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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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get it absolutely free now , get 60 of gilna publications as a gift by sending the number 5 to 30 48 55. hour 2: the passage of foreign hats through iran in april 2018 increased compared to the same period last year. according to the announcement of the iranian customs , in the first month of the year, the amount of foreign goods passing through iran reached 1.6 million tons. the highest amount of goods passed foreigners during this period from parviz khan customs in kermanshah province with 486 thousand tons of goods and shahid rajaei and bashmagh in kurdistan province in total. the production of
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salman farsi's television series continues in iran's television town dawood mirbagheri is directing this series. diar ji, the series of maravi pedder rozbe is involved in adventures here and far beyond rozbechesh be.
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salman farsi's television series, made with great seriousness , has passed more than 60% of the production path, a series whose different dimensions can inspire the creation of other works of art. fortunately , the production stages include the preparation and provision of infrastructure , constructions or the provision of various stages that are required for production according to the plan. this year is going to be a fateful year, so it is our duty in the broadcasting organization to the best of our ability let's use our possibilities and our powers so that this series, god willing, will go ahead with the planned salman farsi tv series , produced by simafin. according to the authors of the salman farsi television series , this series is ready to be shown in the year 1405. sahr kwantati
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of the broadcasting news agency and a specialized meeting on the techniques of reciting the holy quran with the presence of a delegation of reciters and the tavashi group of the islamic republic of iran were held in the qur'anic assembly of baqitullah, kabul. afghanistan's national and international players were present , as well as iran's international reciter and referee, while announcing their readiness to cooperate with the reciters an afghani said in the field of education and promotion of quranic sciences: how many professors from iran will come to this country for the further development of quranic sciences in afghanistan? i declare my readiness, god willing, i can proudly share my experience of the past 40 years in the field of sutan education with these eager young people, and we also have other good teachers in the country, some of whom have even come here and can teach. i also say that, god willing, this event will turn out well. until the next part.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, we send greetings and blessings upon muhammad and his family, dear and respected viewers.
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hello, welcome to the jahan today program, i am vahid modareszadeh and i will be with you for the next one hour reviewing the most important news and developments in the world. it is the anniversary of the killing of kent university students in the united states. in 1970 , there was a student demonstration against the vietnam war, when the security forces and the police killed four protesting students. america was involved in the vietnam war, and the students of american universities , including kand university, demanded an end to the war and killings. after richard nixon was president the president of the united states at that time said that the war would continue, while
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he had come to power in 1968 with the promise of ending the vietnam war, the protests became more widespread. the words of the president of the united states at the time were enough for 500 students of connett university to protest in this university on friday, may 1, 1970, but this was the beginning of the protest . at 10:00 a.m. on saturday, may 2, 1970, the ohio state guard attacked thousands of protesting students and killed them. he shot suddenly. i heard the sound of shooting, then i saw them falling on the ground , then i also fell on the ground, i could not walk. to go i didn't even know if the fallen student was alive or dead
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. he didn't seem like he would survive. i could never forget that scene. by firing more than 67 war bullets from the ohio state guard soldiers towards approx. 2000 students, four students were killed and nine were injured. i was shot in the chest. if the bullet had been a centimeter or two further, i would not be here now. 54 years after that open incident , american university students have a similar request. stopping the war this time in gaza, they say america should stop supporting israel.
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but this is not the first time that american students try to stop a war. in the 1960s, students helped stop another war. but this time, biden is saying the same thing as nixon 54 years ago. we are with israel. the american military forces are still assigned to apply the same policies in the universities . the history professor of the southern university
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was arrested by the police because of accompanying the students protesting the killing of the people of gaza. this 65-year-old professor is in the hospital. the man who is violently arrested by the american police is 65 years old and he is a university professor. steve temari, professor of history at the university of illinois. but what made him deserve such violence? accompanying his students in the rally against the killing of palestinians. due to police brutality, i was hospitalized with several broken ribs and a broken wrist. the doctor believes that i was lucky to be alive. it was possible that my lungs would be punctured due to police brutality and i would die there. sandra, steve's wife of palestinian origin, was also in the same gathering.
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american universities have been the scene of clashes between police and protesting students for more than two weeks, who are angry about the continued killing of gaza residents and the silence of their government regarding this crime. students are right they use their laws to protest. they are against the policy of the us government, which has provided billions of dollars to the extremist government of netanyahu for the war against the people of gaza. but protesting the genocide in gaza these days is not cheap for american students and their professors. police violence in. dealing with protests in various american universities is worrying. the right to freedom of speech and
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assembly is vital for any society. azadeh taheri of the sed and broadcasting news agency. joe biden, the president of the united states, in response to the student uprising across american universities, without referring to that these students commit crimes. the us congress also passed a bill to deal with demonstrations in support of palestine. pro -palestinian students have been protesting the genocide of the gazans in american universities for nearly two weeks. protests with the arrival of the police. a state was violently brought to the university campus. protests
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in which those present were threatened with dismissal and suspension. they suspended some students and threatened others with losing their housing or possibly not even graduating. absolutely terrible. but every student here is very he is committed to making his demands known to the world. we want to say that everyone should
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understand that the worst treatment of jewish students is from columbia university itself. now , under the pretext of fighting what is called anti-semitism, the congressmen have approved a bill to deal with demonstrations in support of palestine. according to the new bill, universities where protest gatherings are held will have their funding cut off on the pretext of anti-semitism. american officials while students. protesters against the genocide in gaza are accused of anti-semitism, the american senator
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denied this accusation. it is important to understand why these protests were formed. they attend anti-war rallies not because they are supporters of hamas, but because they are angry about israel's crimes in gaza and do not want this situation to continue. if someone tells you not to criticize israel, italy or any other government, this is against democracy, it is meaningless. that the american people also reacted to the decision of the american authorities. how logical. biden is the president of the united states and can take actions against israel. not only does he not take action , but he condemns the student protests against the genocide and it speaks against the international community that recognizes israel's war crimes. i am talking about the same issue with an expert on
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american issues, mr. dariush sajjadi from arizona . hello mr. sajjadi. please, as someone who is present in america these days , tell us about your observations. please, how are the american people following the story and what is their point of view? yes, first of all , i would like to say hello and courtesy to my resident . i am at your service from arizona in the west of the united states, and as you mentioned in your program, these days, the pulse of developments in america the universities are being attacked and the students along with the professors, i can say in a way, despite the fact that at the end of the academic year, the universities will actually be closed, but despite this, contrary to the expectations and imagination of the american government, my american students are muslim or non-muslim americans, black and white. all together
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, we see that part of the students who are concerned about freedom and freedom, who pour into the streets and take over the universities . at the same time, they are being strongly opposed to them, they are imposing restrictions, and there are also confrontations and arrests, but this has happened. and this incident is also a very interesting incident because i say it is interesting because there has never been a history of street protests or street gatherings in the history of political and social developments in america regarding foreign policy issues and domestic policy issues. there have been incidents that we had against the war in the vietnam story, but it had a different content
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. it was not the generality of the war, but at that time, military service was mandatory in america, and young people had to go and be sent for military service, and in fact, this movement the movement of the movement was that we don't go to fight, the army can do whatever it wants, but we have to deal with it , but now, for the first time, we see young americans, regardless of the nature of their identity, their religion, their religion , but shoulder to shoulder in defense of the oppression of the palestinian nation. khab street in terms of sociology. to the late imam and the letter he wrote to gerbachov at the end of the soviet empire before the collapse of the imam, hazaqaneh predicted in that letter and told gerbachov clearly that
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they hear the sound of the marxist bones breaking because he built the infrastructure in the human-centered economy society. well, this is what i predict the late imam said in american liberalism and the same thing happened to me. look, i said this before you in another program, and i will repeat it here. richard nixon, the former president of the united states , has a famous sentence in his famous book or on stage that this sentence can be enough. introduce america, they say that in america, money is not everything, it is the only thing, and this is true. when money is everything, which it is , your virtue, dignity, and personality are defined in money, and when that money disappears, that virtue is your grade. the personification of that comfort and that peace that is next to money you felt that it would be taken away from you and this happened, that is, since 2007, when america suffered
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an economic crisis, its main condition, which was money , on the basis of which they defined the american dream , was lost, and the americans especially now have it. i am talking about under the heavy pressure of economic inflation, which the biden government, despite all its promises, was unable to solve, and in addition to making many promises to students before the election for tax and loan forgiveness, it did not work. well, the student community somehow he was happy with the behavior and performance of the government and on the other hand with the identity crisis there was a gap created that was looking for a way out, and this story of gaza is somehow me as myself. i am going to student gatherings , i see american students , while on the street , they are concerned about the oppression of the palestinian people, but at the same time, they are concerned about this movement. it does an authentication for itself. for years, these were actually monitored and managed by remote control in the fringes where there were no semantic concerns, but now the opportunity
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for the young american student to authenticate himself, to demand justice, has ended. it is an excuse for the oppression of the palestinian nation, and it is very important that you take care that we have been watching the war in ukraine for 2-3 years, but the american student never came to ukraine. the fact that he is coming out now for the oppression of palestine shows that this young man. he understands now, and that letter of the imam and the letter next to it that ayatollah khamenei had a few years ago to the youth of europe and america was a kind of correct point of view, which i imagine is prophesying right now , right, dr. sajjadi from at the beginning of the gaza war, we saw some anti-zionist movements in america more, but it has never been reported as much as these days , what happened that suddenly this student movement became hot and student demonstrations took place. yes, according to a tradition, they say that the rope of oppression is broken when it is thick. see, we are talking in america, which traditionally
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is a kind of private life for israel. in fact, you have the intention . we have the ipec lobby in america, which is one of the most powerful. the jewish lobbies are heavily involved in the domestic and foreign affairs of the united states, and i think that we are on the eve of the presidential elections. we are and media and political space elections have been held in america and this atmosphere applies considerations to both biden and biden's rivals in the opposite party for the elections, and those who do not call for ipec under any circumstances, they themselves, well , ipec is actually in some way supported and supported by israel. if they feel the slightest turbidity from the politicians of the government, then definitely the effect. the election in which ipec and ipec funds determine the presidential candidate is also the reason why i want to say that biden and the american government greatly condoned israel's crimes, but these
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indulgences were put in a situation where we are in the 50s. and we are not in the 60s and 70s, that media monopoly that was in the authority of saran salatah has now been broken, thanks to the credibility of this national media, social media, and we see that now a single smartphone can break that monopoly and it will be broken when that issue is the grave of jamhmi. in nasser hospital, for example, it came to the media corridors, this student movement in the united states, and all this proves that , first of all, the united states government is taking more and more wrong steps, and the more it takes, the student atmosphere is becoming more acute, and if if there is violence , it is very difficult for the american government to collect it, that's all they hope to be able to manage the space until the end of the season. education means another thing, but if it turns into violence and this movement becomes a street movement, now the issue is very different there and we have to analyze and follow the issue according to the circumstances of the day, mr.
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dr. sajjadi, the repression that is taking place these days is one issue what is more important is that this repression is taking place in the institution of science and knowledge and the university, as an institution that is a symbol of free thinking and a symbol of freedom of expression, this is a parade. maybe part of the public opinion of the world thinks that the issue of freedom of speech does not exist in america what do you think about this issue? it happened that the words that people like me have been saying for years that one should not be fooled by this decorative frame of american freedom of speech have now found validity and relevance. i always use an example in the united states. there are collars for dogs. this is tied around the dog's neck, and if that dog barks too much, it automatically shocks
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the dog's throat, which silences it. closed and up to where they tolerate this freedom of speech as long as it is controllable, and being controllable does not mean that it does not have the ability to make social waves, otherwise, if the same freedom of speech that they are proud of wants to make waves, they will deal with it severely, as in the case of luther. kingin, when luther king was able to make waves , his speech was very easy to assassinate him, or different things, right now, snowden and the second person who informed about the disclosure of the documents of american crimes have been under trial and imprisonment for the same claim of freedom of speech that was violated. fortunately, this story showed that the picture below there is what happened in balasi and these compliments and this iranophobia and islamophobia and that you have spent 45 years accusing iran of things
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that are actually their own. humanitarian and freedom-loving people and their human rights were actually exposed with these behaviors, and the truth came out. very well, mr. dr. sajjadi, stay with us . we will continue our conversation with your excellency . american students at the same time. with the entry of the student uprising into the third week. police in several universities dozens of students he arrested the perpetrators of peaceful anti-zionist sit-ins. according to the latest news, the number of students arrested in american universities has exceeded 2,300 people since siim farvardin. a new phenomenon in anti-zionist protests.
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american students chant "death to israel, death to america" ​​this time on the wall of the new york university of the arts , it's time for the new school, here it is written , "destroy zionist commercial interests everywhere, death to israel, death to america in this university, the police attacked the tents of 43 students." arrested the answer that today to the surprise of the government saw that it was against the right to protest. our president denies the fact that all the universities have been bombed in gaza and that genocide has occurred . in this situation, negotiations will not work and we will continue to improve. we
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will stay here and we don't care what the university or the zionists want to do against us , as long as we reach our goals, we will stay here at princeton university in america, where the police arrested 15 students, now some of the students of this university are announcing in solidarity with the hungry people of gaza, they are on hunger strike. we want with this work, let's remind everyone that we don't have enough food for months. at the university of portland in america, the police have already arrested 12 of them by suppressing the students protesting the continuation of economic cooperation of their university with companies affiliated with the zionist regime.
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the university library, as a place for their peaceful anti-zionist protest, arrested 18 other students. at new york university, 13 students participating in the peaceful anti-zionist protest of this university were arrested. so far, dozens of students have faced criminal indictments in the new york prosecutor's office. ali rajabi news agency radio and television in front of new york university. you are still a viewer of the jahan today program , we will continue our conversation with mr. dariush sajjadi, an expert on american issues from arizona, mr. dr. sajjadi , please, considering the gap that has now fallen between the government and the american government and the institution of science and academia, do you think that after the subsidence this wave of protests and the normalization of the situation, will this wound be healed or will it have a deep impact?
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yes, i believe that it has left a deep impact and we can't go back to america before the recent events. look anywhere. previously, i would like to point out the crisis of identity and dignity that plagued the american people, who defined themselves based on money from the beginning, and when they lost their original position, that crisis of identity and dignity is like a pill that has been taken out of the bottle and will not come back. in a bottle, unless he can find a remedy, and this remedy is not something that american capitalism can answer, why can't it, because if it could , it would have done this since 2007, when its economy collapsed because it didn't pay for us, and my american society was somewhere yesterday. i said, i will repeat it here, you see, we are in the 50s 60 ad at its peak.


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