time talked about, the main assumption of european man. that the perfect normal human is the same european human that has existed since ancient greece. in the unconscious mind of a white westerner, an eastern man is not as human as a westerner. general westmoreland commander in chief of us forces in vietnam. when you ask him to win the war .


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