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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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one of the results of such events was that 750,00 palestinians were made refugees, fled or driven out. people say, look, the millions are suffering in africa. why is it, why are all these people so focused on a few thousand in or a few hundred thousand and the fact is it's not a matter of? numbers, what is really makes palestine central is that it is the last colonialism, that's what makes it central, not numbers, the actuality though is ever more injustice, as more land is taken every day for bypass roads and settlements, this is inhuman and
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"we were driving along and saw a bulldozer bulldozing this field right here. i stopped there and i started talking to the villagers who were of course in extreme consternation that their land was being destroyed and taken from them, and all of them said that they had never been given warning, not been told this was going to happen. uh, but the group of israeli soldiers told me the following: their story is that this land is being..." clear
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for road, which is mostly they say used by palestinians and i said, what about this big road here? he said, yes, yes, and the settlers use it too, i said, exactly, so what do you need another even bigger road, which is obviously about 100 meters wide, the striking thing is you could go anywhere, any time on the west bank and see events like this, land being taken daily on an hourly basis for palestinians, number one, and number two, the utter defenselessness of palestinians in the face of this powerful. machine just slowly robbing and dispossessing them of their land uh and their hope for the future is pretty much destroyed. i mean, that's the essence of the problem we face as people today. the small band of people managed to persist for 25 years fighting and actually giving the israeli soldiers who came to southern lebanon hell, finally by the year 2000 they ag. sited in the dawn, before the
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sun rose, nobody could see them and their trucks and all of their machinery and all of that leaving, that moment was fantastic liberation movement for all of us, mean we all realized that this army is defeatable, of course he was, very enthusiastic about the event and about the role of hizballah, but after the first phase we all went on, every i think all of lebanon went... edward came later in a few weeks i was not one of the participants in the reception at talaq al-fitr , but he insisted on going to the door of fatima, that is, to al-hudood. that was the gate through which the
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israeli army left, so symbolically it was very important that we were the imam of one of the centers of al-muqarabeh near it, that sense of jubilation that took edward to the borders and seeing that that enemy and those settlements right there across the... borders and for the first time he can come as close to the borders as possible, and people used to go and throw a stone, and i think it was a bit like the throwing the stone in the house, you throw the stone at the devil, i mean you're not really throwing a stone at the devil, right? so i think it was a bit, i think and it started a bit like that, also it was, go away and don't come back sort of thing, fakan aminiteh ali bawabeh fatemeh and yermi hajra. an yarmi hajra ali al-sahaina najla means
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ibne edward tahadte. in the arab world, there were journalists, taking pictures with video cameras, and posting photos
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, and the photos were transferred to the united states, and of course , as expected, the heinous attack against edward, including that. wow, there was a tremendous reaction. i have very respected colleagues, meaning respected in the sense that they have high positions in their departments and full professors and the like, they demanded that it would be reprimanded, that the president actually chastising for violent act that he took tossing a stone against against across the borders into israel. and if you look at the picture. at the time he did it in 2000 he was already a sick man, if look at the picture now i see how sick he was at the time cuz his hair was he had lost his hair i am sick and the stone is held
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with those three fingers how big a stone can you hold with these three f how damaging that stone could be so i wrote an article in the logos i think i called it the little pebble the "it became huge stone, because again as they began to propagandize it here and politicize it, it became a damaging stone that it could kill somebody, and it was not at all threatening to anybody , i mean nobody could hurt anybody, because the israeli soldiers were actually, you know, so far away, you couldn't even if you wanted to hit them, which nobody did, because it was, it was simb, it was a symbolic , it was a symbolic gesture, and everybody was around. he was doing it, so he picked up a stone and wadia was with him, his son, and so they used to, they were very competitive as father and son, and so let's see who can throw a stone farther. from 2000 onward, of course he has been there, but he was put in the target of the zionist movements to say that this guy
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should be should be obliterated, but anyway he was, he was, he was very badly treated after that and by certain institutions, he was at the time. supposed to give a freud lecture at the freud museum in vienna, they canceled the lecture because they claimed he was he had done something violent in the context of the western media, it was possible to portray that way, and that was one example of many occasions in which he would be attacked. the important thing is that i did not agree with you and what i what i've been saying for 30 years
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that there can be no peace or reconciliation between israelis and palestinians unless there's an understanding of the others history and the part the party that has suffered the most. the one who plays a role in the complex, in his life, and in the world , and who is the crystal of the intellectual thought in the book of sur al-muthaqfatishen saeed
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has very important opinions on this matter, by the way, one of saeed's important opinions is about the position of enlightened thinking, which is the position of enlightened thinking without the position of thought.
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if we were buried in jerusalem none of us would be able to go, so i mean that was that was one of the reasons, but another reason was that once when we were when he was here and we were up in brahmana at at restaurant and he had been to visit mariam's parents grave and he came back from there he said you know it's a very beautiful cementary please i want to be buried here so he really wanted that he made that decision, the palestinians look at him as an intellectual, scientific and cultural secret . but the palestinian people were proud to be proud of this son of
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the american god, his american nationality, and not the success achieved in the united states of america , but the shadow of palestine and the shadow of the son of the earth after the departure of edor saeed . palestine is proud, it means that the arab world is generally proud of the number of writers and poets, and i think that there are great works on the cultural and intellectual level , at least i can say that the view of the palestinian issue in the american west will create a doubt for many westerners, especially in america , and the conflict that happened in the west. america around the palestinian cause is the result
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of the activity of edward said's thinking and the like
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. and the case of the branch is enough, it means that it is lost, sometimes there are circumstances the weakest of me and the strongest of me is enough, as long as there are palestinians on the face of the earth, they will be asked to return to palestine and to speak about palestine. as if the time stood still in december 1947 and i was a 12-year-old teenager. hey, everyone is gathered together again. i sat again between these walls next to the olive tree in the garden on the stairs of our house. it's as if i never left here and i was always here. in my eastern homeland. this week, instead of
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tuesday's supervisory orders, the parliament table approved the budget bill 1403. we need experts to continue their supervisory duties, that is, the 99th principle commission, which is the third supervisory body of the constitution and the annual laws of the country , has placed under its supervisory microscope how to deposit the revenues of the executive bodies to the treasury of the whole country. about 200,000 accounts of executive bodies and state companies have been blocked in the framework of the supervisory duties of the 90th principle commission of the parliament.
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there are some accounts that can be checked. it has or there are other factors , but the balance is zero, but you can't report this account, just remove these and we will be able to calculate the percentage. attention, out of these 55,000 accounts, we can block them, there are some accounts whose balance can be transferred to the treasury and the central bank should do this, report this to us in case of violation, how will the commission deal with these issues. will be. well, naturally, regarding this issue , we introduce these people who commit violations in this issue to the judicial system, who have objections to the implementation of the law . here is the problem with my work. 10% of accident insurance to the ministry of health and the treatment is under investigation. this was discussed by
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the health commission in the presence of the ministry of health officials. the process of allocating these credits and such in the monetary system of the country is typical . this is what we are talking about. when it was supposed to be deposited according to the budget law, 8 thousand billion tomans were deposited, and now the dear ones themselves say that depositing 5800 means that there is a deficit, and the rest of us are enough of this. where can we compensate? after all, we who are treating patients for free, we have to
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the sources should be seen and deposited, now a committee has been decided to form a commission. health is good , inspection representatives, i would like to request that the audit office of the treasury, budget planning organization investigate . in fact, some of the hospitals that were built by themselves are worn out and their facilities are lost. now 10% of the third party insurances that we approved are given to the ministry of health. so , if it is transferred to the presence and the deposit is sent, well, it will be big, but when he checks, he will see that this amount has not really reached the officials of the ministry of health, it has not reached the hospitals, it has not reached the universities. medical science has not arrived. well, this means that people will have to pay for the result of this weakness , that is, people will be harmed in their own treatment
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, according to the discussion of the draft executive law, which was discussed before the meeting, article 6 of the law. and the supply and quality of healthy food by inviting the officials of the ministry of jihad, agriculture is still in the order of his supervisions, please pay attention when my ship passes by, night and day on friday, whenever my force should be there, for this purpose, the head of the veterinary medicine organization week in the commission assured with continuous monitoring services veterinary medicine. poultry products and aquatic animals are in perfect health. our field investigation showed that the animal medical organization of the country , considering the problems related to the issue of strict monitoring of the production of healthy food, we
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faced a challenge due to the lack of infrastructure and the lack of manpower, which was one of our serious discussions in the field of vaccine discussion. it is possible that they will import about 10 million doses of the vaccine. they need approximately 13 to 15 million doses of vaccine, 3 to 5 million doses are produced in the country, and the rest , according to their own words, are imported. the so-called "long chassis" khuzaras must have a serious entry in the areas of sehab-ul-abour in the area of ​​animal husbandry, and their quarantine has been decided within the next month. on the other hand, in the discussion of vaccine and the requirements of the vaccine field, it was decided that by the end of the year, due to the fact that in the 7th
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development plan, we saw that our development was complete and solid, we obliged the device to get help from scientific companies in order to prevent the outflow of foreign currency. to create an environment until the end of the year, the veterinary medicine organization of the country, with the help of the ministry of agricultural jihad, committed to meet all their needs and that the services provided by the region azad arvand should be given to the city of abadan, and people are still waiting for it. the supervision order of the civil commission included the management of the azad area in arvand, which includes two important cities of the country. unsolved. according to the law, all the powers of the executive body have been assigned to the free zones, and
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the free logic is obliged to provide the superstructure and infrastructure services in these different areas and areas. we are also in the urban ministry again this expression. belonging to before the establishment of arvand free zone, these are still a bit unsettled, because the free zone has not solved the problems and challenges of increasing the roads until now, and also the ministry of roads and urban development has requested a meeting , we have invited our friends and the city planning of rome. we have invited my azad region friends. it is interesting that the azad region, which is the main responsibility of them, should take help from the city planning department in order to
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complete their tasks. monitor your companion dear viewers of khabar network, we will be hamidreza goldozi, a reporter for the islamic council of the islamic shura broadcasting agency. the traffic is so heavy under these signs. how many minutes have you been in the traffic? i think it will be 20 minutes. what is the reason? it is crowded here. i think it will be 20 minutes for the exhibition. if they think about this traffic, the exhibition will be better. tehran international, located in the north of the capital, is an exhibition hall where whenever a popular exhibition is held, as people said and the police say, the volume of traffic always increases. the thing that is clear and characteristic of
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holding an exhibition at any level, even if it is low-profile. the talkative one causes serious problems, even the less talkative one. when his departure starts at 3:30 in the afternoon. now, the residence is in the traffic peak, which is the exit time of zone 1 and zone 3, and shahid chamran is to the west, and the memory of the south is to be added to the exhibition this time. one of the solutions was to create another exhibition center outside the city, aftab exhibition in the south of the capital, which was opened in 1995. the exhibition calendar of popular exhibitions has also been prepared. the dignity of tehran international exhibition should be that it can. build new capacities and existing capacities that have a history if they are repeated and are being held, we can move them to the international exhibition of aftab city. of course,
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this will be finalized in the form of the expert work of the parties and will become the common calendar that we must reach now. the track record of holding an exhibition in the aftab exhibition complex is also as the visitors and presenters of this exhibition say. in my opinion, aftab city is better because there is no traffic, people can move more easily, the traffic in the city itself is reduced. it's better than sa'oleh, which goes into the city and traffic and has problems getting around. it imposes less traffic on tehran and makes it easier for people you can have access here. i think that in terms of traffic and the size of the parking lot here , i think it is much better than seoul, but according to the head of the tehran city council, some organizations still insist on holding their high-profile exhibitions at the international exhibition site. and always
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here. we begged and begged our friends , but their pleas and wishes did not fall on their ears, and we still suggest them not to hold the crowded exhibitions because it will cause people's discomfort and anger, but now the program to grind
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we believe that interfering or resisting arrest may result in uses of force and or criminal charges universities across the us, they want an end to the war on gaza and for their school to divest from israel. clearing the courtyard, arresting all who refused to leave. after five-hour standoff, this is what is left of the solidarity camp. now students on other campuses are left wondering if they are next, and so as these protesters are lifting the siege on now, lifting the siege on now, we want justice, you say, and the occupation now, and
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the occupation now. able to show you now the clear up of the location where the campsite was uh for the of course taking the rubbish away and an ongoing cleanup. hey, get back, get back, get back.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, you will join us with the news section at 5:00 p.m. monday , may 31st , the last deadline for reviewing requests to fulfill horizontal obligations of 1401. from the end of 1402 to the end of the last monday of may , they have a deadline to submit their application and after
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