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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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either wanted to possess or feared. fabulous names: harun rashid, hamar khayam, shahrazad, fabulous places, samarkand, arabia, felix, jerusalem, the golden. the lure of jerusalem is uniquely powerful. it evokes the idea of ​​the fabulous orient, but it is also of the deeper significance to muslims, jews.
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trustworthy, less humane. one important function of these images is, i believe, that they justify the use of western power to seek control over the east and to possess its riches. one of the most shameful film documents that our time. i have seen indiana jones movies where harrison ford goes to a market in cairo and an angry man comes in front of him with an arab sword and makes maneuvers with this sword. finally, with
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complete impatience, he picks up a small pistol and kills the fellow. i saw this film in america with an american audience and i saw how much people enjoyed this scene and how much they laughed at this scene. saeed witnessed the fact that the oriental man is completely asian, african, for he speaks of this famous syrian scholar of the 13th century, he says the great bar hebrayas was genius of no parallel to him, but of course that's because he is the son of a hebrew, see which is really a problem, meaning to say that if he if he were not a son of a...
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the problem is much more after the 1960s, when we saw that countries freed from colonialism for a very long time, some countries such as england, holland , france and germany.
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the best example is their response to how they did not want to completely remove colonial influences after gaining independence. it could be india. edward said talks about the representation of the colonial system. he works in literature and shows how colonialism uses literature and literary discourses and also how it uses language in order to be able to his judgments and his presuppositions. and those processes that legitimize
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violence should be placed in the world and cause more and more people, even the people of the east, to actually accept that they are lower beings than the western system and to internalize this humiliation in themselves. one of those debates on culture and imperialism is by edward saide, who says that after the colonizers leave, the agents of colonization become local, even those who call themselves westerners. in fact , they took their ideas from the west, and this is almost the fate of the third world, which was backward anyway, and wanted to move forward , naturally, it was forced to follow the west's path, and if
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we really apply this example to iran's culture after the revolution. kill us in the situation.
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it for them and hence they are still interpreting their own history through the eyes and through the visions of the orientalists of the classical of the classical mainly german. although at the time i wrote for example the question of palestine um there were no histories of palestine. i mean i had to reconstruct the history partially, well i had to deconstruct the official history that one saw in the western press and in western scholarship.
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together is very important topic because language matters, how you describe your own history matters, and hence these people, these orientalists, they are configuring for us the history and the intellectual history of islamic civilization and hence we are dependent on them. the iranian revolution in 1979 was remarkable from my point of view. this revolution. it was not violent and during it a relationship was formed between the people and the religious leaders, which in my opinion had a new meaning for the west, but the american media, in accordance with the policy of the american government to establish a violent image of
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islam, showed the iranian revolution differently from what it was. they gave. in my opinion, the affair of the embassy was actually revenge of the iranian people against america for all the evils that imperialism and colonialism had brought upon them, and this had no direct connection with islam. although i was a christian, but against promoting this
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inverted image of islam, i could not sit still. all these issues made me write the book islam of media in 1981. i also put something in the subtitle of the book so that everyone knows what my position is from the beginning. how media and pundits determine what we are compared to the rest of the world. have thoughts and insight . the main example of this book is the embassy hostage situation. i said there how the american media, even the biggest and most reliable ones , tried to make the american public opinion hate iranians by using big lies. our fate was tied to the war. and the year 190.
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beirut had become a gathering place for militant palestinian immigrants, and even members of the saf were living in beirut. my family migrated to a village around beirut many years ago due to my father's ill health and settled there. israel , which saw itself much stronger than before after the 6-day war, decided to attack lebanon. i was doing my daily routine in new york when suddenly.
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i was doing interviews and writing articles. in the same year, i wrote the dialogue for the documentary film shadow of the west. in this text , i combined my theory with my political activities. the main brain of my speech is the same thing i had said in orientalism. but this time from the perspective of palestine. the main point was how the orientalist view of the europeans made them support the establishment.
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appears to be a movement and an ideology that sort of gathered together the remnant and the kind of remains of a shattered community. people who had historically been oppressed and and abused and discriminated and persecuted in the west and gather them together into a very powerful movement uh which created a new country uh it had all the elements of kind of phoenix rising from the ashes um and it also had the appeal of uh of the creation of new state which is i think very central to the to the european consciousness um because you know lot...
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it was done by the hands of europeans which is indescribable brutality. after the turks were defeated in 1917, the europeans moved in. britain and france
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created a new map dividing this region into protectorates, mandates and spheres of influence. the names of the officials who first drew that map, mark syches and george picot, still resonate throughout the arab world. it is the map which essentially endures today, with one exception, a country of palestine. in 1917, arthur james balfer stood at the pinnacle of the british imperial establishment. shortly after psychos and piko drew their map, he wrote a letter that was to become
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threats and phone messages that are you know quite unpleasant, so there's that, i mean, there's the hint of violence around there, well yeah, i think that that was he lived with it constantly, and one of the interesting things is that they really, he was so powerful a presence that they couldn't really touch him, it's not that they didn't try, constantly tried, i don't. the result of this action is the awareness of the jewish extremists in america and the re-invocation of the palestinian issue on the academic level, at least, and the students, who are so many questions, why did edward saeed burn the school when there's so much public relations on one side you can't avoid public
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relations if you're going to have any chance at all on the other side and edward was a sort o
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the reality of the palestinian people's life before and after the presence the occupiers were the reality that the western media loved to show. qalunna alik tarhal kal yum tarfaal kal yum tadar fi aruqa al-maabar al-aqid kanais al-qidima watmaseh al-
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hazn aan al-masjid finally, the anger of the palestinian people in 1987 had a chance to emerge. an israeli truck ran over and killed several palestinian workers. several similar incidents had happened in the same days. people stood in front of the aggressors with empty hands and stones . the interphase had begun and a window of hope had opened. i was definitely a supporter of such an event. in the young people who started the intifada , i saw strength that showed how much effort they put in to leave an example of palestine. this nation is still alive. al-watan al-arabi and atbara al-balun the start of the iraq-kuwait war in 1990
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was more expensive for the arabs than it seemed. it went in the eyes of the palestinians. the war caused two severe divisions in the arab countries. some arab statesmen were influenced by saddam's demagogic slogans and supported him. yasser arafat was one of these people. he even visited saddam immediately after occupying kuwait. this is where i strongly disagreed with arafat. in my opinion, saddam was just a terrible dictator. other i felt that arafat was walking down a dark path . now arafat. tired and disappointed, he had to pay the price of the fight, and for the west, the negotiation table was the best place to take revenge.
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an important issue regarding hajj is the world view. life and extraterritoriality of muslim people. this should not be neglected . islam has asked muslims to
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deal with the long-term, short-term and daily issues of human life, there is no doubt about this , there is no exception to this, but it should not be exclusive, while you are responsible for your personal life, your family life , and your children. you think about your future, your job, the future of your country, the progress of your country you have to think about the world as well. this is the teaching of islam . these are one narrations. i wrote them down here on the occasion of this argument. by the way, it is also from imam sadiq (peace be upon him). of course, the narration is longer
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than among the interpretations in this narration about hajj, pay attention. the point is that imam (peace be upon him) used these words on the occasion of hajj , saying, "even if the entire nation is not, they will worship ali baladham and mafiha." if it is supposed that every population of every nation only cares about their own country's issues, their own city's issues, they only rely on them and the importance of their body will be lost if you if you don't know what's going on in the world, you will be weak,
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the interpretation of imam sadiq (peace be upon him). and the destruction of the country is your own country, the region you want will be destroyed, it will be destroyed, and your poverty will be destroyed, which means that the income of your nation will decrease. you must know what is going on in the world. you have to look at the world to see what is going on in the world.
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hello, welcome to the half-day news. preparation of the bodies of eight newly-examined martyrs in six provinces and the holding of a nationwide gathering of sadeghiuns at the same time as the anniversary of the martyrdom of imam jafar sadiq (peace be upon him). at night, the children were all asleep and beat zainab until dawn.


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