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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 10:30pm-10:39pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] it has exceeded 2,300 people in american universities since the 3rd of april. a new phenomenon in the anti-zionist protests of american students, the slogan of death to israel, death to america. this time on the wall of the new york university of the arts, it's time for the new school. here it is written , destroy the zionist business interests everywhere. death to israel, death to america. in this university, the police arrested 43 students by raiding the student sit-in tents. the answer that we saw today from the government to our surprise was that it sent the police to take the students to jail in return for the right of peaceful protest. at the university of chicago in the united states
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continues to suspend the students of their anti-zionist sit-in despite the police siege and the university's threat. president. we deny the fact that in gaza all universities were bombed and genocide took place. in this situation, nothing can be done by negotiation and we will continue to improve. we will stay here and we don't care what the university or the zionists want to do against us. we will stay here until we reach our goals. at princeton university in america, the police arrested 15 students. now some students this university. they have started a hunger strike to express solidarity with the hungry people of gaza. we want to remind everyone with this work that people do not have enough food and water for months and are suffering a lot. the demands of our students to stop the cooperation of our university with israeli companies and help the people of gaza are ignored. this judicial assignment of ours
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is due to the declaration of solidarity with the people of gaza. at the university of portland in america, the police had already arrested 12 of them by suppressing the students protesting the continuation of the economic cooperation of their university with companies affiliated with the zionist regime. now, by raiding the university library as a place of peaceful anti-zionist protest, they arrested 18 more students at new york university , and 13 students participating in a peaceful anti-zionist protest. this university has faced criminal indictments. ali rajabi of sed and sima news agency against new york university. you are still watching the world program today. we will continue our conversation with mr. dariush sajjadi, an expert on american issues from arizona. mr. dr. sajjadi , please take into account the current gap between the government and the american government and the institution of science and university
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fallen. do you think after this wave of protests subsides and the situation normalizes, will this wound be healed or may it have had a deep impact on the american academic community? yes, i believe that it has had a deep impact and we cannot actually go back to america before the recent events. everywhere you look, in the previous part of my presentation, i mentioned the crisis of identity and dignity that is plaguing america. it happened that from the beginning he basically defined himself on money, and when he lost his original position, that crisis of identity and status came out of the bottle. this will not go back into the bottle unless it can find a solution, and this solution is not something that american capitalism can answer, why can't it, because if it could , it should
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have done this since 2007 when its economy crashed because it did not pay for us, and the society american, i said something yesterday, and i will repeat it here. look, in the 50s or 60s, at the height of the bipolar system and the cold war , we see that a social movement is formed in the bodies of the youth of europe and america under the name of bitalism, which is actually a kind of shouting. it was a protest against the established order and existence that responded to the demands he was not young, but because at that time america was at the peak of its economic power , it had come out of the world war and with the marshall plan america had actually taken over europe. they were able to manage that crisis, but now we look at this new student movement, i know it as a kind of new beatleism, with the difference that it is deeper and more serious, and the crisis of identity and dignity screams itself, and humanity and meaningfulness. he claims that the american dollar, which was once the supplier and student of the american identity, is no longer responsible, because half of that position has disappeared. what will happen now? i believe that
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the united states government can. menandi doesn't have the necessary skills to fill it, but this creation of the monkey hole is conditional so that other people and groups and institutions can fill this job. it was one of those movements that ayatollah khamenei had predicted in a sharp way at that time, just as the late imam had predicted in his letter to garbacho, that the material ability necessary to manage human societies no now it will fill up later and america is so certain with the liberalism of its own philosophy that it does not need to test itself and pay back its capabilities, and we are facing a new america that is unpredictable at the moment. congratulations to the monkey movement on the condition that they can overcome this historical gap in the recommended way, but this transition is not certain by the american government. the american government is itself a party to the issue and in fact
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has defined itself in an antagonistic conflict with the student movement, mr. dr. sajjadi. tell me how far the american government is willing to pay for its own support and why the zionist regime at all why is the defendant paying such a fee? which is an arms company, when it comes to the presidential election and supports and financially supports a republican candidate, for example, it has our support and financial support. making
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for lockheed company, well, lockheed company's products are not pickled, they want to pickle them, f-35e is a bomb, and it is owed to the government in order to sell them, for example, the zionist company, lucky , is obliged to start a war and name a name that can sell these specifications to same thing i want to say that the structure of financial and commercial zionism is so entrenched that the american government does not have the necessary independence as an independent government and is forced to sink into this well because of its historical, political and economic ties to international zionism. i think it's too late to see all the necessary opportunities. at all, the truth and the blind support he has given to israel's crimes over the past 75 years has now reached a point where there is no room for compensation, and i believe that if he eats his stick, he will eat it, in fact, the stick of
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careless policies and letting go of the powerful lobby. the zionist was in america, who is currently pulling the american government down like a lost child, and this is something that is inevitable and not self-inflicted, as the iranians say. on the anniversary of the killing of american students in demonstrations against the war with vietnam, you were going to tell us what connection there is between the events of these days and that incident . well, the connection that we have in the story of the anti -vietnam war movement is an important point. that prominent people and the vanguard of the existence of the anti-war movement are leading they said that the same thing has happened now, that is , during the anti-war movement, the street floor
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was the monopoly of the youth and students, but at the same time, professors and prominent american figures are also the leaders of that movement, and now everything


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