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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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monday 31st may 2014 at 1:00 a.m., the last deadline for reviewing the request to fulfill the horizontal obligations of 2014. the trade development organization announced that those eligible to register the order before the end of december last year and the warehouse bill before the end of the year 1402 until the end of the last monday of may 2014 to submit the application they have a deadline and after that no request will be processed. order registration documents and warehouse receipts are required to review the application of all applicants.
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the first stage of the chabahar space base will be put into operation this year, according to the head of the iran space organization , the purpose of building this space base is to provide access to different space orbits. in our plan , this year chabahar base, phase one of the chabahar base, which is related to solid fuel launchers , god willing, will start its operation with the first launch that we are planning daily, god willing, the first launch will also be the launch of khursheed song, god willing. we have two other ground stations, which are one of the big projects of iran space organization, in order to use the capacity of space and use the capacity of satellites, it is necessary for us to develop our ground stations. the past it has started and we are trying to start using them this year. i told you about the chabeha base . regarding the laboratory and the test center , we have a detailed plan that we are trying to put into operation this year, god willing. the engineers
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of a company of scientists built a simulator of marine oscillations. with the help of this system, users can steer ships in a very realistic simulated environment. this educational simulator has three modes of view from the shore, view from the float, view from above as a simultaneous display. training to guide vessels in the real environment is very expensive and by using this simulator greatly reduces the costs of training and training the navigation of vessels. the booths of 100 foreign publishers of the 35th tehran international book fair were placed. the director of the foreign publishers committee of tehran book fair announced this news and said: all shipments of foreign books have entered the country. the 35th tehran international book fair will be held from the 19th to the 29th of ardibehesht in imam khomeini mosque. we tried
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to have books from the last 10 years, that is, in terms of the year, we will have books from 2015 to 2024 in the exhibition, and from 2019 to 2024, that is, after 2019 to 2024 has more discounts. on the eve of may 9th, the anniversary of the victory of the former soviet union in world war ii, an exhibition of us and nato military weapons to ukraine has been held in moscow. about a month after the start of the war between russia and ukraine, the russians set up the first exhibition of american and western weapons and equipment captured in the war in the republic of lehansk, 5 kilometers behind the front line. the visitors of this exhibition are international media reporters.
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since then, many exhibitions have been held and now on the eve of the anniversary of the victory of the former soviet union in world war ii, the largest exhibition of captured weapons was held in moscow's victory park to show that russia's war is not with ukraine, but with america, nato, and all western countries. here is a part of the donated weapons. nato has been shown to ukraine including america, germany, england and france. from german leopard tanks, american abrams, french max, to british, australian and italian armored vehicles, from howitzer artillery systems to missiles and anti-tank mines, and a variety of advanced intelligence, operational and offensive equipment can be seen in the exhibition.
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to be equipped, but what worries the russians the most is the possibility of giving long-range tactical missiles to ukraine, which moscow
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has warned the united states and nato about this action. electoral parties are considered based in india. the law of every party and candidate must have a symbol and image in the national, state and local elections. flip flops, books, glasses and bicycles are among the election symbols of this country. shad dev is one of the candidates for the indian national assembly in aligarh, india. he is an election symbol or symbol. self has chosen slippers, kettle, glass, broom, elephant , flower hand. books, glasses, bicycles and thousands of other symbols can be seen these days in the advertisements of candidates and parties on the streets and alleys of different indian cities. in this country, according to the law, every party and candidate in national, state and local elections must
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have a visual sign or symbol. the history of forcing this symbol dates back to the first years of india's independence, when less than 20% of the indian people were swaadh and... voters had to choose their chosen candidates based on their visual symbols, not their names. my election is a slipper. with this slipper i campaign against the economic corruptors among the people. still these visual signs of letters. they win first place in the elections. political symbols or signs express the structure, function and goals of parties and individuals simply and briefly. the oldest party symbol in india is the hand symbol of the congress party and the lotus is the symbol of india's largest party, the
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bharati party or janata party. popular people's party or aam adami, which was formed in payt india in 2011, chooses its symbol as a broom and wants to be announced by its founders. while protesting corruption , remove the corrupt. the book is the symbol of the national people's party of india . during the launch of the election celebration, it was announced to this symbol that only literacy and education can empower the weaker sections. election symbols are silent messages that play a big role in indian politics. hassan abdulmakki, radio and television news agency. new delhi till time.
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the iranian coach, sharaf iran, is playing a telegram across the country, why are you making prices this month ? your question is an interesting question. we do not agree above you are higher than any or higher today, wherever we are, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful iran, hello, welcome to higher. well, as the end of the academic year approaches and the beginning of summer, one of
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the issues that may concern the minds of some families is the issue of enrolling their students in schools in the new academic year. well, it is interesting to know that there are about 17 types of schools. it is active in our country that this issue may sometimes cause confusion in choosing schools for families. basically, the fact that we have 17 types of schools in the country has supporters and opponents, well, supporters of this issue believe that this diversity causes competition and ultimately creates educational justice, but the opponents of this issue believe that these schools did not reach their goals with this diversity, they may cause confusion for families today in the higher program of this issue with the presence of two experts. mr. dr.
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ebrahim saharkhiz, the former vice president of education, who is in opposition to them, and mrs. dr. fatemeh mohajerani, the former head of the national organization for the development of brilliant talents, who is in favor of the program. we are you, but before we start the discussion, if you allow me my colleagues, prepare a report on the points of view for and against in this regard, compile this report, we will see it together, we will come back , we are at your service, with the beginning of the discussion on the diversity of schools , it has reached 17 types of classification, which has always had supporters and opponents, and although in this for years, experts have proposed a plan to reduce the diversity of schools. but these efforts did not reach a result , the ministers of education promised to reduce diversity many times. we are going in
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the direction of reducing diversity. the diversity of schools will definitely decrease. we will go in the direction of reducing this diversity. but they could not do anything advance mehr 2018, the representatives of the nation passed a resolution that schools will be divided into government and non-government categories until the end of the 2019-2020 school year. but the guardian council rejected this resolution. kurdish, but this issue is still being discussed by experts. ahmed abdini , the former deputy of the supreme council of education, if our schools enjoy the minimums, the problem of diversity will be solved, and the fact that the students of public model schools go to non-government schools is not the implementation of educational justice. rezvan hakimzadeh, the former deputy of education. and fostering some policies against the transformation document, such as the diversity of schools and the classification of schools, can be justice education does not provide equal opportunities for good learning for all. hojatollah fanadi, an education expert. what
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is currently being discussed by experts is the lack of expert teachers and special equipment and facilities in public schools. an issue that has caused less families to have the desire to educate their children in public schools. if we seek educational equity, we must not reduce school diversity. ali in his dish. john, the former vice president of education, the main criterion for creating diverse schools should be equal access and educational justice according to the new findings of science separation of students and their presence in sempa or government model schools is without scientific logic , so there is no need to continue the activity of sempad or government model schools. well, we are still at your service with a higher plan. if you allow me, ma'am.
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schools or learning environments. not because it is mentioned in the fundamental change document. but logic. education requires. we are in two operational goals 6 and 16. we clearly want to diversify the learning environments in the formal and general education process of the country. or, in the aim of operation 16, we have diversification in providing educational services and opportunities education tailored to the interests of society. needs and interests.
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students in order to flourish their talent, but all topics in education have an important and necessary prerequisite and that is the issue of educational justice. you are aware that today gharib, together with the policy makers of the world , consider educational justice to be a prerequisite for social justice, and luckily for us, in principle 43 of the constitution , it is clearly stated that in order to achieve economic independence, eliminate deprivation and eradicate poverty , education should be as a the basic need of all and free should be seen that at the beginning you announced that my answer to the diversity of schools is yes or no i'm not completely against it. i personally
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contrast diversity in schools with general justice. i don't know about education, but what is being implemented in our country, yes, in my opinion, we did not take advantage of diversity properly, and what is happening in the form of diversity in schools , which your excellency also mentioned, is, of course, very enthusiastic and showing our enthusiasm 17 the type and some even announced 24 new schools. we don't have that many schools . schools that are really run for free and are mostly monitored by the government, but the result is now that there is no desire, so anything that questions and distorts educational justice, i do not like that variety and no wise person likes it. we are looking for this
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. the majority of experts are in the field of education and training , creating equal qualitative opportunities for everyone while paying attention to differences. appropriate access to learning resources. is it appropriate for this to happen in this diversity of schools? we created it. do our schools have freedom of action
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? for example, how many types of schools did you create? for final exams or internal exams. the principal of the school is literally a center-based school , we did not give him the authority to call it a diverse school , he is providing services according to the interests and requirements of the students, no, this has not happened. now, i don't know anymore. shall i point out or just let it be enough so that we can hear ms. majrani's answer here, then continue in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and courtesy. great people of iran and all the teachers, the soul of my father is happy, who said that the teacher will teach my child nothing but love . allow me to pay tribute to all the teachers in the past. the fact is that the issue of diversifying our schools
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is to start the word diversity with diversification. d is a word. when we say diversity , it means that we can respond to different needs. in humanities, we say that institutions are a response to needs and organizations are a form the answer is to the institution. the educational institution has the duty to educate all those who are required to be educated . this is actually not a very important point. and naturally, any of these types of schools now, no matter how many types are in mind. take it with a wise force , with a really long and long path that the friends who are in the process of work know that this path is not easy at all. getting a license for a school from the supreme council of education, which is the highest decision-making body in the ministry of home affairs , is not an easy task at all, so anyway, it means
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that probably and in my opinion, it is definitely a power. there is a wisdom behind this. every school was formed for a reason and a philosophy. the point that we are witnessing today is that some of these schools have left their own philosophy. and getting out of the main circuit of their work, diversity is not inherently bad, just like any other decision, it has both positive and negative aspects, so if we have negative aspects somewhere , we can see that it is becoming more prominent. the institution next to him, whose duty is to monitor him, should look to see where he is getting out of the orbit and return to his original orbit, what we are today. this is what some parents say they say that we are confused because these schools have deviated from their main path. is it true that now these 17 schools are really what kind of schools, mrs. doctor, look
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at the variety that we have in schools. you say that there are 24 types of schools. mosque-centered mosques, which even some of these still do not have the permission of the supreme council, but for whatever reason they have become official. board of trustees schools, witness schools, non -profit schools, schools that are actually tisoshan schools, boarding schools , see some of these are things that are wrong to touch, because they have really created achievements. boarding schools are among the schools that have created achievements , that is, they really helped us to raise the quality of education in a series of areas. adult schools now if we are inside the ministry. we have many parallel institutions . it is another matter if we have a large school from onur. in fact, we still have literacy as a movement. well, this is another issue
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that needs to be resolved and decided within the ministry , but it is more than a response to the need. for those who stopped studying and are now adults, this is the right thing to do, that is, it is the work of his philosophy the correctness of the doctor of some of these schools that you said, in fact, these are the audience. here , again use this piece of dr. sarkhiz's orders: schools take money, schools don't take money, the fact is that now if we want to take these two categories, most of these schools
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take money in some way, that is, the boards and representatives are taking money, they are getting money from the people or the examples. they are taking money. i want to allow this to be returned to the economics of education. look at the economics of our education. we cannot separate the economy from a subject after that. let's say it now , let's solve this, not this school, according to the conditions and requirements the characteristics of that time and of course the continuation was started for a reason. most of these are now public schools and even some times they receive funds . it is not like saying that only the amount is different. i am a good doctor, you have mentioned a good point . some of these things have lost their necessity and reason, for example, you see, at one time, during the era of holy defense , it was necessary that the fighters of islam
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did not have access to when it comes to education, we should have martyr schools or shahid schools in some schools, i think it is still necessary, although the world's approach has changed, today they believe that even students with special needs should be given integrated education instead of separate education alongside normal students. these approaches have changed, but i want to have an open view, in fact, a different view. you see , the government has a series of schools from the past, of course , it is possible to create a discussion with the boarding school and the government model, provided that the target audience is talented rural students who have access to not having an equal opportunity to learn. he was a student in the village. this he had a good talent, but he did not graduate from high school.
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he also has a high grade point average. now we should come to. we have a privilege to study in a model school or to have access to high school and middle school. now it is not the first level. we are taking his parents and family away for a week in an environment that if i want to describe today, i don't want to cause disappointment again , there is no proper food, no access. there are expert human resources and strong advisors there is no suitable environment for recreation . even today, when i see the villages, all the roads are paved and the access to education is different compared to the past. the recommendation is that even the night schools should be dissolved. most of them should be placed in a school which is as far away as possible , but the view is that i think the government is right now
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, mrs. doctor said that many of these things are definitely approved by the supreme education council. the view of the government is to lighten the burden of educational expenses and in instead , you can provide services to public schools under the burden of segregation, now each of them has a defender. see, we didn't do well there . we wanted to reduce the burden on the government . we did n't give them strong human resources. we separated these, the school has become normal , the place of manat is actually the students of the lower deciles of the society and the underprivileged society, the government abandoned them and then presented a showcase for the show that they are taking money from the people, now call it whatever
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you want. i don't know sampade, his name is shaheed shaheed this is that the majority of shahid children are in the hands of non-shahid children, they receive huge tuition fees from them , they spend on school, we gave the best environment to the schools. for example, the school has no teacher for one month out of the year, but which special school do you have, take the gifted ones as witnesses. take the board of trustees one month before the start of the school year , hiring teachers who are chosen by their choice, even many of them are chosen by the principal. money, in fact, we choose a city of teachers, and the best building is available to our special diverse schools , we have the best teachers, we dedicate to these before our normal schools attract staff
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, your best equipment is a witness school. or your sampad schools should be top school in terms of space and equipment. after that, justice and explanation were not observed. you see , we are the charity of the rural children, as long as the headmaster's child goes to the shahid school or the government model , he is enrolled in our bright schools. a rural or nomadic child may or may not have something in him. how should this
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be identified? yes. a superior talent may be in your presence , in painting, in sports, in other skills , where should he go to get admission, besides , the entrance exam of these schools is very yes, now the entrance exam is to take a mental test, which was not used at all in world war ii. it's completely messed up . well, you see, i'm a supporter of diversification, but i believe that equal opportunity means that child from tehran comes to their house, goes to allameh heli school, studies. i'm a village child, do i have a chance to choose and have an opportunity? granted, such a school is available to me , and then the government was supposed to make it easier to allocate more resources to these normal public schools, but i will give you 3 numbers , one of which is yunus.


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