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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. dear viewers, hello , good afternoon, we are with you with the news section at 13:00. in the year of the martyrdom of imam jafar sadiq, peace be upon him , a mourning ceremony was held in the mosques of behelet and takayahs . the liver was burned and reduced to ashes, thanks to the charity of imam sadiq , peace be upon him. every year, the meeting
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of religious life is held more magnificently. among the innocents , the person who has the most hadith is imam sadiq, who really revived shiism. according to the hadiths of imam sadiq, peace be upon him, they put a lot of emphasis on the first prayer, and he said that everyone should consider light prayer as intercession. including these was one of the methods of struggle that his holiness had the same issue of educating female students and by educating them to spread the rules of religion. the shia ceremony and burial of the bodies of the newly celebrated martyrs were held in six provinces of the country at the same time as the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam jafar sadiq (peace be upon him). the people of isfahan are the bodies of martyrs. abbas ramezani
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, mojtabi nader tehrani, javad marasi and an unknown martyr were buried. in south khorasan, the newly discussed martyr mohammadi fani was buried on the shoulders of the people. in your dry lips , we became ali akbar. in province in khuzestan, the people in dezful cities of ahvaz prepared the bodies of martyrs mansour pouraziz pourmohammadi and martyr gholam ali ashiri after nearly 40 years of immortality. became this evening
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, people will bury the body of the newly-discovered martyr seyyed alauddin asadpour in zarghan, fars province . silasa rains caused damages in some parts of the country. in the province of south khorasan , the taghian river and flood blocked several main and secondary roads. due to the intensity of rains in from this the province, including the city of tabas, was flooded with residential houses. in west azarbaijan province , red crescent rescuers rescued seven khoi residents who were trapped in flood areas and high altitudes. in some areas of ilam and cities of khuzestan, the rains caused the roads to flood and water to enter the citizens' homes. according to the ceo of khuzestan water and electricity organization. this province
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is drained. the amount of water taken from karun dam has reached 911 and hundred doses has reached 100. spring rains today in the provinces of mazandaran, golestan, north and south khorasan, ardabil, east azerbaijan, ilam, kurdistan, kermanshah and south fars continue. according to the meteorological organization, taze abad in kermanshah province had the highest amount of rain in the last 24 hours with 19 mm. it got intense, then we were completely surprised, nothing like this has ever happened before, we were stuck here for an hour , our house is gone, we can't pass at all. the water has gone into the car, it has been suspended for us, please god . this is the reservoir dam of doiraj or shahada mahrameh , the capacity of this dam. 25 million cubic meters have
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overflowed due to the rains of the past day and night . i have been having this problem for an hour. where have you been? which caused the flooding in pahdad. public relations of the food and drug organization announced the distribution of warfarin in selected pharmacies of the country. according to the announcement of this organization, in the last 75 days, this drug has entered the country more than the needs of the patients , and there is no problem in providing it. also, people can use the 190 software system of ttech. or port.r. by entering the name of warfarin , get this drug from the nearest pharmacy. as a blood thinner or anticoagulant, warfarin prevents blood clotting and
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prevents problems caused by clot formation in blood vessels. camp the quds corps has lost its ground forces in the southeast of the country. the operatives supporting the mossom terrorist group informed jaish al-adl. in this announcement , the soldiers of the quds base in a joint intelligence and operational operation with the cooperation of the general directorate of intelligence of sistan balochistan and the people of sistan balochistan , have arrested several agents of providing and supporting the jaish al-adl group, who were involved in two terrorist attacks in december last year and april this year in rask city. they were in anwar religious school. al-haramin was identified and arrested in peshang rask village. the hashtag complaining about the bbc is becoming frequent on social networks. users with this hashtag
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, the country's legal and diplomatic institutions are demanding action against the bbc world network, which published a report without documentation and a reliable source about the case of the death of a young iranian girl . with the increase in the number of victims of the genocide committed by the zionist regime in gaza strip, the student movement in the universities of different countries is expanding to condemn the continuation of this aggression. according to al-mayadeen network, the participants want an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the gaza strip. al-talibiyah demonstrations student demonstrations in support. from the ceasefire in gaza, spread to different countries he does. from france, switzerland and portugal in europe to canada in north america and australia, student demonstrations were held. students from several french universities
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gathered in paris' sorbonne square and declared their full support for the palestinians in gaza. at the institute of political science in paris, students continued their protests and inside this institute. they protested against the invasion of gaza. a large number of these students went on strike due to the opposition of the officials of this institute to review the relations with israeli universities. the french authorities disagreed they did not hide their involvement with the student movement and the french police quickly intervened to disperse the activists in several universities and threatened to continue the decisive action against them. dozens of students protested at the university of lausanne in switzerland and demanded a boycott of israeli companies and universities and an immediate ceasefire. in canada, the students of the university of toronto set up a tent to declare solidarity with gaza and
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held palestinian flags and placards condemning the genocide in gaza. and in continuation of the expansion of al-hiraq, the installation of isharat al-tadalam al-nashtin. in australia, there are hundreds of students inside the university of sydney campus demonstrated in support of the palestinian cause. these students set up tents for a sit-in at the university of sydney and asked the university administration to cancel joint ventures with israeli companies. this student movement is expanding in universities around the world, especially in european universities, and raises many questions for pro-israeli governments and the continuation of these governments' policies in the near future . the us military base in al-omar oil field
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in deir zor province in eastern syria was targeted by a missile attack. seven missiles were fired at this base. to three of them hit the base from the southeast and four other missiles hit its vicinity . more details about this attack have not yet been published and no group has claimed responsibility for it. has not taken since the beginning of the zionist regime's invasion of the gaza strip , american military bases in iraq and syria have been repeatedly targeted by missile and drone attacks. colombia is the second latin american country to cut ties with the zionist regime due to the genocide in gaza. 8 months ago, bolivia took the first step for this decision.
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the decision that has been on the top of the news of the zionist regime's networks is not columbia gustav peter announced yesterday that the united states will cut off diplomatic relations with israel following the war. colombia, the second largest country in south america, cut off relations with israel to advance in libya. here is the section. this
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is not a decision that was taken suddenly and it took 8 months in the history of this country , gustav petro, the first left-wing president , ends the 67-year-old relationship between colombia and the zionist regime . colombia is the third largest country in latin america , which has been considered washington's strongest ally for decades. now the decision of gustav petro. it has been welcomed by its people. this is a correct and necessary decision countries should strive to maintain true democracy and respect international laws. israel is accused of genocide and killing children. cutting off the relationship is the minimum measure to make the zionist regime accountable for killing thousands of palestinians. colombia is one of the countries that joined the support of south africa's complaint against the zionist regime in the international court of justice. before this, bolivia, another latin american country, also
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severed its relations with the zionist regime in october last year, and at that time the countries of colombia, chile, honduras called their ambassadors. sima the impact of the gaza war on the british election, following the local elections on thursday , labor leader starmer admitted that the israeli- palestinian war. it was one of the reasons for the failure of this party in some cities. political experts say that gaza will determine part of the results of this week's local elections in british cities, which will determine the assignment of more than 260 seats in the city councils of this country. we observed the reaction of the voters in areas where the number of muslims is large because of the parties' support for israel's war in gaza. we believe that there is damage to the votes of the political parties due to the support of the parties
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most of the israeli genocide in gaza, human rights activists and supporters of palestine asked the people not to vote for the candidates of pro-zionist parties. i am a member of the jewish association for palestine, which is an anti-zionist organization. the leaders of the three major british parties continue to support the continued export of british weapons to israel. he emphasized the politicians of this country.
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i believe that many people in this city, i.e. black money , have lost their trust in politicians because of the behavior of our politicians. as expected, both the conservative and labor parties paid for their support for israel in the elections england pay. conservative ruling party. ha lost the seat in the election, and labor leader keir starmer admitted that the israeli-palestinian war was a major factor in the party's loss of majority in oldham council. insulting the holy quran again in sweden with the permission of the police of this country in the city of malmö, a woman burned a copy of the holy quran in a professional act. and he was seen throwing the palestinian flag on the ground. it
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is said that this action was done under the full protection of the swedish police the face. at the same time, a number of muslims holding palestinian flags shouted slogans against these two people and condemned their actions. this woman insulted the quran last week near stockholm . an explosion in pakistan's baluchistan province left three dead and nine injured, including a policeman. in this incident in the area. in khuzdar, a terrorist riding a motorcycle attached a magnetic bomb to the car of the head of khuzdar reporter club. still no person or group has claimed responsibility . islamabad security studies research center of pakistan had announced earlier in the first 3 months of 2024.
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more than 245 terrorist attacks have been carried out in pakistan. in these attacks, 281 people have been killed, including soldiers and ordinary citizens. exhibition of weapons donated by the united states and nato to ukraine in moscow on the eve of may 9, the anniversary of the victory of the former soviet union in world war ii, an exhibition of military weapons donated by the united states and nato to ukraine has been held in moscow. about a month after the start of the war between russia and ukraine, the russians set up the first exhibition of american and western weapons and equipment captured in the war in the republic of lehansk, 5 kilometers behind the front line. battle. the visitors of this exhibition were international media reporters. since then
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, many exhibitions have been held and now in on the eve of the anniversary of the victory of the former soviet union in world war ii, the largest exhibition of captured weapons has been held in moscow's victory park to show that russia's war is not with ukraine, but with america, nato, and all western countries. here is a part of the weapons donated by nato to ukraine, including america, germany, england and france. australian and italian and from howitzer artillery systems to missiles and mines anti-tank and a variety of advanced operational and offensive intelligence equipment can be seen in the exhibition.
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this is an american armored vehicle of the bradley type and the new version of m-to. near. and you see the french, who have been given to ukraine in huge numbers. america, britain and nato are trying to extinguish the flames of war. because their interests are in war, bloodshed and instability in the world. now that the us $60 billion aid is expected to arrive, ukraine's war machine will be much more numerous from now on. and more variety of such heavy american military weapons and but what worries the russians the most is the possibility of giving long-range tactical missiles to ukraine, which moscow has warned the united states and nato about this action, seyyed ali, owner of
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sda news agency, victory park in moscow. and the flood in the south of brazil took at least 39 victims . the civil defense organization of brazil announced that 68 people were missing in the flood of rio grande state. the flood also caused widespread destruction in several cities and left thousands of displaced people. this flood is the fourth environmental disaster in brazil in less than a year. the governor of this state also said this flood it is the worst disaster recorded in the history of this state as a result of flooding in sulawesi province of indonesia, 7 people died, according to the rescue organization. they are collecting information about the disappeared. the end of this news section, god
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bless you. hello again, dear compatriots, i have to tell you that during the hour after zabhar and tonight , we will continue to witness rains in the northwestern parts of the western parts of the southern part of the caspian sea, the southern slopes of alborz, the northeastern parts of the eastern parts of the country. we are in the central and southern parts of zagros, and the rains in these areas are sometimes accompanied by torrential rain it is accompanied by lightning, the intensity of the rains that lead to the flooding of public roads and the rise of the water level of rivers and
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canals in the southwestern parts of west azarbaijan province, the northwestern regions of kurdistan province , as well as the provinces of north khorasan, khorasan razavi , the northern half of south khorasan province. we are witnessing the southern parts of bushar province, the southern half of fars province : we recommend that our dear compatriots avoid being on the banks of rivers and canals during this period. tomorrow, the intensity of rains will gradually decrease in the southwestern parts of the southern regions. the rains end in these areas. still a witness the rains are in the northwestern, western, southern shores of the caspian sea, and the northeastern parts of the country. we expect that on monday. other baris systems should enter the country from the west , considering its entry again. the rains will start in the western part of the country. in addition
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, we are witnessing the rains in the southern coasts, the southern slopes of nohi and the center and the central slopes of the zagros. the rise of the water level and the roads can be seen in the provinces of west azarbaijan and east azarbaijan ardabil, gilan, kurdistan, kermanshah, as well as zanjan provinces in the northern parts of the province. as a witness , on this day, we recommend that our dear compatriots avoid being on the banks of rivers and canals. in addition, i have to tell you that in prone areas on this day, the rains are in the form of hail and in addition to the rains , we are also witnessing a decrease in temperature in these areas. on tuesday , we see rains in the northwestern parts of the southern coasts, southern slopes to some extent in the central areas of the northeastern parts during the fourth day. wednesday, these rains only to the department from the northwest of the southern coast and the northeastern parts of the country, today and tomorrow in the northwestern parts of the western areas of the southern slopes of alborz
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, the wind speed will increase in some hours. in these areas, strong winds are the dominant phenomenon in the parts in some parts of the east and southeast of the country , we are witnessing strong winds that can cause dust and reduce air quality and reduce visibility in the areas. we expect that during today and tomorrow, due to the wind conditions in the persian gulf, the strait of hormuz and the sea of ​​oman will be rough from monday afternoon to thursday due to the arrival of the second rain system due to we expect that the caspian sea will be rough. thank you for accompanying us until this moment.
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i am edward said. i was born in palestine in 1935 in a christian family . i was forced to leave my homeland due to the occupation of palestine. for a few days, i settled in egypt, lebanon, and finally america. i studied english literature and became an outstanding professor at one of the most prestigious universities in america. but the 1967 war reminded me again that i am a child of an occupied homeland. and we are an exile. i asked myself: why in america and the west? no one cares about this barbaric occupation. when with this question of history and i checked western literature and realized that the west not
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only has no problem with israel, but also loves israel. my years of research in literary and historical texts led me to the theory that i put forward in the book orientalism. everything really started from the end when edward said's landmark book called orientalism was published in the 1980s , we can say that this book will soon become a classic and will create a new way of thinking that will somehow start post-colonial studies. he also has: i was
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struck by the consistency and the coherence of pictures of representations of the east or the orient, as i called it. in a lot of european culture, you now say 19th century french paintings, by j home, for instance, or novelistic writing, say in the work of people like floubert and desraeli, say, and sort of scholarly writing, by linguists and historians and anthropologists and sociologists. "the consistency of the picture that emerged of something called the orient, and this collective portrait of the orient grew in the 19th century and became as consistent as it was, and i related it to, i think this was one of the things that was quite controversial, i related it to european power, i was saying really there is no such thing as the orient, the orient is much more
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complicated, much more varied, much more..." and then pretend that they are factual or scientific generalizations , they are rooted in rule. the other thing he wanted to show is that those forms of representation of the east of the orient worked according to a set of oppositions.
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this orient has been created by the west, by artists, thinkers, dreamers, and adventurers. it gives fantastic expression to some reality that europeans either wanted to possess or
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feared. fabulous names: harun rashid, amar khayam, shehrazad, fabulous places, samarkand, arabia felix, jerusalem the golden. the lure of jerusalem is uniquely powerful. it evokes the idea of ​​the fabulous orient, but it is also of the deeper significance to muslims, jews and christians. in fact, the reason for the wide spread of edward said's view was because in that book orientalism, edward said really gave a comprehensive look at he throws all the arts.


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