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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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he passed and got the gold badge. in women's 100 meters, hamida esmailnejad won the bronze medal with 11 seconds and 74 hundredths of a second. 33 teams from 14 countries participated in this tournament. the boxing competitions of the youth championship and hopes of asia were followed by winning two more medals for our country. in the continuation of these competitions, today in the category of hopes and in the semi-finals , seyed ali seyed sadri in the weight of 86 kg and in the weight of 75. mohammad mahshari, respectively , handed over the result to opponents from kazakhstan and uzbekistan , getting the bronze medal today. also, in addition to 92, reza khalilzadeh goes to the distance of his opponent from uzbekistan before in the youth category, amir esmaili won gold in 92 kg, amirreza soltani in 54 kg and amirreza malek khattabi in 86 kg also won bronze. this tournament is hosted by kazakhstan. and the iranian beach volleyball team
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went to the second stage of the under-19 asian championship as the leader. in this competition, which will be held in thailand with the presence of 32 teams, the iranian team with the composition of habib akbarzadeh, amir ali ghalenoi , won 2/0 against vietnam 1 in its third game , which had defeated australia and thailand in its previous two games. the leader of the group iran's team became the quarterfinalist. one will go to new zealand to reach the semi-finals today, from group four, iran's teammates, two from saud to the next round. thank you for your company today, saturday , may 15th, shawwal and may 4th, in tehran , sunset at 1854 hours, azad maghrib at 193 minutes and midnight. shahri at 23:14.
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thank you very much for your company. have a nice day . god bless you. the iranian coach, sharaf iran, has a telegram channel and plays across the country. why are you setting prices this month? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager. we don't want any kind of treatment. we don't agree, higher, higher, or higher today
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, in the name of allah, may allah be merciful to the people of iran, hello , welcome to higher. well, with the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, one of the issues that may concern the minds of some families is the issue of student registration. there is a new school year in schools, so it is interesting to know that there are 17 types of schools active in our country, which may sometimes cause confusion in choosing schools for families. experts believe that this diversity it causes competition and ultimately creates educational justice, but the people of this issue believe that these
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schools have not reached their goals with this diversity and may cause confusion for families. today, in the above program , we will discuss this issue with the presence of two experts on education issues. please join us . well, first of all, dear guests of today's higher program, i would like to introduce mr. dr. ebrahim saharkhiz, the former vice president of education, who we are serving as an opponent, and ms. dr. fatemeh mohajerani, the former head of the national organization for the development of brilliant talents, who we are at your service, but before we start the discussion, if you allow my colleagues to prepare a report , we will compile this report, we will come back, we are at your service. by starting the discussion. the diversity of schools
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has reached 17 types of classification, which has always had supporters and opponents, and although in these years , experts have proposed a plan to reduce the diversity of schools, but these efforts have not reached a result. ministers of education promised to reduce diversity many times. we are going in the direction of diversity make less the diversity of schools will definitely decrease . we will go in the direction of reducing this diversity . but they could not do anything. mehr 2018 , the representatives of the nation passed a resolution that schools will be divided into government and non-government categories until the end of the 2019-2020 school year. but. the guardian council rejected this resolution, but this issue is still being discussed by experts, ahmed abdini, the former vice president of the supreme council of education, if our schools enjoy the minimums, the problem of diversity will be solved , and the students of public model schools will go to non-government schools, the implementation of educational justice. is not. heaven
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hakimzadeh, former vice president of education. some policies against the transformation document, such as the diversity of schools and the classification of schools. it may not provide educational justice in providing good learning opportunities for all equally. hojatollah fanadi, an education expert. what is currently being discussed by experts is the lack of expert teachers and special equipment and facilities in public schools. an issue that has caused less families to have the desire to educate their children in public schools . if we are looking for educational justice, we should not consider the diversity of schools. reduce. ali zarafshan, deputy former education. the main criteria for creating diverse schools should be equal access and educational justice. according to the new findings of educational sciences, the separation of students and their presence in sempa or government schools is without scientific logic. therefore,
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there is no need to continue the activities of sampad schools or government schools. well, we are still at your service with a higher plan. if you allow me, mrs. majrani, to start the discussion with dr. sarkhiz , mr. sarkhiz, first of all, give an explanation about this f1 school, which means that people are putting pressure on me . i don't know the popular example of hit and menai, they are talented and non-profit, and what are these 17 new schools ? it cannot be against diversifying schools or learning environments. not because it is mentioned in the fundamental change document. rather, the logic of education requires it. in two operational goals 6 and 16, we clearly
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aim to diversify learning environments in the formal and public education process of the country. or in the target. operation 16 we have diversification in providing educational services and educational opportunities according to the materials the society needs and interests of students in line with the flourishing of talent, however, all topics in education have an important and necessary prerequisite, and that is the topic of educational justice. fortunately , in principle 43 of the constitution, it is clearly stated that in order to achieve economic independence, remove deprivation and eradicate
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poverty, education should be seen as a free and universal basic need. you stated at the beginning that my answer to the diversity of schools is either yes or no, i am not against it. i am diversity in itself i don't think it is the opposite of educational justice in schools , but what is being implemented in our country, yes , in my opinion, we did not take advantage of diversity and what is happening in the form of diversity in schools, which you mentioned, of course. it is very exciting to show that we have 17 new schools and some even announce that we have 24 new schools. we do not have that many schools . and
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they are monitored more by the government, but its outputs are not about desire, so what is justice education is questioned and limited. i don't like that variety and no wise person likes it. we are looking for this. what is justice now? the definition of educational justice and this definition. i think that the majority of experts in the field of education agree on the creation of equal qualitative opportunities for everyone while paying attention to differences. access to appropriate space and equipment. access to learning resources is appropriate. does this happen in the variety of schools we have created?
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our schools have freedom of action, for example, how many types of schools did you create, shahid school , i will not tell you about the brilliant talents, the school of the selfless, the school of the board of trustees, these schools are all the same in content, they are managed centrally , they have a book to teach, a test for the final exams. they have internal exams and the principal of the school is literally a school - centered school. the same amount allow us to hear ms. majranim's answer here, then we will continue in the name of god
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, which means that we can respond to different needs. in humanities, we say that institutions are a response to a need and organizations are a form of response to an institution. the educational institution has the duty to educate all those who are required to be educated . this is actually a very important point. and naturally, any of these circuit types. now, no matter how many types you consider, with a wise faculty, with
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a very long path, as friends who are in the process of work know, this path is not easy at all, that is, getting permission from some kind of school the supreme council of education, which is in a way the highest decision-making body in the ministry of home affairs , is not an easy task at all, so in any case, it means that probably , and in my opinion, there is definitely a wise force behind this , every school is based on a reason and a philosophy. the point that we are witnessing today is that some of these schools are leaving their own philosophy and leaving the main circuit of their work. diversity is not inherently bad. like any other decision, it has both positive and negative aspects. therefore, if we somewhere we have negative aspects, we can see that he is a politician and that is actually the institution he is supporting
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his duty is the duty of his supervisor, he must look to see where he is leaving the circuit and return to his original circuit, what we are witnessing today and as some parents say, we are confused is that these schools have deviated from their original path, right now these are 17 what kind of schools are really, mrs. doctor, look at the diversity we have in schools, sarkhiz schools. it is wrong to touch it because it has really created an achievement . boarding schools are among the schools that have created achievements, that is, they really helped us
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to raise the quality of education in a series of areas. the ministry of home affairs has many parallel institutions. it 's another issue if we have a large school from onur. in fact, we still have literacy as a movement. well, this is another issue that needs to be resolved and decided within the ministry . in essence, the answer to the needs of those who have stopped studying and are now adults, this is the right thing to do, that is, this is the right thing to do, it is the right thing to do. it has a special audience, that is , special students with certain characteristics, for example, schools that are actually prepared for the disabled. now, regarding the schools that families work with and can choose from among these schools and enroll their students , now we have some statistical tests, depending on the type you mean, we have model schools, except for
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non-government schools that are actually it can be said that it is a well-known and well-established part and in a way. being a fee payer, i want to use again this part of dr. sarkhiz's orders: schools take money, schools don't take money , the fact is that now if we want to take these two categories, most of these schools will take money in some way, that is, the boards and councils should take money and they do. they get money, for example, the people, the examples, they get money. i want to allow you to return this to the economy of education. you can see the economy of our education. most of these are now paid by the city, public schools even sometimes receive funds, it's not like saying that only the amount is different, the amount is different. well
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, mr. s. it's you, i'm mrs. doctor. it's a good point to mention some of these things. it's absolutely necessary. . the form and reason or the cause of their muhadith has been lost for example, you see, at one time during the holy defense period , it was necessary for the warriors of islam, due to the problems that existed at that time, not to have timely access to our education, to have martyrs' schools, or shahid schools, or some schools . although the world's approach has changed, of course, today they believe that it is even science. it is better for students with special needs to be given integrated education instead of separate education along with normal students. these approaches have changed, but i want to have an open view. in fact, i want to have a different view. a series of schools, of course, it is possible to create a discussion
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with the shepherd and the government example, provided that the target audience is students. a talented village that does not have access to equal learning opportunities. he was a student in the village, he had good talent , but he was not in high school. he also has a high grade point average. now he should have come, we would have given him a point to study in a model school or have access to high school and middle school. but day and night, despite having advantages, it also has many disadvantages. we make children sick. we psych a girl out we are taking his parents and family away for a week in an environment that, if i want to describe it today , i don't want to create disappointment again , there is no proper food, no access to expert human resources, and in fact there are strong advisors , there is no suitable environment for recreation. even today, when
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i see the villages, all the roads are paved and the access to education is more accessible than in the past. it is different, the recommendation is that even night schools should be disbanded, we will give this through ayab al-zahab, to express that the school should be closer to the family, now that a village may be further away, but the view is that in my opinion, the government is right now, mrs. doctor said that many of these things are definitely approved by the supreme education council. the government's view is to lighten the burden of educational expenses and in return provide services to the people. we didn't give him a strong person , we didn't give him per capita, we got elite students with talent, students who
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have a different iq than others, we separated them, the school has become normal, it's a place. in fact, the students from the lower deciles of the society and the underprivileged society have been abandoned by the government and then a showcase for display. he revealed that they are taking money from the people, now whatever he wants to call it sampade, i don't know , shaheed shaheed, his name is shaheden children, most of it is in the hands of non-shaheed children , he receives huge tuition fees from them, we spend on schools , we gave the best environment to the schools. in fact, these schools. the variety that i call special schools, see your human resources. let me give you an example. a school has gone without a teacher, but which special school do you have? witness the board of trustees hiring their teachers one month before the start of the academic year .
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it is possible that some cities or departments may say that they will not give us any more. we actually choose a teacher from this money, but the best building is available to our special diverse schools . we have the best teachers. let him attract your best equipment, a school, witness you, that does not allow a school to be a big door, or your sampad schools should be top in terms of space and school equipment , then justice is not served, you see, we are the charity of rural children, whatever the headmaster's child is rich, he goes to school. government witness or sample he will enroll in our gifted schools if we find that 2% of our children are gifted in the normal way in the society. but what has happened now, the number i have is 1.12% of children actually study in tisohan schools, and that is still not explained fairly, we have a province where 3% of
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its children study in tisohan schools, in a province like sistan baluchistan half of the children are they studying in tizkoshan? are tizkoshan only children? in fact, they are the centers of the provinces. a rural or nomadic child may or may not have something in him. this means that if that child comes from tehran they go home to allameh heli school, i study, i am a village child, am i
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given the chance to choose and have equal opportunity, is such a school available to me , and then the government was supposed to lighten it so that it can allocate more resources to these normal government schools. but i will give you three numbers . one of them is from unesco, which says that the governments actually pay 82% of the education budget , and the remaining 8% is either given to charity or from endowments or associations that they actually like. help me, sir, 18 82, i'm sorry , the governments give 18 82, but in the number that we have we have iran, this number is much lower. the next point is that we wanted schools. let 's lighten the government's burden and increase the share of education from the government's general budget. the number you come up with is, first of all
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, the share of iran's education has fallen below 2% of the gross national product. not to mention that we had even up to 15% in the year 2007, if i'm not mistaken, we had 15%, 17 now it has reached 9. look, the school should be a miniature of our big society you have injected talented children among several schools, the school that is normal, what is left of the students who, i apologize if i use this word, have the talent to find their way, and those schools that do not have these, how do you call being social in the society. yes, in the society, are people separated from each other? is your neighbor really smart? no, school should be a reality of the society in which we lived. mrs. dr.
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mr. sarkhiz says that i should make a statement anyway. the summary of the conversation is this. it is true that diversity is good , but this fair diversity is not explained everywhere well, many of them don't have a place for these arabs to continue . they were formed out of necessity at one time and were approved by the supreme council of education. pay attention to the figures in the year 78 of boarding schools, which i agree with a part of the damage that the doctor said. but on the other hand, by the way, the same justice demands that we take the child out of the house with all the damages that we accept, because sometimes, if
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they don't get out of this house, there is no chance to grow. sports schools in 1984, lasting schools in 1986 , national schools in 1988, schools of the board of trustees in the same year, quranic schools in 1988, schools affiliated with government agencies in 1990 , state model schools, see this diversity or should we accept that the supreme council of education the title of the institution does not pay enough attention to the issue of diversity.
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there should be, first of all, some of these titles of the variety of titles that were created only for the sake of identity, such as permanent schools, are schools that are actually like heritage schools , which means that the type of building is such that like alborz in tehran, we have a large number of these schools in the whole country. these are the schools that in some way got this title because of their construction. what is being dismissed as the diversity of schools very quickly, sampade schools and
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this government. you see, the model schools were supposed to be formed in less privileged areas, so let's go back to the head, why are we so quick to put our hands on the sampad today? in terms of economic base and nature. according to those facilities to somewhere so that we don't need to isolate gifted students. i also declare that we definitely do not know all the children who are helped by sampad , we don't necessarily know them as smart children , we know them as hardworking children who were planned for them and they were able to, in fact, but in the areas where we have a nomadic sampad school. more information, friends, we have 30% of sampad schools in less privileged areas.
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the school is specialized. the sampat school is a specialized school . i emphasize that the tool must be modified, the process must be modified. it is hoped that in the long term this specialization will lead to personalization. education is certainly the world's literature and we must work with it, but the policy requirements are something else, mr. doctor also said, we all know that schools are not paid per capita. how
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should these things be done? therefore, the issue that i want to summarize with this sentence , so that it is said that i am saying the diversity of schools, so let's sum it up. i believe that the diversity of schools means that the school should return to its own philosophy, to the principle that was created for it, of course, i i confirm the statement of your holiness that we are converging with each other in the discussion. i am not against sampath. which is based on the normal curve of intelligence. for example, we have a percentage of students with special needs, we also have two percent of intelligent students, this should be fairly distributed among the members of the society and everyone should have this opportunity, but whatever the supreme council of education approved was a revelation or a wise one, not you, the leadership's warning last year. you see, the supreme leader said very firmly that many people are coming to join me.


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